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82.35% Magic, Curses and Gods Amongst Men || HP x JJK / Chapter 26: Jujutsu Sorcerers

Capítulo 26: Jujutsu Sorcerers

It had been quite a rough week for Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts. He had been subjected to the meeting upon meeting upon meeting, both with the school board and the Wizengamot. It was understandable, people were scared, not even during the height of Grindelwald's power did he launch an attack at what could be said to be the heart of Wizarding Britain. There had been peace in Britain since the downfall of Voldemort and his extremist movement, this attack had many thinking that the peacetimes were over and Grindelwald was making his move against Britain.


Does Britain Need a New Protector?

By Rita Skeeter

I come to you with sad news on this day my dear readers, Hogwarts has been attacked. The place we send all of our children, the one place that was supposed to be safe. The death toll has still not been made available to the public but this journalist has been unrelenting in her search for truth, and in that quest, she had found that over 336 students and professors were killed in mere hours.

That's right my dear readers 336.

Now I think we all know the question we must ask ourselves. Where was Albus Dumbledore? The self-proclaimed strongest wizard in the world. It is him that we trust with our children and him we looked to when You-Know-Who terrorised our fair isle all those years ago. The Minister of Magic himself had this to say about Dumbeldore's whereabouts during the night.

"Stuck in his office? Absolutely ridiculous, I've never heard of such utter rubbish in my life, Albus has grown arrogant from this high tower of his and it's quite possible that time has weakened him to the point where he merely hid in his office while his professors fought bravely."

Quote from Cornelius Fudge

I am afraid the news only gets worse my dear readers, for not only has Hogwarts Headmaster failed the dead students that now litter his halls. But our beloved national hero Harry Potter has been declared missing.

I know it's a lot to take in, there were moments when I thought I wouldn't be able to continue writing, but I continued for you my adoring viewers. Dumbledore was entrusted with one of our heroes and lost him not two months into the school year.

So I pose this question to you my dear readers, does Britain need a new protector?

Has Albus Dumbledore outlived his usefulness?

Should he retire and allow a stronger and younger man to take his place?

That's up to you.


"Bloody Hogswallop," Dumbledore said as he threw the newspaper down with a pout on his face.

"Maybe I should leave Britain, I hear Japan has a few teaching positions open, what do you think Fawkes?" Dumbledore asked his companion who trilled out a beautiful whistle in reply.

"Yes, yes I know don't give up on them, though it is hard when they annoy me," he said while picking out a hard candy from the bowl in front of him.

"The new wards are set in place, I've hidden the ward stone they are attached to, no one will ever be attacking Hogwarts again," Dumbledore said resolutely.


"What do you mean I jinxed myself, don't tell me you believe in that rubbish," Dumbledore said while rolling his eyes at the Phoenix.

However, before he could continue his conversation his fireplace erupted into green flames and a man stepped out. He was as old as Dumbledore but his body was strong and his shoulders broad, his grey hair was still thick and full and he was clean-shaven. Dumbledore nearly choked on his sweet when the man arrived.

"Where is my stone boy?"


While Miguel was still sleeping Harry had halved his food supply again and walked out of their cave. He took down his blindfold happy at finally being able to see properly again; he could see his magic again and even control it slightly, but it felt like sludge in his body and forming any kind of spell was next to impossible. Though one added benefit of his vision was he could see precious gems and ore in the walls a lot better than before, he considered forgetting about fighting and just mining. While it would be a good backup plan if he couldn't convince Yuki to help it would take too long to mine what he needed.

"Why am I doing this..." he whispered to himself as he walked through the tunnels. Harry was usually a person who prided himself on his self-reflection, but as of late, he had been charging headlong into things without thinking.

The truth he wouldn't admit to himself was that he was afraid, he didn't want to reflect on himself and his actions because he feared where it may lead him. In fact, it was as if he subconsciously knew where this line of thinking would take him.

'I wish I could've stayed with-'


Harry hit himself in the face drawing himself from his thoughts, he then focused back on getting to his destination. Walking through the maze-like tunnels wasn't too difficult for him and eventually, he made it back to the room where Ciri and Yennefer had been staying. Entering inside he saw Ciri curled up against Yennefer, he frowned when he saw how dirty they both were. He inspected the cave and was glad to see that there was still some food left, but it clearly meant that Yennefer had been refusing to eat again.

She knew she was going to die and didn't want to take food away from her younger sister or whoever Ciri was to her. Harry had brought a torch inside and placed it in a small alcove on the wall that acted like a shelf, as he stepped closer towards them Ciri woke up and she backed away in fear. "Yen! Yen! Go away!" She screamed as she grabbed a stone and threw it at him.

Harry caught the stone before tossing it to the ground. 'Does she have Amneisa or something?' He thought to himself as he walked closer. He then realised that his blindfold was off and she must not have recognised him.

He pulled the blindfold back up "It's me," he simply said. It seemed to be enough as her look of terror disappeared and a bright smile washed across her face and she ran up to Harry engulfing him in a hug, one that made him a little more than a bit uncomfortable. "You came back!" She said with equal parts happiness and gratitude.

"How is she?" Harry asked Ciri as he removed himself from the hug and walked over to Yennefer who still looked very pale and sweaty.

"She's very sleepy," Ciri said hopping next to Harry as the boy checked her pulse and temperature. He didn't have that much medical knowledge, just what he'd read from muggle books. However, they were around the same age and he was relatively healthy so he hoped to use himself as a baseline for how sick she was.

'102 BPM.'

He then checked himself.

'55 BPM.'

Harry sighed "I hope I'm doing this right," he whispered to himself.

"You came back..." Yennefer croaked out as her violet eyes opened.

Harry grabbed the same cloth he used last time and used it to give Yennefer some water. "I brought some more food, eat this time," Harry said as he unwrapped the small parcel bringing the meat to her lips.

Yennefer kept her mouth closed "Ciri first," she insisted.

"She doesn't need the meat as much as you do," Harry stated.

"Please eat Yen," Ciri said with watery eyes.

Being convinced by the look on her face she relented and began to eat the tough meat. Meanwhile, Harry gave Ciri a portion of the bread and cheese which she happily ate. "Ciri... go to your hiding place," Yennefer said after finishing her food.

Ciri looked up from her food and pouted "But he just arrived, I wanna stay," she said childishly.

"Now... Ciri," Yennefer said sternly, and Ciri relented going into a small hole that was well hidden, Harry doubted he'd even be able to fit there.

"I can't move too much... but I'll do my best," Yennefer said to Harry as she moved her hands up to the rags that covered her chest. However, before she could do it Harry grabbed her hand and shook his head.

"I'm not interested," He said before letting go of her hand.

Yennefer narrowed her eyes in confusion. "What do you want then?" She asked.

"Nothing," Harry responded.

"Bullshit... I won't let you have Ciri," Yennefer almost growled.

"You can take me if you want but leave her alone," She said in equal parts desperation and anger.

Harry sighed before moving towards her and lifting her up from her back into a seated position. He then ripped a piece of his outfit off and dipped it in the cool stream. "If I wanted either of you I could've done so already," he said. Then in contrast to his words, he pulled her rags off her body exposing her chest and upper torso.

She covered herself and Harry made no move to stop her, instead, he soaked the cloth he had taken from his outfit and started wiping the sweat and grime off her body. He considered that it wouldn't be doing her health any good to be this filthy. "That's cold..." she growled out.

"Could be worse," he responded as he continued to clean her.

"I don't believe you, what are you after," she said while staring intensely at him.

"Got a way out of this place?" Harry asked.

"What? No," she said confused at the sudden question.

"Then you have nothing I want," Harry said.

"You don't want to fuck me?" She asked with a suspicious gaze.

"I'm thirteen... I think I can wait a few years before I do that," Harry said with a deadpan expression.

Yennefer felt her cheeks heat up and she turned back around letting him continue to wash her. She had to admit it did feel nice being clean for the first time since she'd fallen Ill.

He did her feet and legs but stopped before her intimate areas which she was grateful for. When Ciri came back out Harry washed her as well though she insisted on trying to play with him and even managed to somehow get on his back which made him stand and spin around trying to get her off. Both girls actually laughed at him which made him grumble.

"I'm going to get you medicine, I'll try and bring food as often as I can," Harry said to both of them as he got ready to go.

"Do you have to leave?" Ciri asked as she looked up at him.

Harry nodded as he crouched down next to her "How else am I going to get the things to make Yennefer better," he said before placing a hand on her head and standing back up.

Harry left the two girls and headed back to his and Miguel's cave, he didn't sleep much but knew he needed to get at least a few hours before they looked for Yuki Tsukumo.


Harry and Miguel had finally come to the areas that Apolline had told him about, the section with three tunnels. "I can't believe you, I've been such a good friend to you this past month and yet you never told me that Apolline was naked when you saw her," Miguel said as he wiped a mock tear from his face.

"It wasn't important," Harry responded. 

"Wasn't important!" He shouted back.

"You had a goddess naked in front of you, breasts and ass on full display and it wasn't important!" Miguel looked at Harry as if he didn't even know the boy anymore.

"Let's go," Harry said as he walked through the central tunnel.

"Did you fuck?" Miguel asked though he was almost afraid of the answer.

"No, she kissed me and I left," Harry replied.

Miguel felt like his heart had just been torn out, this boy before him had been kissed by a Veela, a race of goddesses and he just turned around and left after. "She only did it to take the blindfold off," Harry added and he moved his blindfold down.

Miguel looked at him for a few seconds before turning away "Put it back on your face pisses me off," he said silently cursing his pretty friend.

As they walked through the tunnels they found that the pathway got steeper. The entire time Miguel grumbled but Harry ignored him, he hoped Apolline had not lied to him, but the further they got the more his gut twisted.

Eventually, they emerged out onto an edge that looked over the atrium, they were around halfway up between the ground and the ceiling. "This is the only way forward," Miguel said pointing to their left as a groove in the cavern wall. It was more than large enough for both of them to walk together so with no concerns they both walked down the path.

"My friend I've been wondering how you'll convince them to train you. No offence but you don't have much to offer," Miguel said with a chuckle.

Harry shrugged "I'll do whatever it takes," he simply said.

Miguel sighed "I do not know why you're doing this, but I do know it is not for yourself."

"You're a good person, I just hope that it doesn't get you killed," Miguel said with slight concern on his face.

"Shut up..." Harry said weakly with clenched fists. He wasn't a good person, not even close.

"Listen, my friend-"

Before Miguel could finish they were both interrupted when they were kicked in the face by someone who swung down from the wall. Miguel was sent a couple of feet back, but Harry was knocked off the edge and would've plummeted to his death had he not grabbed a hold of the edge.

Miguel rolled back before standing up, the person in front of them was tall, nearly 6ft, she had long blonde hair and pink eyes and was of Asian descent. "Ahhh you must be Yuki Tsukumo, we have come to look for you," Miguel said with a grin. Though she clearly took this the wrong way as she rushed towards him sending a heavy blow towards his stomach.

He managed to block the strike but was dazed by a right cross against his chin. She then hit him with an uppercut, grabbed his head and jumped up slamming her knee into his face. 'I want to go home...' Miguel thought as he was drop-kicked into his chest and sent roughly to the ground.

"Okay you want some of Miguel, I'll give you some of him," he said as he clenched his fist and flexed his muscles.

Harry pulled himself up behind her, while this wasn't a good impression if this was the person they were looking for he couldn't just assume that she was. If she wasn't her they would just be letting her kill them. He rushed at her from behind while Miguel took her front; he aimed a wide haymaker at her that she stepped into, she grabbed his arm and spun him around with her hips throwing her at Harry who slid under Miguel. "At least catch me!" He heard Miguel yell as he tumbled behind him.

Harry through textbook jabs and straights that he'd seen people use at the boxing club at school. The girl easily avoided them and sent a powerful strike to his sternum, she then spun around connecting her heel with his head. Harry felt his vision go black for a moment and he wondered if he'd just passed out for a second. Miguel rejoined the fight jumping over Harry and attempting to smash her face with a powerful superman punch; The girl blocked it but was pushed back by the power. Miguel moved forward trying to capitalise on the opening but she connected a kick with his stomach making him keel over.

Harry pushed Miguel out of the way before swinging for her, she deflected the blow off to the side before bringing her elbow down on the nape of his neck. Harry was amazed at how proficient she was, not even Abernathy could compete with her, but now that he thought about it he relied on speed, power and his proficiency in channelling magic to his body. While he did have experience fighting it seemed this girl was a true martial artist.

She then flipped backwards kicking Harry in the face and making him do a 180 onto his back. Miguel knelt by his side and helped him up "My friend, perhaps we should leave, she does not seem happy with us," he said with a nervous chuckle.

Harry spat out a mouthful of blood and shook his head "She won't get rid of me that easily," he said before standing back up.

"Then perhaps we should fight her together, we could-"

Harry rushed towards her aiming for her stomach, she twisted out of the way before hooking her arms in his and kicking his feet out from underneath him then ending it all by axe kicking him down into the ground.

"I guess you could do that instead," Miguel said with a laugh that was quickly cut short when she rushed towards him again.

Harry groaned as he stood up again, he did feel a little satisfaction when he saw Miguel being slammed into the ceiling, though he did have to wonder how the girl was able to do that since Miguel was as tall as she was and quite a bit heavier. 'All questions for later,' he thought to himself.

Harry moved up towards her this time however he moved his blindfold down. The girl knew he was coming and sent a back kick aimed straight for his face, Harry moved underneath it and attempted to unbalance her by pushing her leg up, however, she countered this by jumping with her other foot and spinning around in an attempt to connect it with Harry's chin.

Harry avoided it once again and connected a punch straight to her stomach before she could land making her slam to the ground. She scowled before raising her legs and then jumping from her back to her feet.

She rushed forward throwing a jab that was too fast for him to avoid. She seemed to throw continuous fast punches aimed at his face and chest, for every one he'd block and avoid four would connect. It was as crazy that the girl in front of him was using nothing but pure skill to fight him and he was losing that badly. However, with his eyes free, he was able to see everything that happened, even if his body wasn't able to avoid it.

Not all punches were the same, some were weaker and some hit him in non-vital areas. He could block the worst ones and ignore the rest of them, it would give him a chance to counterattack. After a few exchanges he actually managed to brush his fist against her face; his smirk at his accomplishment was quickly wiped off his face when she grabbed his arm and used it to pull him towards her before sending a vicious elbow to his nose. She went to hit him again but Miguel hooked her arm between his pulling her back, this didn't deter her and she kicked off Harry going over Miguel's shoulder before using her momentum to throw him against the cave wall.

Harry then did something she didn't expect and threw a rock at her. She leaned out of the way and blocked the barrage of punches Harry tried to hit her with, she frowned however when she realised that he was mimicking her form. She sent a powerful blow through his guard which hit him in the chest, she then kicked out at his legs which made him lean forward, she then leaned over him picked him up under his stomach and slammed him onto his back.


A voice echoed out before she could finish. Harry looked up and saw a young man with a goatee, his hair was short at the sides and long at the top. The girl seemed to listen to him and moved away from him and Miguel, giving him a chance to stand up.

"You boy what's your name," The man asked in accented English.

"Harry Potter," he replied, as his eyes bore into the man. He then started speaking another language to the girl who seemed indignant. She eventually waved the man off and crossed her arms.

"Would you like to come inside," the man offered.

Harry nodded and moved to follow him though he had a slight limp. He did catch a small smirk on the girl's face when she saw them both struggling to walk. Harry hoped she wasn't the one they were looking for, but considering his luck as of late he didn't have high hopes.

They were taken into a cave that had water running down like a shower into a small puddle, that puddle also drained off into a hole in the wall. 'A toilet and a shower,' Harry immediately thought.

"My name is Yaga Masamichi, and my associate here is Tsukumo Yuki," Yaga said as he gestured for them to sit down.

"I apologise for the way my friend greeted you, but most of the people who have come to find us do not have the best of intentions," he explained.

"May I offer you some food," he said politely.

"Yes ple-"

"No thank you," Harry said cutting Miguel off.

"Then may I ask why you've come here?" He asked.

"I want her to teach me to fight so I can join the death matches," Harry replied simply.

"Fuck no!" Yuki said before he could even reply.

"She can speak English?" Miguel said.

"Yes she can, I just don't speak to weaklings," she replied with her arms crossed.

"Ouch..." Miguel said a little hurt.

"Tsukumo enough," Yaga said sternly.

The cave went silent as Yaga contemplated the situation. The moment he saw Harry he was shocked, he had seen the pride and joy of the Gojo Clan, Satoru Gojo just a year before. He was always under the impression that there could only be one person in possession of the Six Eyes and yet another sat before him, much older than Gojo. 'This could work...' he thought to himself.

"Tsukumo will teach you how to fight to the best of her ability," Yaga said causing Yuki to scowl, she was about to speak but Yaga shot her a glare.

"What do you want in return?" Harry asked.

"I want your assistance in escaping this place," he said leaning forward.

Harry raised an eyebrow "What skills do you think I possess to help with such a thing," he replied.

"Your eyes," Yaga said which made Harry tense.

"Do not worry I mean you no harm," Yaga assured him.

"For a year now I've been in deep meditation, trying to get in touch with my Cursed Energy, but I've made little progress," Yaga explained.

"If my information is correct your Six Eyes allows you a great control over your Cursed Energy," he added.

"Cursed Energy? You mean Magic," Harry asked.

"Yes my mistake, in Japan it is referred to as Cursed Energy," he replied.

"I can feel my Magic in my body, I can move it, but it feels like moving mud," he explained.

"That is more than enough for what I have planned," Yaga said with a small smile.

"What do you have planned?" Harry asked.

"Tell me have you ever heard of a mimic... I believe your people call them Animagus?" he asked.

(AN: Another Chapter done, Harry has met two more characters from Jujutsu. The principle should be pretty young now in his early to mid twenties. The escape plan involves an animagus, but it's probably not what you're thinking as Yaga is currently an animagus. Anyway gonna get into more training and turning Harry into a top tier fighter. Ciri and Yennefer are pretty much side characters in this arc and will feature more later on, especially Ciri. I hope you enjoyed the chapter)

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