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"MY EX BOWS TO HIM" is a captivating tale that unfolds in the glamorous yet cutthroat world of the entertainment industry. Alexander Gareth Hilmpton, a stoic billionaire CEO with a heart of ice, crosses paths with the stunning but underrated star, Kim Mun Ho, at a party. Their encounter sparks a whirlwind of rumors, fueled by a mysterious incident the night before, leaving Alexander clueless about a supposed lover.
As the truth unravels, Kim Mun Ho grapples with the consequences of his intimate encounter with Alexander. Faced with the daunting reality of Alexander's influential background, Kim must decide whether to confront the powerful CEO or conceal their connection.
The story explores themes of love, secrecy, and the unexpected twists that life in the spotlight can bring.
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Escribe una reseñaAuthor pls correct this novel backkkk.. it really disappointing when I can't continue reading my fav novel just cuz of some mixed up.. pls fix it 😭😔 up nahh
Autor Beverly_Spare
I really like this ... but the story turned to another one mid reading!!!! like what I'm confused af! plz fix it Mr/Ms author 😭