/ Movies / Marvel - One last sacrifice

Marvel - One last sacrifice Original

Marvel - One last sacrifice

Movies 67 Capítulos 807.3K Visitas
Autor: Blood_God_

4.13 (19 valoraciones)

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In most marvel fanfics MC always gets to transmigrate or reincarnate into marvel universe and knows the future plot.

But here, it's one of the many realities where our protagonist is neither transmigrated nor reincarnated. But the part of this universe from the beginning.

He doesn't know about any future events. He also faces the unbelievable difficulties and threats just like everyone else.

This is the story about how much impact our protagonist Had on the fate of the world and how the story changes from the marvel we knows.

So let's see how a boy in the highschool turns into the last wall that protects the earth.

After all this is the story about Emergence of guardian of the earth.

hello guys, Author here...

By reading the synopsis. you have gotten the idea of where I'm going with this.

I want to write a character, who doesn't have a head start like knowing the future or getting things from the system.

I'm trying to make a character as real as any other. Soalong with others he will also get surprised by the unbelievable thing and struggle agains the terrible invasions that will occur in future.

That's about it. So enjoy reading.

you already know but I don't owe marvel or even the cover image. so if the image owner wants me to take it down I'm happy to comply.

General Audiences


  1. Blood_God_
    Blood_God_ Contribuido 233
  2. Gabriel_Menard
    Gabriel_Menard Contribuido 36
  3. WorstWriter
    WorstWriter Contribuido 29

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  • Calidad de Traducción
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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Hello guys, author here.... it's my first time writing and i had tried something new in fanfic, so thanks for giving it a try 😁 😁👍. Hope you're enjoying it.

Ver 14 respuestas

it's freaking awesome. I was waiting for somthing like this where mc don't nothe future and stuff and make his decisions based on situation he is facing. unique consept and amazingly executed. well done author.

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it's like epic long episode of "what if" with introduction of new character. development of character and his impact on story is great. clearly best marvel fan fic till now. [img=coins][img=coins][img=coins]

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The grammar has a lot of errors. Checked the reviews and almost all the 5 stars had bad grammar as well. Could be alts or they like it. Either way, it’s going to be a hard read.

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I have no words that can fully describe how awful the quality of this "book" is. Constant use of wrong words, spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and bad formatting make it feel like someone wrote a draft in Ancient Sumeranian, with their feet, while hallucinating before proceeding to put it through a woodchipper and then have a mentally challenged, dyslexic, four year old piece it back together after translating it. This hurt my brain to read and ruined my mood. Goodbye my lucky streak of decent books, you will be missed, SORELY.

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I'm leaving this at 3 Stars because its the middle, as in not good and not bad. But just from the sinopse I felt it was bad, if the sinopse has lots of grammar and spelling mistakes what am I supposed to expect from the chapters of the book. Another thing was the "A lot of books on Bla Bla Bla do Bla Bla Bla but here it's going to be Bla Bla Bla" why are you comparing your book to others? That just raises the bar high which ended up pointless from the grammar mistakes, I'm not even a native English speaker, don't even know if that's the right term to use but I felt hurt by what I read. My advice and opinion without even reading the story: Proofread before posting anything, even comments. If you write a bio/sinopse or even post a comment review it, reread it and then post it. If you're not that fluent ask one of your readers, friends, community members for help. Requesting help isn't a sign of weakness it's a sign of strength and wanting to do better. It also shows drive and dedication to making good quality stuff. Never, and I mean never compare what you do to someone else's thing because it will always serve as a trigger to everyone who's seen or read what you're comparing it to. If it's a book with a system and yours ends up worse they'll point it out. If it's a harem book where relationship's where well made but yours aren't they'll point it out or notice it, it will be like this for every occasion. For future reviewers: Don't do what I did of giving a random rating because of one thing. see the text near the stars? it's there for a reason. Anyway, I don't care enough about the book but I wanted to point this out. Cya and hope this helps in the future.

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I'm excited to read the future development. from the first chapter it's creates curiousness. the name of first chapter is befitting to it's content.

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finished the first chapter and it was awesome... Recommend it for marvel or even non marvel fans because Author give information But Author who is the love intrest?

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I give 1 star purely because the Author used 3 Alts to give himself 5 Star reviews, boosting his story and probably stroking his ego, the Author using his acc to give himself 5 stars is almost tradition but using alts to falsify the review is a no go.

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LV 13 Badge

i love the story.. but i think u need a translator or editor man..its hard to read..but i still understand it..so i thinks it good for now..[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

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Fasting's 1st, I liked the background of the beginning chapters, It sounds correctly white for the chapter to begin. Except in my own personal opinion, The 1st numbers of chapters in the beginning of the story. You see, The widening quality is kind of unmatched like you understand it, But it sounds so uneven with, By itself, I'm trying to say it's each time I'm trying to listen to the book it sounds Willie uneven to begin with not the only complaint I have about the story though. Everything else is pretty good.

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one of the best marvel fanfic. regular updates. good writing, and author explain s thinks properly. so i will recommend this to give it a read....👍👍

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Great novel, recommend every marvel fan fresh work not, less as a fanfiction it's more like orignal work. well explained, less loopholes, good naming sense. so can give it a try.

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LV 13 Badge

Aside from the occasional wrong grammar and missplelling, this whole story is decent. although the author try too hard on making the mc as cool as he can be. Don't get me wrong, we all love a cool mc. but too much of it wouldn't be a good thing. Maybe try to COOL it down a little.

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Not bad, just really bad grammar. Ignoring the grammar, you have a wonderful story. A MC who is just a background character, no system, no reincarnation. Just some plain dude. I like that.

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Haven’t read it yet but I have a few questions, I see a reincarnation tag in their and that you said he doesn’t know any information about mcu. So that means he died or whatever and entered this world without any idea what’s going on until he sees the difference in the timeline bc of Howard stark?? Does the world he lived before not have marvel? Or does he not watch/read marvel?

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Autor Blood_God_