/ Fantasia / Lost souls: Road to Godhood

Lost souls: Road to Godhood Original

Lost souls: Road to Godhood

Fantasia 128 Capítulos 209.1K Visitas
Autor: Unknownking

4.37 (13 valoraciones)

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In a world where mages stand above nobles and even the law, it's not surprising that everyone wants to learn magic. Luz and his brothers are no different.

However, their peaceful lives are shattered when a dragon attacks their village. Left with no choice, Luz uses a forbidden spatial spell to save his brothers. The consequences are not pretty--he and his brothers are scattered across different realms.

Luz will have to travel to places unknown to reunite his family and gain enough power to take vengeance on the dragon. Armed with a single spell that he can only cast once before his magic reserves are depleted, Luz has his work cut out for him.

Being the oldest is never easy.

WPC #222 (no cheat) Winner, Bronze Prize

Every criticism, as well as every praise, is welcome because only through them can I improve my novel^^.

Parental Guidance Suggested


  1. Unknownking
    Unknownking Contribuido 151
  2. Carrot_Dude
    Carrot_Dude Contribuido 92
  3. ChubbyLiv
    ChubbyLiv Contribuido 75

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Writing Quality: There are a few grammatical errors in the story that can be easily overlooked by other readers— however, I will not overlook it. I want this book to be at a quality it deserves: the best. I think an editor or beta reader would vastly improve the quality of this book which can lure in a bigger reader base. The way characters speak and think, can sometimes be stiff— this can be easily fixed. I pointed this out because the formal words, accompanied with the occasional informal words, can make for a jarring reading. Think of a painter who created a realistic painting of a mountain with a cartoon character inserted in the middle of it. It doesn’t fit. I hope that, in the future, these minor things can be fixed to provide a better reading experience for readers. The biggest gripe I have when it concerns the writing, is when something is told to me and not shown. There are so much details that haven’t been described explicitly, which I personally think is a shame. There were so many missed opportunities that could have been taken advantaged of in order to really get a reader into the thick of the plot. Of course, this is only a personal opinion and, in the end, it doesn’t affect my rating of the writing quality that much. Don’t let the writing quality stop you from reading this, however. It’s a treasure that’s yet to be dusted. Update Stability: I know that the author updates once a day, which I applaud them for. I’m well aware that this is not an easy feat unless you have a lot of ideas -that the Author has proven that they have-, inspiration and determination -a trait that, again, the Author has-. Kudos. I noticed someone mention that the chapters are updated at random time because there are no stockpile chapters. Allow me to applaud the Author again; having no stockpile chapters, yet still they update -or try to make up for missed updates the following day- daily? This alone tells me that the Author is dead serious about this novel -as they should be- and is dedicated to providing the readers a steady flow of updates. I recommend having a stock pile of chapters so you may not have to worry in writing up a chapter last minute. World Building: Though the plot is albeit fast paced, there is a steady amount of world building in the story. We follow various characters in the book, which allows the reader to widen the view of this book’s world with every chapter. Even though we’ve been thrown head first into a world with quite a bit of information overload (courtesy of chapter 0), we’re steadily introduced to things that we eventually become adjusted to. For this, I think the world building is quite well-done, even if I hoped that parts of the world would be further explored (for example, the dungeons; they are fascinating). Story Development: The story is unique as it has five main characters. Readers are able to see what the main characters are doing; with them, we face their struggles, their pains and their victories. As others have pointed out -as will I-, the premise of having five main characters is a big deal. It would be near-impossible for readers to keep track of each journey that each main character is on. It would be interesting to see how the Author showcases the individual adventures of each main character until their hopeful reunions. I believe that it would be a difficult journey for the Author to balance the spotlight for each main character as well as making the characters themselves memorable enough for a reader to not forget who is who, why so and so is doing what they are doing. I think that, with the right amount of attention, character building and so on that is given to each character of the story, the Author can create a master piece in this book. Having five main characters will either be the weakness of this book or -I am of the opinion- it will be carrying this book into a successful end. Summary: I heavily recommend this to readers who crave action and drama. There are aspects of found family, but from what I’ve read so far, there is no romance, which I find to be a relief. My favourite character so far has to be Satoshi -for no particular reason of course-. Aha, jokes aside, this really is a well-written book that can, with a bit of polishing, become quite popular. I cannot wait to read on as this story continues to develop. I look forward to see what the Author has to offer and what this book will become.

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HaReM, OP-ChEaT, SyStEm, 200 IQ 4d CheSs PlAyEr MC tHaT KnOws tHe NeXt HuNdReD MoVeS fRoM tHe EnEmY… Well if you are craving these things then I’m sorry to disappoint you since my novel isn't the dopamine-inducing stuff you were looking for. And with that, let's start. Hey, thanks for checking out my novel, and here I'll tell you what one can expect from my novel while also answering the question you all have. I started this novel because I wanted to experience and try out my luck, and it ended up as a habit for me two write a chapter a day. So please forgive me for some of my lackluster descriptions in my earlier chapters since I'm still in the phase of editing my old chapters.^^ Since we finished already with what one can't expect, let's continue with what one can expect from my novel. Weekly updates are guaranteed even though I've been updating daily. But that will change whenever exams are coming up. So what is this novel about? Well, it's a multiple-lead fantasy novel with five brothers ending up in different parts of a world filled with magic. All of them are fighting for survival with hopes of one day reuniting one day with their lost siblings. Conquest, war, revenge, betrayal, drama, and tragedy are themes one can expect from my novel. Maybe even fracticide, like in Cain and Abel, is not excluded. Another interesting thing is that Mages are often scientists who don't always follow the geneva convention and do experiments on humans and monsters alike to increase their own strength or create superior beings. If you have any other questions feel free to ask me.^^

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Great novel. The writing flows smoothly, and there are no major grammatical errors. The plot and the setting of the world are amazing. To me, the best part of this novel is the magic system. Real-life physics seem to play a role in using a spell, which I feel is really cool. The only concern I have is, will it be possible to continue this at higher magic levels. Now the cons. There seem to be a few repeated paragraphs here and there but that isn't a big problem. A few places the names of the people were mixed up which made it difficult to understand who was saying what. My advice would be to separate each speaker into different paragraphs. Overall, an amazing story. Looking forward to more chapters.

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I just got my price and I want to give one of you, my readers, my first earned 100 coins, which I received as a reward for getting third place. So just comment either under this review or under the last chapter. The first new comment will probably get it. It would be nice if the winner could give me the cheapest present but it's up to you.

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review after reading only six chapters I enjoyed the book even though there are a lot of pseudo scientific stuff incorporated to create the fundamentals of a magic system. Everyone seems to have a mana core which acts as a second heart. The mana core could be compared like a heart, because it is also bound onto a circulation system. But unlike the heart the mana core pumps mana through the body. I like that it isn't a system novel and that everyone can become a mage. (I know that are pretty low standards). It's not fast paced which helps with world building. Atleast we can see the interactions between the brothers and how they prepare themselves for their journey. The protagonist seems kinda bipolar to me. On the one side he seems like an encouraging brother, whom I wished I had. But on the other side he also is kinda sinister because his willingness to get his brother's into danger to achieve his goals. This novel belongs more onto magical realism than anything else. writing quality:■■■■□ better than 90% of stuff you find here. But there is still room for improvement. update stability:■■■■■ even though the author promised weekly updates, daily updates and more can be expected. character design:■■■■□ the character seems to be realistic but are limited onto the five siblings, the village elder, the priest and the tax collector right now. Even if they interact with each other frequently, interaction between characters and other villagers would help in creating a more realistic scene.

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This one is a success, i enjoyed reading it, especially the beginning chapters are trully amazing. it hooked me while reading. keep on to write please

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Fine I'm going to review it. in short: I enjoyed reading the book and the stories about the three MC's the book has to offer rn. I recommend it to every reader who enjoys magic stuff. writing quality: the grammar is above average compared to studd you can find here but also not comparable to the top 25 author's but that should be expected. update stability: I should also note that even though the author updates once a day, his updates seem to be on random times. (probably bc he has no chapters ready.) world building: when it comes to world building we got to see three different places. The city, the border town with crimes and the dungeon. from all three places I enjoyed the dungeon the most. also how he tries to establish a magic system rooted in biology also seems to be interesting. hopefully he elaborates more in that. story development is a bit complicated since the book has 5 MC's but we see the adventures of 3 of them. the parsytic space mage, the necromancer whose Skeleton seems to be stronger than himself and the blood devourer MC who tries to survive in a dungeon while getting hunted by Mutants. I really like how the author foreshadows something like 20 chapters ago and the consequences happen sooner or later. the biggest problem rn is that since all 3 of them live in different places, it would have been better to write 3 books about the adventure of each of the siblings instead combining them into one book where they share no equal spotlight. but I can also understand the author. it's hard to write 5 books at once and trying to get every reader to read all five of them is nearly impossible. the good thing is that the author also seems to realize it and will hopefully work on that front sooner or later.

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To be completely transparent and honest I believe this author got a pretty good vision for his work, in addition to the will to put lots of work in. Whilst certain grammatical shortcomings pull it down it is not something that can become better later on as the author accumulates more experience. Do give this one a try if you like to read about different magic systems (The system itself being pretty nice so far from what I've read)

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author here is my review. I like it and that's about it. continue your work and please start to stockpile some chapters. I want to see mass releases

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this novel is on my "TO READ LIST" for one simple reason, I have a kink of reading good revenge stories. hehe. The story is well written and I really love the world view. Author, please stay on track!!?

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I must applaud the writing quality and ingenuity that has been applied to this novel! it is amazing... following our characters Luz, Gab and Az in the beginning and then trekking with Luz is very nice Journey... Every character introduced is distinguishable from the other, Brian for example.... and they are all fascinating in their own ways... The power system is well structured and I can't say I didn't enjoy.. very good read... LETS KEEP GOING AUTHOR!!

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this is really good, it's a must read, am really into it, I just love how the author explained everything about the village and all, all in all the novel is really gold, I just love it, waiting for update

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I have not read it much but just a few first chapters were enough for me to say this one is fire. It has a good setting and a good way to explain people's feelings and a good way to explain the surrounding too

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Autor Unknownking