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3.7% MARVEL:BEYOND THE INFINITY / Chapter 1: Prologue


Autor: Animelover07

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Prologue

Hello everyone, my name is Kaito Haimura, 25 years old male who is working as a local Physical Education teacher at Tokyo High school.

My family lives in Osaka in a bungalow that I and my younger bought for them to repay them for raising us to become a successful person.

Ken Haimura, my father who works as a construction worker where he will go home while has that tired expression on his face but even though he is tired from working at the construction, he will accompany my brother and me when we study until midnight. He keeps doing this job until I become a teacher where I ask him to stop and jist stay at home but you know how a stubborn old man is, he keeps doing the job and quit after me and my younger brother ask him for a while straight year.

My mother, Haruka Haimura is a housewife and sometimes gain money by washing the neighbour cloth and clean their house every day and even though I insist to help her, he will let me only when she needs extra help.

My younger brother, Kenji Haimura is a successful accountant as he is smarter than me and the only thing he lacks is his physical. Our relatives keep comparing me which almost made me a lot my tempers since unlike my brother who has a good looking and from the outside people view, a polite and kind young man, I look like an ordinary young man with my temper is very short since I will always fight with other who insult me and my younger brother.

The bungalow that we bought for our parent in Osaka is huge and has a maid that my younger brother hired.

Timepass as my younger brother suddenly announced that he wants to marry the maid who is named Mami Yuuki.

Like his older brother, I congratulated him and give him a sports car as their wedding gift.

The wedding day came as all my relatives congratulated him as I just keep smiling even though I had to endure the mocking of my relatives who said that my younger brother is more successful than me which make me want to punch my uncle but my father hold me back.

"Save your punch. It did not have to be wasted by hitting trash." My father said to me which only make my uncle, who is his older brother mad.

I already knew my uncle is jealous of my father and my family since his son is caught as a drug dealer even though he brags to my family that his only son is a successful businessman.

2 years passed when one day, an incident happen which make my life upside down.

I remember I arrived at my parent bungalow and open the door only to see Mami, that which slap my mother on her cheek making me lose my temper and push her aside as her head hit the corner of the table.

But at the same, it happens my younger brother witness this as he glares at me and punches me very hard breaking my nose.

Since that day, I and my younger brother did not talk anymore as every time we met, he will insult me calling me "low class" with me almost punches his face.

I meanwhile mow start to dislike his wife, Mami as I now knew that she start tk get more aggressive with my parent as my father secretly tell me that Mami did not do any work and leaves cooking with cleaning the visits to my mother after she became my younger brother wife.

Telling my younger brother is pointless so I plant a hidden camera which records all Mami's doing which I saved it on my laptop until one day, I see Mami steal the gold bracket of my mother, the one which worth millions according to my mother.

The more I watch the videos, the more I notice how Mami act rudely towards my parent until she starts to insult my dad by calling him a useless old man.

So with anger feeling bubbling in my mind, I go straight to Osaka and call my younger brother to come back home right now.

Showing him all of the videos of Mami's action toward our parent, he still did not believe me and call me a liar.

"Just admit that you are jealous of me Nii-san. I am richer and more successful than you. In the past, I admire you but now you disgust me. My Mami-chan will not do those actions with these fake videos that you showed to me." He says as my eyes notice the ugly smirk of Mami as she just jerks out her tongue to me.

I close my eyes as I remember the memories of me and Kenji plays together as we promised we will be the brothers that will not fight and support each other.

"Have you forgotten Kenji? I am the one who gives you money when you lack the money to buy your necessary things for your study? I had to endure the hunger as I give all my salary to you for 2 months. We are brothers and has the same blood but you still did not believe me. " Releasing a sigh as I look straight at my younger brother eyes.

All these past years feeling of anger and contempt while being mock by him made me realise how my younger brother change.

From a polite and kind younger brother I knew, he starts to become a cocky person was now he will mock everyone who is not at the same level as him, which is me.

"Fine then. From now on, I am not your brother anymore. You love and trust your wife so much, right? Okay. Go ahead but you must remember when you did not have anyone and is in pinch, do not come to find for me." I said to him.

"Hmmp. Like I need help from a trash older brother." He says as I walk out from the bungalow as my parent follows me outside.

"Kai, are you serious when you say those words?" My father asks me as I look at him.

"Yes, father. If you need any help or want to move in with me, just call me okay?" I say to him as he nods his head.

"Call us every time okay and visit us when you have free time. I know that you are very mad at your brother and his wife but still, you guys are brothers and my sons that I treasured."

Years passed as my parent died peacefully as they buried at my old home, Okinawa. It was the saddest moment of my life but life just goes on as now I have become the Principal of Tokyo Highschool but is still single.

As for my younger brother, well he has a cancer

Guess my ordinary appearance still did not charm any females which made me wonder if I am born to be a bachelor for the entire of my life.

I had an idea of adopting a daughter or a son as my age increases as the year's pass.

Getting into my car, I drive back to my apartment building where my room is located at the highest building.

As I park at the parking lot, I notice a figure approaches my car as I step out of the car.

"Kenji," I mutter as the figure is indeed my younger brother who now looks like a corpse but then he dashes to me as I was caught off guard as I feel of being stabbed on my right wrist.

"Kenji. It is me, your older brother, Kaito." I said to him but he ignores my words as he made a motion to stab my heart but I slap his knife away and immediately jab his face much time as he fell to the floor as I step his body.

"What happens to you Kenji?" I ask him as he starts to tell me what happens.

Mami stole all of his money not leaving a single cent as his account career end when he started to do his job properly due to Mami keeps pressuring him to give her more money.

As his life starts to become worse, he starts to visit the bar and drink many alcoholic drinks to the point he becomes drunk with him picking a fight with the bartender which end with him get a kick out of the bar.

As he starts to walk around the city, he sees Mami with another man which made him chase after her and choke her to death.

The man meanwhile ran away which made him roar angrily as he chases after the man and kills the man with a hidden knife he always carries in his pocket as a mean to protect himself.

"How could you do that Kenji?! Our parent will be disappointed in your actions." I said to him.

"But they already died. Everyone left me but there is still you. You know, why I am jealous of you? Because they paid more of their attention to you. Even though I am smarter and richer than you." He says to me making me feel pity towards him.

"You fool. Every parent treated their children with fair. Our parent loves us with all their heart and cared for us very much. I also care for you even though you insult me every time but still no matter how many time you insult me, I will always for you little brother." I say to him as I hold my hand out towards him but then he pulls me with him stab my heart as I wince in pain.

"Serves you right trash. Do not worry, all your money now belong to me." He says to me as my body told beside him.

"Now he has done it." Using all my last strength, I pull out the knife from my heart with me shot my body forward as I stab his heart.

He keeps punching me.

"No!No! I did not want to die. No." He shouts but he fell to the ground as he starts to cough out blood.

My vision started to fade as my eyes close.

"Father, mother, I am going to meet you." That is my final thought as my life ended there.


As my eyes open, I see myself in a room that I do not recognise as I start to panic.

"Where am I?" I mutter as I start to check the surrounding only to feel relief seeing I am still in a not so foreign room as I notice books that did not have Kanji on them.

And why this room is so messy?Geez. Look at all these clothes and why did I smell blood here?

"Perhaps I got transmigrated into whoever this body is like the fanfiction I once read from my past life," I mutter as my mind then got assaulted with memories that belong to the previous owner of "this " body.

Until a sudden rush of memories enter my head as my eyes roll back as I fell unconscious but the last thing I remember is a name that I am very familiar with.

"Peter Parker."


"Life sucks." Peter Parker, the world-renown spider-themed hero as everyone has him Spider-man, a divorced man, a former member of Avengers, Fantastic Four, Defender and lastly a disgraced and betrayed hero, as his life has turned upside down due to a single man named Doctor Octopus.

The villain used his body freely and makes things make for better and worse, which make him face the current condition where everyone he calls friends, did not want to meet him anymore and turned their back on him.

"Damn it, it always me," Peter said as he remembers how he once died, trade his daughter live to Mephisto to let his Aunt May lives and yet none of those never matters to his comrade heroes after they shunned him out.

No more him hanging out with Avengers who is the world greatest hero and yet fight against each other with Iron Man, who once his idol is now the person he hated the most right now.

Fantastic Four who treated him as a family also gives him a cold shoulder. Even Johnny, his best friend gives the same treatment toward him despite him in already helped them so many times.

X-Men is the same even though he made many friends with the mutants. No more him hanging out with Bobby and make some lame jokes toward Logan.

"Fuck them." He finally cursed with venom in his tone as he finally succumbed to the feeling of anguish and anger toward them.

"Fuck Mephisto." He once again cursed the demon who always toy with his life, even though he wants to kill him but with his current condition, he will never have the chance to do it.

"And fuck this goddamn universe. It can go destroy, turn into dust or this planet become a breakfast for Galactus. " He cursed as his breathing now become haggard as he stares at the ceiling, in a crappy apartment he found as he with his bag full of cloth, not that he need them but still he carries it as he deemed this place shall be the place for him to die, an end to Spiderman.

Usually, when someone knows he is about to die, he or she will call someone but for Peter, he did not even have his phone as he destroyed it by smashing toward the ground and he did not even have money right now, and his credit card, well he never bothers to check if it still has money or not.

As for New York that he takes care of so much that his body almost torn apart when he fights against Sinister Six, Norman Osborn and Morlun, Miles Morales, the newest Spider themed superhero already did a good job taking care of it with other spider-themed superheroes and his clones already fit in well in the society.

Despite them never take their damn time to visit him, the original and first Spiderman.

"With great power come great responsibility. That is what Uncle Ben said to me." Peter Parker said as his vision start to fade with him currently trying his best to stay awake due to a tumour that keeps hurting his head.

Well, he already decides he will say his goodbye to this world and Mephisto can go damn to his Hell.

"Have I lived up to your expectations Uncle Ben?" He asks as then he begins to violently cough with his head hurt him so bad that he feels like his head is being torn apart.


"Fuck this life. Well, Earth, I am going to go and I did not want you to miss me with my fabulous jokes. So, I hope this world still stand barely good when someday I get resurrected or brought alive. " He said as he grabs something from his bag.

A knife, a rusted one, that he found in the trash, just beside this abandoned building. Befitting for him who already has his body hurt, slash and shot in his entire hero career.

In the last moment, Peter remembers how his life goes on, his love life that he will forget considering how his Parker luck is so bad in that matter. His amazing moment and his saddest moment, all of them start to remember him as he points the knife toward his heart.

"Well, really hope that my healing factor did not kick in this time. Sayonara, you damn shit Earth." He stabs his heart deeply making sure it get torn to make him truly die.

As his vision goes black, his body lay on the ground with blood starting to cover his cloth, which ironically his Spider-man hero attire as he did not even smile, just accepting he already died by committing suicide.

And end to one of the world greatest hero.

"Hmm. Poor you Spidey." A bright ball appears as it then shines revealing an old man who wears glasses with him looking at Spiderman with the look of pity and sadness.

"You are not supposed to die but then again, with the current condition of your, you committing suicide is not a surprise. For me, you are the world greatest superhero to ever exist." He said as he closed his eyes, mourning for the hero who committed suicide as he opens his eyes with them shined for a second.

"The totem, I can destroy it. Even this universe. But no, that will clash against rules." He then looks at the hero.

"In his last moment, he cursed this universe, heroes and planet. If only I can grant him powers to make him pay for all his suffering that caused by them even for one day, that surely will make him label that day as the greatest day.

But I cannot interfere in this kind of matter. But then again, some of the heroes living being already resurrect someone who is killed and manipulate reality as much as they want.

Maybe I too should do it. The consequences can be damned." His eyes shined as it enveloped everything to light.



"Damn. This. I." I cannot find the words as I now know this body belongs to Spider-man after all the shits he has done through with him committing suicide.

But why am I chosen?

I do not understand. But maybe, because I am just lucky to get pick by that ROB to inhabit this body, which did not go unnoticed by YOU-KNOW-WHO.

"I need to get out of this place." I stand up albeit my leg feels wobbly as I then noticed I am wearing Spider-man's hero attire which is the classic blue and red one.

"Wait. Since I inhabit his body, does that mean I will get his tumour? His powers too?" I decided to see if I can stick to the wall as I make my pain touch the wall to see if I can stick.

But it did not as I retract back my fist making me confused as I then jump with me touch the wall with my palm but they did not get stick to the wall as I fell on the ground with my bitt making me groan in pain.

"Do not tell me when Peter die, his power also goes with him too? Damn it, then how I am supposed to survive in this world. I am the world greatest hero for fuck sake." I punch the floor which only makes me wince in pain.

"I need to go get some outside air. But still hearing the Spider-man curse this world and the heroes, really surprise me there. But then again, if I was him, I will be the same and maybe

find ways to kill them. But now, my body is completely normal." I stumbled against a mirror that makes me see my face as I notice how it has become a little bit different.

"This style of hair. I swear I have seen it somewhere. And my eyes are green." I rub my face with my right hand.

Never I know, if I used my left hand, I will find my "cheat" and golden finger in this forsaken world.


"Damn, Spider-Man reputation sucks and what is with the Ultimate Spider-Man. Wait, Miles Morales, that is him. And Peter is his mentor but that kid never bothers to visit him. A prick indeed." I commented she throw away the newspaper in my hand while taking note of how this world goes.

After all, this is the comic version, not the MCU, so yeah, I am screwed if some villains who know Peter Parker's identity as The Amazing Spider-Man sees me right now.

"But still, World War Hulk did not happen yet and it seems the event in this world did not follow like in the comics. And some of the Avengers appearances is not the MCU version. Damn it, why the heck I am not like that Dial? This is no time for me to curse my luck. Or should I say, Parker's luck it is?

My wallet is still there so I did not have to worry about my ID in this world though getting a job will be hard since Tony Stark is an arrogant motherfucker who thought he can do anything he does just because he is the smartest son of bitch in this world. " I cursed while the sudden feeling of anger makes me want to lash out but I take a deep breath.

"Damn, me getting angry easily like that, is Peter's remnant soul is in my body. If he does, I hope I will be able to meet him and say I will try my best to get revenge for him. If I have his intelligence. On second thought, I think I am not since even though this is Peter Parker's body, it has been made to become like my normal human body which is not great. I mean unless I drink a serum that makes you goes toe to toe with the Hulk." I thought in my head while I am trying my hardest to think if I had any mean to search for a place to live in. The previous spot is not good since that place is smell and reek of the smell of my blood.

"Shit. It seems the park is my option for me to sleep for this night." I lament my current situation as I am a homeless person right now.

Not a great start in a new life but life must go on as I am walking while cooling in my surrounding. It seems I am in Manhattan which is not near Avengers Towers and I have by no mean to go there.

"Well, I guess new life still the new normal person like in my previous life," I said as I am about to take a left turn.

But as if the universe decides to joke with me, a limousine, crash into a jewellery store as it is burning with me fell on my butt as I see the back tyres have bullet marks as an oil leak from behind the car, with the back bumper of the vehicles has disappeared, or should I say destroyed, based on the current appearance of it which make me wonder if this limousine has someone so important.

But then I take notice of 3 SUV Bac cars which stop in front of it with many men, who look like agents from the agent's movie.

"Hurry. Protect the First Daughter." One, an old man who I admit look a bit like Gerard Biter shouted toward the other agents.

"And get the fuck civilians out of here fast!" He once again barks as then the sound of a helicopter appears as I see 3 helicopters who already released shots in their direction.

"Take cover! Prioritise First Daughter." Gerard, I am calling him that shouted as I see from the limousin, a girl being escorted by2 agents as I, as much want to help but with no Spidey's powers, I am useless in this kind of situation.

I go into an alley but then I notice a squad of armed men wearing skull masks that make me quickly hide beside the trashbin with 5 agents who appears beside me released shots.

"Sir. Come on. You need to get out of here." One said while I feel glad he did not ask me about my attire right now but something so gore happened.


Beats pierced through all the agents like the one who guides me to follow him to somewhere safe push me as many bullets hit his body as some of his good hit my attire as I gasp in horror seeing this agent, has just rescueed my life.

"" He mutters as I get tears swelled up seeing him just rescued me.

I never met this kind of situation but my instinct somehow force me to quickly run away bas I stumble as the sound of footsteps can be heard approaching me.

"Need to find somewhere safe." I thought in my head as I am now panicking until the sound of a gun being shot many times as this place has turned into a battlefield.

"Crap. Crap." I push open the door of a bakery only for it to get a lock as I turn behind only to see one-armed man released a shot toward me but I quickly jumped to my left avoiding it as I am trying to find out how I am going to beat this guy as I go behind the car despite many bullets almost hit me.

"Shit. Wait a minute. Web shooters." I look at my right and sees it, I press it only to find out it did not shoot a web at all making me to look at my left wrist but I noticed how my left wrist did not contain a web shooter, as there is something in my left wrist skin.

I hurriedly take off my left gloves only to see something that is supposed to not exist here. No, rather it exists but in another universe belong to a certain teen hero.

"Why does Ultimatrix is here?" I mutter but I then shake off my thought as I see the armed man is a few feet away from me as I can feel my goosebumps has risen with the feeling of death slowly creep me.

"No time to check out if it is real or not. My life is at stake here. And obviously, this is the real deal, I mean, no one in this Marvel universe knows about it or make a cartoon series about it." I grabbed the dial and twisted the face of it. The triangles opened up and I felt a little shock as I saw the watch lit up. An image floated above it, a small hologram of what looked to be a certain magma alien, as the armed man released shots as I rotate the dial and then smack onto the dial.

A green flash occurs from the device as it then envelops me as my skin turn red with me grows taller, where I who is 1.78 m has grown to 12 feet tall. A pair of extra arms appear as they are bigger and pack with muscles with another pair of eyes appear as my eyes turned into green eyes.

My body now has black marked in the middle of my forehead with a beard and also on my chin as I am now wearing a black sleeveless shirt and white long pant. The Ultimatrix symbol meanwhile is on my chest.

"Four Arms!" I shouted with a proud and excited tone as my body have bullets hit me but none of them hurt me. It feels like raindrops hit me.

"Rarghh." I rush to him and delivers a straight punch to his stomach that makes him crash into a car as I then leap toward a group of 5 armed men.

My landing shakes the ground a little bit I spin my body letting all four of my arms hit all the armed men, sound bones cracking but I never seem to bother them, after all, they seem to adamant to kill someone and one of them almost kill me, so this is a time for some payback.

"Come here, you bastards. Let's see if you have enough arms to take me on." I shouted at the armed men as I pick up a car, then throw it toward a sniper who avoided it with the other sniper at the east released shot but the bullet only makes me feel ticklish on my neck as I then crouch down.

"Here we go!" I leap toward the sniper who keeps shooting at me but all of them are useless as he then takes out a grenade and throws it at me just in time I land in front of him as it exploded, as many fragments of blade fly toward me as I cross my arms, rush through all the blades as they all bounced off from me.

Many bullets hit my face again making me feel annoyed as I grab the sniper's face, and smash it to the floor making the floor crack, at the size of his head.

Leaping toward another building, I see the sniper already flee by using the helicopter, which now has shot a missile toward me as I hardened my eyes, waiting for it to approach me.

Few distances from hitting me, both my upper right hands catch it as it makes me fly backwards for a second.

"Harghh!" I forcefully change the direction of the missile, as I turn it backwards with me fly back toward the helicopter who try to avoid it but I let go of the missile, as I clap all my four hands, creating a shockwave that makes the missile has a sudden speed boost that makes it goes faster than before as it hit the helicopter, killing all the occupants.

My heart turns cold and feels disgusted seeing this action of mine, but I hold my urge to vomit as I land on the ground by punching it making the ground around me crack as the armed men lose their balance, with me quickly knock them out by punching all of them.

"Protect her!" A familiar shout can be heard on my right as I see many of these agents shields a female behind them as I see a one-armed man who is different from the others as his mask has 2 horn, resembling a devil. And on his hand is a bazooka, that he is about to shoot.

"I need to act fast." Spotting a scooter on my left, I grasp it as I then throw it with all my might toward the bazooka wielder, who is caught off guard as it hit the bazooka he hold and his face as his head has a snapping sound that I wince hearing that.

But as the bazooka fall, a rocket is still being launched toward them as all my eyes widened with me leap toward them, by putting all my strength into my leaping as my body flies toward the missiles.

"Shit. This is going to be hurt if I use my human body as a shield." I thought in my head as my body already in front of these agents as the rocket hit my body.

It exploded upon hitting my body as I feel like being hit by a football that is being launched by a football launcher machine, as I wince in pain for a second as I crash to the ground as my body drag the ground.

"That is close," I commented as I see all the armed men, have already been defeated.

"Huh?Not bad for my first action." I thought in my head as I turn behind only to see the looks of agents and the female which consist of fear, awed and surprised.

Yup, I need to tell jokes at this moment to cut this tension.

"So, you guys alright. Oh, I am a kind of alien. I did not mean any harm to you guys. Anybody up for some smoothies, I am thirsty unless you guys want to for around at the local bar. " I said to them as the only response is silence making me know I just tell the lame joke as no laughter sounded.

And they all now are pointing their guns at me instead right now.

Hahaha. I should not tell them that lame joke, right?

Animelover07 Animelover07

So yeah, this is due to Gotham Webbed Warrior, a fabulous story made by HandAssasinSpiderman, a great story which updated once in a while but I liked the story so much and intend to do it but in my style.

The reasons I chose Ultimatrix and he did not become Spider-man will be explained in the next chapter.

Like it? Add to the library!

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