"Grandpa, don't get me wrong. If you don't tell Grandpa, there's a reason!"
"WHAT REASON?" Mr. Benjamin Salman is really angry.
"Psychological problems! Princess Zenaya has a fragile personality. We must use a gentle approach!"
"Hmm. You think I don't know that. I'm not the person yesterday afternoon who doesn't understand children's mental problems. From now on all Zenaya's problems are my responsibility. You Don't Meddle!" Mr. Benjamin Salman left Yudisthira Salman's office.
"What do you want!"
Yudisthira Salman blocked his grandfather's steps.
"Get out of the way!"
"Patience, grandpa! Patience! We'll have a good talk!"
"Late!" the old man did not want to compromise anymore. The decision is unanimous.
He will take Zenaya Putri from Yoseph.
Yoseph stepped lightly into the King Salman hotel.
When he entered he was surprised to meet Soraya.
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