/ Fantasy / My Friend and I Reincarnated Into a Tragedy Dating Game

My Friend and I Reincarnated Into a Tragedy Dating Game Original

My Friend and I Reincarnated Into a Tragedy Dating Game

Fantasy 261 Capítulos 1.1M Visitas
Autor: Disgrace

4.14 (20 valoraciones)

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So I've been playing this shitty dating game along with my friend. Why is it shitty? Well, none of the damn endings are happy! You're destined to get a sad ending no matter what choices you make.

But for some reason, we couldn't stop ourselves from talking about it or searching for some other ending.

Ah... but I guess it doesn't matter since both of us died saving some random people we never met.

...Wait, why did I reincarnate into the villain of the shitty dating game? And my friend reincarnated as the hero?

Is this... a good thing?

Fuck, Nathan why are you beating yourself up? We need to make a real plan here!

Parental Guidance Suggested


  1. Shadow_0428_
    Shadow_0428_ Contribuido 3855
  2. juan21
    juan21 Contribuido 2455
  3. TJwolf
    TJwolf Contribuido 2063


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    LV 4 Badge

    Honestly this novel is so good. I love the romance genre and I was looking for some new non harem r 18 novels and I found this. I started reading this at like 9 pm and I couldn’t stop reading until I reached the end. So here I am currently writing a review at 12:33 am. Anyway if anybody reads this you guys should really give this book a try it’s really amazing. I have no complaints

    Ver 10 respuestas

    So uh, hey. Author here. This novel isn't exactly the most popular, unfortunately, but what can you do. So to tell a more real take on the story, it is a little bit light on the actions scenes and the like (Though it is in there somewhat). Instead, most of the content is about people talking to each other and how their relationship gradually progresses. This story is actually somewhat of a remake of my very first novel, "This Clueless Hero". It was essentially about someone with depression, and their life as they wallow through it. However, this story is different in that the main character has already gotten over their depression. As you go through the story, you see how it still affects him even afterwards, and how he sees the world. Though it comes off as goofy, that's mostly just so that things don't get too heavy. The main character is, all things considered, pretty weak compared to the rest. Instead, he gets through things using his words, whether callously or amicably. This isn't a light read, by any means, since most of the story is about its development. But if that doesn't sound too bad to you, then maybe you would enjoy it. ...Also, this totally isn't a shameless five-star review, what?

    Ver 6 respuestas

    I honestly don't know what to review here. I just like story. Or more accurately, the MC. I've always like a little psychopathic MC, but not the really heartless one, cause they're boring. And I like that the author decided to include his friend. I looked for many stories, but most of them are about romance. It's a nice breath of fresh air to include friendship in. Basically, this novel fulfills two condition that I've always been looking for, a crazy but funny MC, and things other that just romance. please keep up the good work author ^_^

    Ver 5 respuestas

    Not a bad rating just came here to say that couldn’t get past chapter one because the cringe and second hand embarrassment.

    Ver 3 respuestas

    review after ch 26. I really enjoyed this story. I wasn't expecting such a story on webnovel, as most stories about villain, hero, isekai tags have many cliche tropes. But this one is really different. After each chapter, I can't imagine what will happen in next chapter here, as this story doesn't has any usual Chinese cliches. Also, the writing style of author is really unique. All the characters till now are 18 year old kids. And 18 year people are kids only, but Chinese novels either show them as super smart adultlike, or braindead courting death type villains. But in this story, all 18 year olds are shown like that only. Some are incredibly naive, like edward, some are anxious type who are afraid of speaking in public, some are hot headed, while one invites a friend for first time in her house, and goes running from one room to another.. I really liked the writing style, and I believe this story can be excellent for stage plays, but maybe not so good for converting to manhwa. Author keep up the good work

    Ver 6 respuestas

    This is just personal preference, please don’t take this as criticism on the work. I like this story, I really do. I have some issues with the way the characters are written however. So far I’m at chapter 26. The main characters are cold and unfeeling to the circumstances of the other characters. Quick to resort to the idea of killing other characters before they can do anything wrong. Now this wouldn’t be too strange, but these people were literally highschool students before transmigration. My last issue is that the main characters don’t treat the other side characters as “human”. I know that sounds a little ridiculous considering to them they literally are characters from a game they played, but it’s not really a game anymore. Maybe this changes later in the story but for now it’s really off-putting and I can’t bring myself to read anymore. This next part is criticism for the story. Please understand that this is not malicious. I do wish that the characters were a little more fleshed out. I understand that some parts of a story are intended to be intentionally vague, but I don’t think it works that well for this kind of story. The main characters feel 2 dimensional, like they’re lacking depth in their reasoning. My last criticism is that there is a weird amount of plot convenience. Specifically, the part where it talks about Nathan being an experienced person about knife combat. There was exactly no hint about that character having the experiences of someone who needed to wield a knife in the modern world. Now since I have criticized the story I feel the need to completely certain aspects as well. This is a 4 star review after all. I really enjoyed the concept of this story. The world around them was not really fleshed out that well, but it was written well in the parts where there was World building. Anyway, I hope that you continue writing stories. I look forward to more of your works.

    Revelar spoiler
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    So far I’ve read to chapter 48 but nothing really eventful has happened. Sure the plot is interesting which is mostly why I’m still reading it but nothing has really happened. I might continue reading it but if it continues as so I’ll drop it.

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    The cover looks cute and the premise sounds awesome. Plus, the author’s previous works are awesome too. Really. 5 stars

    Ver 1 respuestas

    Hello, after reading about the first 100 of the chapters, i must say the book’s pretty good, especially for reading as a pastime. Although i must say the chapters at the outset are adorned with characters just conversing about childish subjects and cringeworthy remarks. I must say as the author has improved with his/her writing as the chapters have materialized. The only downside is that the author doesn’t describe the characters often whenever they appear. As a result, I just end up forgetting how most of the characters look like whenever I come back reading it after a while, due to the fact that my mind is also preoccupied with reading many other books other than this one. So i hope the author considers this little flaw. Ty!

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    like the novel so far I don't particularly love how the mc and his friend are crazy over their fav game characters hope they mature enough so yeah so far i like the novel i just hope the mc changes and stops going crazy everytime his fav character appears.

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    I like the novel, but the language I speak is Spanish, so I wanted to pay for Webnovel to continue with the story, but I can't translate it into Spanish. It's a shame, I really wanted to read the story. Don't you have a Patreon?"

    Ver 1 respuestas

    i think this is the only bad thing about this novel is how quick they are too kill i understand some people need to be killed but he didn't show and emotion in saying he was gonna kill her it sounded like he was talking about a bug this reminds of another novel where the villain goes into another world with the mc but he see's everyone as npc's and kills them all and it seems like the dont care about anyone but their crushes which from what i see they arent going to end up with them they ignore every girl but the one's they like which is kinda annoying

    Ver 0 respuestas

    Really fun read with enjoyable characters. The story is also really compelling with a bit of a twist on the typical transmigration trope.

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    Author is obsess with making the MC retardedly act like their in game counter parts. you know the game is has no happy ending yet you insist they act like what they did in the game. When its blatantly obvious that is not helpful for their goals. You are just copying tropes and not thinkg if its makes sense in your novel. Think more rathar than blindly copying.

    Ver 0 respuestas

    This novel is a great read and it gave me chills during the scene when the Mc became a Yandere for a moment and the reaction other people gave was the best especially Minami I had goosebumps

    Ver 0 respuestas

    Really love this novel. I love the two best friends’ dynamic and how they try to stick to the script…and fail the next minute and just went in guns blazing. Nathan wouldnt have needed to bash himself lololol. Well, speaking of Nathan I guess my only peeve is that he does not get enough screentime? I do find Brian charming but Nats has little spotlight. Nevertheless, when it does shine down on him he can be a cool guy. Overall, great novel with a hundred chapters and counting. Its worth your time, campers ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ

    Ver 0 respuestas

    I read until chapter 119, and I can't help but give a 5 star review. while I don't cry a lot, the author knows exactly what it feels like to be a broken person. I know you can do everything you want with your story, but Please make it a not so sad end for the protagonist. You know exactly what I mean, even if real life isn't that great, dreaming about a happy alternative should still be allowed. Thank you for showing what it is like to be unable to connect with others on an emotional level.

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    I just read up to 2 chapters. It is an interesting story plot of having two people to another world, but the way I see it is reading right now it's in a level where it needs to plan first. I'll keep reading it and will update it after I finish it all

    Ver 0 respuestas

    Author, I really like the story so far but its sad to see that this novel does not get the recognition it deserves. Which is why I have a proposition. Why don't you try reuploading the novel? You might get more readers that way and maybe even get a contract earlier.

    Ver 4 respuestas
    LV 10 Badge

    Alright! I made this account to just post my personal view and opinion so you might have different thoughts from mine and that's fine! So try reading it first! ------------------------------- Review: I love it! Overall, the characters felt great and the parts where we get a bit of their backstory which hit me perfectly was great! It was kind of getting bad when Natan became overworked because of the butchery job he was tasked with (which i felt really bad for) and Bryson was now the focus of the story for a while, but it didnt last TOO long so it was fine, but I wanted to see more of Natan being developed since he was a good character. It's fine with the "Bryson likes Minori but Raisa likes Bryson." but no progress is made ( which is still fine ). I am really rooting for Bryson and Natan to get their fated one and excited on how it'll turn out! Again, I love this unique story! Keep it up! ❤❤❤

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    Autor Disgrace