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47.05% Magic, Curses and Gods Amongst Men || HP x JJK / Chapter 14: Duelling

Capítulo 14: Duelling

"I can't believe you made us late for Duelling, this is my favourite lesson you know!" Harry shouted at Hannah as they rushed to get to class.

"You haven't even had the lesson yet how can it be your favourite!" She shouted back at him as she and Susan struggled to keep up with Harry.

"You don't know that it won't be!" He shouted as he started running faster much to the girl's protests. When Harry had launched the Cursed Spirit out of the castle they had all gone to find a teacher, but not finding one they went to the headmaster's office which was provided to them by a painting. Needless to say, when they arrived and tried to tell Dumbledore about the ghost that turned into a Cursed Spirit he was less than helpful.


"A ghost that has turned into a Cursed Spirit you say?" Dumbledore said as he stroked his beard in contemplation.

"Yes professor, it was a knight at first then turned into this monster and would've gotten us too if Harry hadn't exorcised it!" Hannah said in a panic.

"I think you must be mistaken Miss Abbott, there are no Cursed Spirits in Hogwarts..." he said with a smile planted on his face.

"I know that sir but it was the Ghost that turned into one and-"

"Miss Abbott there are no Cursed Spirits in Hogwarts School for Witches and Wizards," he interrupted.

"So how can you explain what we saw!?" Hannah asked incredulously.

"Mirrors..." Dumbledore replied bluntly.

"Mirrors?" Hannah said dumbly.

"Can we go yet this conversation is incredibly boring," Harry said as he leaned back in his chair.

"I-I... y-you-" Hannah found herself at a loss for words as she seemed to be surrounded by absolute morons.

"Come on Hannah... let's get to class," Susan said quietly as she ushered Hannah out of the headmasters office.


"Like Dumbledore said it was Mirrors, that explains it," Harry said to Hannah as they ran.

"That literally explains nothing!!!" Hannah shouted back. Harry laughed at her outrage giving her a wide smile that only infuriated her more.

Of course, while Harry acted rather blasé about the incident, he was rather concerned. 'The castle is full of ghosts, if one of them can act like that then there is a chance that another could as well,' he thought to himself. He then remembered the conversation with Dumbledore which made him suspect that this was not an isolated incident; Harry would need to be on the lookout from now on and make sure that none of the ghosts can change into Cursed Spirits, though he was sure Dumbledore would be able to handle most cases. 'I'm sure he would've shown up at the last second if I hadn't released that spell... At least I hope so, otherwise, Hannah might be right and we might actually have an idiot for a Head Master.' Harry chuckled nervously at that idea before he turned a corner finally reaching the duelling classroom.

All three of them burst through the door to the classroom earning the stares of everyone in the room. "You three are late, could you please explain to the class what was more important that you couldn't show up on time!" A woman that Harry recognised as Bellatrix said with a stern expression on her face befitting a professor of Hogwarts.

"Oh good it looks like the teacher isn't here yet," Harry said to the girls clapping them both on the back with a smile. Bellatrix felt her eyebrow twitch with irritation at the jab from Harry, his annoying smirk didn't make the situation any better.

"Well since you think there are more important things to do, you can be my volunteer, Mr Potter," Bellatrix said as she approached the duelling platform. Hannah giggled at Harry's misfortune while Susan looked sympathetic; Harry just sighed as he followed Bellatrix up onto the platform.

"Now as most of you know duelling will be an incredibly important skill for the future, whether you are fighting cursed spirits or dark wizards, what you learn here will apply to all," Bellatrix stated.

"Duelling will be the application of what you learn in Charms, DADA, Barrier magic, and Transfiguration, any magic you learn has the potential to be used in a duel and as you progress through the year your duelling will progress to higher and higher levels," she explained.

"What about the U18's championships!" Draco Malfoy shouted out from the crowd below Bellatrix earning a scorning look from her for the interruption.

"The championships will be held as planned, though it will be the very best of Hogwarts, so I would temper your expectations, Mr Malfoy," Bellatrix said with an almost malicious smile.

"Championships?" Harry said dumbly from beside Bellatrix earning a sigh from his teacher.

"Next year during the summer after exams multiple duelling games will be held. I believe this year will be single duels and a tag team free for all where two students from each of the schools will fight in a massive shifting arena," Bellatrix explained to Harry who looked awestruck.

"What determines whether you're chosen or not," Harry asked excitedly.

"We have our little competition to decide which two students we will send," Bellatrix replied.

"Now enough of the U18 we must begin the lesson, now I shall be teaching you quite a simple utility spell that can be applied to duels in a multitude of ways," Bellatrix stated as she withdrew her wand.

"Ascendio." She held her wand up in the air and was propelled upwards —though she slowed the spell down for the benefit of those watching— before quickly falling back down.

"A simple spell with a simple purpose, but a rather misleading name, Ascendio is not limited to only propelling yourself up, it in fact propels you the direction your wand happens to be facing. Bellatrix then pointed her wand to her side and muttered the spell again, she was quickly propelled to the side; amazingly she managed to stay on her feet and was even able to cast it again multiple times, seemingly zooming around the room.

"A rather handy spell to use in a duel, and one your opponents will have no doubt mastered, be assured that there will always be a cursed spirit or dark wizard that is stronger than you or faster than you, but through creative thinking and application it is possible to bridge the gap," She explained. Harry looked at her in slight awe, she could act quite childish at times but seeing her here teaching showed him a whole other side of her. Harry knew she was quite a powerful witch, as someone who could open a Domain Expansion was quite rare in the magical world. 'Maybe she'll give me some private lessons... no not like that... maybe like that,' he thought to himself with a creepy smile on his face.


Harry was snapped out of his thoughts by Bellatrix who had quite a vicious smile on her face "Now Mr Potter, you will demonstrate the spell while I barrage you with spells of my own, thank you for volunteering, students often say I'm a bit rough," she said as the tip of her wand started to glow.

Harry started to laugh nervously as he brought out his wand. What proceeded was Harry ducking, dodging and weaving for his life as he tried to avoid a barrage of what he knew were overpowered stinging hexes. How did he know, he knew because she managed to hit him with one and it stung like a bitch. Any shield he put up she immediately broke through with a high-powered shield breaker; Harry could copy any spell he saw using his Six Eyes, but the problem with that is that he'd be limited to the proficiency of the spell of the person he saw do it. If he saw a second year perform the spell then he'd only be able to use it as well as the second year.

Harry never knew that and only managed to figure it out at that moment. "Come on Harry, you can't seriously let this old woman beat you," Bellatrix said with a smirk as she mock yawned. Harry smirked as he realised his mistake in using spells 'I don't need to copy, I'll just make them a hundred times better,' he thought to himself as he conjured a shield again. Bellatrix smiled lazily before sending a shield piercer at his shield, but as the spell reached midway through the duelling platform Harry's shield changed and morphed, growing smaller and forming a tiny bubble around the tip of his wand. With a deft hand, he slashed against her spell and sent it flying up to the ceiling, he then returned a stunner towards the professor who was in shock at what she saw. However, that didn't stop her from easily catching his spell in the same way and throwing it harmlessly against the wall.

Bellatrix frowned at Harry, the other students looked at him in shock. "Mr Potter... please inform me how it is you know a third-year technique..." she asked.

Harry just looked confused and scratched his head with his wand. "Ummm, I just used the basic shield and made it smaller so it could be stronger," he explained.

Bellatrix just looked at him before sighing. 'While that is atrociously oversimplified, that's the basic idea for a deflection spell,' Bellatrix thought to herself. However, she didn't know one student in her seventh year who could control their magic and alter a spell without the corresponding spell or multiplier.

"Well Mr Potter I believe you've served long enough for your punishment," she said before turning around and facing the students.

"Let's pair you up and have one of you shoot spells while the other practices their Ascendio, spread out I don't want you all hitting into each other," she instructed and they all got into pairs.

Bellatrix walked up to Harry as students started to pair off and dragged him off to the side. "I have been instructed by Dumbledore to give you detention, two days a week after classes," Bellatrix stated with a serious expression.

Harry looked at her incredulously "Why what did I do!?" He asked.

A smile made its way onto Bellatrix's face. "Something about a trip to the Forbidden Forest," she said making Harry pale.

'How the hell did that old goat find out?' Harry thought to himself with an annoyed expression on his face.

"During these detentions, I've been asked to instruct you in duelling and magical theory, as well as help you develop your cursed technique," she informed him.

Harry raised an eyebrow, as it was clear that these detentions were just an excuse. 'I guess it couldn't hurt to get some instruction from her,' he thought to himself.

"We'll also see how you use those eyes in a fight..." Bellatrix whispered as she leaned forward next to his ear.

Harry's eyes widened as he was sure that he hadn't told her about the six eyes, but when he gave it a bit more thought it made sense considering how close she was to his family —supposedly. There was also the possibility that Dumbledore told her about it since he seemed to know —since he had those glasses to give to him.

"You know if you wanted to get me alone you didn't have to use such nefarious tactics," Harry said with a smirk, but quickly found himself flying towards the wall being hit by a blasting hex.

Landing next to Hannah and Susan who had paired up he laughed. "She likes me I can tell..." he said before grunting in pain.


Dumbledore walked up the steps of Hogwarts entering a familiar-looking corridor. The magic and wards that were woven into Hogwarts had already started to heal and fix the wall that Harry smashed the cursed spirit through. Unsheathing his wand Dumbledore cast a few detection charms, and he instantly recognised the taint that was associated with a cursed spirit. A dark trail formed and led out of the hole in the wall of the castle; Dumbledore transfigured the castle walls opening the hole wider before jumping down and slowing his fall with a quick arresto momentum.

He followed the dark trail through the courtyard and to the long bridge of Hogwarts. "Ah Mr Longbottom, is there a particular reason you're not in class at the moment," Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eyes and a small smile on his face.

Neville crushed the wood of the bridge bannister when he heard the words of the Headmaster. Dumbledore either did not notice or pretended not to as he had no noticeable reaction. "Slytherin are duelling at the moment, I don't have the capability to learn anything useful," he said bluntly to the headmaster.

"I do indeed see how that can present a problem, well my boy, how about you join me, I find myself on a rather interesting adventure and could use assistance," Dumbledore said as he approached Neville putting his arm around his shoulder and ushering him further onto the bridge. Neville had to stop himself from grabbing the headmaster's arm and snapping it like a twig as soon as he touched him. He wouldn't start a fight with the man, not yet at least.

"I don't suppose you've seen a ghost running amuck around here my boy?" Dumbledore said as he walked slowly across the bridge with Neville by his side.

"No sir..." Neville said in an emotionless tone.

Dumbledore then stopped with Neville in his grasp before looking down at the boy and smiling "It is rather fortunate you chose to brood and not some other student, the lack of magic in your body made the Cursed Spirit ignore you," Dumbledore stated which made Neville's eyes widen slightly.

Dumbledore put a finger over his mouth and pointed up with his wand. When Neville looked up he saw a monstrous-looking cursed spirit hiding on the ceiling of the wooden bridge. He didn't flinch when he saw it, he'd long since become used to Cursed Spirits and he hadn't been afraid of them since he was 9 years old.

"What do you say, Mr Longbottom, ready for some practical experience?" Dumbledore said with a smile on his face.

"I don't have a weapon, sir," Neville said, and while he could probably tear the Cursed Spirit apart with his bare hands he didn't want to tip his hand to everyone and reveal how strong he was.

Dumbledore began to riffle around in his sleeves as he searched for something. "I believe I... no not that... ah yes here it is," Dumbledore said as he withdrew something that looked like a large stick engraved with runes.

"I believe this will suffice, it has the runes engraved for Force, Push and Balance engraved on them, this stick will be quite handy in taking care of a cursed spirit, especially if you're the one swinging it," Dumbledore said with a wink.

"I don't need to tell you what might happen if you were caught using such an item against a student, do I?" Dumbledore said as he put his hand on Neville's shoulder, and for a moment Neville felt like the entire castle was weighing down on him, he felt like he was about to suffocate, it got so bad he felt like he might pass out, but as quickly as it came it receded and Neville could breathe again.

"No sir," Neville said through gritted teeth. He knew Dumbledore would be powerful, but never in his wildest dreams did he expect him to be able to defeat him merely by putting his hand on his shoulder. 'I'll need to alter my plan...' he thought to himself before gripping the stick tightly.

"Excellent, now let's see if we can talk some sense into this grumpy ghost before we bash its skull in, yes?" Dumbledore said with a grin as he shot a spell to the ceiling forcing the Cursed Spirit to the ground. "Sir Dickleby, are you in there?" Dumbledore asked, but all he got in return was a screech of displeasure from the Cursed Spirit. Neville looked at Dumbledore like he was a madman, but tensed as the cursed spirit charged at them.

He expected Dumbledore to conjure a shield but when he looked next to him there was no one there. Dumbledore was already legging it back down the bridge holding his robe up like a dress 'That fucking...'


Neville avoided the cursed spirit's massive hand slamming into the wooden bridge and crashing straight through it. While in the air he flipped upside down and his feet lightly pressed against the ceiling; he pushed off it launching himself towards the Cursed Spirit and smashing the stick against it which had the effect of sending them both through the bottom of the bridge.

Almost faster than the eye could see Neville battered the Cursed Spirit with his new weapon as they fell. Thrusting it into the creature's eye he decided that he had done enough and jumped off the creature and back onto the bridge before he fell too far. He looked around and saw that Dumbledore had disappeared and silently cursed the man.

Dumbledore looked down at Neville from the window of his office. "Do you think it was wise giving the lad such a weapon, you know what he plans to do, do you not?" The Portrait of Phineas Nigellus Black stated in a serious tone.

"A long time ago I was once told that a good teacher guides his students to a promising future, a great teacher guides students that have lost their way," Dumbledore stated.

"Is that supposed to mean something?" Phineas said drearily.

"It means that it's easy to guide those that are already on the right path, but to guide someone whose actions lead them astray is a true challenge," Dumbledore said as he took a seat in his chair.

"You told me fate could not be changed, he is destined to be killed by Harry Potter during his Third Year," Phineas said matter of factly.

"In my experience, but it doesn't stop me from hoping for that is the most powerful magic that a person can possess," Dumbledore replied with a grin on his face.

The portrait rolled his eyes "When did Hogwarts get such a dreamer for its Headmaster," he said with exasperation.

"As if anyone else would've considered reactivating your portrait, you're a bit of a sour puss you know," Dumbledore said as he leaned back in his seat and popped a lemon drop into his mouth.

(AN: So another chapter done, I'm gonna be setting stuff up for Halloween in the next few chapters aswell as developing the main characters and expanding Harry's spell repertoire. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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