/ Fantasy / Love's Beyond

Love's Beyond Original

Love's Beyond

Fantasy 7 Capítulos 1.5K Visitas
Autor: AishSpran

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Over a billion years ago, an ancient race known as the Elder Gods dominated Earth, wielding immense power and knowledge. They discovered the dark phoenix legacy—a potent force of destruction that threatened the very fabric of existence. Seeking to contain this power, they intervened with the mysterious power of order, halting the dark phoenix's evolution. Yet, this power remained elusive, an enigma that could neither be seen nor touched, recognized nor contained. In this world, Amidst this chaotic backdrop, a profound love unfolds. As they navigate a universe where everyone and everything— even the cosmos itself—acts in self-preservation,
"Love's Beyond" is a spellbinding tale of forbidden love and relentless determination set against a richly imagined fantasy world. It explores themes of power, sacrifice, and the eternal struggle between light and dark, order and chaos, life and death.

"You hate me, right? No, I don't hate you. I don't particularly like you either."
"I loved your honesty, though.
You hate yourself, don't you? That's why you are doing this—you think you deserve nothing good in life."
"Yes, I do hate myself. I didn't do anything remarkable in life. My power only causes one thing. It's destruction, so it's okay to hate myself."
"I'm not saying you can't hate yourself; it's a feeling. With everything you did, you are supposed to feel that way."
"It wasn’t intentional, though, right?
"What difference does it make?
"What I'm trying to say is that you can’t change anything. Still staying where you got wrong is not right if hate is the only emotion you feel about yourself. It can cause more than destruction."


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Autor AishSpran