Everyone was shocked, Evena pulled Dustin away from Reni who was holding his bleeding nose.
"Calm down Dustin!" Evena told him.
"Calm down! You want me to calm down? He knew about my son being in that monster's custody and said nothing. I joined the team and he still neglected to tell me the prisoner we were after is my son. He wants to get him and take him back to Salvatore, back to that monster? And you expect me to calm down?" Dustin asked.
"I am not the enemy here." Reni told him.
"Did you hear what he just fucking said?" Dustin asked furious.
"Well you are kind of the enemy here Reni, you and that king of yours. Did working for him rid you of your conscience or you didn't have any in the first place?" Ricciardo asked.
"Hey! That's enough!" Dante said.