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Marvel:The Destroyer Marvel:The Destroyer original

Marvel:The Destroyer


© WebNovel

Chapter 1 High Enforcer

The starship hangar bustled with activity as mechanics and droids scurried about, their tools clanging against metal hulls. But as soon as Zarek strode in, a hush fell over the cavernous space. The Destroyer had arrived.

At age of 55, Zarek still an imposing figure. Tall and broad-shouldered, he moved with the grace of a predator, his black armor gleaming under the harsh hangar lights. A long cape, midnight blue and lined with silver, billowed behind him. His face, weathered by decades of battle yet still handsome, bore a stern expression, storm-gray eyes scanning the hangar with laser-like focus.

A young officer, probably fresh out of the Academy, stumbled into Zarek's path. The poor man's eyes widened in recognition, and he snapped to attention so quickly he nearly toppled over.

"H-High Enforcer, sir!" the officer stammered. "I... I didn't see you there. I mean, I did see you, but I didn't—"

Zarek raised a hand, silencing the nervous babble. "At ease, Lieutenant," he said, his deep voice calm but carrying an unmistakable note of authority. "What's your name?"

"Kaiden, sir. Lieutenant Kaiden Voss."

Zarek nodded, studying the young man. "Tell me, Lieutenant Voss, is my ship ready for departure?"

Kaiden swallowed hard, then seemed to find his backbone. "Yes, sir! Fueled, systems checked, and ready to fly. I oversaw the preparations myself."

A ghost of a smile flickered across Zarek's face. "Good man. Attention to detail will serve you well in your career. Carry on."

The lieutenant saluted sharply, his chest puffing out with pride at the compliment. As Zarek continued toward his personal craft, he could hear the excited whispers start up behind him.

"That was him!"

"The Destroyer himself..."

"Did you see how he just—"

"Shhh! He'll hear you!"

Zarek allowed himself a small, inward sigh. His reputation always preceded him, looming larger than life. The Destroyer. The Empire's ultimate weapon. He sometimes wondered if anyone remembered that he was, underneath it all, just a man.

True, he was a man with extraordinary abilities. His power to generate and control destructive energy was unmatched in the known galaxy. Coupled with his mastery over dimensional manipulation—the ability to create spatial rifts for teleportation or redirecting attacks—he was a nearly unstoppable force on the battlefield.

But it wasn't just raw power that made Zarek the Empire's High Enforcer. It was his mind.

He reached his ship, a sleek black vessel that looked more like a bird of prey than a standard military craft. Custom-built to his exacting specifications, it was a reflection of its pilot: fast, lethal, and adaptable.

As he approached the boarding ramp, a gruff voice called out. "Took you long enough to get here, you old war dog."

Zarek turned to see a stocky, white-haired man in an admiral's uniform striding towards him. Despite the gruffness, there was a twinkle in the man's eyes.

"Marcus," Zarek greeted him, clasping the admiral's outstretched hand. "I didn't expect a personal send-off."

Admiral Marcus Thorn snorted. "What, and miss a chance to make sure you don't fly off half-cocked? Not likely." He jerked his thumb at the ship. "Walk with me a minute before you go charging into the unknown again."

The two men strolled along the length of the vessel, an odd pair—the towering, armored warrior and the stout, aging fleet commander. But there was an easy familiarity between them, born of decades of shared battles and hard-earned trust.

"I read the briefing on Thalios," Marcus said, his voice lowered. "Nasty business with those Sentinel machines. You sure about going in alone?"

Zarek's eyes narrowed slightly. "We both know a standard military force would just give the Sentinels more bodies to... repurpose."

The admiral winced. They'd both seen what the Sentinels did to organic life forms they captured. "Fair point. But I've got a battle group prepped and ready if you need backup. Just say the word."

"I appreciate that, old friend," Zarek said, genuine warmth coloring his tone. "But this mission requires a scalpel, not a hammer. I'll contact you if the situation changes."

Marcus grunted, seemingly satisfied. Then his craggy features softened a fraction. "Just... watch yourself out there, Zarek. You may be the biggest, baddest warrior in the Empire, but even you're not invincible."

Zarek clapped a hand on the admiral's shoulder. "I'll be back before you know it. Try not to start any wars while I'm gone."

"Hah!" Marcus barked a laugh. "That's your job, not mine."

With a final nod, Zarek ascended the ramp into his ship. The interior was sparse but meticulously organized, each piece of equipment precisely where he needed it to be. He settled into the pilot's seat, his gauntleted hands dancing over the controls.

The ship's engines hummed to life, a sound like a barely restrained growl. Zarek felt the familiar surge of anticipation. Despite his misgivings about the mission, there was always a part of him that craved the challenge, the test of his skills against a worthy opponent.

As the hangar bay doors slid open, revealing the star-flecked darkness of space, Zarek allowed his thoughts to drift back to the mission briefing with Empress Lyriana.

The throne room had been as opulent as ever, all soaring columns and shimmering banners. But Zarek had eyes only for the woman seated upon the Crystal Throne, her golden gaze as piercing as a hawk's.

"The situation on Thalios has deteriorated beyond acceptable parameters," Lyriana had said, her melodic voice belying the steel beneath. "What began as a minor rebellion has metastasized into a grave threat to Imperial security."

A holographic display sprang to life between them, showing the rust-red orb of Thalios. Data scrolled alongside the slowly rotating image—population statistics, resource yields, known rebel strongholds.

"Our initial response was... inadequate," the Empress continued, a faint note of irritation in her voice. "The planetary governor underestimated the rebels' determination. By the time reinforcements arrived, the insurgents had already made contact with the Sentinels of the Void."

Zarek had felt a chill run down his spine at those words. The Sentinels were the stuff of nightmares—a race of bio-mechanical horrors that consumed everything in their path, assimilating organic life and technology alike into their own twisted forms.

"The latest intelligence suggests that the Sentinels view Thalios as a potential beachhead," Lyriana went on. "If they establish a foothold there, no world in the sector will be safe. You understand what must be done."

It wasn't a question. Zarek inclined his head in acknowledgment. "Total pacification," he said quietly.

"Precisely." The Empress's eyes glittered. "You have full operational authority, High Enforcer. Whatever resources you require are at your disposal. But make no mistake—failure is not an option. The rebellion must be crushed, the Sentinel presence eradicated. By any means necessary."

Any means necessary. The words echoed in Zarek's mind as his ship cleared the hangar and accelerated away from the massive fleet orbiting Artec Prime. The Empire's capital world shrank behind him, a jewel set against the velvet backdrop of space.

He plotted a course for Thalios, his fingers moving with practiced ease across the nav-computer. The ship's AI confirmed the trajectory, and then the stars blurred into streaks of light as he engaged the faster-than-light drive.

Alone in the cocoon of his vessel, surrounded by the muted hum of its systems, Zarek allowed his carefully maintained facade to slip, just a little. The weight of yet another world's fate settled heavily on his armored shoulders.

He had been the Destroyer for so long. The Empire's ultimate problem-solver. When diplomacy failed, when military might proved insufficient, they sent in Zarek. And he always got results.

But at what cost?

The images came unbidden to his mind's eye: planets reduced to ash and rubble, civilizations snuffed out like candle flames. The corpses of rebels, terrorists, freedom fighters—labels changed, but the dead looked the same—littering unnamed battlefields across the stars.

Zarek closed his eyes, took a deep breath. This was not the time for doubt. He had a mission. He would complete it, as he always did. For the good of the Empire. For peace.

And yet...

A sharp beeping from the console snapped him back to the present. A message was coming through on a priority channel. Zarek frowned. He wasn't due to reach Thalios for another twelve hours. Who would be contacting him now?

He accepted the transmission. A familiar face materialized on the viewscreen—craggy features, white hair cut in military style. Admiral Thorn.

"Marcus?" Zarek said, surprise evident in his voice. "What's wrong?"

The admiral's expression was grim. "We've got a problem, old friend. A big one. I've just received word from our forward scouts near Thalios. The Sentinels... they're on the move. A lot of them."

Zarek leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "Define 'a lot.'"

"We're talking about a major fleet action, Zarek. Hundreds of ships, maybe more. And they're not headed for Thalios."

A cold knot formed in Zarek's stomach. "Where?"

Marcus took a deep breath. "They're coming straight for the Core Worlds. At their current speed, they'll hit the outer colonies in less than a week."

Silence filled the cabin for a long moment. Then Zarek spoke, his voice hard. "You're certain about this intel?"

"Verified by three independent sources," Marcus nodded. "This is the real thing, my friend. The Empress has already been briefed. She's calling an emergency war council."

Zarek's mind raced, analyzing the new information, discarding plans and forming new ones with lightning speed. "The Thalios mission..."

"Has just been upgraded," Marcus finished for him. "You're no longer just going in to mop up some rebels. You need to find out what the hell stirred up this Sentinel hornets' nest and shut it down. Fast."

"Understood." Zarek was already making adjustments to his nav-computer, plotting a more aggressive course to Thalios. "What about fleet deployments?"

The admiral grimaced. "We're mobilizing everything we've got, but you know how spread out we are. It'll take time to get our forces consolidated. Time we may not have."

"Then I'll just have to buy you some," Zarek said grimly. "Whatever's happening on Thalios, it's the key to all this. I'll find it, Marcus. And I'll end it."

"I know you will." There was iron certainty in the old sailor's voice. "Just remember what I said earlier. You're good, Zarek—the best I've ever seen. But even you have limits. Don't try to take on the whole damn Sentinel armada by yourself."

A ghost of a smile touched Zarek's lips. "Who, me? I'm just going to do a little recon. Maybe break a few things. I'll leave the big battles to you hero types."

Marcus snorted. "Right. Well, good hunting, you lone wolf maniac. Thorn out."

The viewscreen went dark. Zarek sat back in his chair, mind whirling with possibilities. The situation had escalated far beyond a simple rebellion. Now, the very fate of the Empire hung in the balance.

He thought of Thalios, that distant desert world. What secrets did it hold? What power had the rebels uncovered that could drive the Sentinels to such bold action?

And more pressingly, how was he going to stop it?

Zarek closed his eyes, reaching deep within himself. He felt the familiar stirring of his powers—the raw, seething energy of destruction thrumming just beneath the surface, and the cooler, more abstract sensation of his mastery over dimensional space.

He was one man. But he was also so much more.

Opening his eyes, Zarek stared out at the star-streaked viewscreen, his jaw set in determination. He might be called the Destroyer, but today—here and now—he would be the Empire's shield. Its sword. Its last, best hope.

The ship rocketed onward through the void, bearing its lone passenger toward destiny. And as distant Thalios grew ever nearer, Zarek made himself a solemn promise.

Whatever darkness awaited him on that world, whatever nightmares the Sentinels had in store, he would face them. He would fight them. And he would win.

Because he was Zarek, High Enforcer of the Empire. And he had never failed a mission yet.

The stars blurred past, cold and indifferent to the drama unfolding in their midst. But Zarek burned with inner fire, a flame that would not be quenched.

Thalios was waiting. And so was war.

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