Around an hour had passed and Bessie was just finishing off the last stragglers. It was also worth noting that in that timeframe, the maid's mana had by now largely depleted and throughout her battle she began to regularly switch between a more potent casting focussed combat style and then to a more typical melee style when she needed to regenerate her mana. Incredibly though, even with the breaks she was taking, Bessie was now vastly outlasting any fight duration she might have had before. While her style of fighting still didn't lead itself to a war of attrition, it was safe to say that her longevity in combat had improved by leaps and bounds.
I was very low energy all day today and writing was really tough. I'm worried it was particularly noticible this chapter, b ut I hope you still found some of the content interesting. Also... plant baby! What is it? Who knows~ Only next chapter will tell~
Anyways, as always, I hope you're having a wonderful day!