A week Later..
I sat in my room, sweating from lifting, and boxing all day, my body aching like it never had in this or my previous life. The cold wind was tugging at my hair, as I was lost in thought.
Lady Wifi had recently been defeated. I clearly saw a pattern in hawkmoth's akumatization it was every Friday of each week, ever-changing yet predictable. Maybe later in the series after season one he'd start switching up strategies but so far it had been monotonous.
But this monotony played in his favor.
I had spent weeks planning, moving in secret, making sure everything was in place. All the pieces were set, and now it was time to take that final step—to force myself into the story, to change the narrative. I knew what to do.
In the middle of Mrs. Bustier's class, I sat there ready to enact my plan.
The Silencer. That would be my name.
Know the basics of phycology in humans, and my ability to take things personally I made myself become angry.
Anger occurs when pain is combined with some anger-triggering thought. The trigger for me being personal assesment.
'What if I failed', I slowly closed my eyes deep in thought, 'If I make even one mistake hawkmoth could figure out my identity and kill me or Ladybug and Cat Noir could lock me up for good'
I slowly began to become consumed in my self inflicted self doubt. Letting powerlessness consume me I slumped into my seat, giving up the power within me. The Stress of the world weighing down on me.
Suddenly i felt a dark presence enter my thoughts.
"Silencer, I'm giving you the power to spread your malice and hate the world has given you. Thanks to you, the whole world will be one big embrace! all I need in return are the cat and bug miraculouses" A deep voice spoke in my ear.
I said noting as I let the force consume every part of my body besides my head.
I quickly opened my eyes wide trying to stop the dark thoughts from consuming me. It was a struggle, but I was never trying to win. As the rest of the dark force rapped around me the class started to leave rapidly afraid of the now akumatized Luka.
Everything was slightly hazy, I felt that I needed to release this turmoil within my body as quickly as possible, but luckily for me the rational side of my brain kicked in.
"I need to steal their voices before I become fully consumed in my lust for chaos" I said allowed to ingrain this into my mind.
I was prepared for this. I had let the frustration, the anger, the disillusionment build inside me, im ready to consume there voices I thought, letting the bitterness inside me boil to the surface. Give me the power to silence them all.
I didn't know what had happened at first.
One minute, Luka was there just sitting at his desk, looking lost in thought—and the next, there was something off about him. A strange aura, a darkness I hadn't seen before.
"Luka?" I called, stepping closer. "What's going on?"
He didn't even acknowledge me at first. Then, slowly, his eyes flicked open to meet mine. It was him, but not him. He was different now. The air around him was thick with something unrecognizable.
His eyes were harder, harder than before, and I could see the darkness swirling in his eyes. "Marinette." he reached for her almost begging.
Before I could respond, he raised his hand to his mask and pressed a button.
Suddenly, I felt it. A strange pull in the air, like a vacuum that was sucking away sound. My voice—my words—were slipping away, forming into this clear jellyfish like creature.
"Marinette's voice," Luka muttered, almost to himself, as if savoring it. "Chloe's voice… I'll take them all. They'll speak for me, not for themselves."
He shot out the room quickly I was yelling for him to stop but nothing came out. I couldn't even transform to stop him.
I looked around the room, panicking. The others were in the same situation, all of us caught in this weird, unnatural event. I saw Msrinette trying to shout, her lips moving desperately, but it was all in vain. No one could speak. No one could make a sound.
And then, I saw Luka, or whatever was left of him. His eyes were still dark, like he was drunk on power. He was smiling—no, grinning—as if he knew exactly what was happening and was enjoying every second of it.
"Chloe's voice" Luka muttered, his words barely audible, but I could hear them somehow. It was like his voice cut through the silence.
The realization hit me like a ton of bricks.
Luka wasn't just some random guy being moody anymore. He had become something worse.
He was the Silencer.
A villain. A threat.
I took a step back, my breath shallow as I tried to understand what was happening. He was... stealing voices? How? Why? What did he want with my voice?
L saw him tap his helmet and the next second he was gone.
outside the school I stood around a corner, hiding. letting the silence settle around me like a blanket, a comforting shroud that insulated me from the world. My fingers hovered over my phone as I reviewed the recordings I'd recently made. I would use them both to bend Paris to my will, piece by piece.
But I wasn't done yet.
I had one last play to preform towards the to heroes to be locked in as a 'good' guy'.
Suddenly, I heared him approaching, his heavy footsteps echoing in the distance. Cat Noir, full of bravado approached me with swagger to his walk.
I turned to face him as he finally appeared, standing at the end of the alleyway, a determined look on his face. He didn't know yet, but with these recording he was already defeated.
"Luka," he called, narrowing his eyes. "What have you done?"
Alya sat there in her room scrolling through videos on her, Ella and Etta her two little sister ran throughout the room.
She was watching her recording of the event in Stormy Weather, zooming into the video seeing luka stand there strong and tall in the middle of all of it.
"what was he thinking" She muttered, questioningly to herself
In that ice cage all she felt was a pang of fear and dread hoping ladybug or cat noir would somehow save her. But unlike her expectation had presented it was Luka of all people, the calm, and caring classmate. What stuck with her the most though was what he said.
"Hey, could you not upload that video or just leave me out of it?" talking casually as though he didn't stop an entire natural disaster from occuring even saving ladybug and Cat Noir from its path.
"This guy, he's strange. But cool at the same time" she thought aloud her sisters now facing her with curiosity.
not gonna lie to you guys im allergic to dialogue. it never really sits right with me but I hoped you enjoyed regardless.