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28.75% Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel / Chapter 21: World Of Heroes And Villains: Part 8

Capítulo 21: World Of Heroes And Villains: Part 8

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~


"Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order and everything becomes... Chaos. And you know the thing about chaos? It's fair."

- Joker


Star and Stripe P.O.V.

We did it. Having to stand by while I watch the other heroes do everything is not really my style, but I understand the importance of the plan. Nor can I confidently say that I could activate [New Order] on Dis in a direct confrontation. He who has All Might's powers.

But now he has been defeated. Not even All Might can escape [New Order] after I successfully apply it. Removing my hand from Dis's arm, I go to inform Nezu to send an Iron Maiden to transport him, if all goes well he will cooperate and return the quirks he stole, if not he dies. Anyway, the day is won.

I keep an eye on the villain's still form, Eraserhead does the same, erasing his quirks. Apparently it has been proven that [Erasure], Eraserhead's quirk, can even erase [One For All], All Might's quirk, because Ersaerhead erased it when the boy Midoriya Izuku apparently used it.

Under [New Order] and [Erasure], there is no way for Dis to escape.


What-.. I've just been punched in the throath... by... no one?! And thrown away I try to quickly recover. Looking around I see the impossible: Dis has his hand on Eraserhead's head and all the other heroes protecting him seem to have been flung away.

Even Captain Celebrity and Endeavor who were approaching were attacked and thrown back.

Eraserhead has that black mass that Dis can create around his eyes while having his quirk stolen. While kneeling I try to make an order, but I can't speak. Dis turns his head towards me, he lets Eraserhead fall to the ground unconscious.

Dis's eyes are glowing red, the [Erasure] quirk!!

"You look confused… As if you don't want to believe what's happening right before your eyes. "Dis speaks as he looks in my direction and approaches slowly.

"How did [New Order] not work? Is that the question running through your head? Well... the answer is... You can't handle me... You can't handle Dis... YOU CAN'T HANDLE DEEZ NUTS!!! KKKKKKK AHAHAHAAHAHAH PFFFFT"

Whattaheck? My brain can't process what's going on

"HAAHAH. Sorry, sorry. I've been keeping this joke since the beginning. Hahahaha Well Star and Stripe... The serious explanation is that I never considered myself 'Dis' to begin with." He says after laughing a lot and taking a deep breath

"I knew I would come into conflict with you eventually, so I prepared myself. 'Always be prepared' it's my motto that I inherited from a certain paranoid guy" Dis- no this villain speaks while tapping his index finger on his temple.

"I would go after you even if you didn't come after me. And so I was careful to introduce myself under a false name... There was also danger that I would start to identify myself with this new name, so I picked up something ridiculous... That I could never take seriously." He continues and I feel my face forming into an expression of shock.

That means he-

"Yes Yes. I know a lot about your quirk. I know that when targeting a living being with a sense of self, your understanding of the target's identity must align with their own. Honestly, in this world you are the only danger to me... I have a huge Ego after all."

My quirk is a national secret, how does he know so much?

"Well… I must congratulate you. You hid yourself very well from my senses. But I realized you were here the moment I appeared behind Eraserhead..." The villain speaks and I'm surprised.

"You can hide your senses, but not your 'intentions'.." He says mysteriously, "huhu. I kept going to Eraserhead and even pretended to fall under the power of your quirk to make you guys let your guard down. No matter who it is, humans usually let their guard down for a split second when they think they've won, right?" He reaches over to place his hand on my forehead.

"By the way, do you need to speak out loud to use [New Order]? I attacked your throat because of that…"

I advance towards him, I can't give new orders with my quirk, but that doesn't mean I can't fight. When I removed the order to be invisible, I replaced the order that I always keep active... The one that gives me super strength to be like All Might.

All Might has always been my hero, I always wanted to be like him.. Now I need to rely only on my body to win.

But even that determination is quickly crushed by the villain in front of me.


"Very brave of you. I must say you are my second favorite heroine... But as an All Might fan you should know that, in this world, I am second to none physically." My opponent says as he presses my back to the ground with his foot.

I can't let him take [New Order]. I came here with determination to make [New Order] self-destruct in case it was stolen, but now, with my throat crushed, I don't have that option.

But I have another way... I start to discreetly open my mouth- What! The villain grabs my face and makes me look at him. He forces my mouth open and sticks two fingers in, pulling something out from behind my teeth.

"...You were going to kill yourself." He says strangely empathetic to someone with his personality. He is holding the capsule with instant effect poison, I can hear his teeth clenching.

"TCH!" Is he mad because he almost lost [New Order]? It doesn't seem like that... But I don't have time to contemplate because he moves his hand quickly and I fall unconscious.


Hector P.O.V.

TCH She almost killed herself.

If I hadn't been constantly seeing the future with my Observation Haki, Star and Stripe would be dead right now. No... I'm not mad that I couldn't have [New Order], I'm mad that she would be dead.

I want the least amount of irreversible damage in my stay here. I took every care that no one of the good guys was killed... But I underestimated this woman's determination. Star and Stripe is a real hero. I have a new respect for her now.

I get down and start copying her quirk. That's right, copying... I can't risk her doing like in the show with Tomura, and making [New Order] destroying me from inside.

As I'm in the process of copying [New Order] I feel Captain Celebrity and Endeavor approaching.

"MACHIA!" I scream as I create a barrier around myself and reinforce it with [One For All], stopping the heroes' two attacks.

I feel like it's going to take time to copy the Star and Stripe quirk, so my hands are tied...

"I'll give you all the chance to back off. When I'm done here, I'll go after you two." I say watching the two of them through the barrier.

"Never!" Endeavor says as he tries to bombard me with attacks.

"I won't let you hurt my fellow compatriot anymore, villain!" Captain Celebrity screams attacking me from the side opposite Endeavor.

Less than a minute Machia's big shadow appear above us. And with the swing of one arm he sends the two heroes away with the air pressure.

"Master..." he says as he looks at me.

"Machia, don't let these heroes stop me from getting this woman's quirk." I say.

"YES!" he says and moves protectively around me.

Endeavor and Captain Celebrity quickly come back to attack Machia, but it's really pitiful. They barely damage the giant. Machia is really OP...

Machia is just defending himself and not letting them get close, I would say to him fight back and defeat them too... But now, seeing the difference in strength, I'm afraid Machia will kill one of them.

Taking my eyes off the fight, I return all my focus to copying [New Order]. If I put in the effort I can speed up the process. I'm already multitasking in keeping the barrier and counting the time for future reference, better not divide my attention even more in watching the fight.

After exactly 6min22sec, I finally have my own copy of [New Order]. Too long... I know [New Order] is probably the strongest quirk in the world. (Ignoring One For All and All For One, because they are not strong at first, they become strong by accumulating power and quirks respectively)

But taking that long, I can't imagine how long it will take to copy Omega-level powers in the Marvel world. Well, with practice it will probably shorten that time.

Looking again at the battle of Machia Vs. Endeavor and Captain Celebrity, I see that both heroes look tired, especially Endeavor. They can be good at dodging Machia's simplistic attacks, but they can't return almost any damage.

Damn, this is easier than I thought. Well, that's to be expected... I didn't give them an inch of advantage. I'm already much stronger, I prepare myself, I know all about these guys and even the place and time for this battle is on my terms... Endeavor and Star can't use their full power in an area full of people like this.

I remember that in the manga Star and Stripe has the help of some fighter jet planes and even receives intercontinental missiles to use in her supermove. How is she going to do it here? I didn't really give them a chance to fight.

"It's amazing the new heights my quirk has reached with you, Hector-kun." I hear All For One's voice. "Being able to copy quirks presents so many possibilities, maybe I wouldn't fall into villainy if I had that option..."

"We all know that's not true, Sensei. And it's my power now, don't forget that." I reply to the man who will not be around much longer.

"Huh. Of course, of course... Tell me can you copy a quirk of yourself? Duplicating it to give to someone else? Me and Dr. Garaki went through a lot of trouble duplicating quirks, genetic clones, blood cultures, creation of artificial life..." He continues talking.

"Yes, I can duplicate a quirk I already have, but it's more difficult and time-consuming than copying someone else's. I don't know why... Maybe because there's no 'material' to work with... I started duplicating One For All to test, but stopped because I felt it would take days of concentration." I answer truthfully.

"But I can speed up the process thanks to the research you and the Doctor have done. Thanks for making my life easier." I say sarcastically

All For One and the Doctor had a method of making multiple copies of quirks using vegetative bodies, clones, mini-nomus... Re-applying with my much more powerful Power Manipulation I will be able to create an almost infinite supply of powers.

The problem is that I will have to dedicate my precious time to strengthening others. It is worth it? I don't know... Maybe I'll use another Travel ticket and just focus on replicating quirks in the future.

Or I create a copy of [All For One] and give it to a trusted subordinate to do the hard work. But that's a problem for the Hector of the future. I don't really envy this guy... And in the moment I want to monopolize Power Manipulation, but we'll see how it unfolds in the future.

Well, [Power Manipulation] is at Omega-level, if I use more Power Boost Cards maybe I'll go Beyond Omega-level, and those restrictions will go away. But I feel like you'll need about 40 or 50 Power Boost Cards to have another breakthrough.

It's the same reason why I haven't used the 03 Power Boost Cards in [One For All] yet, I know that the power won't evolve with just three, so I better train by myself for now, and use it when I have about 10 Power Boost Cards .

Now it's time for me to become a rip-off Superman. With Captain Celebrity's quirk, I won't need to use multiple quirks anymore just to fly and I feel that by combining it with [One For All] I can create my own Alexandria package from Worm.

Let's wrap the thing for today. I reach out and telekinetically pull my mantle back to my hands, it is important for the future.

But now I'm worried... I pushed Star and Stripe too hard and she almost killed herself. I have to tread the fine line where they won't get desperate... but push them far enough to break the weak-willed. I think I'll leave Endeavor with his quirk for now. And Star and Stripe not being quirkless, they'll still think they can beat me...

"Are you worried?" Shimura-san asks in my mind.

"Yes... I didn't think she would try to kill herself..." I say pointing to the unconscious female hero.

"There are some heroes who are really risking everything in their jobs. And willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the good of all..." Shimura-san says.

"I know… that's why I haven't lost all hope in this world yet. Because of the few like Star, All Might and Midoriya... MACHIA! CLAP!" ending my little chat I give the order to Machia. He clap his hand making a shockwave again and stunning the two heroes giving me an opportunity.

Appearing behind Captain Celebrity between his cape and his body, I punch his back, knocking all the air out of his lungs. Then I grab the cape and throw it to the ground and follow at high speed. Down with both knees on his stomach. "NO CAPES!"

The time he can't move because of the damage is enough for me to steal his quirk. Sorry, Chris. I like you, bear it for a while.

A pillar of fire comes towards me, but Machia puts his hand in front of it, blocking it.

"Endeavor. Sorry, but I have some appointments. Bye Bye. Till next time." I use [Smokescreen] and [Warp Gate] to teleport along with Machia and disappear from the battlefield.


Principal Nezu, Outskirts of Deika City

It's a disaster. A failure The worst outcome possible.

Looking through the cameras placed on some heros along with microphones I see that Di- no, this villain without a name outsmartes us in every moment. He is steps ahead of us. How much did de plan ahead? For how long? The location, the time, the reinforcements taht we have were all under his control or knowledge.

Does we have a traitor among us? This possibility has been raised in the past. This villain just knows a lot about us.


Argh! Static passes through the communicator in my ear, all the electronic equipment seems to have been forcibly deactivated in this makeshift base I am.

The gasps of surprise and the fingers pointed to the sky give me a clue of the reason. The villain is above us... Loking at me. He wants [High Specs]... In an instant I see a hand in front of my eyes and then... darkness.


Hector P.O.V.

Humming the opening "Make my story" I observe the items my various clones place in front of me. Gold, jewelry, expensive equipment, money...

During the battle I made my clones loot the city. I'll try to get as much gold in my inventory to when I go back. It will be a good amount of funds to use in the criminal underworld.

"Did you happen to use Nighteye [Foresight] to predict the movements of heroes?" Shinomori-san asks me as I see one of my clones throwing the unconscious Principal Nezu on the floor.

"Nah…Nighteye gave me his quirk in good faith, so I won't use it against heroes. This should lessen any guilt feelings he has. And I think that he only cooperated so easily, besides him seeing what I'm doing, it was to protect Mirio..." I say as I create a big cloth with [Creation] to make a bag and get it all the loot on it.

"I see..." shinomori-san says "Very thoughtfull of you" he says

I just shrug "I can give this much of peace of mind to him"

I approach the Principal and copy his quirk. The case of the Principal is special... IF I remove his quirk maybe he will become a mindless animal again, and even if I return it in the future, he may not recover his memories or have other irreversible damage.

His capture is for me to quietly copy his quirk and use the [Truth] to ask certain things. [Truth] is a quirk I got from one of Overhaul men, when I ask the person they answer truthfully without even thinking.

Now is time to raid this world.


Lady Nagant P.O.V.

Tartarus Prison

Chaos. Everything is in chaos. Running through the corridors of the prison that kept me for so many years without even getting me out of my cell, I wonder what all this is all about. A few minutes ago I was going through another day of many, with nothing special to say, when all power in the prison was cut off. All electronic devices burned...

Someone is invading. Someone was crazy enough to break into Tartarus Prison, and apparently he is succeeding. I look around and see that many prisoners are looking for a way to escape, others just wreak havoc and kill each other.

Idiots... this prison is in the middle of the ocean, it is necessary to cross the bridge to get back to Main Land and whoever is doing all this must be blocking the bridge. I'll let some go ahead so I can observe the invader's intentions...

Strange... I don't see any guards.

It's when I get to the surface that I meet him. A man with white hair tied in a man bun, with a half-mask and a mantle covering his entire body is floating over a pile of corpses and talking to some prisoners.

"You too... 15 people dead." He says before stepping forward and grabbing the inmate's head and then smashing it against a wall. "I know Tartarus Prison only picks up dirt from the garbage, but I was hoping at least a few would be worth the freedom."

After that he continues looking at the prisoners that emerge and looking on a tablet before killing them after listing their various crimes.

"Ah~Ah~ Stain, don't escape. Come here~" He says before reaching out and telekinetically pulling another prisoner, who doesn't have his nose, close to him.

"You're troublesome… You mean well. But killing some heroes is really too extreme..." The man in the cloak says "You don't even give them a chance to retire or revise their ideals, You kill some to set an example, and then some change out of fear. It's not the ideal. You don't change they way of thinking."

"And what's wrong? I will bathe in all the blood of false heroes to revive the society of true heroes." The prisoner I now know is Stain speaks. I remember him from a few years ago when I was still a hero.

"That's why I say it's complicated, your idea is good, I know... I'm trying to do the same. But you've caught a lot of unsuspecting heroes in this business. Ingenium for example is a very nice guy. So what if they make a lot of money. As long as they help people. The real problem is the corrupt and those who aren't willing to sacrifice everything to save someone... These are the false heroes, not someone who gets a paycheck or does an advertisement. People have to eat too, you know?" The White haired man speaks as if explaining himself to a child.

"Let's make a Deal. Follow me for a couple of weeks, don't kill anyone I don't tell you to kill. And I will give you freedom. I'll show you how to efficiently change society." He continues holding out his hand to the inmate. But the villain Stain doesn't move.

"Whatever, you have until I finish my conversation with the other person to think. Lady Nagant, step forward please..." He says and my body goes cold for a moment before I calm down.

I know I'm rusty, but to be found so easily...

I've seen this guy dispatch villains like Muscular with a slap. I don't stand a chance against him, and with him already knowing where I am, I won't be able to land a good shot. The distance is not too great for me to feel comfortable.

So I decide to face this guy, nothing can get worse...

"Lady Nagant... Tsutsumi Kaina... Former heroine, lose faith in the system... Arrested after killing her superior. Tell me.. Do you want the downfall of the current hero system? Do you want everything bad to be exposed? To the good and evil of the hero profession be known to the world?" He speaks to me...

I just look back... But after I see he won't proceed I nod.

"So I have a job for you..." He says. So he's just another one who wants to use me, huh? A trained assassin is always useful...

"Do you have any experience in babysitting?"



Next Day, Hector P.O.V.

"It's all about visualization, Eri. You have to visualize what you want to rewind. You already know how your quirk works, so you have to visualize two main things." I say to Eri next to a lizard without a tail. Lady Nagant is just a few steps away watching us with an odd expression on her face.

"Visualize your power being poured out of your body and being poured into your target like water flowing from a faucet into a vessel. You don't need to open the faucet all the way... It can be little by little. And you need to visualize what you want to return to the previous state. Try it..." I continue and watch Eri holding out her little hands to the lizard direction.

She closes her eyes in an expression of concentration and effort. Cute.

Then her horn glows a little and then her hands. 47 seconds later the lizard's tail is already brand new. She is very careful and cautious in the use of her power... She took it from me.

"NICE JOB, ERI!" I grab her under the armpits and start twirling her in the air. Hearing her laugh makes it all worth it. After that I start tickling her. And play around a little.

Then I realize it's time for me to continue my other works.

"Look, Aunt Tsutsumi is waiting to the lesson. Go with her, I have some work to do." I say and lead her to Lady Nagant. With a nod and giving me an odd look, Lady Nagant takes Eri aways.

Lady Nagant is taking care of Eri while I do more villainous activities. She is a japanese woman so she can teach hiragana and katakana better than me. And she is a woman, so she can take care of a little girl better than me too.

Last night I told Eri's story to Lady Nagant and saw that she really feels bad for what Eri has been through. And will genuinely take care of her.

I'm also doing this for Lady Nagant. In the manga Lady Nagant had an optimistic view of hero work. But after committing several murders at her superiors commands she got lost... Her breaking point is when a group of children surround her, and she can't even touch them for fear of "smearing them with her bloodstained hands". So having her in contact with Eri should help her a little bit, I think.

Also... I won't be here forever.

I feel a mental tap on my shoulder and see Shimura-san looking at me with a worried expression.

She doesn't know what I feel or think when I don't want to share it with the hoolders in my mind, so she doesn't know why I feel down.

"It's okay, Shimura-san. Just a little tired…" I say.

"You can rest, Hector. You don't need to be moving every moment. I can't even remember the last time you slept. "She tells me

"Relax, I've already rested in my time with Eri. And I have a lot to do. I'll rest after today." I say and move to the lab.

Observing the various machines operating I make the necessary changes that they ask for. Thanks to Principal Nezu's quirk, my work is progressing smoothly.

[High Specs] not only boost my already Super Genius-level intelligence, but my dexterity, accuracy, concentration and various other subtle attributes. Very good passive quirk.

I believe that now I must only lose in intelligence to those at the level of Reed Richards... But I will soon surpass him too.

It's all in the schedule. In five days I will start the practical tests. In the meantime... Time to take a trip to the movie locations and hunt for more quirks.

Last night, Tartarus wasn't the only prison I attacked. I freed prisoners from several other locations, but I killed and caught the quirks of the wildest and most dangerous inmates. I want to make hero work harder, so only those with true dedication can continue.

After one last tour around the labs, checking prisoners, nomus, equipment, I approach where Eri and Lady Nagant are.

I have already released Principal Nezu. I threw him in front of the U.A., who knows if he doesn't have a locator in himself. I'm not bringing him to the lab.

Looking over Eri's shoulder I see the crooked lines of her writing. The poor girl never had a formal education. She doesn't know how to read and write, and she doesn't even know common sense about the world.

Tch. Wanting to kill Overhaul again.

"You added an extra line here, Eri." I say pointing to a word she misspelled, and giving headpats. "But you got everything else right, congratulations"

"Aunt Kaina teach really well!" She says excitedly before going back to the sheet of paper and writing down more of the words she learned to show me.

"Aunt Kaina, huh?" First name, is Eri melting your heart too, Lady Nagant? Giving her a smirk, I see her looking away.

"I'll go do a job now. I'll take the other two. When I get back, we'll get ready to go to the beach... Tomorrow will travel, be ready." I say to both of them.

After explaining to Eri what the beach is, I leave the two to the lesson.

Equiping my suit, I approach Stain and Machia.

"Let's go to Europe." I say opening a portal.


Otheon, Humarise base

Stain P.O.V.

Hector. That's the name the man who broke into Tartarus Prison is called. I don't know if it's his real name, the media calls him "Dis", he said he gave me his name "Hector" because the name "Dis" is no longer useful. But asked not to call him out loud in public.

After many teleports we are now looking at the base of a religious cult that believes that quirks are curses for humanity. And plans to kill everyone who has quirks. According to what Hector showed me, even children who have just manifested their quirks are killed by them.

I'll have no mercy to finish off the bastards.

Last night Hector told me his plan. The plan to give this world a fresh start. I don't know if it will work, but I'm willing to side with him to see how this ends.

If in two weeks he fails, I'll cut off his head even if it kills me.

When I told him that, he just laughed and said I'm free to try.

Squeezing the grip of the new katana, I begin to slaughter these cultists.


Hector P.O.V

While Stain and Machia cause trouble I will hunt down the members of this cult that has quirks. The next step in my plan is to visit the locations from the BNHA world movies to pick up some powerful quirks. I'll start with this one, because in the other I'll take advantage of the place and take Eri to the beach. And relax a little.

I'm not going to get the quirks just from the villains either. I will copy from all people of interest that I see.

I'm giving Japan time to suffer a little from the release of the criminals. Honestly by the news, the heroes don't have much problem recapturing the villains. But it is too much work and the population is not worshiping the profession as before. Some have already left the profession. Pathetic...

Destroying a large door I enter the main chamber of this base.

"Flect Turn! Your Blue Man Group membership card is here. Come sign the papers!"


Machia P.O.V.

These little ants are annoying. But the master ordered me to draw as much attention as possible. And the master's orders are absolute.

"Machia. Stain. Retreat as far as possible. I will do something big."

I hear master's voice on my radio and start to run. On the way I meet the little man with a sword who is now following the master. Picking him up and throwing him on my back I run faster.

After a long, long time. When I'm far enough away I listen.


A big explosion at the place we were attacking.

So I saw. A giant. Much bigger than Machia. I know it's the master.


It roars to the sky and start to change color. Hardening. Spikes appear from the ground in all directions. Like a forest of giant spikes. And the giant becomes a great statue.

The master is the greatest. As such a great move, people for miles can see the master's image. And you can see his power.

Tears run down my face.



Hector P.O.V.

I finally tested the Nuke Titan.

I transform into the biggest form possible and emit heat and steam in large quantities. The super move of the Colossal Titan.

Looking from the top of my crystallized statue I can see that my titan form is about 320 meters.

And the explosion had miles of radius.

The Colossal Titan is 60 meters tall, and he can destroy a harbor. So I think it's just natural.

Honestly I don't see much use for my Titan Power in Marvel. Too many downsides. But having the opportunity to Nuke someone who captures me. Or going for a "trojan horse" strategy is fine.

Glad I tested it now too.

Time to go back for today.

I caught all the interesting quirks.

Tomorrow I have a trip to the beach.

EvansKannon EvansKannon

Nothing to add here.

Thanks to reading. Any feedback is appreciated.

Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to made the history better to everyone. Stay good you all.

Till next time.

next chapter
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