As he grappled with Xiaxia and Victor's relationship, Xin realized the gravity of the situation. With Xiaxia and Victor's newfound relationship status, breaking things off would undoubtedly inflict far deeper wounds –– on Xiaxia's part that is.
Xin struggled to formulate a plan that would minimize the inevitable heartache.
Lost in thought, Xin pondered the best course of action, knowing that any misstep could intensify the pain for Xiaxia.
The weight of the situation pressed heavily upon him, leaving him uncertain of how to proceed. He didn't want his sister to endure heartbreak like he had with Meilyn.
It should have been fine if Victor was supposed to end things from the start. It was the plan. But he had to start a relationship with Xiaxia of all things.
Xin bit his thumb and wondered what had happened for Victor to say yes to this?
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