Rogue cleared his throat.
"I have something to say." The room grew so quiet you could've heard a pin drop. "This past year has brought a lot of changes for all of us. We've stepped out on faith to form an alliance none us ever expected. We've faced challenges." He held out his hand to Kit. "We've had to come to terms with our father, Dusty Walker, and his legacy." Rogue chuckled. "I'm glad I can laugh about it now. A man I scarcely know did his best to destroy me. But what I've gained is so much greater than what I lost." Smiling at Kit, he continued. "I have a beautiful wife, a baby on the way, and..." He raised his glass to his brothers and their ladies. "I have the best family a man could ask for."
"Here, here!" Jackson cheered as the rest joined in with raised glasses and happy comments. "I think this calls for refills."
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