It's been roughly 4 months since Madara stepped in this island, he managed to achieve everything he wanted, he got his weapons ready, he expanded his training to other ninja arts from the Naruto World with his new weapons, he taught the veteran Kyoshi Warriors and their future generation, now its time to get back on the road.
Leaving his old black robes on top of his bed and started to dressing the new robes that the Kyoshi Warriors gave him, the old one didn't fit him anymore.
He asked for a specific design for his new robes, he wanted to keep his clothes in line with real Madara's style but he also wanted to have his own touch as well, the new robes were a replica of Darth Maul's Sith robes, the only difference was instead of long black boots, it was long black shinobi sandals, and instead of tight sleeves around his forearms, it was a long loose kimono sleeves, it also had a small Uchiha symbol on the back not too big, roughly resembling the one on Sasuke's first outfit on Shippuuden.
He also had a long black cloak but instead of a hooded cloak he had one with a mesh of grey fur, the cloak was long, very long that would drag on the floor when he walked, it was inspired by his favorite character from Castlevania animation, Trevor Belmont, and the cloak would fit him for many years to come.
The Kyoshi gave him several different sizes of his Robes, he believes that they will last until his growth spur hit, perhaps until 15 or 16 years old.
Setting everything up, putting his hidden weapons inside his long kimono sleeves, he picks up his backpack and give one last look at the little residence that housed him for almost half year.
Its dawn, there's a gentle warm breeze spreading through the island, the winter is over and its spring time, many people are just doing their daily chores but there's a small crowd by the docks.
"Take care Madara, if you need anything just come back here" said Kira with a melancholic smile on her pretty face, today she wasn't wearing her Kyoshi Warrior outfit and paintings, she was wearing a simple green kimono that matched her shiny green eyes and contrasted her long loose red brown hair.
"I will Kira, and you keep those brats out of trouble, Suki have been very naughty recently" Madara said back.
She just chuckled, almost half year and he didn't change a bit, she didn't want to keep talking about their farewells so she changed subject when she saw him stepping on the boat that offered him passage to the mainland.
"Couldn't you chose another color other than black?" she asked displaying her classic sarcastic tone.
"I could… but I felt you all would jump on my jugular if I requested red"
They both laughed together one last time.
"By the way you never told me about that symbol on your robes what does that mean" she said as she passed a small envelope to him, which he quickly pocketed and placed inside his robes right before the boat start leaving the docks.
"It's the symbol of my family, my clan, the Uchiha"
She raised her voice as he got farther "Uchiha? Never heard about them."
He smirked at her and shouted back "Oh, but one day you will!"
Turning to the horizon he muttered to himself "Surely one day you will…"
At the docks she could only try her best to prevent the sadness from taking her as she saw Madara become a small dot on the horizon. "One day I will huh? I will be waiting for it... farewell for now Madara Uchiha." She muttered to herself, but the other Kyoshi Warriors by her side also heard it.
What he didn't know was when he left the island a small auburn-haired girl entered his old shack, not seeing him she just sighed with tearful eyes and silently grabbed his old black robes and left.
It has been six months since Madara left Kyoshi Island, during this time he managed to strike rich!
No, he didn't find gold mine or anything like that, well not exactly… what he found was several Fire Nation encampments all around the southeastern corner of the Earth Kingdom and robbed them blind!
If no one spotted him he would just take the money and valuable items and leave, if he was spotted even by one person, he did what any sensible person on his situation would do, he would erase the witnesses and loot the whole camp if possible, he usually focused on small 5-man encampments, he didn't want to risk himself for money.
No one alive knew who was doing it, but he earned a reputation and a title for himself, the tales of the "Greedy Ghost" were spreading through the nearby villages and towns.
He had his own hideout somewhere in the Foggy Swamp, southwest of the Si Wong Desert, where he dumped all his earnings, right now he had quite a decent pile of golden taels, and a few bags of coins from all different tribes, there were also bags with many different resources that the Fire Nation so kindly donated to him.
It was midnight with a full moon shining bright on the sky, gentle moonlight illuminating the jungle through the canopy of huge trees that spread as far as one's eye could see, the Foggy Swamp was silent like a graveyard tonight, maintaining its creepy atmosphere.
That was until the shadow of young boi dressed in black robes flew through the tree branches, Madara's black robes were stained with blood but there was not a single cut on them.
Behind him a platoon of 30 Fire Nation solders chased him shooting wave after wave of fire, led by an old Firebender captain named Zhang.
How he knew? Well, he heard rumors about a Platoon of solders formed to hunt down and capture the Greedy Ghost that was costing the Fire Nation so many resources, led by a veteran Firebender that distinguished himself during the 100-year War.
((Let's queue some music, since last battle we used Agni Kai, this time lets go for an OG Naturo soundtrack, play Naruto OST 3 – Beautiful Green Wild Beast, play it on a loop if needed lol))
"Stop the Ghost!"
"Fire at him!"
Madara smirked and united both fists in front of his chest, the once he separated his fists from one another a distinct sound could be heard.
Jumping between trees, doing a 900 degree spin like a small tornado he spread seven kunais in all directions.
all of them with metal wires attached to their pummels, creating a metal spider web between trees.
When the soldiers arrived, they opened fire once again instantly, not paying attention to the wires that were slightly illuminated by the moonlight.
Fireball after Fireball rained down towards Madara as he kept dodging between trees, until all of them were roughly on the spot he prepared.
Captain Zhang's eyes were following Madara like a hawk, he kept his cool during the whole chase, but got confused when Madara suddenly stopped moving further and jumped from a high tree branch to seemingly nowhere, then his eyes went wide when the boy in black started running on the air "W-WHAT?!"
Madara suddenly changed direction again, jumping towards another empty space, he was moving even faster now, they could only see a blur, he was truly like a ghost.
The soldiers were dispersed looking around looking for his location, when out of nowhere a pained shout was heard
The soldiers looked back to see one of their own with blood spurring from their neck, and a weird metal knife lodged on his flesh.
Before they could react, the knife seemed to move on its own and moved back towards between the tree leaves.
"W-what was that?"
"ARGH MY EYE!" another one.
"UGH …MY KNEE!" And another one
One after the other Fire Nation soldiers fell on the ground either severely hurt or dead.
The captain noticed he lost at least 10 good men in seconds and shouted.
"Block Formation! The ones in the back will support the ones on the front!"
The soldiers moved as instructed, and they finally saw a blur moving between trees again, the captain lost his cool and shouted "FIRE HIM DOWN NOW!"
As the soldiers were about to shoot a massive wave of fire, metal wires came out of nowhere
The wire wrapped around the wrist of one of the soldiers on the very back, slightly moving his arm towards his comrades that were in a straight line, with their backs turned towards him.
The massive fire wave of that soldier swallowed at least 5 others, and just like that their numbers halved from the initial 30.
"I can feel it…" Madara muttered wide eyed as he jumped between wires, his smile getting more and more sinister.
"What the…" as the captain and the remaining soldiers turned towards the 'traitor' the ankles of 2 soldiers in the front got wrapped by steel wires, the wires were pulled and both fell on the ground with a heavy tud right before a small wave of five kunai flew towards the unprotected soldiers on the back.
Now it was just 10.
"C-CIRCLE FORMATION AROUND ME!" Shouted the captain in panic.
The soldiers moved again, they trembled inside their armors… 'The ghost will kill us all…"
All the sudden a kunai flew from between the trees twice as fast and lodged itself on a soldiers chest, he survived with no heavy damage due to his armor but then he saw a thick black liquid with a recognizable smell all over the kunai and even the wire.
"W-WHAT?!" said the captain in panic.
All the soldier could see a bright flash of orange light as a massive wave of fire flew through the wire and reached the group of soldiers.
The targeted soldier and the four beside him were swallowed by fire.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I DID IT, I FINALLY FUCKING DID IT!" A maniacal laugh echoed through the foggy swamp.
"W-What kind of monster.. "The captain couldn't give orders anymore, only 4 soldiers left with extremely low morale and the Ghost already cleaned 25, they were sitting ducks at this point.
"THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME FIRE NATION SOLDIERS!" Madara's maniacal voice echoed through
The 5 remaining kept looking around with dread in their eyes, trying to at least see who is the reaper that will claim their lives.
All four looked up to see Madara crouching on top of a tree, staring at them like a predator with a demonic smile on his face.
That was all that the captain could say when he saw those bright blood red eyes glowing in the darkness staring at him.
I'm really getting tired of people complaining about how this Madara is not THE Madara, well obviously its not THE Madara, you don't even have to read the first chapter to know that, its written on the synopsis!
Yes he is nerfed, no he won't have all the powers of the original Madara, why? because it would be so damn boring! the novel would last five chapters!
This fanfiction is not about a xianxia protagonist conquering the world to display how awesome and legendary they are, there's countless of stories like that all over webnovel, i can guarantee that you will find what you are looking for, trust me.
For those who are staying with me, you guys are awesome and i hope i can keep yall entertained with my corny jokes and newb fighting scenes, this chapter is for yall, i hope you enjoy!
Madara was silently standing in front of a pile of corpses, staring at each one of them with a neutral expression and his sharingan glowing red in the dark, some scorched, some mutilated and some with a precise cut on their arteries, those didn't suffer much.
He was considering the information that he got from Captain Zhang, the only middle-aged man on the platoon, how did he get information out of them? Well by false promises of living of course, he is no Kyoshi Warrior, he won't follow his word in every situation… not only that, who will tell the others about it? Not a single soul. 'heh'
"So, they already started the early preparations for the siege of Ba Sing Se, huh? Not only that… it seems that I became quite a high-profile target now, is better to retire the 'Greedy Ghost' persona and stop my looting, I don't need more money and even if I did, I wouldn't risk it anymore, this was only the first of the many waves of problems that I would have to endure if I keep doing this…"
Walking around and collecting the kunai lodged on the soldier's corpses he can only sigh 'I really wished that there was a way to create storage seals in this world… carrying only 30 kunai is too few, but having too many of them will not only restrict my movements, will also weight a lot on my body…'
"Phew" cleaning his forehead's sweat with the sleeve of his kimono "This was tiresome but nowhere nearly as demanding as my duel with Lana… it just proves that one Kyoshi Warriors is way more dangerous than a Platoon of Fire Nation clowns… these people are the stormtroopers of the Avatar World after all."
Looking around the huge trees surrounding the massacre site he could only let out an exasperated sight 'Now to collect all these kunai and wires back… damn they don't tell you that detail on Naruto, do they? For fuck's sake…'
As he kept thinking with his head low, seemingly looking at the dead, a muffled sound… almost imperceptible… reaches his ear.
Madara spins without thinking twice sending two waves, of five kunai each, towards the general direction of the sound.
Mid travel the second wave hits all the kunai on the first wave, making them change direction.
Ting, Ting, Ting, Ting, Ting.
The Kunai with wires attached travels through the swam, the wires rotate around tree branches and trunks, shifting their trajectory slightly once again. That's when he hears a male voice from behind the trees, roughly 600 feet away from him.
"What the… Ugh!" that male voice again, surprised this time…
Keeping one arm fully stretched with many metal wires wrapped around his fingers, he quickly pulls them.
".. I-I can't move..." The voice is still low and muffled but Madara can now feel the fear of that person.
It was a very muffled voice but he heard it, he didn't know who it was, he didn't change his original posture, hell, Madara managed to do all that while still staring at the bodies while contemplating something.
"It seems I caught a little rat…." He grins and slowly turns around and with his other hand he throws a single Kunai, the wire seemed to come out from inside his sleeve.
The kunai traveled in fast speed towards the target, but when Madara's sharingan captured a single tiny detail of this rat's clothes, his pinky moved in a circular manner and extremely fast, sending a wave through the wire that slightly changed the direction of the kunai.
The kunai sinks on a tree trunk, one side of the blade dripping blood that shined like rubies under the moonlight.
"YELP!" the sound echoes through the eerie silent swamp.
Madara slowly walks towards the source of the sound in slow and steady steps, until he finally manages to see a man hanging a few inches from the ground, with his limbs in X position, having metal wires rapped around each one of them, and another metal wire around his neck.
"Good evening my little rat friend"
The man looked like to be mid-20s, had a long blackish brown hair tied on a low ponytail and no bangs, he also had a slightly deep cut on his left cheek with the blood still flowing out.
The man felt dread when he saw those glowing red eyes staring at him, as if they were ready to claim his soul and send it to eternal damnation.
Gulp "H-Hello ther-"
He got interrupted when Madara pulled on of his fingers a tiny little bit more and the wire around his throat tightened.
"Tell me, rat, why are you spying on me?" he grins sinisterly "Do you want to dance too?"
The man mustered all his will to shake his head from one side to the other, answering on a raspy voice due to the wire around his throat.
"Hoh? It seems you know a bit too much for my liking, it's better to settle your permanent residence here then…."
The man's body shook "N-NO P-PLEASE! I… I WAS SENT TO FIND YOU!"
Madara raised a snarky smirk "Oh yeah? So were they…" he said, looking over his shoulder towards the pile of corpses a few hundred feet away.
The man was sweating buckets at this point, he was so afraid of his possible outcome that even the nasty cut on his cheek made him feel pain.
Madara was surprised, raising one of his eyebrows "Master Beifong? As in... Lao Beifong?"
"D-do you k-know about the Patriarch of Beifong family?" asked the man shocked. The Beifong family was very high profile yes, but the name of the patriarch was only known by people of the high society.
Madara got a bit pissed and pulled his fingers a tiny bit again. "Answer the damn question, rat!"
"Y-YES, ITS MASTER LAO BEIFONG!!!" he yelled the top of his lungs.
Madara nodded "And what does the esteemed patriarch of the Beifong Family wants?"
Madara could only smirk 'Would you look at that… when God closes a door, he truly opens a window….' He nodded "Alright then, you will live… for now" moving his hand he loosened the wires tying the man.
He man went on his knees and coughed for a whole minute before calming down "D-do you believe me? Just like that?"
Madara pointed to the flying boar sigil on the man's robes "That is the sigil of the Beifong Family, I just didn't know your intentions… if you didn't have that sigil on you… "quickly pulling his other hand and another kunai flew back to his grasp, this one was partially stained in blood "It wouldn't be just a cut on your cheek…"
The poor man could only thank his wife for demanding that he wore his best robes when doing this job, she said he needed to display the elegance of the Beifong family when dealing with other people, that woman is a genius! I will send her for a whole week spa on the hot springs free of charge!
Madara turned around. "Alright let's go"
The man was confused "But... Mr. Ghost Sir, Gao Ling is the other way…"
"Who said anything about going to Gao Ling? Its time to collect my weapons back."
The man saw enlightenment "Oh! I see you will collect your things before going!"
Madara snorted "I won't be doing a thing!" he tossed the man a small bag "You are… now go... chop chop… we can't let Lao Beifong waiting can we?" He said with a charming smile, but all the man could see was a devil's smirk.
As time passed the poor man had to climb trees, walk on muddy waters and crouch under bushes to recover all his kunai and wires, he couldn't stop sweating feeling Madara's blood red eyes staring on his back all the time.
Madara on the other hand was confused, this man's face and voice… he saw it before… it was way too familiar.
"HEY!" he shouted.
The man trembled and straightened his posture "Y-yes?"
"Your face looks familiar and I seem to recognize your voice… have I've threatened you before?" Asked Madara with a curious and suspicious gaze.
"N-No sir! This is the first time we've ever met Mr. Ghost Sir!"
Madara could only nod "Ok, go on… "
Time passed and all the kunai and wires were already inside the pouch that was handled back to him, that's when something in Madara's head clicked and his eyes widened 'This man… he looks and sounds a lot like Jackie Chan!' he couldn't help but grin.
"Alright, Mr. Ghost… everything is properly recovered, shall we go to Gao Ling now?"
Madara shook his head "No, no… I have many things in my hideout, if I'm leaving the swamp, I'm taking all of it with me… come, follow me… this way Jackie"
The man could only follow "But… s-sir my name is Lei."
Madara just shrugged "Whatever you say Jackie, lets quicken the pace… can't keep your beloved Master Beifong waiting."
And just like that poor Lei became a pack mule, carrying all of Madara's loot for miles, the poor man's legs were already trembling and sore when they finally arrived at the Beifong estate, it took them a week to reach there by foot.
Madara didn't have a problem with the idea of bringing his loot here, the Beifongs were FILTHY RICH, they wouldn't bother about some petty pocket changes that consisted his full 'wealth', to them… what he earned in half year was less than their daily profit.
He was well received, first they led him to a guest house… or at least that's what they called it… for him though? This was a fucking palace! 'God fucking dammit! Who said that money can't buy happiness!? Shoot that guy!'
After taking a shower and putting on clean robes he was led to the main building of the Beifong estate, he had to admit, this place was a work of art… it felt like a xianxia clan house, perfect gardens, beautifully decorated koi ponds, all so clean and sparkly that it felt like another world for him.
The maids led Madara towards the office where Lao Beifong would receive him, once they reached the door, they heard a youthful but imposing voice.
"Come in."
The servants left and Madara stepped inside the office. 'Okay now these people are just showing off…' rolls and rolls of scrolls on bookshelves that not only had extremely detailed carvings, but also had gold ornaments as extra details, a long desk with piles of documents and gold teals, many shelves made of carved wood with golden handles behind the comfiest looking sofa chair ever, and the fanciest fucking rug he ever saw in his life 'are these threads made of gold?!'
Madara calmed himself and walked towards the desk, behind it sat a man with brown eyes and a long black hair 'heh, it seems he still uses a 'youngster' hairstyle, well he should be roughly 20 years now give or take'. The Man had a slightly tanned skin, he wore long palace robes in shades of yellow and gold, with some green details here and there.
"Hello there, Mr. Greedy Ghost, welcome to my humble estate."
Madara could only use his full willpower to not roll his eyes at that comment 'this fucking prick…' taking a deep breath he sat down facing Lao Beifong.
"Madara, my name is Madara"
"Oh? So, its Mr. Madara then? Or do you have a family name?"
Madara could only stop a few seconds to consider if he should openly say about his family, it was a big deal in the Avatar World, after all, you could count on one's fingers how many characters had a family name.
"Uchiha" was all he said.
"Very well then Mr. Uchiha, i sent one of my servants to find you in the Foggy Swamp a few weeks ago, honestly, I thought that he would take way longer."
Madara could only shrug "There was a small party happening in the swamps the night that Jackie showed up, I think he just followed the sounds."
"Jackie?" Lao raised one eyebrow but quickly dismissed it "Anyway, as you should already know, the Fire Nation is on your tail, your bounty was set for 200 Gold Taels for anyone that could lead them to you, not only that they are searching every village and town on the southeast side of the Earth Kingdom for you, in a month at most they will make a perfect barricade around the area to trap you inside"
Madara was rather surprised, not at the Fire Nation's action because he already considered that possibility, but at the Lao Beifong's intelligence gathering "And what I'm here for? I honestly doubt that you would go through so lengths for merely 200 gold taels."
Lao could only smirk "You are right, we don't need to spend that much time and effort for such tiny amount, but I consider you way more valuable than the gold they offer, you see Mr. Uchiha, the Fire Nation had plans, plans that were slightly pushed back by your actions. They won't accept that at all, if captured you will serve as deterrence and example to the population, you know what I mean right?"
"Public execution." Madara said understandingly.
Lao nodded "You are a smart young man Mr. Uchiha, although other's might see you as a young boy, me along anyone that resides on the top of their respective fields can see what's bellow the surface, you are a good future investment and we the Beifongs have an offer for you. You will be obviously well paid for you assistance and we will provide something that no one else can, a trustworthy alibi."
Madara noded "I'm listening"
Lao smirked "Tell me Mr. Uchiha, how good are you in doing business?"
Madara smirked back "Oh… you have no idea…"
As you all must've noticed by now, i'm really using his Shurikenjutsu to the limit, why? well because i always thought it was a shame how all the other Naruto related novels that i had the pleasure to read only talked and talked about how awesome and legendary the Uchiha Shurikenjutsu was, but only used for practice and to make the MC do the 'Itachi's Shuriken' maneuver'.
Now i can't really blame them, Naruto reached a point that Shurikens were more useless than Sakura, people could just spam Susano'o, Bijuudama, Rasenshurikens and any other Nuke No Jutsu that they came up with, but Avatar is a way more 'grounded' fantasy setting than Naruto, so i really wanted to take advantage of that.
Second thing i wanted to say was about people that might complain about Madara's strength against the Kyoshi Warriors. idk how others did it, but in my fanfiction the Kyoshi Warriors are considered one of the top fighters in the world, they are not canonfodder by any means, each one of them have the skills to take down teams of regular soldiers, and i wanted to display that, they went toe-to-toe with Zuko on the show ffs, and took down his entire squad, and that was the 15 year old new gen, the current gen is 18+!
Third and final, this one is tied to the first point, some people asked "why not level up the Avatar World power scale and give Madara full power then?" the problem in doing that is simple, it would remove the tactical and strategical combat like using enviroments and tools, it would only become who have the biggest power multiplier, thats damn boring for me.
Anyway i hope you like the chapter, see yall on the comment section!
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