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25% Mahabharat: Surya Putra Karna / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Mahabharat: Surya Putra Karna Mahabharat: Surya Putra Karna original

Mahabharat: Surya Putra Karna


© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1

You can see a child in the middle of the forest worshiping a shivling made of white clay. The child was wearing old clothes and he was very thin as if he hadn't eaten anything in a while, the boy was none other than Karna or you should say, Aditya of Mumbai.

He was an ordinary boy who was coming from his college when he suddenly saw a girl was going to be hit by a truck and he wanted to save her, so he ran towards her and pushed her aside but forgot that he also had to move away. Niyati(Destiny) planned something for him and he died in that accident.

The next second he opened his eyes and saw a girl who was crying in front of him. He looked around and found that his body had become small like a one day baby and he was inside a basket which was in a river.

As a regular reader of holy scripture, he immediately understood what was happening and he tried to say that she should give him to some childless couple or orphanage but his voice only came out like the cries of a child, and Kunti pushed the basket while crying.

Aditya saw this and became silent. He didn't understand what to even think about this situation so he just started chanting "Om Namah Shivay" in his heart.

Suddenly he felt that all the confusion and knots in his mind and heart were getting solved. He kept chanting the mantra which was the only thing he could do at that time.

On Kailash 

All tridev and trideviyaan (Brahma, Vishnu Mahesh and Their wives) were looking at this scene and Mata Parvati said," this incident has changed everything right Arya (Husband) and Bhrata (Brother)?"

Narayan nodded his head slightly and said," Someone who belongs to a yug where only one pillar of dharma is standing has come to this yug as one of the people who is one of the most important person in this yug. This can take the future in the direction where it will be bright as the sun or dark as night."

All this time Mahadev had a faint smile on his face and Brahma dev asked him," Is there a reason behind your happiness dev."

Mahadev smiled more brightly and said," Which parent won't be happy to know that his child is closer to him? Since childhood, even after facing so many hardships he never loses his faith in me."

Everyone smiled and Mata Laxmi said," Only time will tell what his future holds for him."

Karn Pov 

Karna was floating on the river Ganga while chanting "Om Namah Shivay" . It has been seven days since he is constantly floating on the water. He was shocked to find that he didn't cry even once during these seven days but he internally thanked Mahadev for providing him strength.

After seven days he comes to a stop he wants to look where he was but didn't have strength to lift his head, suddenly he heard a voice of a woman," Swami look there is a child in the basket, which mother could be this heartless to leave her child in the raging water of maa Ganga."

Karna opened his eyes and looked around, he saw a woman wearing old clothes with a man who was looking poor.

Karna immediately recognised them, they were Karna's foster parents Charioteer Adhirat and his wife Radha.

Karna smiled seeing her, she immediately picked him up in a hug. She said to the man beside her," Swami(husband), we should hurry up, don't know for how many days this child is floating on the river."

Adhirat nodded and both of them carried Karna to their house. Radha first fed him milk from a spoon and a feeling of satisfaction washed over Karna. He felt his eyelids getting heavy and he fell into a deep sleep.

Radha smiled seeing him sleeping while holding her finger with his little hand. She said to Adhirat," Swami, looks like God has blessed us with a son after the death of our one son."

Adhirat nodded and said," Mahadev has finally answered our prayers Priye."

Both of them were happy to have Karna as their son. Soon 10 years passed during these 10 years Kunti got married to Pandu and he became king but  he left Hastinapur because of his curse.

Dhridrastra became the acting king and married to Gandhari. Soon the news about Kunti's god sons spread in Hastinapur and everyone was happy that Maharaja Pandu got boon of sons from gods.

Karna also became older and he was more mature than any of his age. He always does Surya Puja and Then worships his lord Mahadev. In these 10 years there was not even a second when Karna didn't remember Mahadev and Devi Shakti.

He started to work in rajmahal when he got 6 years old but he never took money home which he got as salary but instead distributed it as alms. Adhirat and Radha didn't have a problem with it as for them their son was their everything and whatever he does is for good.

Gandhari gave birth to a lump of flesh which Maharishi Ved Vyasa converted into 100 sons of Gandhari. Soon time passed and the news of Maharaja Pandu and Madri's death came, everyone in Hastinapur was sad but Karna didn't care about it.

Present day

One day he was in his secret place worshipping shivling made of white clay when suddenly a light came out of Shivling and Mahadev was standing in front Karna.

Mahadev said," Open your eyes,Putra. Karna or Aditya of Kalyug."

Karna opened his eyes and saw Mahadev in front of him and he immediately bowed his head and said," Dhanyavad Prabhu, today I have fulfilled the reason for my birth of 2 lives."

Mahadev smiled and said,``The reason behind your rebirth is not this small, during these 10 years you have worshiped me with all your heart and devotion. I want to give you a boon and ask whatever you want."

Karna looked at him and said," Prabhu, my life is very beautiful till today i got loving parents like Radha maa and Pitashree Adhirath but it hurts me seeing them get insulted just because of their caste so to protect them i want to gain knowledge and strength from you."

Mahadev smiled and asked,``So you want me to accept you as my disciple?"

Karna nodded embarrassed that he gave this long speech for such a simple reason.

Mahadev said,``I will accept you as my disciple but you have to promise me 4 things."

Karna nodded and Mahadev said," 1 I want you to promise me that you will never side with Adharm and not promise your Unwavering Loyalty to anyone.

2 i want you to promise me that you will never give your Punya, Kavach and Kundal as alms.

3 I want you to promise me that you will only use your knowledge for the betterment of society.

4 I want you to promise that you will give your full devotion and focus to your training." (An:/ Now i know what all you are thinking but This is my novel and I don't want to see a person like Karna struggle so much even after doing so much good. I myself am a Hindu and don't want to hurt anyone's religious feelings.)

Karna smiled and said," I promise you all four things Gurudev."

Mahadev smiled and said," Now go, Tomorrow your father Surya Dev will take you to Kailash and we will start your education but don't tell anyone about who is your teacher."

Karna nodded and Mahadev disappeared from there. Karna went back to home and saw his Radha ma preparing lunch for him. He called her," Radha maa!!!"

Radha maa looked up from her work and saw Karna standing on the gate with a smile on his face. Radha maa also smiled and Karna sat near her.

Karna said," Maa you know what today i found a teacher for myself."

The smile on Radha's face immediately disappeared, she thought her son got scammed by someone. She said," Putra, how many time do i have to tell you that no one will teach a Suta's child and now you got scammed by someone."

Karna said," No maa, this time I have found myself one of the best teachers in this whole universe and I truly believe in him."

Radha got scared and decided to talk to Adhirat when he came back. Soon Adhirat came back from the palace for lunch and Radha talked to him about Karna's teacher's matter.

Adhirat sighed and asked," Do you really want to change society or do you love archery that much?"

Karna smiled and said," Both"

Adhirat asked," do you trust that he can make you what you want to be?"

Karna smiled and said," More than myself."

Adhirat said," You can go but you have to promise us that you will come back after 12-14 years."

Karna smiled and promised Adhirat. Radha became very sad but steeled her heart and thought that she won't become her son's shackles and let him do what is good for her.

Radha showered Karna the whole day and Adhirat said that he will tell you are going to your grandmother's house and won't be able to come for a long time.

Soon the day passed and after taking permission of both Radha and Adhirat Karna left towards Ganga's shore and said, while joining hand in front of Sun.," Pranipat Pitashree, please take me to my Gurudev."

Suryadev appeared and said," Kalyan ho Putra," And took him towards Kailash in his carriage.

After arriving at Kailash they met Nandi bull the ride of Mahadev and he took Karna to Mahdev.

Karna, seeing Mahadev, joined his hand and bowed his head. Mahadev said," Putra Karn, from today your training will start and to make you able to keep up with the future training Nandi will train you physically."

Karna nodded and Nandi started his training. He made Karna do vigorous exercise and made him stretch his body in 360 degree as if it was made of rubber.

The starting days for Karna were like hell but he didn't complain about anything nor tell Nandi to stop until he(Nandi) himself stopped for the day.

Soon like this 1 year passed and Karna's body became very strong and his foundation also became solid as steel. So stop making him do exercise and start teaching him hand to hand combat training. Lord Ganesha also started teaching him Veda and shastra.

In the evening he ate the food made by Mata Annapurna which made his body stronger day by day. Lord Kartikey taught him about swords and spears while Mahadev taught him archery.

Karna asked Mata Parvati to teach him 64 arts, which she happily accepted. Other than some hours of day for his sleep and other routine Karna was training vigorously.

As Mahadev, he learnt everything from him with full devotion and focus which made them very happy.

After learning every method of Archery from Mahadev. Mahadev told him to do penance for Brahma Dev and Naryan as only they can provide him knowledge of their Astras.

Karna did as Mahadev said and started to hard Penance for Lord Narayan and Brahma Dev.

After 4 years of hard Penance both Narayan and Brahma Dev appeared in front of Karna and Brahma Dev said," Putra Karna we are very happy from your devotion and we also know what you want from us but you are not ready yet."

Karna didn't flinch and asked with devotion," then what should I do to become ready Brahma Dev?"

Naryan smiled and said," You have to open all the chakras in your body only then can you become ready to carry these astras."

Karna nodded and both Lord Narayana and Brahma Dev promised him that when he would open his all chakra they would give him knowledge of all their astras.

Karna nodded and started meditating on his chakras but it was not easy he lost in his penance and after 4 years he was able to awaken all his Chakras.

Karna opened his eyes and saw that his body was covered in mud and he could literally see his bones through his skin. Soon Tridev appeared in front of him.

Mahadev raised his hand and Karna came back to his normal form. Karna said," Pranipat Tridev"

Tidev in unison," Kalyan ho Putra."

Shree Hari Narayan said," Putra Karn today you have awakened all your chakras and become a yogi. Now as per our promise we will give knowledge of all our strongest Astras."

Karna got knowledge of Vaishnav Astra, Brahmand Astra, Brahmshira Astra, Narayana astra, Brahmdand astra, Brahmastr, Pashupatashtra, Rudra Astra, Naga Astra, and many other astra.

By the gain of knowledge of these astra, Karna was the strongest mortal in the universe. Mahadev looked at his student and said," By this your education is completed Putra Karn and by your devotion and love towards your guru I am very happy so I want to give you a boon to ask whatever you want."

Karna bowed his head and said," Gurudev, you have already done a favor on me by accepting me as your student. I don't want anything from you but I want to give you your guru dakshina."

Mahadev smiled and said," Those 4 promises you made to me are already enough for your guru dakshina and *Mahadev raised his hand and a bow formed in his hand which was looking so beautiful even in presence of Mahadev* This is my bow Pinak when In Treta yug shree ram broke it. It came back to me and dev Vishwakarma repaired it. I want you to use it only for Dharma."

Mahadev passed the Pinak Bow to Karna and Karna received it with care. Then all Tridev disappeared from there and Karna went back to Kailash where Mata Shakti, Lord Ganesha, Lord Kartikey and Nandi were waiting with Mahadev there. Karna touched everyone's feet.

Lord Ganesh give him a mace as parting gift, Lord Kartikey gave him his sword and a spear as a gift, then Mata Shakti gave him a pouch which will provide him as much as of any resources he want.

Karna took everyone's blessings and Suryadev appeared in front of him. Karna touched his feet and Surya Dev give his blessings. 

Suryadev," Putra, i know this will not be able to cover for the pain you have to suffer but i want to give you this chariot which has seven horses of the same Breed as my chariot and it can run on any surface. It runs with the speed of wind and you will just have to think and these horses will take you to that place without any Charioteer."

Karna said thank you to Surya Dev and climbed on the chariot he bowed his head to everyone and said,``I want to thank you everyone for your teaching and I won't be able to pay back your favor even in my other lives."

Mata Shakti smiled and said," It was our Fortune to have a student like you Karna, you can come back to Kailash whenever you want but now it's time to part ways and show the world power of Mahadev's second Student."

Karna nodded and left Kailash on the Chariot. Soon with the speed of the chariot Karna reached Hastinapur in one prahar(3Hours) but he stopped Chariot 10 km away from the Hastinapur as he didn't want to attract unwanted attention towards him.

He started walking towards Hastinapur and on the way he saw a girl crying over a bowl of Ghee(Indian Butter) he knew this scene and sighed he wanted to go from here but he cannot avoid a girls cries just by the fear of a curse.

He went near the girl and asked," kya hua bahen?"

(What happened sister?)

She pointed towards the spilled bowl and said," I was taking this to my master as he ordered me to bring it to him but I tripped and it fell on the ground. He said that this was yagna prasad and if something happened to it he will hit my mother."

Karna saw her tears and came in front of the bowl, he joined his hands and prayed to Goddess earth," Oh mother Earth, this is a request of your child. Please return her Ghee to her as her mother will be beaten because of it."

Suddenly a light shine and Goddesses earth appeared in front of Karna and said," Putra Karn today you have changed your destiny. I don't know what will happen in the future but I bless you that your chariot will not be stopped anywhere on this earth." Then she filled the bowl with the ghee and disappeared.

Karna turned towards the girl with the bowl and said," Bahen let's go, I will personally deliver this bowl to your master."

The girl nodded and both of them came to a big manor. Karna said," You wait for me here, I will just go and come back."

The girl was a little hesitant but nodded. Karna went inside and saw that the man was treating Suta like slaves and he asked a guard," Where is master i was asked to give this bowl of Ghee to him."

The guard pointed at the location and Karna took out his sword.

Soon Karna comes out of the manor while wiping his hand with a silk cloth. He threw the cloth on the ground. He rubbed the girls head and said while giving her gold coins," take these and go and tell your mother that from today your master won't be needing you."

The girl smiled and became very happy, she ran away from there and Karna also started his journey towards Hastinapur.

Karna reached the Suta community where all suta clans live. He came home and saw his mother. She was preparing lunch and he went behind her and covered her eyes with his hands.

Radha smiled and said," Radhey Putra, you came back?"

Karna smiled and asked," how did you find out it was me maa?"

Radha smiled, her eyes was filled with tears and she said," A mother can identify her child with just one glance no matter how old he gets."

Karna's eyes also filled with tears and he hugged his mother and both of them cried in each other's embrace. Mata Shakti was also his mother but Radha maa has a special place in his heart.

Suddenly a sound of fake cough was heard and both of them separated from each other and looked towards the gate. They saw Adhirath was standing on the door with a smile on his face. 

Karna immediately went towards him and touched his feets, Adhirath immediately lifted him from his shoulders and hugged Karna with a smile on his face and said," Kalyan ho Putra."

Soon after all of them talk for sometime after all they have met after so many years and Radha served both of them food. Adhirath said," Tomorrow is Kala pradarshan and every Kuru prince will showcase what they have learnt in gurukul."

Karna smiled and asked," so, do you want me to enter in arena and challenge every prince?"

Adhirath shook his head and said," No, i want you to sit still their without doing anything."

Karna humbled and said," I promise you that i won't do anything until they challenge me or disrespect my Guru."

Adhirath smiled hearing Karna's promise as he(Karna) never broke his promise. Radha smiled seeing her son's mature nature. Little did they know what will happen tomorrow.

Next day the whole Hastinapur was sitting in the arena, everyone was eager to see their princes and what they had learnt.

Karna was sitting silently with Adhirath and Karna. He was not interested in the princes' matches or their skills because for him who had seen Mahadev's archery skill everything they would do was child's play.

Soon Vidur arrived in the arena and announced the arrival of the Princes. Soon the matches started and the first one was Yudhishthir who fought Vikaran and got defeated. Then Sahdev arrived and fought Vikaran, the match was a draw.

Soon Duryodhana arrived and Bheem got disqualified from the match. Arjun entered the arena and Dronacharya started to show how much he is proud of him(Arjun).

Arjun fought Duryodhana and freezed him with his arrow. Karna thought,' A Archer fighting a mace user is already against the rules.' but he didn't care, it was not his business anyway.

Dronacharya said," Today by the performance of his skills Arjun you have made me proud of myself. I maharshi Bhardwaj Putra Drona announced Arjun as the best Archer in the world."

Dronacharya pointed towards Duryodhana and said," Now release Duryodhana."

But suddenly an arrow came and released Duryodhana from the trap. Dronacharya shouted," Who dares to disturb the competition of Kuruvans."

Karna jumped in the Arena and said," I did." 

Adhirath and Radha looked at their son in shock and Dronacharya asked," How dare you disturb the Competition?"

Karna smiled and said," because you invited every Archer in the world by announcing Prince Arjun as the best Archer and you disrespected my teacher, so I want to challenge Prince Arjun for a duel."

Dronacharya became silent and Arjun said," I accept your challenge." Then suddenly Kripachrya said," Wait, first you have to give your introduction."

Karna smiled and said," I am Mahamahim Bheesma's Charioteer Adhirat and Radha's Putra Karna."

Kripachrya said," you sutaputra dare to challenge a Prince."

Karna chuckled and said," I don't care about the caste of the person I have challenged but I care about if he has enough guts to fight me."

Bheesma said," Your father is a very good person because of him I give you one chance so go away from Hastinapur."

Karna looked in the eyes of Bheesma and said with arrogance this time," Otherwise what can you do other than kidnapping women from their kingdom?"

The arena became so silent that you could hear the sound of a pin dropping on the ground. Bheesma clenched his fist so tight that they became white and he shouted," HOW DARE YOU!!!"

Karna also said," Just by shouting a thief won't become king, if you have power in your hands then come and fight me. I also want to see what Bhrgav's student can do."

Bheem on the side shouted," How dare you suta Putra?"

He run towards Karna and punched him with full strength but Karna stopped his fist casually which made everyone shocked and Karna punched Bheem in the gut.

Bheem dropped on the floor and coughed mouths full of blood and fall unconscious on the floor. Everyone was shocked by this scene because everyone knows Bheem has the power of 1000 elephants in him.

Karna stopping his punch casually means how strong he should be. Karna smirked and said," I thought that son of Devs which everyone is so proud of would be strong and a single person in kuruvansh will have courage to accept my challenge but it looks like everyone is scared of only one person." and started walking away from them but Duryodhana called from behind.

Duryodhanaa said," wait warrior."

Duryodhana turned towards the Kripachrya and asked," Acharya, there are no signs of caste system in Vedas, a person is only known by his karma not caste, then why are we stopping him. If he walks away from here then what will be our respect in front of society?"

Kripachrya said," But Prince Duryodhana it is like this from the Start and if we do an exception for one then everyone will want the same treatment, it is his Adharm that even after being a Suta he dares to lift weapons."

Karn said," I don't have any interest from learning about Dharm or Adharm from you so please keep it to yourself."

Kripachrya became angry and he was about to say something but Duryodhana said," if it's like this then i will make Karna the king Anga from today."

Bheesma from side said," It is not in your power to choose that Prince Duryodhana."

Then Suddenly Gandhar Raj Shakuni stood up and said," But Maharaj has this power Mahamahim and it is also his wish too, right Maharaj?"

Dhridrastra who in the love of his son said hurriedly," Yes, Pitamah from today i announce Karna as the king of Anga."

Karna said," Thank you for your generosity Maharaj but I have promised my Gurudev that I will not be tied up to anyone in this world and will use my education for the betterment of society only."

Shakuni said," Then you will need a good position to do that right, if you become king then you will be able to do that more easily."

Karna thought about it for a minute and asked," Then I want no interference from Hastinapur in my work. We will help you in need but with our choice."

Dhridrastra became silent and after thinking for some time said,``I accept your proposal and from today you are Angraaj Karna."

Karna smiled and said to Duryodhana," Today you have made a Suta like me a king so i promise you that until you start doing Adharm or Evil i will protect you but the moment i found you have done any conspiracy or Adharm then i will return your kingdom and leave immediately."

Duryodhana smiled hearing this but Shakuni was unhappy about this whole promise. Tridev and Trideviyaan nodded as it was an appropriate promise between friends.

Duryodhana said," Now he can fight Arjun right Acharya?"

Kripachrya nodded solemnly and Duryodhana said," So let's start the duel between Angraaj Karna and Prince Arjun."

Karna summoned a normal bow as he didn't want to hear that he defeated Arjun with the help of a divine bow.

Soon the duel started and Karna immediately started firing astras at a high speed which made it difficult for Arjun to keep up with Karna. It was an advanced level Archery technique. Bheesma immediately recognised it as he also learnt all levels of Archery techniques from Bhagwan Parshuram.

Arjun fires Varuna astra towards Karna.

Karna summoned Agni Astra and Naag pass. Agni Astra got destroyed by Varuna astra but Naag pass wrapped around Arjun made his bow fall from his hand and Vidur with a heavy heart said," Angraaj Karna won the match."

Arjun and all pandav felt humiliated and Dronacharya was feeling as if someone slapped him on the face in his anger he lifted his hand and summoned Brahmshira Astra and attacked Karna.

Everyone in the arena including civilians were shocked seeing this act of Dronacharya but Karna didn't react infront of Astra.

Everyone thought he was ready for death but suddenly a Golden Armor with the symbol of Sun appeared on his body and Brahmshira Astra got absorbed by it.

The whole stadium by its impact, suddenly a angry shout came from side," DROON"

Everyone looked towards the sound and saw Maharishi Ved Vyasa was standing their with anger on his face, after seein Maharishi Ved Vyasa Dronacharya's anger flew away and he realised what he has done.

Maharishi Ved Vyasa said," how dare you use Ttidev's astra like this, do you know what could happen if Putra Karna didn't stop that Astra."

Dronacharya said," But Maharishi, a suta Putra dare to raise weapons and humiliated a Prince and me."

Ved Vyasa asked in anger," So you will use Ttidev's astra, today you have shown how in  arrogant you are and i taking away knowledge of all divyastraa from you for as long as you don't understand your mistake."

Dronacharya was shocked and he said," but Maharishi you are being unreasonable."

Ved Vyasa lifted his hand and said," I don't want any further discussion."

Everyone in the arena understood and realised that it was the best outcome. At least he didn't curse Dronacharya.

Duryodhana came into arena and said," congratulations Mitr, today you have shown that a warrior is only known for his skills not for his Caste but how you were summoned to astras at the same time."

Karna smiled and said," it is one of the 5 advanced techniques of Archery but looks like Guru Dronacharya didn't teach his  so-called best Archer even one of them."

Dronacharya and Padavs felt humiliated by Karna's taunt but didn't said anything from the fear of Maharishi Ved Vyasa. Karna touched his feet and Ved Vyasa blessed him. Karna said," So I will meet you tomorrow mitr." Duryodhana nodded.

Everyone was leaving but Karna fired an arrow from his bow and it converted into flowers and fell on Maharani Gandhari. Karna said," Maharani, please give me Permission to leave." This shocked everyone as Karna asked permission to leave from Gandhari but not from anyone else but it made Gandhari very happy that someone noticed her other than her husband's wife.

Gandhari smiled happily and said," you have my permission but on one condition you have to come to meet me tomorrow."

Karna said," As you wish Maharani." Kunti who was struggling from her inner self felt jealous from Gandhari that Karna respected Gandhari so much but he didn't even glance at her even once. Karn left with Adhirath and Radha maa.

Next Day 

Duryodhana said to Gandhari," Maa, I am going to pick Karna from his house."

Bheesma interjects," But soldiers can go to pick him up, why do you have to go to pick him up."

Duryodhana said," What's the problem in a friend going to pick up his friend from his house Pitamah and now he is Angraaj so it's not a problem that he is a Suta right?"

Gandhari said," Yes Putra, you should definitely go. Karna will love seeing you at his home."

Duryodhana nodded and left with Dushasan following behind him. Bheesma looked at them for a second and left.

At Adhirath House 

Radha said," Karna, get ready, you have to go for your Coronation ceremony today."

Karna looked at himself and said," But I am ready maa."

Radha huffed in anger and said," You should at least wear a new dhoti and ang vastra for today."

Karna declined but Radha made him wear it in the end and Karna heard the sound of chariots and horses. He came out of his house and saw Duryodhana with Dushasan there.

Karna," Mitr, you here?"

Duryodhana said," Of course I am here to pick you up for your Coronation ceremony as I am sure you will definitely get late by walking."

Karna chuckled and nodded, Radha and Adhirat also came out and saw Duryodhana. Duryodhana looked at them and immediately touched their feet.

Both Radha and Adhirath were shocked after sometime Duryodhana said while still touching their feet," I am also like your son right? Then why don't you bless your son maa?"

Radha subconsciously touched his head and Duryodhana lifted his head with a smile. Dushasan also followed his older brother's example and got Karna's parents' blessings.

Duryodhana asked," Maa, you and baba didn't get ready?"

Radha smiled motherly and for the second time Duryodhana and Dushasan felt they were at home like when they talked to Gandhari.

Radha said," No Putra, we have always lived like this and don't want to get involved in politics."

Duryodhana nodded and left with Karna. Soon they reached the palace and Karna saw an old soldier standing in the hot sun without slippers. He said to Duryodhana," Mitr you go inside, I have something to do."

Duryodhana felt something suspicious but still went inside the palace. Karna went to the old soldier and gave him his slippers. The old soldier tried to deny it but Karna still gave it to him and went inside.

He asked about Duryodhana from a maid and she pointed him in the direction towards Gandhari's chamber as Duryodhana went there just now.

Soon Karna reached Gandhari's chamber and no one stopped him as everyone knows him after yesterday's event.

A maid went inside and asked Gadhari about Karna's entry which she immediately agreed. Karna entered Gandhari's chamber and saw her with Duryodhana and Dushasan.

Karna said," Pranipat Maharani."

Gandhari said," Maa"

Karna got confused and Gandhari said," You can call me Maa Putra, you are just like my Putra Duryodhana to me."

Karna smiled and said," Maa, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Gandhari smiled and said," Putra, why do you respect me so much?"

Karna smiled and said," I don't respect Maharani of Hastinapur but I respect my mother who fought the whole of Hastinapur for the life of her first born child."

Gandhari smiled and her blindfold become wet, Duryodhana and Dushasan were also shocked by Karna's words and felt touched.

Gandhari caressed Karna's face and said," Not only but every mother will do the same."

Karna said," No maa, not every mother is like you."

Gandhari got confused by his words but didn't ask further. She asked," where is Radha Putra, she has to do some Ceremony as your mother?"

Karna said," Radha maa and Adhirat Baba wanted to live normal life so they didn't come but I have you, when I called you maa then I gave you all rights as my mother. You will do them for me right maa?"

Gandhari smiled and nodded and said," Of course, every mother will want to do her son's Raj Tilak."

Everyone nodded and went to sabha(court) and Karna's coronation ceremony took place and after Gandhari did his Raj Tilak. Karna became Angraaj Karna.

Dhridrastra gives documents of Anga to Karna which say Anga didn't have to offer anything to Hastinapur but has to help them in need to an appropriate amount.

After the Coronation ceremony the sabha was dismissed for that day and Karna with all Kauravas went to the dinners organized for him.

Arjun was playing Veena and everyone was enjoying it. When Arjun was done, Duryodhana shouted," Wow Arjun you play so well that I think you should stop archery and be a musician. It will also suit you."

Arjun felt humiliated and Karna said," No mitr, for a Archer playing is equally important as it helps us be focused and by disrespecting art of music you are indirectly disrespecting Mata Saraswati and Mahadev as they are the god of art of music."

Duryodhana realized his mistake and said," I am sorry mitr, i didn't realize that i was indirectly disrespecting Mahadev."

Karna put a hand on his shoulder and said," I know mitr as you don't know about this."

Suddenly the voice of Gandhari came," very well Putra Karna."

All of them looked towards the direction and saw Gandhari with Bheesm and Vidur. Gandhari said," You said absolutely right Putra, do you also know how to play (Veena)?"

Karna nodded and said," I know a little bit but I am not very good."

Gandhari smiled and said," Will you play for me Putra?"

Karna smiled and said," How can I say no to my mother?"

Karna went to the stage and Arjun was about to give his place but Karna said humbly," It's okay Prince Arjun, I know you will feel awkward from me using your Veena as I am a sutaputra."

Arjun didn't reply and just left the stage, Karna sat in an empty space and people thought what will happen next. Dusshala also reached there with her friends Subhdra and her sister Meghnaa.

Karna joined his hand and prayed to Maa Saraswati. Suddenly a very beautiful Veena appeared in front of me.

Everyone there was amazed by the beauty of Veena but they were more shocked by the fact that a Veena suddenly appeared in front of him.

Karna started to play shiv tandav stotram on Veena suddenly everyone in the hall became silent and only the voice of Veena was heard.

On Kailash Mahadev smiled and closed his eyes to hear this music play. In Hastinapur everyone's hearts were beating like Damaru(Power Drum).

A spiritual energy started to gather in the area and everyone just kept looking at Karna who was playing Veena.

But most shocking was Meghanaa. She kept looking at Karna without blinking an eyelid. She was amazed by seeing Karna's face while playing Veena. Indirectly she started to fall for him.

Karna's play finished and everyone came back to their senses. Veena disappeared and Karna came back in front of Gandhari and asked," i hope i was not bad maa"

Gandhari caressed his face with love and said," This was the most beautiful play I have ever seen Putra and I am sure even Mahadev himself is happy with your play."

Karna smiled and said," Yes Angraaj, I am Dusshala the only Kurukumari and these are my friends from Kenyakul Subhdra and Meghna."

Karna said," Pranipat Devi."

Everyone greeted each other and Dusshala left with her friends after sometime but Meghanaa and Karna remembered each other.

Soon Karna left the palace and came back home where Radha was ready for Aarti and seeing him in royal clothes both his parents were happy.

Karna after talking to his parents went back to sleep and woke up the next day. He did his surya puja and then went to Mahadev's temple where he distributed alms to the people in need.

After getting ready he went to the Palace to say goodbye to Kauravas and Gandhari.

Karna sit in Sabha beside Duryodhana and Vidur said by starting the procedures," Maharaj today we have to announce Yuvraj (Crown Prince)."

Dhridrastra fall in dilemma as he didn't want Duryodhana to lose the position of Yuvraj but with Yudhishthir he cannot announce Duryodhana as Yuvraj.

Suddenly Dronacharya's voice came," You cannot choose Yuvraj right now Maharaj."

Vidur frowned and asked," why Acharya?"

Dronacharya said," My  students still haven't given Gurudakshina ."

Dhridrastra nodded and asked," What do you want in your Gurudakshina Dronacharya?"

Dronacharya said,'' I want revenge, in gurukul me and Panchal Raj Drupad were friends but when I asked him for help he humiliated me and I want revenge for that. I want Kuru princes to make him fall on my feet."

Dhridrastra said agitated," impossible, how can they fight an experienced king as Drupad right after they came out of Gurukul without any experience. It is an invitation to their death. I cannot allow this, please ask something else."

Dronacharya said," No Maharaj, I only want this as my Gurudakshina and if Kuruvansh can't give them I will leave."

Dronacharya was leaving when Arjun called," Wait Gurudev."

Dronacharya turned towards Dronacharya and Arjun said," If by use of this education I cannot give them there is no use of this Gurudakshina."

Dronacharya smiled and said," Arjun, today you have proved how much respect you have for me."

Karna was seeing all this drama and was surprised to see an Adharm happening in the form of Gurudakshina. No wonder Mahabharat is the future.

Duryodhana also said," yes Gurudev we all give you your Gurudakshina."

Dronacharya smiled and pointed towards Karna and said with disgust," but I don't want this suta to be part of my Gurudakshina."

Karna frowned and said,``I also have no interest in interfering with this. It's your students' Dharma to give you your Gurudakshina and you are not my Guru. I am very much for that Kumandal Putra."

Everyone was silent and Dronacharya said," How dare you?"

Karna raised eyebrows and said," What, i am a Sutaputra because I am born in a Suta's house then you are Kumandal Putra as you are born from a begging bowl but the difference is that i am proud of being a Suta but you are ashamed of your origin."

Bheesma shouted and said," you are crossing your limits Angraaj."

Karna looked him in the eyes as if a hunter looking at his prey and said," You haven't seen my Limit Gangaputra. If anyone tries to touch my bottom line then I won't hesitate to pull out his tongue."

Bheem shouted," Be in your limit Suta or I will crush you."

Karna nodded and said," Yeah, Yesterday we saw how you will crush me and if you want again then I don't mind but remember I won't hold back this time."

Yudhishthir said," Angraaj, it is Adharm for a suta to raise weapons and…"

Karna lifted his hand and said," You are the son of Dharamraj but not Dharamraj himself so keep your Dharma to yourself. I don't want the son of the previous king to teach me or else even Gangaputra won't be able to stop me."

Everyone become silent and Karna stood up from his place and said," Maharaj today i was here to say my goodbye to my Maa Gandhari and Brother Duryodhana otherwise i won't even take a step inside the Sabha which just knows how to suppress Women and Weak people."

Karna joined and asked Gandhari's permission and left from there. He went back home and met Radha and Adhirath.

After talking with them for some time he left for Anga. On his chariot he reached Anga in one hour and saw a barren land where people are sick and weak. He walked towards the Rajmahal and saw an old and rundown palace.

He sighed and thought," No wonder there was no serious objection in giving away this state."

By making him independent they have also severed their responsibilities. Karna shook his head and said to a soldier on the gate," Go and tell Mahamantri that the new king Angraaj Karna has arrived."

The soldiers were shocked and immediately ran inside.A middle aged man came outside with soldiers and said," welcome Maharaj, I wanted to welcome you but as you can see our situation."

Karna didn't waste time and said," Leave everything and call everyone from the State."

Mahamantri was surprised but still nodded and called everyone from the Rajya. Soon the civilians came and saw Karna There.

Karna said," Pranipat, i am your new king and today i have called everyone of you here to give you necessary things to survive in this situation but in future when everything comes back to normal you all will have to return it back to Kingdom."

Civilians agreed and Karna told them to make a line. Soon he distributed clothes, Food and water. After everything was done he told Mahamantri to note who took how much commodities.

Karna then went to agriculture fields and saw barren land. He prayed to Bhudevi and launched megh astra in the sky. Soon the rain poured on Anga and Civilians were very happy to see rain after so much time.

Then Karna prayed to Dev Vishwakarma and he appeared. Karna said," Pranipat Nanaji (Maternal Grandfather)."

Dev Vishwakarma," Kalyan ho Putra, why have you called me?"

Karna," Nanaji, due to some circumstances i have become king of this kingdom and i want you to rebuild it as there are no houses which are in livable condition."

Dev Vishwakarma nodded and asked," how do you want this kingdom to be."

Karna said," I want houses for every civilian to live in, then I want guest houses for the people who will come. Then I want a big Shivshakti temple in the middle of the Kingdom and an ashram for sages to live but I still don't want nature to lose its beauty here. Then I want schools and hospitals for civilians. Then I want a beautiful palace which remains at an optimum temperature in every weather. I want to have a beautiful garden with a waterfall lake and swings in the middle."

Dev Vishwakarma nodded and said a mantra suddenly beautiful country was ready. Karna thanked Dev Vishwakarma and dev Vishwakarma disappeared. Karna told Mahamantri to give houses to civilians in an order.

1 week went and Karna was able to make Anga's economy come on the line by inviting craftsman and agriculture tribes to join his kingdom because they have crushed Casteism and untouchability so tribes were ready to join his kingdom and because of their territories Anga expand very fast and got more land for agriculture so he purchased cows from other kingdoms.

Soon news came that Hastinapur's prince attacked Panchal and defeated it. Karna shook his head and muttered," This torch of revenge you passed on to your students will not get calm so easily Drona"

But he didn't mind what was happening as it was not his business. Soon he received the invitation of Yudhishthir's Raj abhishek.

Karna sighed as he had to go because of Diplomacy. He doesn't have an excuse about kingdom responsibilities as every kingdom knows about Anga's rapid development.

Karna handover all responsibilities to his prime minister and after packing necessary things he went to Hastinapur on his chariot and reached in one hour.

First he went to Radha maa and Adhirath baba where he spent one day and next day he came to the palace and went to Gandhari's chamber.

He entered the room and saw Gandhari with Shakuni, Duryodhana and Dushasan. He touched her feet and took her blessings.

He sat on the floor and put his head on her lap and said," Really maa, there is no place more relaxing than a mother's lap. I felt solace whenever I put my head on Radha maa or your lap."

Gadhari smiled happily and said," Me too Putra, I also feel happy whenever you call me maa and share your worries with me."

She rubbed his head gently and Karna didn't know when to fall asleep. Everyone was surprised by how Karna let his guard down towards Gandhari.

Duryodhana also tried it and put his head on her other lap and Gandhari was like on cloud nine. She also rubbed Duryodhana's head and he also fell asleep.

Dushasan said," Mother, do you know some magic to make a person sleep. They are asleep like there is no danger in the world."

Gandhari smiled and said," every child feels most safe with his mother. Even Tridev can't make a child feel much safer than his/her mother."

Dushasan nodded, suddenly Kunti came into her chamber and saw Karna and Duryodhana asleep with their heads on Gandhari's lap. She felt jealous that Karna treat Gandhari as his mother, loves her and respects her more than anything.

Gandhari asked," yes, Kunti, do you want something?"

Kunti said," no jiji, I will come later."

Gandhari was about to call her back but she ran out of her (Gandhari) chamber.

Gandhari was confused but didn't hold on to it.

Shakuni also left and all Kauravas with Dusshala came to see Karna and Duryodhana sleep. Everyone was shocked to see that the man who threatened Gangaputra Bheesma is sleeping like a child.

After sometime someone called them to Sabha for Abhishek and both Duryodhana and Karna grumbled something about waste of time and Gadhari just chuckled.

Soon the ceremony of Rajya abhishek was also complete and Subhdra and Meghnaa had to go back to Dwarka but because of Kalyavan they needed someone to drop them.

Pandav's had to go to Varnavat for a ritual. So Karna volunteered and both Subhdra and Meghnaa didn't have any problem so Arjun who wanted to go with Subhdra got silent and just buried the anger in his heart.

Karna and Dwarka Princess left the next day in the morning. Gandhari and Radha were sad that Karna had to leave next day but he (Karna) said that right now he cannot leave Anga for too long and if he stays in Hastinapur then he will have to come to sabha which he didn't want to. 

On the way Subhdra ask Karna," So Angraaj do you have anyone in your mind who you want to marry?"

Karna shook his head no and said," Devi i am as you know a Suta so when a Guru accepted to teach me then i was very happy and learnt with full devotion and focus so i didn't get time to look at any girl."

Subhdra asked," So will you marry someone for politics?"

Karna said," No, marrying someone for politics is always against the rules and it becomes a cage for both husband and wife. I don't want a relationship like this."

Subhadra and Meghna smiled, Subhdra said," You are very beautiful Angraaj by face and heart both sides."

Karna just smiled and suddenly someone attacked both Subhdra and Meghnaa but Karna came in front of them and protected them with his armor.

Kalyvan said," Hahaha, today you have come out of Dwarka now no one can save you."

Subhdra and Meghnaa got scared, Meghnaa said," He is Kalyavan he has gotten a boon from Lord Brahma that no one can kill or defeat him outside the border of Dwarka."

Karna was surprised to hear it as according to history this asur got boon that he is second strongest other than Vasudev Shree Krishan.

Karna looked at Kalyavan with narrow eyes and thought, the history has changed but he cannot back down now. He has the responsibility of protecting both Princesses.

Karna took out his sword and started fighting Kalyavan. They both started fighting and by the impact of their fight the surrounding started to be destroyed. Karna was giving his all to fight Kalyavan as he was a student of Lord Kartikey, the best sword welder in the universe.

Kalyavan took out his bow and Karna also summoned the Pinak Bow he got from Mahadev. Both of them started to use celestial weapons on each other and Kalyavan was surprised to see that even after getting boon from Lord Brahma he was not able to defeat Karna.

The Princesses were also getting impacted by this and Karna know if he didn't do something else then he won't be able to win this match.

Karna chanted a Verse and suddenly the sky started getting dark and thunder started to crack in the sky.

Karna said," forgive me Lord Brahma but I will have to kill him with everything I have got as protecting Princesses is my dharm."

Karna summoned Pashupatashtra, Kalyavan saw this and got scared. Who didn't know about the power of Pashupatashtra. There is no boon who can save someone from Mahadev's strongest astra.

All the trilok were seeing this scene. Mahadev and Mata Shakti were tense about Lord Brahma's reaction as there is no one who can save Kalyavan now.

Kalyavan started running away from there and because of panic he entered the border of Dwarka. Suddenly a voice came," Stop now Vrisha."

Karna and Princesses looked towards the sound and saw Vasudev Shree Krishan standing there with a smile.

Karna took back Pashupatashtra and said," Pranipat Madhav."

Shree Krishna smiled and said," Pranipat Vrisha, now you don't have to use Pashupatashtra."

Karna got confused and Kalyavan laughed and said," What are you doing here Cowherd."

Shree Krishna said," Today your and your sins end has come to Kalyavan."

Kalyavan laughed and said," Who will punish me, you cannot kill me outside Dwarka."

Shree Krishna smiled and said," in your fear you have forgotten where you are standing."

Kalyavan looked around and found he was standing in Dwarka's border and was about to run but Sudarshan Chakra cut off his head.

Shree Krishan retracted Sudarshan Chakra and said," Thankyou Vrisha, for saving my sisters."

Karna smiled and said," No Vasudev, it was my dharm as I took the responsibility of their safety."

Shree Krishan smiled and said," That's why I call you Vrisha, big Devotee of Brahmans, always standing proudly on his words and promises. A warrior like you is born only once in every 4 yugas."

Karna smiled and said," I am not that great Vasudev, just a human standing by his dharm."

Shree Krishna smiled and asked," what is dharm Vrisha?"

Karna smiled and said,'' Humanity is Dharm. If your actions harm innocent or nature then it will become Adharm."

Shree Krishan asked," And how should Dharm win?"

Karna replied," Dharm should always win No matter whatever we have to do."

Shree Krishna said," Sadho Vrisha Sadho."

Karna and Shree Krishna chatted for sometime and after that Karna said," Now I should go Vasudev from here you can take them back."

Subhdra and Meghnaa felt at loss by hearing that he is going back. Shree Krishna smiled but didn't say anything.

Karna after taking permission from Shree Krishan Karna went back to Anga where he again started to make rapid changes to make its economy bigger. The news of Pandavas getting killed in fire at Varnavrat shook the whole Aryavart but some people like Karna knew they were alive.

Karna didn't waste time and went to Hastinapur to ask Duryodhana if he had anything to do with this but Duryodhana swore that he didn't know anything about this.

Still Karna didn't believe him and sent his spies to find out the truth behind it. Karna started to visit Hastinapur less after this and Duryodhana also understood that this incident had put a strain on their friendship so he went to Anga to talk with Karna.

Karna was also happy to see his friend, he was also happy to see Ashwatthama because the trio sat together after so much time. Duryodhana told Karna and Ashwatthama about Bhanumati's swayamvar and Both were very happy to find out about Duryodhana getting an invitation.

Karna and Ashwatthama teased Duryodhana and Karna guided him about what he should do while being Crown prince and Duryodhana also listened to him with attention.

After spending some days Karna and Duryodhana went to Kalinga for Bhanumati's Swayamvar.

When they reached Swayamvar Duryodhana smiled seeing Bhanumati and she also blushed seeing him. Karna albowed Duryodhana in the stomach and Duryodhana just glared at him.

Soon the king of Kalinga announced the Start of Swayamvar. Then suddenly Shishupal stood up from his place and said," Bhanumati, you can only marry me otherwise whole Aryavart knows what Me and Jarasandh can do."

Everyone in the Swayamvar panicked at the mention of Jarasandh and every king started to say," yes, Yes Rajkumar Shishupal is the best for Princess."

The king of Kalinga was silent but had regret on his face. Bhanumati was on the verge of crying and Duryodhana was gripping his fist so tight that they turned white but he cannot do anything because now standing up means standing up in front of whole Aryavart and as a crown prince it will start a war and cause death of countless.

Suddenly a voice of Tung was heard and whole Palace shook. Everyone in panic looked towards from the where sound came and saw Karna with his bow looking at them fiercely.

Karna said," whoever wants to live sit down. I am not Vasudev Krishan who will forgive your 100 mistakes. My sister will choose whoever she wants to marry. No matter then if enemy is immortal or not i will kill him."

Everyone in Sabha gulped no one was unaware from the fight between Karna and Kalyavan and how he took out Pashupatashtra to kill him.

Soon all king were silent and sit down but Shishupal said," hahaha, What can a Sutaputra do to. Not even That Cowherd Dwarkadhish was able to do anything to me."

Karna said," It's not like he can't but he didn't because your mother asked him for a promise. You are just like a new born baby protected by his mother and don't have any achievement for himself as he was never able to leave his mother's lap."

The king who hate Shishupal including Duryodhana laughed. Shishupal become red from embarrassment and took out his sword in anger.

Karna just smirked and fire a arrow from his bow. Suddenly the sword fall from Shishupal's hand and a arrow stabbed inside his knee so he fall.

Karna stood up from his place and come to Bhanumati. Karna asked," Devi, my mitr Duryodhana loves you and wants to marry you. Do you also want to spend your whole life with him?"

Bhanumati smiled and said," yes Bhrata and you can call me Bhanu as you are my brother who saved my life." 

Karna smiled and said to Duryodhana," What are you waiting for, take her hand and run away."

Duryodhana smiled and took Bahnumati's hand and run away with Karna on his Chariot.

The kings with their army started to chase them and Karna said," If i knew that being friends with you will make me enemy of whole Aryavart then i would have think ten times before being your friend."

Duryodhana laughed and said," But now you are my friend and Brother so there is no going back."

Karna chuckled and Bhanumati was surprised to see their bond. Karna shoot a arrow which created a crack on earth and every king had to stop. Shishupal keep shouting insults but Karna didn't mind it.

They were moving forward but suddenly the Chariot stopped and infront of them were Vasudev Shree Krishan and Haldhar Balram.

The trio said," Pranipat Vasudev and Dau Balram."

Shree krishna said," Pranipat Vrisha and Bhrata Duryodhana. Kalyan ho Bahen Bhanumati."

Balram said," there is nothing left to do Angraaj you are doing a Adharm by kidnapping a Princess from her Swayamvar."

Karna said with polite smile," but Dau Bahen Bhanumati is going with us on her own will. We are not forcing her."

Balram said," And you also shoot arrow at my cousin in front of whole Aryavart today i cannot let you pass here, return Bhanumati back to Kalinga."

Bhanumati become tense after all the one infront of her is Haldhar Balram the strongest mace fighter in the world. Karna said with polite smile still on his face," i am sorry Day but i cannot return her as your cousin will force her to marry him."

Balram didn't said anything and picked up hin Plough and smash it on earth. Suddenly the crack started to spread towards them and Karna landed on ground.

He stopped the crack from his feet and summoned his mace he got from Lord Ganesh. Karna said to Duryodhana," Go to Anga and don't stop in the way. I will stop them here."

Duryodhana and Bhanumati were shocked and Duryodhana said," Kuruvansh has not fallen this low that I will run leaving my friend behind no matter what. If we have to fight then both of us will fight together."

Karna looked at him and said," So be it, just keep my sister safe."

Karna and Balram dashed towards each other in full force and when their Maces collided it generated a shockwave which made everyone step backward.

Karna and Balram started to fight each other. All devta from swarg were looking at this fight and everyone was panicking about how Suryadev's son is fighting Sesnaag's avatar.

Karna and Balram were fighting with eachother and their surroundings were being destroyed. Karna thought," Hey Gurudev, Mata Shakti and Rambhakt, please bless me so that I can help my friend and sister."

Mahadev and Devi Shakti smiled and said," We bless you Putra, until you are on the path of Dharma no one in the universe will be able to defeat you."

Karna started to apply more strength and Balram also fight back and clouds of sand started to rise and Shree Krishan said to Balram without anyone hearing it.

Shree Krishan," Dau, if you hurt him then Bhadra and Meghanaa will be very sad. They love him after all "

Balram realized he had gone too far with this. Both of them locked each other and Karna was getting tired against Balram.

Balram backed away. He was impressed by Karna's strength and said,``I accept you have done nothing wrong because someone who has done Adharm will not have Shivshakti's blessings with him. You have made me so happy after a long time. I will give you one thing you want, ask what you want."

Karna joined his hand and bowed his head. He said," I just want your blessings dau."

Balram nodded and Karna with Duryodhana and Bahnumati left from there. 

They reached Anga where Karna gave Duryodhana and Bahnumati different rooms and Karna sent a letter to Gandhari about what happened in Kalinga as he doesn't care about anyone other than her.

Bhanumati was amazed by the beauty of Castle so Karna told a maid to give a tour of Castle to Bahnumati.  Soon a reply came from Hastinapur with the seal of the king that they want their son and Daughter in law to come back.

Duryodhana also agreed with this and Karna arranged Chariots for them then suddenly Bhanumati asked," Aren't you going to come to Bhrata?"

Karna smiled and said," I am not welcome there my sweet sister so i won't go but if anytime you find that someone or Duryodhana is treating you badly then come to your brother."

Bhanumati shook her head and said," Then I also won't go. My parents have broken all the relations with me and now you are the only person who considers me family. Who will do my Kanya daan."

Karna became silent and looked at Bhanumati's pleading eyes and nodded. Bhanumati was happy but Duryodhana was double happy because Bhanumati got a brother as family and his best friend will be present at his wedding.

Karna with Duryodhana and Bahnumati reached Hastinapur that day but didn't stay at the Palace. He went back to meet Radha and Adhirath. Next day the safe decided the date of the wedding which was a week ahead so Karna even though he didn't want to have to accept the hospitality of the Royal family.

Gandhari who was sitting with Karna and Bhanumati asked," Putra, why do you always try to stay away from here. Do you not like your mother anymore?" In a panic voice.

Karna hurriedly said," it's nothing like that maa, it's just people other than you and my brothers. Everyone still thinks of me as a low born who should not be here so I am just trying to avoid possible conflict."

Gandhari caressed his face and said," I don't know what niyati has think for you but i know one thing there is no soul more pure than you"

Karna just smiled and everyone went back to do their own things. Meghnaa and Subhdra also came for a week as Dusshala's friends and bond with Karna very well.

The trio enjoyed eachother's company very much and the time went by and soon the day of wedding arrived, Karna did the Kanyadan of Bhanumati and performed every ritual of a father or brother.

Subhdraa and Meghnaa also supported him throughout the marriage and after the wedding Meghnaa said Karna to meet her at night.

Karna came to the garden and saw Meghnaa standing in the garden and she was looking beautiful in the light of the moon. Karna's heartbeat started to race and he was having all kinds of thoughts about her. Karna tried to control his thoughts but couldn't.

He moved towards Meghnaa and Meghnaa hearing something behind her turned towards Karna with smile.

Karna looked at her smile and was instantly lost in it. He smiled at her and asked," What do you wanted to talk to me about Meghnaa?"

Meghnaa smiled shyly and said," Angraaj, the first time I saw you at Kala pradarshan i was instantly interested in you and when you played Veena i was not able get you out of my mind but i thought it was just a fascination and will disappear due to time but when you protected me and Bhadra i fall for you.

And from that day you are making me fall in love more and more. I have accepted you as my husband in my heart but i want to know do you feel the same for me? I don't know what i will do if you don't."

Karna hold her hand slightly and said in shaky voice," Neha, you know if you love me the society will insult you as a Yadav marrying a suta and it is not easy to hear the same thing everywhere you go."

Meghnaa caressed his face and asked with a smile," Will you protect me Arya(Husband)?"

Karna looked at her with shock and said with determination in his eyes,``I will protect you no matter what. I will never let anyone insult you or harm you."

Meghnaa smiled and said," this is enough for me."

Karna hugged her tightly and Meghnaa also did the same. After that both of them left and Karna said he will ask her hand in marriage and Meghnaa was very happy.

Meghnaa came inside the room in which she and Subhdra were staying and seeing her happy smile Subhdra asked," Oh ho, why are you happy in the middle of night?"

Meghnaa blushed and as she never hid anything from Subhdra she said," I told my feelings to Angraaj and he said he also feels the same for me."

Subhdra was like someone pulled from below her feet. She was stunned but most importantly hurt. She also loved him but Never got courage to tell him even after all the talks she had with Dusshala.

Subhdra said in a happy voice," W…we…well it's good for you as Angraaj is a very good man. He will keep you happy." and went back to sleep with heavy heart, leaving a confused Meghnaa behind.


This chapter was very long to write so i didn't edit so please ready it on your own risk.😂

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