When Xin arrived home, he found Xiaxia in the kitchen, happily devouring her homemade meal.
"Where have you been?" she asked, her eyes lighting up with curiosity. "And what's that on your hands? Is that food?"
"Yeah," Xin replied.
Xiaxia's joyful expression quickly turned into a frown. "What? While I'm stuck here with this sorry excuse for a meal, you went out to a restaurant? And you didn't even invite me?"
"This came from Seraphina," Xin explained, arranging the food on the table.
"Seraphina?" Xiaxia's frown deepened. "Wait . . . did you two go out? Did you have lunch? Did you . . ." Her eyes widened dramatically, almost popping out of their sockets. "Did you go on a DATE?!"
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