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100% MHA: the music hero Orchestra / Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Capítulo 9: Chapter 9

Yagi and Gakki made their way to Gym Gamma. They made small talk until they made it to their destination.

Once they arrived, they saw Aizawa leaning against a wall next to different equipment. In the center were three teens. One was animatedly talking while floating. The other was softly talking and ducking his head down. In the middle of them was Togata laughing. They were all wearing their hero costumes.

Yagi tapped Gakki's shoulder and spoke.

"I would love to stay, but I have some paperwork to do," Yagi said while rubbing the back of his neck.

Gakki nodded and asked.

"What time are we leaving to see Midoriya?"

"I will pick you up at five AM in front of the school gates," Yagi answered.

He then walked away to do paperwork.

Gakki turned, and Aizawa was in front of him, which made Gakki jump back. Aizawa looked at Yagi and sighed.

"So, I see that you've met Yagi," Aizawa said with a hint of annoyance.

Gakki tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"Do you not like Yagi Sensei?" Gakki asked.

"He can be irrational," Aizawa answered before approaching the three teens and clearing his throat. "Togata, Hado, Amajiki, the problem child is here," Aizawa said dryly.

They looked over, and Togata smiled and promptly disappeared into the ground. Gakki was getting more confused until he felt a tap on his shoulder from behind. He turned, and there was Togata with the same smile. Gakki promptly jumped back a couple of feet. Togata laughed before responding.

"It's good to see you again, Gakki."

Before Gakki, a female voice came in front of him. He turned around to come face to face with a floating girl. She had periwinkle hair in two swirling ponytails stuck up and blue, curious eyes.

"Hi, I'm Nejire Hado. Why are you so tall? Is it from you're quirk or a family genetics? I love your eyes. But why is it leaking? Are you sad? Why do you have a voice box in your neck?" Hado rapidly fired.

"Um, well, the first one is-" Gakki tried answering before getting cut off.

"Tamaki, look at his eyes! They are galaxies! Isn't that the coolest?" Hado said while dragging the shy boy toward Gakki.

Gakki's sweat dropped at the situation. He looked for guidance from Togata, but he had disappeared again. Looking back at where Hado was, he saw Togata joining in, shoving the shy boy towards him while laughing. Gakki looked towards Aizawa for help but sighed while slurping on the juice pouch he pulled out of his shirt.

"Tamaki, stop fighting it and look," Hado said while trying to pry his head up.

"Ya, his eyes have a calming effect. You will like it." Togata joined in, also trying to pry his head up.

They know in front of Gakki, trying to encourage the shy boy to look into Gakki's eyes, and Gakki feels terrible for him. Then, an idea popped into his head, and he opened his mouth. After a few seconds, a guitar riff came out of his mouth.

Everyone felt the effects immediately. It didn't affect Togata, Hado, and Aizawa too much, but the shy boy instantly looked up into Gakki's eyes. Once he did, Gakki shut his mouth and smiled.

"Wow, that was so cool! I felt like I could fight All Might!" Hado cheered, getting into Gakki's face again.

Before she could ask more questions, Aizawa used his scarf and wrapped her up in it.

"We don't have all day. Let's get started with introductions." Aizawa said in a bored tone.

He then unwrapped Hado and let the three teens stand before Gakki.

"This is Gakki. He is a ward of the U.A. and will be doing a quirk evaluation test." Aizawa introduced Gakki. "You've already met Togata. This is Nejire Hado, and this is Tamaki Amajiki. They are second years turning third years." Aizawa finished.

Hado raised her hand to ask a question, to which Aizawa glared.

"One question," Aizawa said irritably.

"Does he not have a last name?" Hado asked, and Gakki flinched at the question.

"It's personal," Aizawa answered for Gakki, which he was grateful for.

Hado wanted to ask even more questions now.

"I have a question, too," Togata asked.

Aizawa gestured for him to continue.

"What exactly is your quirk? I know it's something to do with instruments and your voice, but it's confusing." Togata asked sheepishly.

Gakki brightened up at the question. He was about to answer but was cut off by Aizawa when he handed Togata a piece of paper. Gakki pouted at Aizawa, to which Aizawa just sighed and explained.

"I know you like explaining your quirk, but we don't have all day."

Gakki just huffed and turned back to the teens. Togata and Hado had stars in their eyes, and Amajiki was sulking behind them, muttering something about his quirk being too versatile.

"Your quirk is so cool, Gakki. When you intern, you should for Ryuku!" Hado proclaimed.

"No, you should intern for Sir Nighteye. He would love to have you in his agency." Togata countered.

"Fat Gum would probably like to have you, too," Amajiki muttered.

Gakki flushed from all the praise he was getting from them, but it was cut off by Aizawa activating his quirk and quieting all of them. He then went to the equipment, pulled out three rubrics cubes, and handed them to the three teens.

"I want you to solve these, mix them up, and hand them over to your left," Aizawa told the three teens. " After they solve it the first time, I want you to play the piano at your normal volume," Aizawa told Gakki, who nodded and opened his mouth in preparation.

Aizawa then pulled out his phone and told them to start. After five minutes, they finished. Amajiki had 4.47 minutes, Togata had 3.20 minutes, and surprisingly, Hado had 2.42 minutes. She was bragging while mixing her cube up.

They then passed their cubes to the next person, and that's when Gakki activated his quirk. They once again started solving. Aizawa observed that they were solving them faster than expected. After three minutes, the three teens finished. Gakki closed his mouth, and the piano music stopped. While Aizawa calculated the results, Gakki got bombarded with questions by Hado.

Amajiki had 2.24 minutes, Togata had 2.05 minutes, and Hado had 1.21 minutes. Aizawa noticed the time was halved, but he wanted to confirm something.

"Gakki, what percentage were you at?" Aizawa asked.

Gakki turned around and answered, "I think it was about 20% volume."

Aizawa nodded and wrote it down.

"What is the highest percentage you can go without hurting or being uncomfortable?" Aizawa continued.

"I'm not sure. I think it is around 35-40% probable." Gakki replied, deep in thought.

Aizawa wrote that down, too, before looking at Gakki's quirk sheet. The next was the guitar, and Aizawa didn't know how to test, but he would try.

"Gakki, can you use your guitar's debuff at 20%? We already felt what your buff can do." Aizawa asked, to which Gakki acknowledged before opening his mouth to get ready.

After a second, the guitar riff started coming out. Aizawa felt it immediately. The room began to feel cold and dark. At the center of the feeling was Gakki. A dark aura was forming around him like he was the most evil thing, and all the other evils were forming around him. It was a feeling Aizawa felt many times, but this was more concentrated than anything he had ever felt. All his hair stood on end, and every fiber of his being told him to fight/defeat the cause of the fear. He would have followed his instincts if it weren't for his experience and training.

He looked at the other teens, who weren't handling it well. Togata was in a defective position, looking like he was fighting his instincts to punch Gakki. Hado was floating up high and was charging up a surge wave. Amajiki was lying on the floor, covering his ears and shaking violently. Hado released a fully charged surge wave directly at Gakki's back.

Aizawa acted fast and wrapped Gakki up in his scarf, covering his mouth. He dragged him out of the way. Aizawa felt the effects were off immediately. Like a flipped switch, the three teens snapped out of the effects, and Hado immediately raced towards Gakki.

"Oh my god. I'm so so so sorry. I didn't mean to attack you. I don't know what came over me; It felt like something terrible would have happened if I hadn't defeated you." Hado apologized profusely.

"Ya, that was super intense. I've never felt anything like that before." Togata added while helping Amajiki.

Amajiki was breathing heavily, trying to get his heart rate down.

Aizawa realized something was wrong when Gakki didn't answer. He looked at the tall teen and saw he was thrashing around violently. Aizawa released him immediately, and he crumpled to the ground, shaking and muttering. He curled in on himself to make himself as small as possible. His tears turned from a small creek to a raging river. Aizawa then heard what he was saying, making his blood boil.

"Please, no. Let me go, I don't like it. No, no, no, stop, stop. It hurts, it hurts. What did I do? I've been good. I promise I've been good." Gakki muttered.

Aizawa nealed down to Gakki and shook him to try and get him out of his trance. Aizawa instantly jumped back to doge a hand slam from Gakki.

"Stay away!" Gakki yelled.

Gakki swung his arm in an arc and slammed his fist where Aizawa was a second ago. Gakki's fist landed with a cracking sound. A small web of cracks formed around his fist, which made Aizawa's eyes go big for a second before he controlled his breathing.

"Gakki, calm down. You're in the U.A. You're safe." Aizawa said in a calming voice.

Gakki looked towards Aizawa, not seeing him fully. His vision was blurry, and he felt sick. His vision started clearing, and he saw Aizawa. His face was full of concern and worry. Gakki's face went beat red, and he dug his head into his legs.

Aizawa just sighed and turned to the three teens. "That will be all for today. Get changed. We will finish this tomorrow." Aizawa ordered, to which the three teens followed and left.

Aizawa turned back to Gakki and knelt to be at his eye level. Aizawa opened his mouth to talk, but Gakki beat him to it.

"I'm sorry, Aizawa sensei. I didn't mean to attack you. I-I just thought I was back there." Gakki apologized, still having his head in his legs.

After a second of silence, Aizawa spoke.

"There's no need to apologize, problem child. You were having a flashback, and you weren't in control. I should have known that wrapping you up would've been wrong, so I apologize." Aizawa finished.

Gakki looked up to see Aizawa sitting before him—a concerned look still on his face. Gakki gave him a weak smile before speaking.

"I'm guessing you want to know what I saw, right?" Gakki asked.

"Only if you're comfortable with telling me," Aizawa answered.

Gakki thought for a few seconds before answering.

"Well, Babi had some kinks that involved hurting me while, you know—um, riding me. Even tho she had full control of me. She liked to tie me up and give me control back so I would struggle while she did what she wanted with me." Gakki explained.

Gakki looked at Aizawa again, not realizing he was looking up. Aizawa's face was a mix of horror and anger. Gakki looked to the ground and waited for Aizawa's response. After a minute of silence, Aizawa spoke.

"I will make sure that never happens to you again." Aizawa declared.

Gakki felt happy that Aizawa sensei cared so much for him. Aizawa got up and held his hand out for Gakki, which he took. Once Gakki got up, Aizawa spoke.

"Let's clean up, and you can head back to your place after," Aizawa said, and Gakki was excited to see Mio again.

They cleaned up and headed out. Aizawa took Gakki to his room and said his goodbyes. Gakki headed inside and saw a few new things. First, a black-looking watch was on the table, and a note beside it. Gakki walked over to their first, picked up the note, and read.

"Hello Gakki!

My name is Power Loader, and Nezu requested me to make you this watch. It is a unique watch that has a timer on it. Once the timer finishes, a minor shock will happen for a few seconds. It also works as an everyday watch.

Come to the workshop and ask me if you need anything else made or need this watch fixed.

— Power Loader."

Gakki slipped the watch on and examined it. It was black and had spots of flowing purple going around the rim. The hands of the clock hand were also purple with a gold tip.

Gakki looked in the kitchen and saw that it wasn't a kitchen. It was an open space with all the instruments in the basement. Gakki walked over and picked up the violin and bow. He walked over to the couch and sat down. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. He flipped through channels before finding one that played anime. He then set the alarm for 4:00 a.m. on his watch and started playing. His vision started going black after a few seconds of playing until it went entirely black.

When he could see again, he was sitting on a couch, which confused him. He looked around and saw a purple galaxy around him like before. He then felt a tapping on his shoulder and turned to see Mio with a big smile on her face.

"Hi, Dad! Do you like the couch?" Mio asked excitedly.

Gakki was happy to see her but was also confused.

"I do like it, but where's the table? Gakki asked, which made Mio giggle.

"I don't know, but this couch appeared when you played the violin. So I think that has something to do with it.

"It probably depends on what instrument I use. But I won't know until I try a different instrument." Gakki said.

Gakki then turned to the opening and pointed at it.

"I turned on the TV and thought you might want to watch something while I was here," Gakki explained.

Mio's eyes were sparkling from her excitement.

"Really?! You're the best!" Mio proclaimed.

Gakki grew a smile on his face at how adorable she was being.

They started watching some anime together, and Mio would ask questions about it, and Gakki would answer.

"Dad, If we had a staring contest. Would it be forever?" Mio asked randomly.

Gakki just looked at her with confusion and amusement on his face.

"I suppose so, Mio. I never thought about it." Gakki committed while laughing at the idea.

Then Mio blurted out, "I love you, Dad." Which gave Gakki pause, and before he could respond, Mio continued.

"I know I look a lot like mom. So, I was always worried that you would automatically hate me when we met. But you didn't. You've just been nice to me and even thought about when you revisited me to turn on the TV." Mio said while pink galaxy tears came out of her eyes.

She continued crying and sniffing until she felt a hand on her head. She looked up and saw Gakki giving her a shaky smile, his tears flowing like a raging river.

"I love you too, Mio. I'm glad that you exist. It was worth it, even if that meant I went through some horrible stuff." Gakki responded, running his hand down the back of her head.

Mio started sobbing harder now and leaned into Gakki's hand. They stayed like that for hours, and when Mio calmed down, she looked up to Gakki.

"So, what time do you have to leave?" Mio asked.

Gakki looked down at his watch, and it said it was midnight.

"I have around four hours left until I leave," Gakki replied.

Looking back up, he saw a blinding smile coming from Mio.

"Let's enjoy the four hours before you leave, okay?" Mio cheered.

Gakki gave her a big smile and nodded. They continued to watch and talk for the rest of the night. When Gakki looked back at the watch, it was 3:55 A.M.

Gakki looked at Mio and gave a heavy sigh. "Looks like I have to leave soon," Gakki said sadly.

"Oh, I hope you have a good day, and remember, even if you can't hear me, just know I'm always here, okay?" Mio said, grabbing Gakki's hand.

"I know, and I will always love you, Mio," Gakki replied.

"I love you too, Dad," Mio said.

They looked into each other's eyes until Gakki felt a shock on his arm, and his vision went black.

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