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50% My Brother's Keeper / Chapter 9: 9

Capítulo 9: 9

"No," Izuku says. He's suctioning the Mai Tai like its literally the oxygen that he needs to breathe. He's a day early, and sure, he might have stolen it from his mom, but at this point, he deserves it. Izuku is pretty sure if he doesn't at least get a partial buzz going, his brain is just gonna pack its suitcase and peace the fuck out.

"Yes!" his mom responds, latching onto his side like an adorable yet very evil koala.

The two Queen beds in the room are taunting Izuku.

First of all, why the hell would his mom think that's it's a good idea to share a double room with her new husband and their two sons (That thought is never not going to make Izuku shudder. Gross.) Second of all, what the fuck. Katsuki and Izuku are both (almost) 21 years old, over six feet tall (well, Kacchan's 6'3, and Izuku is 5'11. Which is 6'. Shut up.) And they expect them to share a bed?

He can't even begin to express how bad of an idea all of this is. Shell shocked, wearing a lei in these dumbass matching Hawaiian shirts that his mom is making the four of them wear, Izuku briefly considers throwing himself off the balcony. Sure, they're only on the third floor, but maybe he can break a leg and spend this vacation in a hospital bed. Alone.

Not next to, hm, he doesn't know. Mayhaps his new step-brother, who he wants to have sex with so bad his dick decided that now it owns half his blood supply whenever Katsuki's in the room? Izuku's skirting on that very edge of self-control, and the universe seems to be laughing at him. Really? Sharing a bed? Really? That's a little on-the-nose, universe.

He can't be alone with Katsuki. Shouldn't get that close to him. Since that night that things almost… happened, Izuku feels completely on edge, like he's about to snap at any minute. Katsuki's hands were so warm, so soft against him. His body, pressed against his, felt so firm, so reassuring, so right. Izuku thinks that somewhere deep inside, he already knew. But that night, his worst fear was confirmed. He's in love with his step-brother. Factually. Indisputably. Presently.

He hates the fact that, as soon as Ochaco left, that was his first thought. He imagined running home, throwing the door open, and jumping into Kacchan's open arms. Its what he's wanted, all along. But the walk home left him with enough time to think. Enough time to come to the conclusion of how incredibly selfish that desire is. He hadn't even taken the time to consider what Kacchan wants, much less what any of this would mean for his mother or for Ochaco.

In the moment, almost none of it mattered. He was seconds away from kissing him. Wanted nothing more than to get lost in him. Dive deep and never come up for air. Izuku Midoriya was going to kiss Katsuki Bakugou, his step brother, literally less than an hour after his girlfriend dumped him. Was going to kiss him when all Kacchan was trying to do was be a good brother and comfort him. Ugh. He's the goddamn scum of the earth.

They're getting along. They're becoming friends. They might be able to do this 'brothers' thing.

They might have had a chance at it, but now, Izuku isn't so fucking sure. Kacchan is going to know. How the hell is he supposed to hide how he feels? They're gonna wake up in the same bed, Izuku is going to be tenting his pants, spooning him like he's fuckin' rocky road ice cream and calling out Kacchan's name in his dreams. He's gonna get his ass beat, Kacchan is going to think he's disgusting and never speak to him again, and his heart is going to get so broken Humpty Dumpty would have a run for his money. On top of that, he turns twenty-one tomorrow. As if he wasn't already terrified enough of having his body betray him, add alcohol to the mix? Izuku is a walking time bomb. The palm trees, humid weather, and the salty scent of the ocean are doing little to dispel the dark cloud he has hanging over his own head.

"Auntie Inko… Deku and I are grown ass men." Izuku spins around to see the man he wants to be railed by, wearing the same Hawaiian shirt he is, but somehow making it look cool and manly, sunglasses perched on his blonde head, thighs hugged by too-tight swimming trunks.

"This is a really expensive resort," Masaru defends, barreling in behind his son, multiple suitcases in tow.

"You two can take turns sleeping on the bed if its really that bad!" Inko adds, shrugging. Izuku brightens at that. Yes, he'll sleep on the floor! That will be okay!

"Yeah, I ain't fucking sleeping on the floor, and neither is Deku. We're not in fucking kindergarten, I think we can figure out how to share." Katsuki says with more bite than the suggestion truly deserved. Izuku's face falters.

"Katsuki, don't be rude!" Masaru chastises.

Inko just laughs. "You two were excellent at sharing in kindergarten, so I'm sure we have nothing to worry about!"

Inko Midoriya has a lot to worry about. Her son is the personification of a bundle of live electrical wires held together with sticky tape. But Izuku isn't going to tell her that.

"Come on, boys! Lets check out the beach!"

Oh, cool. He's going to see Kacchan on the beach. That's all he needs! Handsome, perfect Kacchan, all wet and sun kissed with wet trunks hugging his toned thighs. Sure, sure. Izuku's going to be okay. Maybe Kacchan will let him apply sunscreen? Is that a normal thing people do to their family members? Why is he questioning what normal things even are? He probably shouldn't. He probably shouldn't pop a chub when applying sunscreen to his step-brother when he's on his parent's honeymoon. Urgh. Izuku rubs his face down with his hands, shaking his head. This is going to be the worst week of his life. He just fucking knows it.

He puts on his stupid straw hat and grabs his beach bag. He shlops miserably behind his parents, his flip-flops dragging annoyingly against the concrete. He'll keep himself busy. Yes, he'll read a book! He'll make a sandcastle! He'll go hunting for crabs! He will bury himself head-first in the sand like a horny ostritch! He's not going to stare at, think about, or be flustered by -


Izuku jumps. "Whaa-chan! Uhm. Hey."

Kacchan walks in step, the two of them following his parents on their path to the beach.

"You're acting fucking weird. Still bummed about Round Face?"

Izuku's heart drops. He probably should be, shouldn't he? Ugh, he's horrible.

"Well, I have a fucking idea that might get your mind off that shit."

What idea? Izuku, too, has some ideas that would take his mind of 'that shit.' Including, but not limited by, being bent over the nearest waist-high object and having his insides re-arranged.

That… was not the idea, Izuku concedes, as they walk away from the aquatic rental booth, flippers and snorkels in tow. As his mother and Kacchan's dad take up four loungers on the beach, Katsuki directs them to a rocky area about 50 feet away, where few swimmers are congregated.

Here's another annoying thing about Kacchan. Why does he have so many abs? He looks like one of those Hawaiian bread roll packages. Would they taste sweet, too..? Izuku catches Kacchan catching him staring and he flushes immediately, throwing his own shirt into the sand.

"I'll take the lead. If your dumbass drowns, I won't save you."

Good! Izuku thinks. Then this perpetual torment will, at least, end.

The two of them get into the warm ocean water. Underneath the waves, the world is… stunning. Izuku's chest swells with wonder. Even this close to shore, he can see schools of tiny silver fish dancing in tandem. The coral is a rainbow of pastels, pinks and whites and oranges blanketing the ocean floor, unlike he's ever seen. Life is even more verdant by the rock wall; Izuku is temporarily distracted by the bright yellow fish darting in and out of rock formations and the congregates of sea urchins seeming to take up residence along the expanse of the cliff. He looks ahead, where Kacchan patiently waits for him. Kacchan waves him forward, and, as always, he follows.

Every muscle in Izuku's body feels like its relaxing, dissolving into the bliss of the day. In the silence of the water, he can focus on the sun beating down on his back, the weightlessness of his own body in the seawater, and the sensation of breathing. In and out. In and out. Its incredibly calming. On top of all that, the variety of life, colors and shapes and movement underneath the surf is breathtaking. Swimming behind Kacchan, who has rightfully taken the lead, working together wordlessly like they can read each other's minds, is amazing. Izuku swims up to Kacchan and gives him a thumbs up, in some kind of sign of appreciation. His counterpart just shoves him playfully in the shoulder. And then, suddenly, Katsuki grabs his hand. Izuku's heart jumps straight out of his mouth, out his snorkel, and plops out into the ocean.

Using his other hand, Katsuki points with urgency. Izuku shrugs his shoulders, unable to see what Kacchan is pointing out. Katsuki shakes his head, and, still holding his hand, he swims forward. Finally, Izuku can see what got Kacchan's attention. Laying down like in a makeshift bed in a smooth bed of coral, is a fucking sea turtle!!!! Izuku straight up screams in excitement. A TURTLE! IN THE WILD!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! He opens his eyes wide and flails his arms around, and he could swear that the corner of Kacchan's mouth quirks up.

Once they make their way back to the beach and the snorkels come off, Izuku just can't help himself. Excitedly, he throws his arms around Kacchan's waist in a slick hug.

"Ah, thank you so much for showing me that! Kacchan, that was amazing!"

Izuku realizes what he's doing right away, and detaches from the hug, rubbing his own arm, praying that Kacchan doesn't notice how red his face has gotten.

"I'm - uh. Sorry."

So the cause of said dark cloud following Izuku somehow, as he always does, waves it away.

He's giddy. He feels like he's eleven years old again, exploring the big wide open world with the only person he could ever imagine at his side. He sneaks peaks at Kacchan, laying on the lounger next to him.

Izuku was thinking about this all wrong. This is Kacchan. He's on vacation, with Kacchan. He gets to live with Kacchan. Someone who was so far from him, the distance seeming unfixable, unbridgeable, is baking in the sun next to him. Izuku's lucky.

Izuku forgets exactly how wrong he is until they make it back to the room for the evening, and, oh yeah. The bed sharing.

The morning of Izuku's twenty-first birthday, he startles awake. He's been slipping in and out of consciousness for most of the night, each time jerking out of sleep after less than an hour. He stayed on his side of the bed, plank still, heart racing, horrified by the prospect that his sleeping body is going to want to embrace Kacchan. And then, he continued to be horrified as his dumb brain decided on remembering the last time him and Kacchan shared a bed on his birthday, so then he's hard half the night. Doesn't help that Kacchan exudes an incredibly amount of heat, or that he smells like that sweet coconut sunscreen, and that he lets of cute, little snores that drive Izuku wild. Nothing like getting a chub in bed with your step-brother while your parents are two feet away. Truly, this must be Izuku's personal hell.

His vortex of thoughts about previous birthdays remind him of the flash drive, too. Izuku's heart flutters. He bawled like a baby when he finally tried to use that flash drive. To the point where, his new college roommate at the time, Shoto Todoroki, offered to come with him to see the school therapist. Looking at those pictures, him and Kacchan, holding their stupid sticky hands out, faces covered in mud made him so happy, and then so so sad. Kacchan went off to college, and didn't call, didn't text, and didn't come back. Izuku spent many evenings looking at those pictures. Wondering what he meant to Kacchan. Wondering if he meant anything at all.

"I can fucking hear you thinking."

Izuku's eyes open wider and he dares to dart his eyes to the side. He's met with serious red glaring at him. Izuku feels his heart start hammering against his ribcage. Jesus. Kacchan is so close. Its so early that the light is barely filtering through the blinds, and Izuku can tell that their parents are both still asleep. He briefly considers pretending to be asleep, too. That would probably just piss Kacchan off more, so he engages, treading as carefully as he can.

"Sorry, Kacchan," he whispers out.

"Don't sorry Kacchan me, dumbass. Why the fuck were you awake all night?"

Izuku feels a blush go up to his neck and into his cheeks. He doesn't dare look at Kacchan again. How did he know?

"I was, um, just thinking."

"What about? Fuck, why is getting anything out of you so painful? I'd rather be pulling goddamn teeth."

"Sorry. Um… I. I was thinking about previous birthdays. Um. T-the. The similarities and d-differences, I guess. I. Um. I never thought that… I'd spend another birthday, with. A-around. Um. You."

Wow, good work Izuku. You just stuttered your way through the most non-sensical sentence of all time. He closes his eyes tight and lets his cheeks burn.

"Fuck, you talk like you're still in diapers. So fucking annoying."

"Ha, yeah. You'd know." Izuku admits, smiling sadly. "We've known each other forever. And I still feel like I can't figure you out."

Kacchan actually chuckles, and Izuku's heart speeds up. Unintentionally, he feels himself smile, too.

"…Fuck, really? Then we agree on something. I don't ever fucking know what you're thinking."

Izuku takes a deep breath and turn in bed to face the person he's so afraid of. Kacchan, first thing in the morning, sleepy and serious, is so beautiful. It feels like a punch to the face. Everything about this situation wrong. He always, always wanted to wake up next to Kacchan, hear the rough timber of his sleepy voice. Kiss him even though he has morning breath. He never thought it would be in this context. Izuku sighs. He hadn't ever told Kacchan this, of course. Sometimes he's convinced that Kacchan hates his guts, other times, he swears that he might feel the same way. It makes his head spin.

"We've never been good at this. The talking thing."

Kacchan looks like he's thinking about something seriously, his eyebrows furrowed, mouth in a straight line. When he looks back up to Izuku, his eyes bear a weight that Izuku doesn't fully understand. Whatever it is, it makes his heart race.

"We were good at other stuff."

"Wha -" Izuku's face burns and chest aches. His penis decides that this is its invitation to wake up and wreak havoc. Whoa. Did Kacchan just bring up… no way?

"Aw, kids, are you two awake? Look, Masaru. They're whispering. Its like they're at a sleepover! So cute." His mom hops over and lands one big smack on his cheek, to Izuku's endless embarrassment.

How right she is. Urgh.

"Happy birthday, honey! Now, get up, you two! We have a surprise for you, Izuku!"

The taxi eventually drops them off at a pier. Wide eyed, Izuku gets onto the white boat, and goes on to have one of the best birthdays he's ever had. Jeez, he wishes he had a notebook. The boat captain would explain the topography of the island, the rainfall, how the different waterfalls formed, the unique flora and fauna. Besides being educational, Izuku loved the feeling of the boat racing through the waves, the wind in his hair, the scent of salt. He was also a fan of the bottomless alcohol on board, which he was very careful to not overdo. Kacchan would challenge him to sit on the back of the boat, the place that everyone would get soaked, and the two of them leaned into each wave, laughing as ocean water sprayed them until they were soaked to the bone. Izuku even got to see some dolphins, swimming alongside the boat! It was… gorgeous.

"Mom, this has been… so cool. Thank you. This is the best birthday present anyone's ever gotten me." Izuku says, finding his mother leaning against one of the railings, enjoying the sun's rays on her skin.

Inko smiles a private smile.

"Don't tell him I told you, but this was actually Katsuki's idea."

"Really?" Izuku's eyes find Kacchan back in the cabin, fussing with something, and his heart flutters in his chest. Typical Kacchan.

"Yeah! He chose the company and the boat! He even insisted on paying for your ticket. He's such a good brother!"

He sure is.

By the time they make it back to their hotel, its evening. The restaurant his mom booked to celebrate his birthday dinner apparently has a dress code, and Izuku stares at himself in the mirror for a solid twenty minutes, trying to get his tie tied correctly, before he sighs and gives up. He wanders out to the room. His parents aren't there, for some reason, but he does see the shape of Kacchan on the balcony, leaning over the railing. Izuku watches him for just a second, watches as he brings the beer to his lips, watches the way his throat moves with each swallow.

He should… thank him, for today. After all, its not Kacchan's fault that Izuku is so fucked in the head. He shouldn't be trying to avoid Kacchan just because he can't keep it in his pants. His step-brother has been nothing but wonderful to him. Urgh. Shaking out his hands, hoping the movement dispels some nerves, Izuku walks out onto the balcony and leans over the railing.

Kacchan glances at him, his eyes jumping down to his tie immediately.

"Fuck, really, Deku? Who raised you, a pack of wild gerbils? Hold this," he hands Izuku his beer, and, stunned, Izuku is pulled forward as Katsuki's confident hands fiddle with his tie. Izuku's chest aches as he stares up at the object of his affection. He's glowing in the setting sun, unfathomably handsome in his blue button down and slacks. His cheeks are a little pink from the their outdoor adventures, and the tips of his ears are clearly sunburned. He's breathtaking. Izuku prays that Kacchan's nimble fingertips can't feel his heart beating wildly against them, trying to jump into his hands.

"Better," he mumbles, before grabbing his beer from Izuku's hands and staring back out to the horizon. Wordlessly, he takes another drink. Izuku doesn't know what to do, doesn't remember how to talk, so he stands still, fidgeting with the edges of his tie. When he glances up, he sees that Kacchan is holding out his beer for Izuku. Tentatively, he takes it. He takes a drink, unsure why his hands are shaking so hard.

Light and citrusey, the cool liquid runs down his throat, and, without a word, Izuku hands the beer back to his step-brother. He can't keep the smile off his face, so he doesn't.

"Thank you, Kacchan. For… for everything," Izuku says quietly, finally finding his voice.

Next to him, Kacchan just shrugs.

"I haven't done shit. The fuck you thanking me for?"

Izuku bites at his lip and glances down, running one hand through his partially-smoothed down hair.

"I don't know. I'm just… happy. And, um. I'm happy that you're here. We're living together, and we're on vacation together, and its like…" Everything he ever wanted? Everything he's dreamt about? Like they're actually together, and they're in love, and they're happy? Izuku shakes his head at himself. He's such an idiot. "What I'm trying to say is… I've missed you a lot, Kacchan."

Katsuki doesn't respond for a while, just sips on his beer and hands it back to Izuku, who takes a generous glug, the silence between them fraying his nerves.

Finally, Kacchan speaks again, his tone darker, more tentative.

"Why would you miss me?"

Izuku wants to laugh with the absurdity of that statement. Why would he miss Kacchan? Why would a fish miss water? Why would a bird miss the sky? Why would Todoroki miss soba noodles, or Iida miss a giant stick in his ass? They're just things that… belong together.

Urgh. Come on, Izuku. That was a very cheesy thought. Kacchan wouldn't care for that.

"… Kacchan, come on. I don't - I don't want to dwell on the past. I… I just. When we were. You know. It just… it meant a lot to me. You meant a lot to me."

"…And now?"

Izuku smiles sadly.

"And now, nothing's changed. It should have. I know it should have. I know its horrible, and fucked up, and you can punch me in the face if you want, but… I still…"

Izuku doesn't have a chance to finish his sentence. With a rough hand on his tie, Izuku's pulled towards the inescapable black hole that's about to consume every single part of him. Their lips meet, and its like fireworks are exploding behind Izuku's eyes. Kacchan's lips are soft, cool, tasting of beer and lime. Every nerve in his body feels like its on fire. Izuku thinks he's probably stopped breathing, but isn't sure he needs to breathe, not anymore. With an urgency he didn't realize he had in him, Izuku kisses back. He runs the sensitive skin of his lips against Kacchan's, more daring as he feels a large hand against his face. He presses further, running his tongue over the taller man's lower lip before he licks into his mouth. Sweetness, the hot slide of their tongues against each other, the pressure building up in his chest, his own breath stuttering only to be swallowed by Kacchan. He's on fire, his lips and neck tingling, fingers itching with a hopeless desire to touch, to feel, to take. Its too much, and its not enough. Izuku is getting lost in it, the warmth, the affection, the desire and love and fear and everything just overwhelming him and then -

He hears the keycard at the door. Both their eyes open wide and they jump as far away from each other as they can. Izuku tries to breathe deeply, wiping his trembling lips with the back of his hand, hoping that his erection will disappear before he has to turn around and face their parents.

"Boys, are you ready to head to dinner?" their parents ask. Izuku and Katsuki exchange a look, and for the first time in the past month, Izuku feels like they're on the same page.

Dinner's fantastic. The four of them talk, and laugh. Izuku works very hard to keep his eyes off Kacchan, warmth and joy and excitement making his stomach bubble in wonderful ways. That, plus the two bottles of wine that the four split between them, leave Izuku feeling lightheaded and giddy. More so when he finds Katsuki's hand under the table. Tentatively, he hooks their pinkies together. He licks his lips and bites, staring down at the table, as Kacchan squeezes back.

The energy changes. Its magnetic, warm, and Izuku has to keep reminding himself that this isn't a date, that they aren't together, that everything is still fucked up in ways that he's not sure how they'll be able to fix. But Kacchan is smiling at him with that beautiful smile, bumping shoulders with him, touching knees with him, and he's a teenager again. Like the world has color again. Like everything around him is fresh and new and flowering and beautiful.

The tension builds as the four of them get ready for bed in their twin room. Izuku's heart dances Zumba as he brushes his teeth next to Kacchan, the two keeping their eyes on each other through the mirror. When their parents finally hit lights out, Izuku's excitement has careened dangerously close to anxiety. What does this mean for them? What does Kacchan want them to be? What…

Izuku feels his breath hitch as Katsuki's muscular arms wrap around him. He lets out the shuddering breath, leaning back into him tentatively until he can feel the blonde's hot breath against his neck. His whole body is covered with goosebumps, each breath racking his body. Katsuki's hands skirt under his nightshirt, tracing against his hips in delicious, too-soft circles. Izuku bites down into his lips, trying his best to breathe evenly, stuttering and failing completely. Quietly, slowly, dangerously slowly, Kacchan runs his hand down Izuku's thigh, gripping him hard just above the knee, before brushing his hand back up. Katsuki's fingertips brush against Izuku's inner thigh, just avoiding his rapidly growing erection, before dipping under his shirt. A thumb finds one of Izuku's nipples and he bites hard into his cheeks. Every sensation, every light brush of fingertips, is leaving each of his nerves burning, needing, yearning.

Izuku doesn't dare breathe, the only sound in the room his own erratic heartbeat in his ears, and the overwhelming knowledge that in the bed right next to them, are their parents. Unable to make a noise, Izuku arches his head back, closer into the hot breaths, speeding up, behind him. He can audibly hear Kacchan swallow as his hand makes it way back down, skimming slowly down his abdomen, over his bellybutton, and resting over his now very, very obvious straining arousal.

Tears spring to Izuku's eyes as he bites into his lip, overwhelmed at the sensation of those fingers, Kacchan's fingers, lazily tracing the outlines of his erection through his pants. With each pass of the other's man's hand, Izuku feels the pool of hot lightning accumulate in the pit of his stomach, every sensation, sound, emotion amplified tenfold at the mercy of the blonde's large, experienced hands

Before Katsuki has a chance to pull back the waistband and make Izuku's birthday wish a reality, Izuku turns himself roughly in the bed until he's facing Katsuki. Inches apart, both men's hands pause. They take a minute in this silence, exchanging hot breaths, heat building intolerably between the two.

Its Izuku that finally closes the distance. Following the escape of air from the blonde's parted lips, he licks his own before gently brushing them together. Katsuiki seems stunned, unmoving, but only for a second, before he's leaning his own face in, impossibly soft lips rubbing enticingly against Izuku's. A beast roars angrily in Izuku's head, wanting nothing more that to devour, claim, destroy; but in the quiet room, with the sounds of their parents next to them, he suppresses each urge, instead focusing on the wet, sloppy smacks of their progressively more frantic open mouthed kisses.

Izuku tries his best not to move, each involuntary movement of his hips causing a ruffle of the blankets. Its impossibly hot under these covers, sweat and musk and desire collecting under downy sheets, but Izuku doesn't dare do anything about it. Instead, he licks at his step-brother's lips with his tongue, eager and imploring. He's met with equal enthusiasm, softness and spice brushing up against his sensitive lips, his eager tongue, the pressure and wetness of Kacchan's circling tantalizingly around Izuku's own.

Its almost too much for his poor heart to bear. Mindless, Izuku quietly snakes his hand towards his step brother's pants, only to feel the straining member immediately at his fingertips. Izuku grins as Katsuki's breathing stops at the contact.

Teasingly, he repeats Kacchan's movements from before, stroking along the length of the member. Izuku's mouth floods with saliva at the realization that Kacchan's gotten bigger and he grips at him, using his counterpart's hardness to steady himself, to re-equilibrate, because Izuku's about to lose all self-control.

Seconds pass before Izuku's frantic nerves settle, just for a second, and with shaking fingers he finds his way under Kacchan's elastic band. The other man mimics his movement, and Izuku jolts with the sensation of those warm, big fingers against his own leaking cock. Silently, Izuku maneuvers out Katsuki's impressive member from his pants, licking into Katsuki's mouth in appreciation and admiration as it sits heavy in his palms. Katsuki seems pretty damn happy about it too, his own hands gripping almost too tightly at Izuku's exposed member. Wordlessly, the two junction their hips together. The feel of their erections touching each other is devastating. If Izuku didn't know any better, he'd swear this was the first time he felt, well, anything. Anticipation, passion, longing, everything breaking into a humid, sweaty session trapped between blankets.

Katsuki makes the first move, interrupting their kissing long enough to bring his palm to Izuku's mouth. Graciously, Izuku slathers the salty hand with saliva, tempted to suck Katsuki's fingers into his mouth. No, he'll save that another time. Not now. Not here. Katsuki returns back to their aching members, and with one slick movement, guides both their hands over them and presses them together. Izuku gasps silently, lightheaded, before his stupid mouth is back where it belongs, busy indulging Kacchan's greedy tongue.

It takes an embarrassingly short time. Izuku can feel his own hips, arching desperately into their grip, his cock growing uncomfortably strained, hot, impatient in both their hands. He swallows Katsuki's own growl, low and sexy from his throat, before lightning shoots up his back and he soundlessly moans into his counterpart's mouth, his sticky warm cum doing nothing but further wetting Katsuki's own erratic grasp. They don't waste it, Izuku's shaking hands and Katsuki's much more impatient ones, stroking along the length of Katsuki's member before the other man, too, jerks, bites into Izuku's lip, and ejaculates into their waiting fists.

The two don't stop. Lost in their own universe, their hands get progressively more sticky and uncomfortable as they rub their softening erections together, a tumble of fingers and hands and sweat and mouths. Their foreheads, sweaty, meet. Its intimate, a silent connection, and Izuku's whole body radiates his uncontrollable affection.

A few moments pass before Izuku, eyes closed, trying to garner some semblance of control over his errant breathing, feels Katsuki get up and trudge off to the shared bathroom. Panicked, Izuku looks back over to their parents, who continue to sleep peacefully. He exhales in relief, swatting away the thoughts of self-disgust that want to, so desperately, to come into his brain. A minute later, Katsuki returns to bed, silently maneuvering himself under the covers. Under the sheets, he uses a wet rag to clean up Izuku's hands first, then his own, then both of their spent members. Even that sensation feels like ecstasy to Izuku, and he clothes his eyes tight, letting his body revel in it. Izuku pulls himself back into his pants, and Katsuki does the same. He puts the wet rag under his pillow.

The two lay there, facing each other, for Izuku isn't sure how long. In the dark, he can barely see the eyes of his lover, but knows that they're looking right back into his. A plethora of emotions swirl in Izuku's heart – desire, shame, regret, passion, relief, love.

There's no going back from this. They've crossed and burned whatever bridge they might have had to ever being normal 'brothers.'


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