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8.82% Magic, Curses and Gods Amongst Men || HP x JJK / Chapter 1: Birth of the Honoured One

Capítulo 1: Birth of the Honoured One

(AN: In this Magic and Cursed Energy are the same, I think there are enough similarities to blend them together. However in England CE will be referred to as Magic, and RCE is Light Magic, anyway magical beasts and the sort will be explained later on and stuff)

(Godric's Hollow)

Lily and James Potter sat together on the sofa inside of their home as she hugged into him. The war had taken a toll on both of them, they had lost so many friends these past few years and who knew how many more they'd lose before it was over. They wanted to trust in Dumbledore, that was the reason they came to this house in the first place, but what they didn't understand was why Dumbledore didn't finish things and kill Voldemort.

James felt Lily shiver in his grasp and he looked down at her "Are you okay Lil?" He asked her as he pulled her in closer. She shook her head and rested it on his chest as she started to weep.

"I feel as if I am waiting to die and this house will serve as my coffin" she breathed out as she grabbed onto her husband's shirt.

"God! What kind of world have we brought Harry into, one where a maniac kills people like me and at best makes Harry serve people like him" Lily shouts with tears streaming down her face.

James hugs her closely "Don't worry love, things won't come to that we are safe here, Peter is the Secret Keeper so Voldemort won't find us"

"But why is he specifically after us?" Lily asked as she leaned away from her Husband. James couldn't help the sigh that escaped his lips as this had been a big point of contention between them.

"Dumbledore knows more than he's told us, why else would he have us move here under the Fidelius charm" She stated rather angrily.

James took his glasses off and rubbed the bridge of his nose "I don't know Lily, but I trust Dumbledore and I'm sure he has our best interests at heart" he reasoned.

But before Lily could reply they both felt a tingle run down their spine "The charm is down! Lily get Harry and leave!" James quickly said as he stood up and grabbed his wand off the side table.

"I can't believe Peter sold us out" Lily said with her hand over her mouth in shock.

"Lily!!! You need to get Harry and run" James said grabbing his wife by the shoulders to snap her out of it.

Lily composed herself and looked at her husband "You can't fight him alone, let me help" she said

James shook his head and gave her a sombre expression "Whether it's one or both of us the result will be the same, go and protect Harry" he said with a smile before kissing her on the lips.

Lily felt the weight of the situation fell on her and she nodded "I can still give you some help" she whispered and stood back from him before holding her hands together.

Twelve Stars Summoning: Taurus

A bright light erupted from her chest and moved in front of her before expanding and illuminating the entire room with light, when it darkened in the living room was now a white Minotaur-like creature over two heads taller than James. Lily then quickly ran to the staircase and went to Harry's room having done all she could.

James stood and faced the front door, he looked over to Taurus "Keep out of sight, wait for the right moment" he commanded and the magical summon obeyed and stepped backwards. James heard the slow footsteps approaching his home, he knew he would die soon but he would do whatever he could to save his family. When he heard the door click open he launched his attack.

*Bombarda Maxima*

The spell launched at the front door was powerful enough to blow off the entire front of the house. James breathed slightly heavily as he had put a lot of magic into that spell, however when the smoke cleared his heart dropped and a pit formed in his stomach.

Standing in his front garden having been blown back by the spell but otherwise unharmed stood the man that gave most wizards and witches nightmares "Good evening Lord Potter, I have to admit that I've had warmer welcomes" Voldemort said from underneath his hood.

James gripped his wand tightly as we walked out of his house "I am not sure why you're after us, but you'll have to step over my corpse to get to my family"

Voldemort started to chuckle "Did Dumbledore not tell you why I am here? It was foolish of you to put your hopes on a man too afraid to face me"

"But no matter, things needn't end this way, Lord Potter, if you hand over your son to me then I shall allow you and your wife to live in my new world, even a talentless wizard such as yourself can do well" Voldemort flexed his wrist and his wand fell out of his sleeve.

James didn't hesitate and lifted his wand shooting a spell chain, he started with a Reducto followed by the Bone-breaking curse and ended with a stunner. Though each of these spells never seemed to reach Voldemort and instead seemed to fizzle out in the air around him.

James narrowed his eyes as he looked at the Dark Lord before him, the grass around his feet was dead in a 2-metre radius around his body. Dumbledore had always told them if they were to face Voldemort on the field to turn around and run.

James dodged to his right rolling on the grass and avoiding a dark purple beam that shot from Voldemort's wand "Perhaps I'm growing too kind humouring you like this, but I am interested to see how you've survived the war this long" Voldemort stated as he tapped his bone white wand on his hand.

James scowled as he stood up and started launching spell after spell at the Dark Lord, though no matter how powerful or how large the effect was the same and they all fizzled out before they hit him. As James exhausted himself Voldemort stood there laughing at him not even bothering to fire anything back.

"NOW!" James shouted.

The Bull that Lily had summoned charged from the house and towards the Dark Lord who just stood there though whether it was because he was too surprised to move or was not worried James wasn't sure. Though he quickly found out when the bull went to punch him and its arm turned into dust as it got closer, the magical summons growled as it looked at its stump.

Voldemort lifted his hand and the Summons seemed to turn into nothing before James eyes "Now do you see why the Almighty Dumbledore sits in his office at Hogwarts, because he lives in fear at what he created!" Voldemort stated, James could see an eery smile just under the hood of his cloak.

James silently cursed, it hadn't even been two minutes since he'd first blown up the front of the house and yet it was almost over. Instead of firing off a spell, he rushed towards Voldemort, magic surrounded James making him a lot faster than he usually was.

Voldemort still stood unfazed "Oh" you took Magical Enhancement in 3rd year, I shouldn't be surprised but it won't help you if you can't hit me" he said with a smile.

However his smile was wiped off his face as James threw a punch that connected with Voldemort's face completely catching him off guard, it was enhanced by his magic so it ended up throwing him several metres back "Arrogant prick" James spat as he rushed towards him again.

Voldemort floated off the ground his hood now removed from his head. James was expecting to see a Monster and not a handsome man, but it didn't matter. Voldemort shot a couple of spells at James, each one he recognised as being lethal however none of them reached him much to Voldemort's surprise.

Voldemort tried to dash backwards but he couldn't and was quickly pulled towards James who threw multiple punches at him before kicking him away and to the ground again. James stood over Voldemort and coughed up a significant amount of blood, the Dark Lord saw this and laughed "I see, I suppose it's my fault for underestimating you" he said as he stood up.

"Tell me Lord Potter, what was the payment to let you use Limitless" Voldemort asked with a smirk. Blood started to pour from James' nose and eyes, so much so that he had to remove his glasses.

"Everything" he simply said before withdrawing his wand again and pouring a significant amount of magic into it. Voldemort's eyes widened at the amount of magic being used by the 'average wizard' before him, Voldemort gripped his wand tightly ready to deflect anything that came his way.

"Limitless Technique Amplification: Blue" James spoke out and the orb of blue cracking energy that had formed on top of his wand launched towards Voldemort as it ripped up the ground in front of its path, Voldemort tried to counter it with a hastily conjured shield.


James collapsed to the ground his body going limp as his magical vow exacted the toll on his body for allowing him to use Limitless without the fabled six eyes. His hopes that he may have defeated Voldemort were immediately shattered as the Dark Lord stood above him though he had one less arm "I must say I am disappointed in myself for underestimating you, I always forget it is the smallest of creatures that carry the worst stings"

"Whispering Death Reversal: Restoration" he said aloud and to James' shock his arm rematerialised as if it had never been gone in the first place "You tried your best Lord Potter but at the end of the day you chose the wrong side" Voldemort said as he fired a sickly green blast from his wand.

'Lily... Harry' was the last thought in his mind as he was hit by the spell.


Lily rushed into Harry's room to see him lying on his back looking at the rotating stars above the cot. He smiled sweetly at Lily when she picked him up, he touched the tears on her face as if trying to make her feel better and Lily couldn't help but smile at her son.

She tried to Apparate but found she couldn't, it was at this point she heard an explosion outside and when she went to the window she saw the sickly green light hit her husband making her heartbreak 'We are next' she thought to herself. She was starting to get desperate so she placed Harry back in his cot and ripped open his pyjamas before taking out her wand and drawing several rune clusters onto his body.

Her heart was starting to beat fast as she heard the thumping of footsteps on the stairs, she quickly finished and then picked Harry up "I'm sorry I won't be there to see you grow up" she said tearfully as she kissed the centre of the rune formation on his chest. A light passed between them and Lily fell on the floor completely lifeless, Harry dropped into the crib and started to cry.

Voldemort walked into the room, he saw the lifeless body of Lily on the ground but ignored it and approached the grip. He saw the snow-white hair and crystal blue glowing eyes of the child in the crib "I understand now, at first I did not know how a baby could be responsible for my downfall, but seeing you now I understand"

Voldemort points his wand at the baby and a green light appears at the end.


(Eleven Years Later)

Harry woke up startled as his head fell on the table, he immediately shot up and looked around wondering what happened, however, he was only greeted with the laughter of his classmates "Pay Attention in my Classroom Mr. Potter or I'll have you spend your entire lunch tomorrow cleaning underneath the desk!" Mrs. Spencer shouted from the front of the class.

Harry sighed "Yes Mrs Spencer," he said as he leaned back in his chair, unfortunately even when he closed his eyes he was subjected to the disgusting wrinkles and moles that made up 90% of Mrs Spencer's face. He hoped that he'd be able to sleep in class because of his dark tinted glasses but it seemed he didn't account for falling forward and slamming his head against the table.

He looked towards the clock and sighed, he hated this place. Not because of the other children though they didn't help but something else.


Harry looked into the corner of the room seeing multiple small grotesque creatures clumped together, they had large eyes and lips with dark green skin, their tongues hung out of their mouths and were long and thin. Often Harry saw them perched on teachers' and student's shoulders with their tongues down their ears, each time they did those people would often be more forgetful or be subjected to migraines. Though for Harry the worst ones were in the basement of the school.

'Maybe I should go back to sleep...' he thought to himself as he looked down at his textbook 'At least Dudley isn't here' he'd been enrolled into the local secondary school while Dudley went to Smeltings, his father's old private school. A relief for Harry as it made living at home a bit more bearable, though not by much, Sadly summer is starting tomorrow which means Dudders is coming home. For the rest of class, Harry watched the clock tick, every movement of the hand felt like an eternity until finally it struck 3:30. He immediately packed his bags and got out of his chair "I haven't dismissed you yet Mr Potter! Sit back down!" Mrs Spencer shrieked out.

Harry walked past her "Eye appointment" he simply said before leaving the classroom. It was perhaps the greatest excuse in his arsenal as he did have a medical note about how sensitive his eyes were to light. Though Harry hadn't told them about the other aspects of his vision, and he'd learnt to keep his mouth shut about the monsters that floated around after scaring the crap out of his aunt and uncle, he'll always look on that memory quite fondly.

Rushing out the back of the school he jumped up nearly 2 metres in the air and over the brick wall that surrounded the school finally able to get out of that boring hell for the summer 'Not that it's any less boring out here' he thought to himself with a chuckle as he walked down the road back towards his house. He decided to cut through a large park that quite a few joggers would pass through as it had a well-maintained path, usually, he wouldn't take this route but he thought he might see something interesting.

"AHHHH, Help! Help!"

Harry heard someone shout as he walked down the path with his hands in his pockets, "I guess that is pretty interesting" he said to himself with a small smile as he rushed forward about 100 metres ahead of the path was a man who was being dragged into the mouth of what looked like a large road with the teeth of a beaver.

Harry smiled as he channelled his blue energy to his hand and slashed downwards cutting off the monster's arms, it screamed in agony and pushed off its back legs to try and grab Harry in its mouth however he jumped up and slammed his foot down into its head before slashing with his hand again and cutting it in half. It quickly dissolved and floated up into the sky "Oh..." he said to himself, with how big it was he thought it would put up a bit more of a fight.

Shrugging his shoulders he decided to continue his journey home accidentally stepping on the guy he just saved. Turning onto Privet Drive he couldn't help but laugh at the sheer number of monsters that infested this place though most of them were harmless... to him anyway.

"Oh great..." he said to himself as he saw a huge commotion outside of his home 'I know they were excited for him to come home but really?' He thought to himself as he approached number 4 Privet Drive. They were having a homecoming celebration for Dudley inviting around all of his friends and other family such as his Aunt Marge.

When his Uncle Vernon saw him the smile on his face seemed to evaporate and he quickly left the front garden celebrations to meet Harry before he could reach home. He grabbed him by the arm tightly "Listen here, boy! I don't want to hear anything freakish from you at Dudley's party you hear me!?" He whispered loudly.

Harry rolled his eyes before wiping the sit from his face "No problem Uncle Vernon I'll just go to my room" he said with a fake smile.

"No! You will stay outside where I can watch you, and you will behave normally or I'll see to it that you spend the whole summer in that damn cupboard" He whispered viciously before grabbing him and pushing him forward, though his smile returned as soon as they made it back to the front garden, after all, he wouldn't want to appear bad in front of the neighbours.

He quickly shoved Harry off who decided to go and sit by a buffet table they had our surprise surprise that's where his favourite and also least favourite cousin was. Stuffing his face with sausage rolls and grabbing a handful of chips Harry wished he could turn his vision off, though he wasn't the only one who was put off by his appalling table manners.  A cute blonde girl with short hair that curled at the ends stood next to him as if waiting for him to finish.

"Got enough food there Dudley?" Harry asked as he took a seat in a chair behind the table. He reached over to one of several glass bottles of coke that were served on the table however before he could grab it a big meaty paw grabbed it first "Hello cousin, been a while asnt' it, I reckon we got a lotta catching up to do" Dudley said with a smile that bordered on violent, though Harry couldn't say he was worried.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your cousin Duddy?" the girl next to him said in a quiet voice.

'Duddy?' Harry thought with an amused expression on his face.

"Huh? Oh yeah this is Beth, she's my girlfriend, she went to Burgess Hill the all-girls boarding school close to Smelting's" he said wrapping a big flabby arm around her.

"It turns out Beth here lives over on Rigel Road just in town! Bad luck freak looks like the girls love me just like they did Dad" Dudley said with a laugh as he walked off. However, Beth just stood there with a helpless smile "How much is he paying you?" Harry asked drawing a laugh from the girl.

"Nothing... kind of," she said awkwardly as she scratched her arm.

"I get bullied a lot at my school but Dudley is quite popular in the town so since I've been with him they've left me alone" Beth said as she looked down at her feet.

Harry snorted "Between you and me I'd rather be bullied" he said before grabbing a bottle of coke and walking off.

He spent most of the party leaning against the wall of the house flicking stuff at Dudley from a distance, though he did manage to hit Ripper on the nose which sent him running off. Harry sighed, he didn't know if he could take living here much longer, it was so boring to the point where he missed the good old days he'd lived in fear of being beaten by his uncle.

Eventually, the party started to die down and so Harry slipped into the house and opened the door to his room under the stairs, he'd grown a lot in the past few years so he struggled to lie down properly inside but he didn't mind the room that much.

He closed his eyes 'I hope something exciting happens tomorrow' he thought to himself before falling asleep.

(AN: tbh I've had this chapter done for a while but I've been busy with other fics. So I thought I'd just upload it and see what people thought, this will be Harry Potter mainly. But will have aspects of Jujutsu such as people having Innate magic techniques and domain expansions, reversed cursed energy will work the same way and it'll be used to cast spells like patronous charm and other light based spells. Anything else will be explained along the way)

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