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58.33% Marvel-Comics: Overgeared / Chapter 69: arriving at Arakkoa(chapter 69 HEHE)

Capítulo 69: arriving at Arakkoa(chapter 69 HEHE)

prevoiusly in chapter 68

"Huh, so she was called Pestilence. Guess that suits her. All of these options are great, especially the first one," Oliver remarked, a hint of admiration in his tone as he studied the arrow. "Now that I've given it an option, it no longer affects me," he noted with satisfaction, twirling the arrow in his hand before placing it securely away. "Well, it's definitely an infinite arrow," he grinned, pleased with his find as he stepped out of his shell home.

As he emerged, the foot soldiers were upon him, twenty of them sprinting towards him with weapons drawn. Oliver held Pestilence's arrow in one hand and the Eldritch Alloy in the other, ready for the impending skirmish. With a swift move, he dodged the swing of a soldier's halberd, immediately retaliating by jamming Pestilence's arrow into the soldier's neck.

The effect was swift and gruesome. The soldier began to convulse, writhing in agony as the deadly disease took hold, his body degenerating rapidly before finally succumbing to the affliction. "Oh, that is nasty," Oliver muttered to himself, his eyes narrowing as he parried a sword strike from another soldier with his Eldritch Alloy shield. The shield then transformed, spikes growing from its surface, impaling the soldier before Oliver swiftly moved on to the next.


Chapter 69

Though the soldiers were physically superior to ordinary humans, Oliver's Asgardian bloodline gave him a substantial advantage. With almost 30% of Asgardian heritage even without his hybrid form, he was several times stronger and more durable than the average human. Dispatching the soldiers was almost effortless for him, and he took his time, attempting to extract information from them. Unfortunately, they proved to be mindless under the influence of their commanders.

"Well, at least this is a new dimension. Time to get to work," Oliver remarked, his tone determined as he pulled out a random rock from this world called Amenth. Amenth was a dangerous world in another dimension, known for its endless hordes of daemons and primordial eldritch creatures. Finding a secluded spot away from the ongoing battle, Oliver set up his cauldron, now containing all five metals.

Entering his hybrid form, orange light pulsed from his abdomen, traveling up to his throat before he unleashed the most massive dragon breath he could muster. A stream of scorching fire shot into the crucible, heating the metals to extreme temperatures. This process continued for hours on end, Oliver's exhaustion mounting as he persisted in his task.

After four hours of continuous fiery breath, Oliver finally stopped, his chest heaving with exhaustion as he gazed at the crucible. The metals within glowed a brilliant gold, radiating intense heat. "Well, damn. Looks like improving my dragon bloodline increased my dragon's breath duration," he noted with a tired but satisfied smile, lowering himself to sit on the ground.

"Anyways, I should continue to superheat for a couple more days until they melt. Then I can cool it down and forge it, then do it again in different dimension over and over again" Oliver planned, his mind focused on the task ahead. With his enhanced healing factor, he quickly recovered from the fatigue, allowing him to resume the process of superheating the crucible. For the next ten days, Oliver repeated the cycle, taking breaks only to level up his skills.

On the tenth day, an exhausted Oliver gazed at his crucible, the metals within now a molten gold. The time and effort had finally paid off, and he was ready for the next step in creating his ultimate alloy.

"Well, my original plan was to travel to different dimensions to forge my ultimate alloy over time, but I should probably collect different materials from this world," Oliver decided, realizing the potential of Amenth's resources. The dimension stretched vast before him, a dark, rocky mountain looming ahead. From its depths emerged an abomination of a creature, standing a towering 40 meters tall and wreathed in flames. However, Oliver was well-prepared, clad in his improved Draconic Armor and wielding the Marrow Devourer sword.

[ Name: Sovereign Armor ]

[ Grade: Blue (Peak) ]

[ Description: Crafted from rare materials mined in the treacherous depths of a dark cave in the savage lands, this full-body armor is a masterpiece of enchantment and craftsmanship. Each piece, including a helm, chestplate, chausses, solleret, and gauntlet, is meticulously forged from a flawless wooden model and infused with a drop of fully grown red Asgardian dragon blood. The result is an otherworldly ensemble that exudes both elegance and raw power, providing its wearer with unparalleled protection and formidable magical abilities. ]

[ Option 1: Eternal Ember Enchantment - Grants 100% extra damage reduction from fire-based attacks and a 100% extra chance to deal fire damage to opponents after receiving an attack (Rank: D) (Passive) ]

[ Option 2: Arcane Resilience - Enhances the armor's magical shielding, providing an extra chance of deflecting 100% of incoming magical attacks and physical attacks. It also provides a +100% boost to overall user health regeneration (Rank: D) (Passive) ]

[ Option 3: Draconic Aura - Surrounds the wearer in an aura of dragon energy, increasing physical strength and agility by an extra 100%. It grants a 100% extra chance to unleash a devastating dragon breath attack when struck in close combat. (Rank: D) (Active) ]

[ Durability: 79% ]

The passive options of the armor allowed Oliver to withstand the creature's attacks effortlessly. With every blow it landed on him, the same damage was dealt back to it, and the additional damage deflected only increased Oliver's health regeneration. He stood there, almost casually, wielding the Marrow Devourer sword as the eldritch abomination inadvertently inflicted harm upon itself with each strike.

[ Name: Marrow Devourer ]

[ Grade: Purple (Peak) ]

[ Description: Forged from the twisted bone of an ancient Eldritch Marrow God, this short sword is a relic of unimaginable power. It hungers for the essence of its foes, growing in size and strength to become an unstoppable force. The blade, unable to be sharpened by conventional means, has nevertheless been wielded by its creator to slay many demons. ]

[ Option 1: Abyssal Devourer - Upon slaying a foe, the sword devours their essence, increasing its sharpness. Piercing damage is enhanced by 100% for each kill (kills: 409) (Rank: D) (Passive) ]

[ Option 2: Spectral Vanquisher - has a 100% extra chance to Unleash a wave of spectral energy every successful strike, bypassing defenses and dealing 100% extra damage to ethereal or magical beings (Rank: D) (Passive) ]

[ Option 3: Eldritch Fury - Unleashes the sword's inner rage, granting the wielder a temporary 100% increase in attack speed and damage for 20 minutes. 0/3(Rank: D) (Active) ]

[ Durability: 98% ]

"God, I love this. This is unfair," Oliver chuckled to himself as the eldritch creature fell under the might of his armor and sword. With swift efficiency, he extracted everything of value from the creature – its blood, organs, and any other materials that seemed valuable. After collecting all he could, Oliver let out a sigh, his mind already contemplating the next step.

"Well, this armor is overpowered, but its durability leaves much to be desired. Maybe I should create a stronger version of it," he pondered, noting that it was nearing its limit with only C-ranked options remaining. Despite this, he continued his hunt, using the compass to seek out interesting materials in the dark and dangerous realm of Amenth.

After days of battles with eldritch monsters and gathering valuable resources, Oliver finally felt satisfied. It was time to depart this dimension, his mind already shifting to the next world he would explore.

"Well, let's hope this one is more sunny," Oliver thought to himself as he activated the chrono nexus, stepping into the swirling portal. In an instant, he found himself inside what appeared to be an arena, surrounded by thousands of spectators eagerly watching a fierce match. Two figures were hurtling towards each other at breakneck speed when Oliver materialized between them, catching both off guard. The figures, one with grey mud-like skin and flappy elephantine ears, and the other a mutant in a tight red costume, were about to collide when Oliver's hybrid form intervened.

As the two figures' fists collided against Oliver's hybrid form, he effortlessly caught them both, bringing their powerful momentum to a dead stop. However, to his surprise, the hand that caught the humanoid with grey skin started to grow exponentially, tumours spreading rapidly. Oliver's healing factor quickly countered the aberration, returning his hand to normal. Meanwhile, the mutant in the red costume, known as Vulcan, with bright orange-glowing eyes and hands, attempted to unleash an attack. Before he could, Oliver sent him flying with a powerful swing, crashing into the arena walls.


A/N: For those 616 fans—specifically, the super fans—you would recognize who they are and where he is from based on the title (hehe). And yes, in the next chapter, Oliver is going to go up against both of them, aided by an item I have been teasing since he went after the vibranium. But for now, we have a poll to vote on.

A: the current chapter i am writing oliver already starting his alchemy journey.

[ Name: Ancient Tree Garden Bed ]

[ Grade: Purple ]

[ Description: Crafted from the trunk of a colossal ancient tree in Vanaheim, and filled with soil from the deepest part of the largest forest, this garden bed embodies the essence of nature's magic. ]

[ Option 1: +100% Chance of Growing Magical Plants (Rank: D) (Passive) ]

[ Option 2: Plant Alchemy: When a specific liquid is added, this garden bed can alter the properties of a plant grown within it, enhancing its magical or medicinal properties. (Rank: D) (Passive) ]

[ Option 3: Accelerated Growth: Plants nurtured within this garden bed grow at 100% their normal rate, flourishing with vitality and strength. (Rank: D) (Passive) ]

[ Durability: 100% ]


[ Name: Millennia Ice Key ]

[ Grade: Purple (Peak) ]

[ Description: Crafted from ancient ice that has endured millennia, this key is a marvel of craftsmanship. Its core is reinforced with secondary adamantium, ensuring unparalleled durability. ]

[ Option: Icebane Aura: While held, the key emits a magical aura that grants the user immunity to ice-based powers. This passive ability serves as a safeguard against manipulation by ice-based magic. (Rank: D) (Passive) ]

[ Option: Glacial Embodiment: Holding this key bestows upon the user the form of an ice being, enhancing their strength, speed, durability, and granting regeneration from harm. However, this form is susceptible to fire-based attacks. (Passive) ]

[ Option: Cryomancy Mastery: The wielder of this key gains mastery over ice, enabling them to shape and control ice at will, bending it to their desires. This passive ability grants the user unparalleled control over frozen elements. (Rank: D) (Passive) ]

[ Durability: 100% ]

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