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25.51% my hero academia: reincarnated as Rimuru ("very original") / Chapter 25: UA sports festival *END*

Capítulo 25: UA sports festival *END*

"Then come at me already mini-Endeavor!"

As soon as those words left my mouth Shoto's aura became terrifying, His face morphed into a scowl. I felt chills run down my spine, however, my face showed a manic smile. Perhaps I was becoming a battle maniac..? 

"Don't compare me to that monster!" Shoto screamed in rage, his hand igniting in fire, just looking at the flames hurt my eyes. 

Shoto shot another wave of fire but this time I couldn't use the black fire, so I resorted to using [Beelzbub] and created a dense bubble of smoke around me and used it like a shield.


The raging flames shot out with such force that a loud booming noise was heard when colliding with the shield, the spectacle looked like a raft standing up to a tsunami as the bubble shield was swallowed by the flames.

"Damnit why is everybody so excessively powerful" I muttered as I struggled to maintain the shield all the while a ridiculous amount of heat blasted me, my uniform stuck to my back from the sweat as if I was inside an oven.

On the other side of the arena, Todorki held his hand that was emitting fire, he would constantly use ice to cool down his arms. He was shooting out an excessive amount of fire that would even make a dragon impressed. 

however, Shoto couldn't shoot fire forever. He can't keep cooling down as there is a limit to how much he can cool. After a good minute or so Shoto stopped creating fire and waited to see how roasted Rimuru ended up.

"Are you done?" A voice asked, as soon as all the fire dispersed Rimuru's figure appeared, a clear lack of injuries showed how tough he was. Except for the soaked uniform, Rimuru was almost uninjured.


"Stop being a one-trick pony. Using one big move won't work all the time" I provoked Shoto again, I found it to be a good strategy, especially against short-fused teens. Shoto, instead of replying attacked again this time using a smaller move. I started to diffuse [Beelzbub] to both disrupt the line of sight and to use to sneak up on him. But Shoto being trained from a young age already adapted, blowing away the smoke with fire and using ice to stop me from getting too close.

Thus a back-and-forth began between me and Shoto, due to me running out of tricks to use I began to take the fight seriously, I teleported unpredictably trying to catch him off guard, Aiming for vital points and trying to tire him out.

[Look at those moves! It feels like a choreographed action sequence!] Present Mic said, the fight between the two of us looked impressive due to us both being trained on how to fight, In addition to our masteries over our abilities giving us many tools to use during the fight.


'This is getting tiring' I thought to myself, the fight is taking a toll on both of us, our control has wavered. It was the best moment for one of us to win. I stared at Shoto through the smoke, he was still in a battle stance, he was looking around waiting for me to strike. Occasionally he would shoot ice clearing a line, But the ice was much smaller than the glaciers he would usually generate.

'Nows my chance' As Shoto looked at the smoke once again covering the ice I controlled the smoke to his right to look like I was teleporting close to him. As expected Shoto turned and sent a blast of fire in that direction, not holding back in case I might get injured.

I quickly teleported behind him and approached sneakily. I then took the chance and ran at him, before he could turn around I kicked the back of his knee making him lose balance. Panic spread on Shoto's face as he tried to regain balance, luckily two soft and milky arms wrapped around his neck to help him stand up, and suffocate.

"Ugh" A groan escaped Shoto's mouth, It felt like he was held by steel rods. He started to struggle with all his might, Unfortunately, the femboy was stronger than him by a mile. 'Don't blame me, blame my luck that I got a cheat skill' I thought as I kept holding onto Shoto. But at some point he gave up holding back, grabbing my arm he began to freeze it.

"Youch" I comedically exclaimed, letting go of Shoto as he dropped to the ground coughing. My forearm was frozen solid. cold searing pain shot through my arm, I quickly used [Black Fire] for an instant vaporizing the ice like it wasn't even there.

'Should I go all out?' I stared at my hand while thinking. While [Beelzbub] could be considered my quirk, so could my strength, I can bend metal pipes and punch holes into concrete, unfortunately, it still hurts like hell so I don't do it anymore.

Flexing my arm I quickly grabbed onto Shoto's ankle as he tried to catch his breath, yanking him hard I began to spin. Building up momentum I flug Shoto to the edge of the arena but I missed by a few meters.

Dizzy, disoriented, and out of breath Shoto tried to stand up again but failed multiple times, for him it felt like he was inside a rollercoaster. Eventually, he stood back up, glaring at me he prepared another attack.

"I respect your enthusiasm but If we continue fighting you might end up with your bowels voided" I voiced my concern for him but he ignored me and continued to charge up. Although I would usually not let an enemy power up before a move I was too tired to sprint and try to stop him.

Suddenly I heard Shoto muttering in the distance

"Flashfreeze Heatwave"

his hand in front of him cooled down and emitted cold air, gritting his teeth he immediately heated up the air causing it to expand like an explosion

"...Huh? Wait no! I can't have my uniform destroyed a second time! why do all of you keep exploding your opponents!" I screamed in despair, Bakugo and now Todoroki? I couldn't have my naked form exposed to the public again.

I gritted my teeth and tensed my already aching legs, before the explosion could go off I closed the distance at surprising speeds. Using an anime troupe to my advantage I gave a hard hit to Shoto's nape as he collapsed face-first into the concrete.






"Oi, what are you waiting for? announce the winner?" I snapped at Midnight 

"Uh... right! The winner is Rimuru Tempest!" And when the announcement came so did the cheering, not wasting any time I left the arena and went to rest.

'Can I have the [Infinite stanima] ability Rahael?'

[....No... You would probably use it for lewd reasons]

'H-hey but- but...' I couldn't come up with an excuse so I stayed silent the whole way...


"Dammit" Before I could make it to the stands and lay my butt on the comfy seats my way was blocked by an angry fire hero. Standing with a cold expression, barely hiding the rage boiling over, Endeavor stared at me while crossing his arms.

"Can I go, please? I really have to-"

"My daughter."


"If you made a child with her, do you think the baby would get that fire quirk?" His serious expression made it hard to tell whether he was joking

"Huh..? What do yo-"

"I'm joking of course," He quickly interrupted me

"Like I would let a stepping stone for my son to get anywhere near him," he huffed like a tsundere, his pettiness was showing clearly as he tried to ridicule me.

"even if you were to offer her to me I would never" I stated, even though I know Fuyumi is a cutie, I am no harem master and I believe I have already found who I want to be with... ahem, and Raphael didn't let me have infinite stamina... I would be dry on the first day

"You..." Endeavor growled in rage, while he would let Rimuru off after winning against Todoroki, he clearly just attacked his family. While he might not care for them, he still considers them his pride

Endeavor clenched his fists tightly, a shadow cast over his eyes as he looked menacingly at Rimuru.

"Tempest-shounen." Out of the blue, All Might's figure emerged from behind the corner, his face was plastered with his signature smile, But his eyebrows were slightly furrowed as he looked between me and Endeavor.

"The award ceremony is about to begin, we can't have our star not show himself" All Might raised his thumbs and then put a hand on my shoulder.

"Imagine what everyone would think if 'All Might' escorted you? hahaha" He tugged at me while looking awkward, if you look closely you could see cold sweat run down his forehead. Endeavor who was just staring at All Might emitted a chilling aura... hehe Ironic


[After a long and exciting day we are glad to announce the winners of the UA sports festival! ITS SHOWTIME!] Present Mic again began talking, In the middle of the field no longer stood an arena but 3 elevated platforms, on each one written the numbers 3,2,1. on the two lower platforms stood Bakugo and Todoroki. Bakugo was gritting his teeth and he continued to glare at the empty "1" platform. On the other side, Todoroki was waiting with an empty expression, his hands were clenched but he continued to stand stiffly.

"Oi, Where is that bastard? If he died I'm taking that number 1 spot" Bakugo shouted, but he only got a glance from Todoroki. Bakugo continued waiting impatiently.

That is until a silhouette emerged from the entrance to the field, with a gasp from the whole audience All Might walked confidently to the podium, on his shoulder Rimuru was sitting with an uncomfortable expression, with All Might being 2.2 meters tall and him only being 160cm the size difference was obvious.


on the stands for the hero course, Midoriya was staring in extreme jealousy, although Ururaka usually would stop Midoriya from muttering weird things she was also jealously staring at Rimuru

"aw... lucky" She clicked her tongue and looked toward Midoriya

"Okay new plan, get All Might to carry me and fight bad guys --- blah blah blah" Midoriya kept muttering nonsensical things

"He gets to be carried by All Might, It's so unfair!" Kaminari was complaining to Kirishima, but Kirishima wasn't listening as he was staring at Bakugo.

"I hope Bakugo doesn't take it to heart," he muttered, as Bakugo's friend he knew that he held grudges for a little too long...

on the corner of the stands Jiro was looking at Rimuru with stars shining in her eyes, Tokoyami was nodding with pride as he looked at his friend get embarrassed.


"Hahaha Tempest-shounen, congratulations for winning! you too Bakugo and Todoroki, take pride as future heroes!" All Might lifted the mood with his laughter, but Bakugo and Todoroki were still grumbling and Rimuru who was on his shoulder had a look of despair.

All Might picked up Rimuru by his arms like a toddler, and put him on the "1" podium. He then pulled out a box he had in his pocket. Opening the box were three medals one made from bronze one from silver and the last made from gold. All Might held the bronze medal and approached Bakugo, putting the medal over his neck he tried to comfort him.

"You did well Bakugo-Shounen, work hard and become the future's top heroes"

"Shut up old man, after I surpass you I'll kick you into the retirement home" Bakugo snapped at All Might trying to lunge at him, but he was held back by All Might grabbing his shoulder.

"Calm down Bakugo-Shounen"

All Might left Bakugo to sulk and approached Shoto, he picked up the silver medal and put it over his neck.

"Todoroki-Shounen, your quirk has amazing potential, give the future villains hell!" All Might clenched his fist with vigor trying to cheer up the brooding Shoto.

"I don't need your pity"

"A-ah alright.."

All Might's smile was slightly twitching after getting snapped at by two of his students, when he got to Rimuru his smile widened.

 "Congratulations Tempest-Shounen...again, ahem- Stand proud Rimuru! You are strong!" he put the medal on Rimuru's neck and spread his arms

"If I become like you in the future, remind me to kill myself," Rimuru said with a disgusted expression, All Might's smile started to twitch rapidly

Instead of lowering his arms again, All Might suddenly went for a hug, his tall stature made the scene look awkward

"psst, Rimuru-Shounen, heh you grew up well I see..." All Might whispered so only the two of them heard

"Huh...? What do you know about my past?" Rimuru asked confusedly causing All Might to flinch

"Do... Do you not remember?" All Might asked

"Oh right that time I killed a man," Rimuru said nonchalantly but he said it a little too loudly for All Might's comfort 

"Anyway maybe we could have a chat tomorrow, you know... Teacher to student?"

"Yeah yeah please let me go now... my spine might break" Rimuru answered, only then did All Might notice he was lifting Rimuru so he could whisper into his ears

All Might coughed a little and turned around quickly

"Those were the three winners of this year! but remember! anyone could've been on those podiums! Remember to work hard and strive to be the best as you can be! now say with me! PLUS ULTRA!!!!"

"PLUS ULTRA!" The whole crowd said in unison, All Might who now finished his speech disappeared as his time was running out...


Finally, after the sports festival, I got to go home, This single day felt like a 10-chapter arc... hmmm


"I'm so tired..." I muttered to myself, I was practically dragging myself through the street

"You worked hard, take a rest, and let me be 1st place next year" Tokoyami smirked as he looked at me, making me groan from cringe

"Tokoyami, you have to actually be strong to place 1st" Jiro commented with a cheeky smile

"Says you" Tokoyami rolled his eyes

"Anyway let's go the arcade!" I suddenly straightened my back, my eyes lighting in flames

"So you can lose against Hawks again?" Tokoyami genuinely asked, he almost never saw Rimuru win against him when plays as Hawks.

"Ouch... oh right Jiro, did you ever play against Tokoyami?" I asked, she usually played the single-player game when we went to the arcade 

"huh? me? I don't like fighting games" Jiro answered bluntly

"Hehe- Jiro if you win against Tokoyami I'll go with you to the music store-"

"I'll take it!" Jiro answered almost immediately 


"What the f*ck" I continued to stare at Tokoyami and Jiro fighting in the game

"How is she winning?!?!" She was currently kicking Tokoyami's a** striking combos I didn't even know existed


A/N: The arc is done! WOOOOOOO

[Insert funny joke/hint to the future]

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