"I´m... a wizard?"
Benit was shocked, really shocked.
It´s not everyday that you learn that you have parents,a twin brother and that you are a wizard.
While truly shocking this also opened lot´s of possibilities for Benit, or Harry, he still needed to decided which name he was going to use.
"It seems like yes, you are a wizard" Monique said while smiling even thou this hurt her a little, the fact that he had more family and she could be replaced, it was just like erasing her from a family picture.
However some part of her was happy, not only because Benit had more family, but he also was a wizard, and if he was even half as talented as a wizard that he was a sorcer, then he could become much more stronger than the sorcer supreme.
"Then that means, I can do wizardry magic, that´s so awesome!" Benit said with a smile, but he also got a lot of questions that needed answers. "Monique do you mind if I go to my room, I need to think about some things"
"Of course not, I will not disrupt you at all, think about everything that happened"
Benit went on his way to his room, he needed to think thoroughly.
While, what Monique considered her child, went to his room, she decided she also needed to get some answers and wrote a letter to a friend, it was time for Benit to meet her.
Harry, the name he now wanted to use, was on his room still thinking.
He had a family, one where he could be loved.
Or he could not.
He felt that after all this time it was some amazing news that he had more family than the Dursleys, but it also meant that they left him there.
He understood if it was for a lack of money, but he couldn´t think of any other explanation that would make him not reject the potters and shun them for the rest of his life.
In reality there were plenty of reasons why someone might not want to keep a child, besides the monetary, maybe they were sick, maybe they thought they could´t be good parents, or maybe they simply didn´t want him.
There´s no shame for not wanting to raise a child, but to Harry this was not visible, maybe because he was a child, or maybe because in this sort of situation one might not think logically at the start.
'I´m going to meet them, I´m going to ask them why they left me with the Dursleys, maybe I´ll get to meet Adrian, he seems to even be famous, and he is called the boy who lived, maybe he somehow used magic to save his life, that would have been so amazing'
In the hours he thought about his family and questions, he made a little mistake, he started to idealize them, this could either end up horribly or even worse.
A knock erupted the silence that navigated the room, causing little waves of noise, that disrupted the quiet beach that was Benit´s minds, in which he couldn´t help but create those same waves himself, only in a different way.
"Come in!"
The door opened and with it Monique entered the room with her another lady entered.
This lady looked a little older than Monique, she was maybe in her mid thirties, she carried a peaceful aura with her, one which most people would call, magical.
The lady was also quite different from Monique, one might even call her ugly, just because she didn´t follow the norms of traditional beauty, this lady had really striking hazel eyes, which reminded Benit of the feathers of a wise owl, who watched every little move.
"Hello Benit my name is Frida Machitis, you must have a lot of questions, to some I don´t have the answer to, but to most I can prove to be quite useful"
"I prefer if you called me Harry" He said taking a big breath, preparing himself to ask a lot of questions.
"Do you know my family, how are they, is my twin famous, do they love me-" Harry continued to ask lots of questions without stopping for breathing.
Frida had made a little face before she stopped Harry.
"I´m sorry Harry but I don´t know your family" Harry stopped speaking and he looked quite sad, he felt like a new bomb dropped on him today, not the first one to drop too. "However" This made Harry´s face light up once again
"I may not know them personally but I know who they are, James Potter, Lily Potter and Adrian Potter" Harry was now on the edge of his seat, he knew all of this already but he was ready to learn more.
"I know them because, your twin, he killed the last dark lord."
Harry made a little "wow" sound before he made a movement for her to continue.
"Adrian and you, born on the 31 of July, I believe you guys were separated before your second birthday, after Adrian defeated the dark lord, it was all over the news, and we never saw you again."
Harry looked ready to speak to ask something but Frida continued talking.
"After that Adrian and your parents mad multiple appearances in most balls and were the face of what we call the light. It pains me to say that there was no reason explained for your disappearance but there are two options either they thought you were a squib, someone without magic, or maybe they thought not being in the spotlight will make you safe, I´m not sure of the answer but you can always ask them"
Harry who at the end of the rant of Frida was tearing up he screamed and the glass walls all over the house began wavering becoming kind of flaccid.
Monique, who knew little about accidental magic, still was able to tell that this was done by Harry so she went up to him and put a hand on his shoulder and then hugging him tightly.
The walls slowly became more solid as harry´s breath became more calm, and tears flowed down his face like a water fall, his parents had abandoned him for no good reason, and just like the year before he came to a conclusion.
He didn´t care for the potters.
Two years have passed and now Harry was nine years old and was ready for his first mission, well he wasn´t but Monique was going on one and after Harry completed the third year course of magic he was going with her to a village in Norway.
Harry was now an adept a step above apprentice and a step above novice and he was currently someone who learnt all the first three years spells wandlessly, although he will be stuck on it not learning any further until he starts Hogwarts.
While Monique taught Harry sorcery, Frida taught Harry magic, due to him no being eleven she decided to let on him a family secret, how to do wandless magic, he was talented, the most talented person they had ever seen regarding anything magical, but anything else fell on deaf ears, he didn´t learn history or biology or muggle studies due to his rather much bigger interest in magic.
It seemed like Harry was blessed, he took magic like a fish to water, but the one where he strives more was runes.
Oh runes practically whispered themselves to harry, with the knowledge he had on runes, which was not a lot, he could do amazing things, one could only ask what would he accomplished once he masters them. Currently it´s the only subject alongside potions which he was on his fourth year.
"Are you ready to go Harry?" Asked Monique, to which Harry just answered with a nod. "You got everything we need, this could be dangerous do you got the"
"Yes mom I´ve got everything let´s go"
Monique smiled, this was something so great for her, she finally was a mother, she could still remember the day where she called her mom lie it was yesterday. She had just gifted him something for his ninth birthday and he by accident called her mom, which made her cry, which made him cry and after crying the two talked to each other and they both agreed that they were son and mother.
Monique opened up a portal to a town near the place where the mission was supposed to take place it was a small town which neither of them recognized.
They spent the day wondering through the town, trying to learn what the creature they were trying to kill was.
There were reports of two different beings, one they claimed to be a sort of very tall skeletal figure with the head of a deer, and others described a very tall, fat creature.
Monique had no idea what the first one was, but she knew that the second one was a troll, and honestly she was quite scared, she was leaving her child to possibly fight a troll, but she couldn´t leave.
Why you might ask?
They came here because a lot of children had been disappearing and the town folk were scared, so much so that from what she heard they planned to go looking for whatever it was causing this themselves, tomorrow night, she knew that if she left to search for support, this town folks life were on the line so she decided to let Harry fight a troll.
When the night came, and most of the town folk drifted to sleep both sorcers started to look for the creatures.
While harry could you a point me spell to find the creatures, he didn´t have a wand so that option was out of question so the job was handed to Monique.
Monique went down on her knees and draw runes on the snow covered floor, and flipped her hand two times and then stuck a single finger on the floor.
This was a spell used to detect the closest malevolent creature. It was actually one of her own creation, and a spell she was going to teach Harry.
It took them an hour of walking to get to a part of a forest where they saw the creatures.
"What´s that mom?" Asked Harry quite loudly while they were hiding in a bush.
Monique silenced him and proceeded to talk
"First tip, always be careful, and never make a lot of noise" Harry soaked in the knowledge an fumbled over one of the things he had brought "And to answer the question it´s a wechunge."
The wechunge was a dangerous creature, and probably the cause of the disappearance of the town folk as it was a man eating creature. It was tall maybe 10 feet tall, with the head of a deer, and almost skeletical, and it´s weapons were it incredible long nails, which could easily slice a tree.
"Can I take on-"
"No, I´m taking care of the wechunge, you will be dealing with the troll, until I come to help, as soon as I attack I want you to do so too"
And with that Monique casted a spell over herself to hide and went to deal with the wechunge, while Harry, who prepared things to fight most creature took some talisman, which were runes drawn on special paper that attach and cause an effect, this talismans were not the best of the best quality as Harry made them.
A scream broke harry´s concentration and he guessed that meant that Monique must have attacked so he got ready too.
The troll seemed to have also heard the scream and turned it´s head to look at Monique, who was fighting the wechunge and he felt a stab on the left side of his head, turning around again he saw Harry who had fired piercing hex at it.
The troll gave a growl but not really in pain, they were magic resistant, the growl was of anger.
The troll ran at Harry as fast as it could and swung the club he had at him.
Harry evaded and the second the club hit the ground, harry throw a talisman at it.
The troll tried raising the club but found itself unable, it was way heavier.
It took him five seconds to realize he wouldn´t be able to.
Roaring in anger he failed to notice that Harry had taken the time to draw a rune on the ground and after finishing he ran away.
The troll followed in his footsteps but as soon as its feet touch the rune he found himself stuck to ground.
The troll look at it´s feet which gave Harry a chance to fire a spell, a piercing hex right through it´s eye.
And it seemed like it did it´s job because the troll fell down.
Giving himself a big smile he found that Monique wasn´t done with her creature and she seemed to be losing actually
Monique was damaged, she had multiple slashes around her whole body but one on her stomach was specially deep, and was bleeding, hard.
Although she was hurt, she had also damaged the wechunge, but it seemed resistant to almost anything.
Monique put both of her hands on the ground, and spikes created and tired to pierce it however it jumped and ran at her with an impressive speed.
Mid way there he was hit with a explosive charm which threw him right back.
"Harry, thanks" Monique gave a smile and started to do some hand movements and a mandala appeared on her left hand, and on the right a little fire was made.
Monique ran at the creature, and as it tried to slash her, she evaded and tried stabbing it, but it also avoid it.
Both stared at each other in depth trying to find a weakness, but before neither could do anything a light of red a yellow magic struck the wechunge on the leg which worked as a rope, and brought it towards Monique, who used the mandala to slash at the creature, finally killing it.
Both sorcers were now on their house, celebrating their victory when Monique told something to Harry.
"I think it´s time we talk to your family"
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