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94.11% My Chaos Academia: Brotherhood (MHA/BNHA) / Chapter 16: Showtime (Brotherhood)

Capítulo 16: Showtime (Brotherhood)

Chapter 16: Showtime

Some time later, right in the parking lot of the Midoriya residential complex.

POV Isamu

"I knew this day would come sooner or later, but I didn't think it would be this soon." Inko murmured shakily, it was evident that she was trying her best to hold back her tears after I threw my backpack into the backseat of a vehicle. Here we go again…

"My baby is leaving home!" She exclaimed with her face drenched in tears, coming towards me and hugging me tightly. I thought we had already talked about this!

"Mom, please calm down, you are exaggerating again." I tried in vain to reason with her, which caused her to simply hug me tighter as if I would disappear forever once she let go. Maybe, Izuku can talk some sense into her.

"Tell Mom that she's exaggerating." I uttered with slight discomfort, turning my gaze towards Izuku for help, which didn't turn out too well.

"Little brother, don't go!" Izuku couldn't help but exclaim pathetically, quickly clinging to me as his lip trembled a little. Like mother, like son.

They really are exaggerating things.

Isamu Midoriya, boy genius. That was the title given to me by some adults after my impressive display at the science fair. And even though I only showed a small fraction of my real abilities, that was more than enough for no one to question why I was suddenly invited to a camp for gifted youth sponsored by Cognito.

A camp on the outskirts of the city whose main purpose will be to serve as my alibi. However, despite my meticulous plans, there were still things that were beyond my control.

"I'll only be away from home for a few days, it's not a big deal." I protested to no avail, practically immobilized and a little overwhelmed as I was mercilessly enveloped in this peculiar family's famous secret technique. A suffocating hug.


"But little brother, you could get lost in the woods and get attacked by a bear, or worse, you could trip and fall off a cliff, and then your arm could get caught between the rocks like in that survival movie." Izuku rambled quickly, possibly thinking of many similar scenarios and saying the first thing that came to mind.

"My baby is still too young to be away from me for days."

"Please both of you stop, this is embarrassing and so cheesy." Was all I muttered before closing my mouth and reconsidering my position. I'm not stupid or ignorant, I know perfectly well that they genuinely care about me.

I also know that if for some reason my plans fail and everything goes to hell, this could be the last time I'm with them. I guess that despite being a genius and having been reincarnated in this wonderful world, deep down I'm still a child.

So I must take this warm childish feeling and turn it into a powerful weapon!

Hehe, what an interesting thought.

Immediately after, the sound of a woman clearing her throat behind us caught our attention, allowing me to successfully slip away from Inko and Izuku's clutches. "Sorry to interrupt this cute scene, but it's time to go." An attractive woman hummed with a small smile, it was evident that she enjoyed seeing me involved in such an embarrassing situation.

She's the supposed camp instructor who came to pick me up. "You two don't have to worry, little Isamu~Kun will be in good hands at the…" She suddenly fell silent, completely forgetting her line. Damn it, Toga!

However, a brief menacing look from me was enough to make her flinch and remember her line. "Hogwarts Camp for Gifted Youngsters! Where he can hone his quirk and abilities in a healthy and controlled environment, fully funded by Cognito Inc."

That was much better.

Not long after, Inko and Izuku finally accepted the fact that I would be back in a few days and kept their composure once they made me promise not to get into trouble.

If only they hadn't been fooled by my innocent and adorable smile, maybe, just maybe, they would have noticed that I had my fingers crossed.

"For an evil genius who regularly boasts that he has everything under control, you looked so confused and helpless in the middle of that hug that the mere thought of stabbing you crossed my mind a dozen times." Toga said mockingly, licking her lips and driving recklessly down a busy road.

"Not a word of that to anyone," I threatened subtly, rapidly typing a series of complicated binary codes into my laptop, connecting remotely to the terminal of my wonderful orbital toy, Cognito Inc.'s main satellite.

"So, what's next?" she asked with interest.

"Did you know that there is only one basic human right? The right to do whatever one pleases." I replied cryptically, finishing setting some parameters and programming a small update to the source code.

That caused a maniacal grin to spread across her face as she gripped the steering wheel tightly and increased the speed of the vehicle, far exceeding the speed limit.

Meanwhile, in the distance, a huge, eye-catching advertising screen welcomed me to my playground.

*** Welcome to Musutafu City Home of Cognito ***

"And with that right comes the only duty of being human." I hummed, raising my index finger in the air before epically dropping it onto a specific key on my laptop.

"The duty to take the consequences." I smiled cruelly, watching in morbid fascination as the flashy advertising screen suddenly began to fail.




Hours later.

POV Third person.

*Slight static noise*

"A very good evening to all our dear listeners and thank you very much for tuning in to Radio Musutafu! I know, I know, unfortunately, we have been experiencing annoying interference on our signal for a few hours now, but we are not the only ones affected…"

*Static noise intensifies*

"…Train services have been suspended and massive traffic jams are spreading across much of the city as the Musutafu Police Department (M.P.D) and the heroes are doing their best to keep the situation under control. We are also receiving reports of…"

That was all that could be heard through an old radio that adorned the reception area of ​​the Musutafu Police Department before the transmission became unintelligible due to heavy interference. Around the old radio, police officers came and went, carrying with them some handcuffed criminals as the situation slowly began to get out of hand.

"Pay attention." Detective Naomasa uttered seriously inside a small meeting room while in front of him, a group of officers listened attentively. "According to the preliminary reports finally provided by Cognito just a few minutes ago this is what we know…"

"Today, August 29th, at 2:14 PM to be exact, Cognito's main satellite was remotely infected by what appears to be a never-before-seen computer virus."

"Cognito kept the situation secret for hours as they attempted to reset the systems and remove the virus, however, a strange electromagnetic interference prevented any attempt by them to regain control."

"Therefore, minutes ago they were forced to ask for the intervention of the heroes and the support of the local police to stop the source of the interference whose origin is located in none other than the industrial zone of Musutafu City."

"Right now, a group of professional heroes led by Best Jeanist has already entered the industrial zone, searching for whatever may be causing this strange interference and the villain responsible for it before the situation gets worse…"

Suddenly, the sound of numerous notifications rang out on the phones of everyone present in the meeting room, interrupting the detective's report and disconcerting many of the police officers present.

Without a second thought, Naomasa held his phone tightly and quickly left the meeting room, noticing how many other police officers and some heroes were also looking at their phones. Naomasa knew that this wasn't the first time something like this had happened inside the police station, he and a few others knew what this meant.

"Shit…" That was all Naomasa could say after reading a few words of the message.


A quest has begun… Stop the interference caused by the evil Demon King and regain control of the satellite before it's too late!

Main stage: Musutafu City

Otherwise, the city will completely fall into despair and chaos. Giving rise to the beginning of the biggest, most awful, most tragic event in human history!

Friendly advice: Don't underestimate the Demon King. You have been warned!

Happy hunting!


That notification had been sent en masse to the cell phone of every police officer and pro hero in Musutafu City… Just a few moments later, the interference intensified and everything went out of control.

"Unit 12 is requesting reinforcements in the financial area, some ATMs have started dispensing money uncontrollably. The heroes in the area are unable to control the crowd!"

"The traffic lights have stopped working, I repeat, the traffic lights have stopped working!"

"33-12! We have a 33-12!"

"Gunhead just got hit by a Truck-Kun Motors truck!"

"Electrical failures are being reported in different parts of the city."

"An explosion just occurred in the industrial zone! Multiple villains detected!"

"Where the hell are the reinforcements?!"

"We have lost contact with Best Jeanist…"

"All police personnel on leave must report to active duty immediately."

Uncertainty and panic had begun to spread slowly throughout the city while thousands of miles away, the infected satellite carefully monitors the industrial zone through security cameras.

In the industrial zone, one of those security cameras focused its lens, monitoring a curious trio of heroes made up of what appeared to be:

A sexy heroine.

A noisy hero.

And a homeless man.


POV Aizawa

It's only been a few days since I got my hero license back and my headaches have only intensified. It seems irrational that the main satellite of a company as important as Cognito was vulnerable to a cyber attack, not to mention that those idiots tried to cover it up.

Only one person came to mind, someone cunning and unpredictable enough to defy all logic. And unfortunately, my suspicions became reality after receiving that twisted notification on my phone. There was no doubt, the little psycho was somehow involved in all of this.

And from what I could see, he wasn't the only person involved.

"Damn heroes!" A visibly angry villain exclaimed, attempting to stab me with a rusty knife moments before my capture weapon quickly wrapped around him, slamming him hard into the ground and knocking him unconscious almost instantly.

"Goodbye to the element of surprise." Present Mic uttered not far from me, quickly taking a deep breath before activating his quirk. "Sonic Boom!" He exclaimed with great intensity, amplifying his voice massively towards a pair of unfortunate villains in front of him.

As a result, both villains covered their ears tightly just moments before the sonic boom caused them to abruptly crash into a wall and fall to the ground unconscious.

On the other side, another small group of villains also fell to the ground as a powerful sleeping gas covered their unconscious bodies. "Get away from me!" The last of the villains left standing exclaimed in panic, trying to escape before a whip quickly wrapped around his leg and he fell to the ground.

"Where do you think you're going?" Midnight asked seductively, pulling on her whip and dragging the terrified villain closer and closer to her. "Before I knock you out, you'll tell us everything you know or my heels will crush your balls." She uttered menacingly as an unprofessional smile spread across her face.

A couple of minutes later, after a brief but impromptu interrogation Midnight style, we confirmed that these guys were nothing more than cannon fodder hired by an unknown intermediary whose sole purpose was to hinder the progress of the heroes and the police. We didn't get any more information than that.

Therefore, it's only a matter of time before the rest of the cannon fodder is captured by the other heroes in the area. The sound of multiple battles dissipating in the distance was indicative of that.

But I'm worried that we still haven't found the source of the signal that's causing the interference.

"I told you, Mic, no man can resist my charm."

"I don't think threatening a man's intimate areas is very charming, that should be considered sexual harassment."

I'm also worried that we've lost communication with Best Jeanist.

"Are you implying I'm a pervert?"

"I didn't say that!"

Something's wrong, I can feel it.

"Both of you close your mouths and keep your eyes wide open." I muttered, leading the way through a strange abandoned toy factory whose main entrance was partially destroyed. "This place is obviously very suspicious."

"Come on Eraser, relax a bit. Besides, it's very likely that Best Jeanist has already caught the leader of those weaklings." Midnight uttered behind my back without any concern.

"When we finish this mission, the three of us should go eat at that new restaurant, I'm starving." I heard Present Mic whisper to Midnight moments before a sudden explosion not far from us shook the place and sent debris flying everywhere.

Without a second thought, we stepped aside and took cover as the dust and smoke cleared, preparing for a possible fight. However, once the dust and smoke cleared a bit, we noticed a disturbing scene in the distance.

Best Jeanist lay sprawled on the ground in complete shock and with multiple injuries, unable to utter a single word as he stared in terror at the massive crater that had formed in the concrete wall. What on earth could have put him in such a state?

The answer came almost instantly with the echoing of small footsteps which became more and more prominent through the dark and gaping hole in the wall. It was then that a distorted yet childish and merciless voice echoed in our ears, making us shudder and hold our breath as a small figure emerged from the darkness.


"I think this is the perfect time for a cutscene, something I really love in video games… Precisely when the FINAL BOSS appears in front of the unsuspecting players."

And with a loud flash, Best Jeanist's chest was suddenly hit by a powerful and strange laser weapon, starting a very troubled night.


Start cutscene


End cutscene


POV Isamu

"Press any key to start." I couldn't help but hum shamelessly, holding my cool laser gun tightly as I carefully observed my new opponents through the visors of my gas mask.

Minutes ago Best Jeanist was the first pro hero to find me and as expected he was shocked to find out that the villain he was looking for was just a little boy, which made him make a grave mistake and underestimate me.

Maybe he just didn't want to hurt a little kid, maybe he wanted to resolve the situation without using violence through the pacifist route. Maybe he was just trying to be a hero... How boring.

Then when my technologically advanced and destructive weapons were deployed the hero's expression changed completely. Not to mention that the clothes I was wearing, including my underwear, had been carefully crafted from a special alloy that was completely resistant and immune to his quirk.

The element of surprise had given me a brief but effective advantage, which I obviously took full advantage of, sending him flying abruptly through a wall and the rest is history.

Pro Hero Best Jeanist now lay motionless on the ground with a nasty wound on his chest while his heartbeat was weak but steady. After all, I was gentle and avoided shooting him in a vital spot. "He'll survive, probably."

I muttered, casually walking past the wounded and unconscious body of the hero as the heroes in front of me kept a safe distance. "So, do I need an introduction?" I asked, tilting my head in apparent confusion before smiling slyly and focusing my gaze on Eraser Head.

"Come on, say my name."

From the serious expression on Eraser Head's face, it was more than evident that he knew who I was, countless hours of work, surveillance, and headaches had led him to a logical and rational conclusion.

"Child Emperor." He finally replied with a deadly serious tone, narrowing his eyes and possibly assessing the situation before putting on his signature glasses and tightly gripping his capture weapon.

Hearing him say my supervillain alias had caused a wave of satisfaction to spread through my body. "That's right! I'm Child Emperor!" I exclaimed proudly with stars in my eyes as small, harmless fireworks shot out of my backpack and exploded in the air above me. "Villain for fun, or something."

"Villain for fun?" Eraser Head snorted and shook his head in obvious frustration. "Hey kid, do you realize how much trouble you've gotten yourself into?"

"And what could you and your minions do about it? Huh? Discipline me?" I shamelessly mocked the heroes in front of me, causing them to frown and grit their teeth.

"You shameless brat, I will do more than discipline you." Midnight couldn't help but threaten me and quickly unsheathed her whip, striking it hard against the ground in a clear attempt to intimidate me. "Surrender now and perhaps I will be merciful."

"Midnight, remember that the child doesn't seem to be more than 10 years old." I heard Present Mic mutter to her. "Though I don't understand, how exactly did Best Jeanist end up being defeated by that little boy?"

"Don't underestimate him, that child is definitely dangerous and very cunning, the strange gadgets he uses are proof of that." Eraser Head warned them seriously without even looking away from me.

"Eraser Head is absolutely right." I nodded enthusiastically. "The last person who underestimated me didn't end up so well." I hummed, leaving Best Jeanist's unconscious and injured body behind as I nonchalantly walked towards them.

"By the way, in case you haven't noticed already, the source of the interference is right here, inside my fabulous multi-purpose backpack, right on my laptop." I explained, bragging and shaking my backpack a bit before stopping not far from them and planting my feet firmly on the ground.

"Defeat me and stop the interference that threatens the age of heroes!" I exclaimed with great enthusiasm, unable to contain my excitement as my heart beat faster and faster and my cheeks blushed a little. This is almost as fun as a video game. No! It's so much better!

"But I warn you, heroes, that will definitely not be an easy task!" I warned ominously as the soles of my shoes began to smoke under the wary gaze of the heroes.

"You've got guts, brat, but Present Mic can knock you out with just a shout from his mouth." Midnight declared with a confident smile, causing Eraser Head to tense up as a crooked smile remained hidden behind my technologically advanced gas mask.

"Oh yeah? What mouth?"



And that was all it took for Eraser Head and Midnight to quickly turn their gazes toward Present Mic and notice something alarming. "Huh?" Present Mic asked visibly confused and nervous. They had fallen for my distraction.

Then my feet rose a few meters above the ground followed by a small but controlled shockwave, flying and propelling me quickly towards them while I tightly held my laser weapon.

"Ready or not, here I come!"




Rocket Shoes!

Rocket Shoes allow the wearer to defy the laws of gravity thanks to the small but powerful rockets implanted in the soles of these sturdy and comfortable shoes.

Newly designed in the depths of a secret Hydra laboratory, these shoes grant incredible speed and maneuverability in the air with some unlockable features depending on the situation.

Important note: The time of use is limited due to the high amount of energy needed to operate them. However, these magnificent Rocket Shoes are rechargeable and have small but powerful backup batteries.

Beware of overheating!


"Take this!" I exclaimed defiantly, aiming my powerful laser pistol directly at the heroes as I was propelled forward thanks to my fantastic rocket shoes.

"Disperse!" Eraser Head exclaimed authoritatively, causing Midnight and Present Mic to nod seriously moments before I pulled the trigger, and the barrel of my gun lit up epically.

As a result, the heroes quickly stepped aside, each of them taking a different direction before the ground they were standing on just a moment ago exploded into many pieces.

I don't need to be a genius to realize that they have perfectly understood the message. They have no other choice, they must fight with all their might and entertain me.

And damn, they did!

"Erasure!" Eraser Head exclaimed, finally activating his quirk and keeping his menacing red eyes fixed on me, which evidently caused me to lose concentration for a brief moment, long enough for his capture weapon to quickly wrap around my weapon and snatch it from my hands.

"Hey! That's mine!" I couldn't help but protest childishly and pause in midair, trying to reorganize my numerous thoughts and come up with a proper plan of action as Eraser Head threw my laser weapon away from me.

Even if my quirk is being suppressed, I fully trust my abilities. Immediately after, Midnight's whip wrapped around my right foot. "Huh?" I guess I'm an easy target in the air.

"Without your destructive toy, you don't seem so tough anymore." Midnight licked her lips shamelessly, making me shudder and blush a little before she pulled her whip forcefully towards her. "It's time to punish the bad children."

"You're crazy, woman!" I exclaimed with a huge grin hidden behind my gas mask as I descended uncontrollably, barely freeing myself from her annoying whip before turning off my rocket shoes and performing a very cool superhero landing. That was close.

"Present Mic, now!" Eraser Head's exclamation had caused me to quickly turn around, scanning my surroundings with my gaze until my eyes finally met Present Mic's.

He was standing not too far from me with a conflicted look on his face, gritting his teeth before giving in to the pressure and taking a short but meaningful breath, activating his quirk and amplifying his voice massively in my direction.

"I'm sorry" 


"I'M SORRY!!!"


This is fantastic!

So without further ado, I unsheathed my umbrella and opened it right in front of me. ☂️


POV Aizawa

Present Mic's surprise attack was supposed to knock the boy out quickly, ending this twisted nightmare once and for all. We were supposed to work as a team and capture this elusive villain. I was wrong.

Of all the possible scenarios, this was undoubtedly one of the worst. A dangerous villain with an extraordinary mind capable of defying all logic, accompanied by a bunch of twisted weapons and gadgets.

"I must admit, that surprise attack wasn't bad at all." Child Emperor muttered, holding and covering his body behind a strange umbrella. An umbrella that was easily able to repel the powerful sonic waves of Present Mic. "It feels really good to fight against pro heroes."

A troubled kid with terrifying potential whose only apparent motivation is to have fun causing chaos and destruction around him without caring in the slightest about the consequences.

"Alright, introductions over!" He exclaimed cheerfully, closing his umbrella and tying it back to the side of his belt. "How about we stop holding back a bit and increase the difficulty?"

He hummed ominously, letting out a strong killing intent all over the place before pounding his fists defiantly and pulling a small gamepad out of his pocket.

"What do we do now? I don't like this at all." Present Mic muttered nervously, still a little shaken as a strange mechanical sound began to echo louder and louder, a sound coming from none other than the inside of the boy's backpack.

"How many tricks does that brat have up his sleeve?" Midnight whispered, gripping her whip tightly as she narrowed her eyes at the boy. "Eraser, what are the orders?"

The three of us were no match for him… I can't lose another comrade, I can't lose another friend. The threat was real and more terrifying than I could have imagined… More dangerous than any of us expected.

"Present Mic! Midnight! Get out of here right now!"



My warning had come too late…

⭐️ "Ding, ding, ding … The Final Boss is now in phase 2. " ⭐️

Child Emperor uttered cheerfully as he pressed a button on his gamepad. Immediately afterward, a huge boxing glove suddenly emerged from his backpack and smashed forcefully toward Present Mic. "Super Punch!"

Almost at the same time, I instinctively dodged to the side and narrowly avoided being crushed by a gigantic drill that had crashed into the ground just inches away from me. "Special Move! Mega Drive Drill!"

In the distance, I briefly caught a glimpse of Midnight acrobatically jumping backwards in a desperate attempt to dodge what appeared to be some strange robotic tentacles that had also emerged from that terrifying backpack. "Hentai Tentacles!"

Child Emperor was definitely a recipe for disaster…

"This is fun… So much fun!"

And the worst kind of villain a hero would want to face.



To Be Continued...

    My Chaos Academia: Brotherhood | Child Emperor Cutscene

Empe_ror99 Empe_ror99

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