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50% MARVEL X DC: Monster System / Chapter 2: Daredevil

Capítulo 2: Daredevil

Come on guys, one more time. My name is Gwen Stacy and I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the last four years, I have become the first Spider-Woman! But I wasn't the first spider, that would be my best friend and mentor Peter Parker better known as Spider-Man.

Peter oriented me and helped me a lot with my new powers, he was the one who inspired me to become a hero, but I couldn't help him when he needed it most... for my mistake, he paid with his life.

Peter was facing the Sinister Six alone, I tried to help him even though he warned me to stay away. In the fight I made a mistake that the villains used to attack me, Peter didn't even think twice before he came to my rescue. The next thing I saw was Kraven's spear going through his chest. After that more heroes appeared and arrested them

Peter's funeral was three months ago, I was speechless seeing so many people gathered for him. At the funeral was his wife Mary Jane, his aunt, and a bunch of heroes, the Avengers, and the Justice League were present, even Superman was there.

The people of New York were devastated by Spider-Man's death, he wasn't just any hero he was one of the best of the best, he was a symbol of hope for people. All this because of me! My mistake, a mistake I made that I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life. Since that day I have become more and more active in the city to fill some of the void that Spider-Man left in the city, just so my nightmares about that day disappear just a little bit.

Detective Yuri was on the terrace of the police station, she liked to come here to smoke a cigarette after a stressful day at work. Today was one of those days when a man enters a bank wearing a fake suicide suit, then he is arrested, to make matters worse no one knows who he is. The press and the public screamed for answers, but the truth is, no one knew who he was.

"Bad day? Smoking won't help you with that you know..." A voice makes her turn around to find the ghost spider on top of a pillar

"Spider-woman or do you prefer spider-ghost?" Yuri says as she throws her cigarette on the floor and stomps

"I prefer Spider Ghost. Spider-woman screams lack of creativity, do me a favor and spread the good news. but hey, what did you find out about our metalhead friend?" Gwen says as she comes down

''You'd be surprised how many times I've been asked about this today. But the answer is the same, nothing. We don't know anything about him, we don't know his name, where he came from, or why he did what he did, hell we don't even know if he really likes heavy metal. His lawyers will come tomorrow morning, and the trial will take place this week" Yuri says with a sigh

"He didn't mention anyone's name? Or did he say anything strange?" Gwen asks as she holds her breath, it's still fresh in her memory that he called her 'Miss S' which is Stacy's initials.

Gwen didn't know if it was just coincidence or if he knew who she was, but if he knew and told people who she was. her life was going to get worse and worse

"No, he barely speaks. He just spends most of the time staring into space. Between you and me? This guy is just crazy, who one day decided to do something crazy in a bank. Nothing special" Yuri says and Gwen seems to relax for a minute

"So how did he get into the city without being seen? The Stark surveillance system is robust, there's no way no camera caught him." Gwen says

"Stark's surveillance system isn't perfect, this was more to inflate his ego to show the League that the Avengers are better. After the watchtower went into orbit, Stark, with his gigantic ego, didn't like it at all and spent a fortune to implement the new, almost perfect surveillance system in half of all the major cities in the country. But as I said, it's not perfect, there are several ways to bypass the system and remain undetected."

After saying that, the two just stared at each other.

"Okay, okay, no more puppy dog eyes with me. If something new comes along you'll be the first to know." Yuri sighs

"Thanks, Yuri, you're the best"

At the same time in the same police station in a jail cell, Jack was carefully examining his system.

[ Inventory ]

1x Orochimaru

1x Ninja Equipment Kit

1x Super Soldier Serum Formula



It seems to me that this system has no limits to what it can provide me, the more I browse the store the more things I find. In the store, there is everything I can imagine, infinity gauntlet, anti-life equation, pissing, Rinnegan, Jutsus, flying cloud, from real things to comics, anime, TV series, books, everything.

The more powerful it is, the more points it costs. I get the points through evil acts like dropping the dinner that the guard brought me in his uniform, I only got one point for that but with that, I was able to figure out how this was going to work

The big question is am I really ready for this? Before I ended up in this world, I would have said no. But now, truly living in a reality where Gods and demons walk among mortals, where anything can happen at any moment. Knowing this fact changes anyone, it changes my beliefs, it changes me, it changes everything.

I was just living my life in peace and then BOOM! Welcome to a fusion of two known fucked up universes. It was nice for me to read a comic or watch a movie from the comfort of my sofa. But living in this hell is another story, it's my life that's at stake, damn it.

I say fuck this shit, you bet I'm ready for it. First of all, I am not deluded about who I am, I am not a good person and I do not intend to pretend to be one. People in this world live in this illusion of thinking that they can live their lives normally and that everything will work out in the end.

But I'm different, I'm the idiot who took the red pill, and now there's no going back. Knowing what I know about Marvel and DC, I don't have this privilege of ignorance. I know this world can literally explode overnight, with no warnings, no signs, just happening. In a world of infinite apocalypses, would the desire to survive be a sin? If so, then I am a sinner And I don't regret it, not even a little.

I am what I am, a human being. My body does everything for me to keep me alive, it would be very foolish of me not to obey this primordial instinct and not do the same. If the people of this world knew what I know, I'm sure they would make the same choice, the choice to live instead of die.

 It reminds me of those normal people who die in comics, the ones I would just take a quick look at and then forget about them forever and continue the story. They usually die either from an alien invasion, a fight between supers, being murdered by villains, or being crushed by buildings, the list is long.

If I were one of the normal people who die in comics and someone was reading would they care? Or would they do as I did and just glance at them for a brief moment before turning the page? The choice is very simple, be a forgotten dead extra from just one page or be the badass villain.

I close my eyes, red and hurting from being open all this time, and then I open them with pure determination to live burning in my soul and finally select Orochimaru and assimilate him.


The pain comes instantly, it was by far the worst pain I have ever felt, it comes both physically and mentally. I feel my body changing, my muscles transform and gain muscle memory, my bones crack, and my veins rebuild themselves. My brain changes, and a truck of knowledge invades my memories.

I fall to the floor of the dark cell convulsing and do the only thing an animal does when it is in a lot of pain, I scream. After a while in agony, my body gives in and everything goes black and darkness takes over my consciousness.

Matt Murdock was going to practice one of his two professions, the profession this time is the one he uses during the day, where he can be seen in public and no one shits their pants in fear. His best friend and business partner Nelson Foggy helped him by giving him his arm so he could get around the dangerous streets of New York.

Not that he needed it, but it's better this way than people starting to wonder if he really is blind. That would be hard to explain to normal people, and Matt knew it was best to leave it that way.

"We're here, now is the last chance to give up. Are you sure you want to take this case?" Foggy asks.

"A Murdock never gives up Foggy, you know that. And what fear is that of yours? We founded Nelson and Murdock to defend people who need to be defended"

"Yes, for good people. Not crazy terrorists." Foggy says in a low tone of voice but Matt hears it very well.

"Terrorist? Please, what kind of terrorist is this that begs on the streets for money? He clearly has mental problems, Foggy. And he needs medical help not a prison cell in The Raft" Matt's face makes an expression of disbelief, he knows there is more to this story than the newspapers tell.

"I hope you're right my friend, because that's why we're going to court" With that the two enter the building and Matt realizes that something is wrong

"I may be blind, Foggy. But this is definitely not a police station. Even if it smells like one" Mett says, as he listens to the noise of the entire hospital looking for something wrong, it was a habit he had after years of training.

"Didn't you hear? Apparently, our client had a seizure last night. From what I heard he was in agony in pain, and was brought to the hospital."

Mett thought this was strange but didn't say anything. They then followed the hospital corridors until they reached a corridor full of police officers on guard. The two didn't have to wait long because Detective Brett recognized them and called them.

"Hey Brett, how's your mom? Here's a gift for her" Foggy says as he and Mett stand in front of the room door and hand Brett a bag.

"Foggy, I've told you a million times, stop bringing my mom cigars." Even though he said it in a serious tone, Brett picked up the bag

"Mahoney. What is our client's health status?" Matt greets him and asks as he hears three heartbeats coming from the room.

"Murdock. He's conscious, but the doctors don't know what happened. He was being watched 24 hours a day and suddenly he collapsed and fell to the floor convulsing" Brett says as he crosses his arms

"What do you mean they don't know? Our client's physical and mental health is of utmost importance and relevance to his case" Foggy says as he goes into lawyer mode

"Look, I'm a police officer, not a doctor. Feel free to ask the doctor, who seems very curious about his patient." Brett then points towards the door and Foggy and Mett enter.

The room was a reasonable size, with no windows, just a hospital stretcher and hospital equipment. On the stretcher was a man around 20-25 years old with long black hair handcuffed to the stretcher, apparently he was sleeping. Surrounding him was a doctor staring at him with crossed arms and a nurse checking his medications.

the nurse was the first to notice him and he came toward the two lawyers

"Nelson and Murdock I haven't seen you two in a while, how's business going? still getting bananas as payment?" The nurse says as she gives them both a hug

"Claire, good to see you. Look on the bright side, at least we won't starve to death" Foggy says while giving a smile

"Claire, good to see you again. " Matt says

"Do you still have that night job, Matt? You know it could kill you one day" Claire says in a low tone of voice. Claire and Foggy knew that Matt was the daredevil. Claire lost count of how many times she had to patch Matt up in the middle of the night after he appeared almost dying. Now Foggy can only hope that Mett shows up to work alive the next day.

"You know I do, Murdock..."

"Never give up." Claire and Foggy say together

"So Claire, what can you tell us about our client?" Foggy asks what leaves Claire in disbelief.

"Of course, who else could be his lawyer? He goes by the name Jack, which is not his real name, his health is good but it seems that his condition caught the attention of a medical bigwig, Doctor Stephen Strange." She says and then makes room for the two of them to go see their client

Strange was very curious about this patient, when he came he was in intense pain and was convulsing. but all the medicines didn't work and all the tests came back negative. He had no idea what he had, but he was sure that no one could fake that.

"Dr.Strange? I'm Nelson Foggy and this is my partner Mett Murdock" A voice interrupts him and takes him out of his thoughts. Strange looks to the side and sees two men in suits, a blind man, and an idiot extending his hand.

"Lawyers" Strange sighs and reaches out his hand and shakes him.

"Doctor, I was told our client was conscious? What happened?" Matt asks as he shakes his hand.

"He's just sleeping. I don't know what could happen." Strange says as they look at the man lying on the gurney.

"Wow, a real metalhead, He reminds me of my college self" Foggy says as Strange looks at him raising an eyebrow

"What do you mean you don't know what could happen, doctor? What's wrong with him?" Matt interrupts before Foggy puts them through more embarrassment

"To be honest, I've never seen a case like this. He arrived with intense pain and convulsions. He then stabilized on his own but not before his skin became increasingly pale, his body has a completely unique system of veins that I don't know what they are. "

"Could he be a mutant?" Foggy asks.

"No. No evidence of X genes in the DNA test" Strange responds quickly

"Of course not, because I'm not a mutant." Jack said as he opened his eyes

"What are you feeling? What do you know about your condition?" Strange takes out a Pupil Lantern and examines his eyes.

"Matt Murdock, Nelson Foggy, and Stephen Strange. It's an honor to meet such important names, would this be a trick of fate?" Jack says as he looks closely at each of them. Who would have thought he would have the future Sorcerer Supreme as a doctor and the Devil of Hell's Kitchen as a lawyer.

"Honor? Why? Do you know us?" Matt asks

"Yes, I know you all more than I would like. But that doesn't matter now" Jack says as he feels the chakra flow through his veins, the feeling is incredible. He had all of Orochimaru's combat experience along with all of his powers, including Mokuton.

Mett's instincts felt there was something wrong

"Mr. Jack, I'm Matt Murdock, your public defender, could you tell us what happened the day you entered the bank?"

Everyone was curious about what he would say. Dr. Stranger for reading the case in the newspapers and Matt and Foggy for it being their work. But Jack just gave a weak smile, he then took a look around and knew that he wasn't in a police station and that now was the perfect time to escape. Jack was already a known criminal and there was no point in hiding, so it was time to introduce himself to this world.

"You know... I hate making a bad impression on people the first time I meet them, so I hope you all forgive me for the rudeness that I'm about to do." Saying this Jack closed his eyes for a second and controlled his breathing then he broke the handcuffs that held his wrists.

Everyone was alarmed and took a step back at the incredible inhuman display of pure brute force. Jack, now free from restrictions, put his hands together and made a seal

"Ninpô: Kirigakure no Jutsu." Jack says and the entire hospital is covered in fog.

The fog spreads through the hospital corridors, generating widespread panic. The police officers on guard at the door to Jack's room draw their pistols. Matt with his enhanced senses feels the fog and screams of fear throughout the hospital but he then senses Jack moving towards the room door.

"Matt! What is this? Are you okay" Foggy shouts for his friend, the fog is so thick that he couldn't even see what was in front of him.


Matt then hears gunshots and bones breaking and the unmistakable smell of blood, he can hear the massacre that Jack was carrying out with the police in the hallway, and he knows he has to do something, lucky for him no one would see him.

"FOGGY! Stay where you are, I'll be right back!" Saying this Matt runs towards Jack.

Jack was breaking the neck of the last guard alive while watching his points go up, apparently, a police officer's life is worth 200 points and a civilian's is only worth 100 points. It wasn't much, but it was a start, Jack thought.

Jack then feels someone approaching, and a right hook comes towards him which Jack defends with his arm then a kick which Jack dodges, and then comes a combination of punches and kicks towards him which Jack defends and dodges all of them.

"I must admit, Mr.Murdock, you fight very well" Jack knew that Daredevil was one of Marvel's best fighters but witnessing it in person was a completely new experience for him.

"Why are you doing this?" Matt shouts while doing a sequence of quick jabs, in which Jack defends all

"Why did you kill these people?! " Matt says while giving a strong kick towards Jack, who defends himself by grabbing his ankle and then retaliates with a kick to the chest that makes Matt fly and then fall to the ground.

"Why? Because I do this for my survival. You may not understand now, but who knows, one day you will see" Jack says with a smile on his face. Orochimaru's Taijutsu proved to be superior to one of the best martial artists in the world, which didn't surprise Jack at all.

Even without chakra, Jack knew he could beat him, after all, we are talking about Orochimaru. A person raised from childhood to be a ninja, who improved through various deadly training and then was forged in the fire of several wars. If Matt Murdock trained to be a warrior, Orochimaru was made to be an assassin. 

Matt gets up as blood leaks from his mouth and then goes at Jack again. The two then began to exchange blows, as they fought through the hospital corridors people could only hear the intense exchange.

Noises of flesh being punched, heavy breathing, and things being broken, left people more scared than the fog. Not being able to see what was happening was the worst part. Then they hear a window breaking and something hitting the floor hard.

Matt Murdock felt his head go dizzy and his body go numb, he knew what it was. It was something he and his father hated, the taste of defeat. Daredevil then bites his tongue to remain conscious and uses his senses to find Jack.

Matt felt his body scream in pain, shards of glass embedded in his flesh, some broken ribs, and blood leaking from his body. Matt knew he had no chance of beating him, he barely managed to hit him.

"You better give up, there's no shame. Like I said before I hate making a bad first impression" Jack says as he jumps from the window of the floor he throws Matt to then lands next to him.

"Give up? I don't do that! EVER!" Matt says this as he rolls over and stands up with the help of his blood-covered fists.

Jack sees all this without doing anything, impressed by Daredevil's incredible resistance. Thanks to Orochimaru's vast anatomical knowledge, Jack perfectly understood the situation of Matt Murdock's body.

I can't believe what I'm seeing, I know about his heightened senses and that he can take a beating. But this is too much, he should already be dead, not continuing to fight. This world really surpasses any logic, it's really something fascinating but let's put an end to it.

I see him coming at me for the third time but this time I'm not going to hold back, before he can punch me I throw a right hook to his face and finish with a left uppercut to his chin

He is thrown against a wall and finally falls, from the sound I'm sure I broke his jaw.

5000 points! for defeating Daredevil!

I smile as I walk towards him. This guy is really tough, but nothing that impressive at the end of the day. Now let's see, what should I do with it? Kill him? No, he has unique senses that I can study in the future. Who knows when I will meet someone with the same unique gifts?

"You're going to live this time Murdock. " I say as I involuntarily lick my lips with my now new, strange large tongue. I must admit that in some ways it is strangely surprisingly cool to do this

So I look at some medical equipment in the corner and go over there and get some sample collection kits. I go to Daredevil and collect some good samples of blood and spinal fluid and store it all in a ninja storage scroll.

I hear sirens coming, I don't waste any more time and I look for the morgue as quickly as possible, after checking the corpses, I find one that has just arrived that hasn't been checked.

"Let's see, Kate William. Car accident. it's perfect"

So I steal her appearance while making sure to leave what's left of her body as if it was caused by the car accident. then I modify my own body to look like a woman and finally, I check myself in a mirror I found.

I see a beautiful and fragile young woman with long, straight black hair who has her whole life ahead of her and, above all, nothing to do with the accident at the hospital. I change my voice to match my appearance and I must admit Orochimaru didn't exploit her shape-shifting abilities very well.

With everything ready, I make my way out of the hospital

next chapter
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