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26.31% Marvel: Abysmal Spider-Man / Chapter 14: Hulk vs Abomination Part 2

Capítulo 14: Hulk vs Abomination Part 2

(October 2011-12:25 pm)

-Harlem New York-

*Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang!*

The streets shook with each strike.

Hulk barraged the abomination with hit after hit, never letting him have time to retaliate. Using his makeshift boxing gloves, each made from one end of the police car. Battering into the Abomination's tough hide.


The abomination attempted to retaliate, but a swift stomp to the side of his head distracted him, Peter used it to propel himself into the air, spinning in the air; utilizing his blood blades to slash him on his back.

{Imagine breaker: Passive}


The unique blood blade was sharp enough to slice through his tough skin, but no more than that as he was already healing; flesh knitting back into place, but it was slow, strangely slower than it should have healed.

"Grawr…" The Abomination grunted, turning to attack the annoyance.


Hulk didn't give him that chance, he brutally clobbered him with a hey-maker, smashing the front end of the car into his face, allowing Peter to slip away.

He attacked with the ferocity of a beast unleashed, one hit after the other.

*Bang! Thwack! Bang! Bang!*

Their make-shift teamwork was well suited for their current predicament, Hulk would beat Abomination in a frontal assault, hit for hit, and when Abomination had a chance to retaliate Peter would hop in with an attack of his own.

The Abomination was caught in a whirlwind of strikes and abuse he could not defend against. He was gonna lose this fight if nothing changed, that fear he refused to accept was slowly slipping into his thoughts.

'Just have to grab that little bug!' Abomination defended as best he could against the onslaught Peter and Hulk were dishing out.

Hulk beat Abomination into the ground until the car in his fists were nothing more than scraps, squeezed into a metal ball, and used until Hulk was left with only his fists.

Hulk grabbed his throat and held him in place before punching him in the face, but his attacks were weaker than he anticipated.

*Thwack!… Grab!*

Abomination took the chance to counter, grabbing Hulk's fist, and stabbing his bone-spiked elbow harshly into the arm Hulk used to grab his throat.


"Graar," Hulk growled, flinching in pain. He grabbed at the abomination muscular forearm with his own, the spiked elbow being painfully embedded in his arm.

Abomination bashed his head into the Hulks disorienting him, and quickly brought his fist back for a follow-up punch, only grunting in frustration when he couldn't move it at all.

"Arg!" he growled, irritated at his hand being stopped in place by an invisible force, he pulled at the force harshly, and to his delight and surprise, Peter was pulled for his position; motivated he pulled even harder, throwing Peter violently through cars on streets.

*Bang! Bang! Crack! Smash!*

Peter tried to manifest more bandages, attempting to wrap himself in a cocoon before anything could hurt him, but that didn't stop him from smashing through cars and then into a nearby building that crumbled on him, trapping him beneath large chunks of debris.

Hulk sought this opportunity to dislodge the spiked arm.

Snapping a piece of the bone free, his wound rapidly healed, pushing the piece out.


But before Hulk could make any moves, Abomination grabbed the healing arm, pulling Hulk in, viscously smashing his head into the Hulk, disorienting him. He followed through with a few more punches, hitting the Hulk with a barrage of punches before picking

Hulk met Abomination with his own attacks, clenching his blooded fists, anger fueled his attacks as the two behemoths beat each other with careless disregard, with Peter no longer supporting him, Abomination punched him with the extreme skill and precision of a British commando.


"That's it!" Abomination coughed out as he was sent flying across the road, rejoiced in their mindless violence, both he and the Hulk punching each other in their chest, the last hit left a visible shock-wave in its wake, sending them both fighters flying in opposite directions, crashed in the many shops by the sidewalk.

Both fighters rushed out of the rubble, all but ready to beat the ever-loving shit out of each other, matching each other blow for blow.


Both fighters clashed with fists and flesh. Crashing recklessly into buildings, breaking them like tearing through paper.

Hulk's self-control was diminishing the longer the fight went on, Banner's little voice, the one that whispered self-control and caution was going quiet, drowned out by the Hulk's growing anger and the urge to pummel his enemy into the ground.

"ROOOAAAAA!" Hulk Snarled at Abomination who returned the snarl with his own as they met at a stalemate.

Both his fists clasped in his enemies and his enemy's fists in his.

Both bleeding and bruised, eying each other with murderous intent, Pushing with their strength against each other.

Both pushed against each other with all their strength, shaking the streets beneath them, with a rumble and a quake, the road and pavement had a noticeable creeping crack that crawled between them forming a wide gash between the street as it separated, pieces of the road falling into the sewers below as the two super-powered forces pushed against each other in a contest of strength.

"Your weak Banner, All this power!" Abomination grunted at him, rearing his head back and bashing it into his nose, creaking it with a resounding creak.

Hulk flinched back his hand flailing to balance himself as a misstep caused by the gash in the street caused him to stumble, grating abomination to slip in a few harsh hits, pummeling with the skill and efficiency suited to that of a British commando.

"And yet" He dodged Hulk's attack, attacking him with a few well-placed body shots.

He was finally becoming more attuned to his new body, feeling his every muscle contract and release, each action becoming more efficient, rid of wasted movement, controlled, defined as years of muscle memory and experience took over.

"So little" He twisted around the Hulk's attempts to hit him before swiftly delivering a powerful right hook that left Hulk disoriented.

Abominations think yellow lips curled up into a wicked grin as he systematically beat down the Hulk.

"Control" He followed through with another.

A strong kick sent the Hulk flying into the walls of another building, smashing and destroying its foundation.

Abomination grabbed the Hulk by the throat, smashing his head into the wall once more.

"That makes you weak, A mindless fucking beast" he grunted, turning the hulk and then driving his spiked elbow into his chest.

"GRar!…Grrr…Huff…Huff" The Hulk struggled against his strength as the spiked bone was driven painfully slow into his chest.

Hulk pushed against it, grabbing the spiked forearm and attempting to force it out.

"You don't deserve this power!" He spat, his tone laced with disdain, staring down at the Hulk.

"You don't deserve this strength" He pushed harder, driving his spike deeper into the wound.

"AAaahhhhh!" A frightful scream distracted them both.

"Betty! No!" A deep aged voice followed.

The two brutes followed the sound to see a Betty Ross Dangling from the edge of a crumbling building caused by a trench in the streets, the creaks creasing up the building, her father with his man desperately attempting to pull her up as pieces of the building fell to the streets below.

"Oh, I see, maybe I should go over there and lend them a hand" Abomination teased, his grin stretched out showings his sharp jagged teeth.

Hulk's mind went through a mile a minute seeing the one person he cared for, both him and Banner in danger. Banner's voice shouted out from within Hulk's mind, only to fade as fast as it came.

RAGE bled into him faster than Banner's whispers could.

Banner was the cautious one who solved his way through their problems with complex thoughts, planning, and preparation.

"NOOOO!" Hulk howled, shocking Abomination with both his voice and his strength, prying the Abomination's spiked elbow out with a violent pull, holding both his arms up, pushing against a confused Abomination as both his hands shook in their struggle.

Banner was the clever one, Hulk knew that, but this was not that kind of problem, thoughts weren't needed here, plans, caution, preparation, none of it was required for this problem.

Before the Abomination could take action, pain flooded his ankles.

"Gah!" He grunted, flinching in pain as he fell to a knee.

A silhouette zipped past Abomination leaving a deep cut where his Achilles tendon was before latching on his back, the figure grabbed on and then bit into his neck.

Peter having busted his way out of the debris was acting on instinct. He was injured and to heal himself, he needed blood.

"You little! GraaaaAAH!" Abomination wailed in pain.

Hulk broke the bones in his forearm with renewed strength, before delivering a hay-maker into his face.

A couple of his teeth broke loose, with blood and spit, Peter sapping at his strength wasn't doing the Abomination any favors as Peter's blood blades liquefied then solidified and barbed spikes, wrapping themselves around his neck and face, a few digging into his left eye, palatially blinding him.

Two crimson appendages shot out of the base of Peter's back, stabbing into the Abominations calf making it all the more painful when Hulk punched him in the face.

Peter flipped off him, wiping the blood from his face before swiftly shooting off in the direction of the crumbling building with the struggling general and his daughter.

"Leave them to me, big guy, you smash" was all Hulk heard as the teen dashed pass him with a wink, the message was clear.

Hulk could trust the puny boy with this based on past experience as he looked back at Abomination, grinding his teeth with clenched fists.


Hulk grunted at the kneeling Abomination momentarily stuck in a pain-induced trance, the familiar feeling of rage boiling in him, Banners whispers seeping into his thoughts, his worry for his love, his fear for his own strength, his constant nagging for control and caution, all of this was just PISSING HULK OFF!

A vicious right hook shook Abomination, out of his trance, rocking every fiber of his being.

Abomination thought of Banner and the Hulk were the same being, that Banner was the Hulk and the Hulk was Bruce Banner.

How wrong he was.

They were nothing alike, Banner was a kind thinker, and Hulk was FUCKING HULK.

The strongest one there is and his method for the problems Banner left him with could be summed up into two simple words, one he bellowed out into the streets in a vengeful cry.

"Hulk Smash!" He brought his open palms down, slapping them against the Abomination's ears, his skull crushed under the force.


A shock wave resounded through the area, Hulk grabbed him by the throat pulled the abomination close to him, and told the beaten brute a single word.


He dropped his beaten foe and spared a glance at the roof where Ross and Betty were, safe from the broken parts, and watching him from the top of a lamp was the lone teen with the glowing eyes, crouched and at the ready, the mad glint ever present behind his eyes.

He noticed more people gathering around him, police, reporters, civilians, military and so much more.


A rage-filled cry shocked the streets, tearing the fabric of space like a vibrating wave, shaking every single observer to the bone in awe and terror, telling every living being that this was the strongest was, and if you think otherwise, come and face me.

For a moment all was silent, to the point where one could hear a pin drop.


Peter dropped in front of the jade giant, everyone held a breath at the confrontation as both fell into a stare.

Peter's grin threatened to split his face apart, something inside him was brimming to the surface, whispering, screaming, shouting at him, like an itch he couldn't scratch just getting itchier by the second.

He wanted to fight this Hulk and from what he gathered the Hulk was itching for it too.

" You wanna go, big guy?" He asked

"Grrr.." Hulk let out a low grunt but he didn't need words for Peter to get the message as headlights showed down on the two, the sky filling up with helicopters and sirens flooding from every direction.

" Yeah, you're right, but we will. One Day."

The Hulk only huffed in reply as both Teen and Goliath turned in opposite directions and promptly varnished in one swift motion.

Hulk jumped away from one rooftop to another before disappearing into the night while Peter swiftly navigated his way through alleyways like a shadow in the night.


-Aunt May's Room-

3 hours later.


Peter sat by his Aunt's bed, his eyes intently watching his Aunt's chest rising and falling, lost in thought to the sound of the beeping monitor.

She looked so peaceful in her bed.

He reached over and gently brushed a few strands of her hair away from her face.

He made his way here as soon as he could after the fight, having understood what his new power set granted him, he couldn't wait.

Slowly he raised his hand and opened his palm as blood crawled all over the palm of his hand, the crimson liquid leaked through his fingers and onto his palm, before floating and compressing together in a compressed crystallized shard, pulsing crimson then purple and final a soft light blue.

{Sin Shard Created_Shard Altered}

He closed his eyes and focused, sweat falling from his forehead.

{Special shard created}

He let out a relieved sigh as he studied his newfound creation, information entered his mind when he did so.


Sin shard, Branch Created

Intended Holder: May Parker

Abnormal Specialized Sin Shard - Curse Of Virtue

Branch: Love

Branch Power: Blood Beast(Type-Cat)

Offense - She can make hardened crystallized crescent blood blades from her Form arms and calf with adjustable size, she can also coat and harden the blood on her hands and feet making razor-sharp claws.

Defense - She also manipulates blood hardened and covers her body creating blood-like armor with tiny flexible needle thin fur-like structures that take the shape of an anthropomorphic cat with a whip-like bladed tail.

Mobility-She can move on hard surfaces by using her claws to latch onto them

Special Ability Granted by her cursed virtue:

Beast of Loving Demise(Sealed)



- an ability tailor-made by the original sin hard holder (Peter) that seals the abilities granted to her by the shard until certain conditions are met or the original sin wills it.

- It splits the user's personality in two, one lives in the light being able to experience all the good emotions and aspects of life, while the other personifies her darker side, her dark side takes all of May's trauma, her darker thoughts, pain, and emotions allowing her to leave a life of peace, happiness, and freedom.

-Her other side is only active when she is in imminent danger or when the original sin shard is close or wills it so. Her light side has no idea that her other side exists as is the reason why it was created, for the safety of May Parker in mind but is an independent being itself.


"What the hell am I supposed to do now?" Peter tiredly questioned himself, rubbing his hand through his hair.

He really wasn't sure of what he should do now, with the solution in his hand just making this situation all the more difficult.

Right now he had the power to save his Aunt but at what cost to her and to himself?

-Chapter End-

Thanks for the support and Thank you for the power stones, Food for my fiction, writers gotta eat.

Out of curiosity, do you think Peter should do it or not, give her the shard or not?




Othniel_Seth Othniel_Seth

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