"Phew..." Ray wiped his sweat as they got out of the house. Right now, he felt like he was being choked by a demon from hell or something like that; the presence that Chief had was too much, even for a hardened warrior like him.
"Are you alright, Alex?" Jannese immediately squatted and put her hand on Alex's forehead.
"Yes, Mother, I am sorry for talking back to Chief like this. I think he might hold a grudge against us now." Alex smiled, but his eyes were cold. He knew the eyes of the Chief, what they represented: absolute superiority. It was disgusting to him.
"You don't need to worry about that. Now, let's go. How can Chief take his busy time to deal with people like us?" Ray smiled and pulled Alex's hand.
"Thank you," Alex said and went with them.
They had to walk all these roads again.
But a Donkey came out from the wall behind and went towards Roy.
"Huh?" Jannese didn't know what this was.
"I asked my friend in this level of the village to lend me his donkey. We don't have to walk all the way now." Ray smiled pridefully as he jumped up on the donkey.
"Get up." He pulled his hand to help them too.
Alex sighed in relief.
As they were rushing towards their home, Alex pulled out the pouch that Chief gave him.
"Should I have asked for something more amazing? He asked for anything... sorry." He asked.
"Hahahaha, you don't need to worry about that, Alex. Money is very important right now for us. It's going to help us buy many things for the house and protect me as well as you when you start to hunt yourself," he said and went silent.
Alex nodded. He didn't feel any sorry for what he asked. He had his plans since he could only gather coins by killing, then he would make something that would give him an easier time for killing.
He looked over to the village side they were leaving, and his eyes shined with brightness.
"Since you guys are swindling all the technology... then I will show you what real technology means." He said this and smiled in Jannese's arms.
Alex and the others got home, and they were welcomed by all the villagers. Most of them asked Alex what Chief looked like if he had a girlfriend, and most importantly, what they talked about.
Ray shielded him from the attention, and they finally got into their home.
"PHEW!!! They are aggressive with their compliments. Are you sure you don't want a girlfriend, Alex? I think every girl in the village might open their hearts to you." He said this while pulling his eyebrow.
"Nah, not yet father. I need to get stronger and be able to protect them, of course," Alex said and went towards the other room.
"Hahahahaha!!! My boy." Jannese laughed and went to wash her body.
He looked at the room he saw before, the bloody one.
"By the way, what is in this room?" He asked. Before this, Alex had forgotten why he ran away as he saw how good of a people they were, but now Alex finally remembered this.
"You... are shaken by Chief right? What is wrong Alex? How can you not know village girls and boys coming here and watching the process, especially the boys? Almost everyone wants to become a hunter. As for the smallest ones, I think it might be that idiot Granold; dumbass wants to teach his newborn son to be a bloody warrior," Ray shook his head and opened the door as he saw the handprints.
"Ohhhh!!! I remember now. What is this? I need a hot tea and a bath." Alex smiled like he understood everything.
"Alright, come with me. Let's bathe together," Jannese said and led Alex away.
"No, Mother, I forgot I had stuff to do. Bye!!!" Alex rushed towards one room on the wall, not even knowing what it was.
Jannese and Ray looked over and then at each other.
"What is wrong with him?" They scratched their heads.
"Damn... no way I am bathing with a random woman." Alex sighed and looked around.
"Wow, this seems like a kid's room." He finally understood he was probably in his room.
The walls were painted blue, and there were figurines of warriors with a beautiful one-seat bed with extremely clean cloth and sheets.
"Alright now... let's take a look." Alex took a look at his drawer and opened it.
Inside, there was a sheepskin, dried one for writing.
"I saw papers on the table of that Chief... why the fuck is he holding back so much technology from all these people..." Alex thought this was weird.
"Anyway... I need a weapon, possibly a shotgun, but I guess even that Chief doesn't have gunpowder, as I could see swords in his room. So that is out of the question... bow? How can I make a more technologically advanced bow... wait... fuck, I forgot..." Alex's mind lit up.
"Book, can I buy a gun?" He asked.
Remington 830 Express
Item: Gun
Ability: Nothing
Skill: Nothing
Speed: Nothing
Cost: 30,000 Coins
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!" Alex looked at the price and almost choked. Why was this so expensive, and for a shitty-ass shotgun as well?
"Why is it only one... do you have only one?" Alex asked.
~Since Wielder has not unlocked (Shop) yet, only the most basic version of anything will be available for him. Of course, you can unlock it ahead of time with Coins
"Damn... alright then, give me some wood, basic tools for carving, as well as metal, and a... no, I won't spend money on that... oh yeah, gunpowder," Alex said.
~Section: Wood - (1)
Carving Knife - (1)
Chisel - (1)
Gouge - (1)
Mallet - (1)
Sandpaper - (1)
Item: Materials
Ability: Nothing
Skill: Nothing
Speed: Nothing
Cost: 1,345 Coins
"Fuck... it's still expensive..." Alex took a look at the book next to the buying one.
~Book Of Almanaxh
Level: 14
Ranks: 8Roids of Power
Coins: 1500
New Notifications (0)
"Sigh... give it to me... I need one wood block to make a prototype... I can't just spend money and waste it on a real one; I need to practice." Alex sighed and accepted his fate. He never made a gun before, and he needed to practice. He also knew a blueprint for a gun would cost so much.
~Congratulations, you have bought items!
Items appeared in the drawer.
"Well... let's get started." Alex pulled his cuffs up and took the tools.
"This ain't gonna tak short time." He sighed.
Rank: 6.5
End Of Chapter.