The room was dimly lit, the first rays of dawn barely creeping through the curtains.
Xin was roused from his deep slumber by a sudden, persistent rapping on his door.
Groggy and disoriented, he glanced at the clock –– it was just five in the morning.
Rubbing his eyes, he made his way to the door, his senses still fogged by sleep.
As he peered through the peephole, he saw Xiaxia standing on the other side, her expression a mix of worry and frustration.
He knew instantly what had brought her to his door at this ungodly hour.
Xin opened the door, but before he could fully swing it open, Xiaxia barged in, shutting the door behind her with a decisive thud.
Her eyes were wide with panic as she unleashed a torrent of accusing words, her voice escalating with each sentence.
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