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86% Legacy of the White Dragon : Dance of the Dragons / Chapter 43: Chapter 41 : Reunion and Truths.

Capítulo 43: Chapter 41 : Reunion and Truths.

Rhaenyra Targaryen (109 A.C. Eleventh Moon)

Dragonstone – Dragonstone Harbor

Sails of her house's heraldries and those of Velaryon, Manderly, Aemon's personal sigil, and other houses were sighted on the horizon. She had seen ships before, but something about the name was more awe-inspiring. Because this was her husband Armanda, parts of it returning after a long war. Carrying wealth and men sworn to his cause, most of them loyal to him explicitly.

"A glorious sight, husband," She said, taking his arm in hers. However, she couldn't feel his warmth, as Aemon had donned his armor while waiting at the docks for his men. "It truly is. How are you feeling, my dear? Are you still unwell?" He asked.

"Well enough, it passed. I hope it doesn't return tomorrow." She said. "Perhaps it should. Laena was similar in her first and second moon of her pregnancy. Maybe, my dear, you are with child at this very moment." He said as he kissed her on her cheek. 'Could she be? She had been sick for a week, maybe more, and she and Aemon had lain together many times since his arrival. Aemon had given his seed last evening.' She thought as her other hand went down to her belly.

"I hope you are right, husband." She said as she squeezed Aemon's mail gauntlet more tightly. "Let's hope so. I wouldn't mind seeing a little Rhaenyra running around again." Aemon said with a chuckle. She blushed, but it was a good happy blush at the thought of a small child of her own running around.

Not much later, the ships arrived in the deep water ports of Dragonstone. On Aemon Flagship arrived first the White Dragon. At its bow stood Ser Harrold Westerling. She smiled when she saw him. 'Harrold had always been loyal to her house, especially to Aemon. She had seen their bond, and it wasn't one of duty. Harrold looked at Aemon more like kin, maybe even a son, than a duty bond Kingsguard. That kind of devotion can never be bought or broken.' She thought as the man walked down Gallplank.

"My Prince, it is good to see hail and health. Congratulations on the birth of Princess Arya." Harrold exclaimed warmly on the bent de knee. "Rise, old friend, and thank you. Arya's birth has been a blessing to us all." Aemon said as he took hold of the man's arm and embraced him afterward.

It was a pleasant sight to see. Aemon and Harrold truly cared for one another; in her eyes, there was nothing wrong with that.

"Princess, go see you again after all these years. I hope you have been well?" Harrold questioned after giving her a bow. "I have been well, ser, and Aemon's return has done much to raise my spirits." She said.

"Ah, my Prince, Princess, what a welcome sight." A familiar voice announced itself and gave them both a slight bow. "Lord Corlys, I hope the voyage went well." She asked. "I had a wonderful voyage, Princess. As of the end of it, I would meet my first grandchild and my wife and daughter again." Corlys answered, smiling.

"Well, goodfather, my wife and yours are waiting in the throneroom. Laena is still recovering from her labors and making long journeys like this that have not yet been recommended. She wasn't in the mood to be brought in a litter. Although I have no doubt they will be happy to see you, as I am." Aemon announced as he clasped Corly's hand.

"As I'm, My Prince, your presents has been mist in the Stepstones, but everything went well. But I suppose we will speak about those later." Corlys questioned. "True, it will be discussed before later. Now let our families reunited, mmm." Aemon said as he padded Corlys on the shoulder and walked on some of the other men that came on the docks. Laughing and greeting them all, 'he really has this gravitas with people.' She thought as she watched Aemon.

"Lord Corlys, care to join me to the fortress. My husband will be busy receiving his men when we can be there quickly by horse. We will be there in about less than an hour. " she said, and Corlys nodded and took one of the ready horses. "You have to tell me what the Stepstones were and what things Aemon left out," he asked when they both were mounted. "Of course, Princes, a sailor always his stories," Corlys said with a grin, and she and lord Corlys rode to Dragonstone Fortress. 

Dragonstone – Throneroom

"Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, Lord Corlys Velaryon, Lord of the Tides, and Master of Driftmark." Ser Criston announced as they walked into the room.

Rhaenys stepped forward, her regal bearing softened by the emotion in her eyes. "Welcome back, my love," she said, her voice steady yet filled with affection. Corlys embraced her, a firm yet tender hug that spoke of their deep bond.

Rhaenyra felt a warmth spread through her heart as she observed the tender scene. She understood the feeling. She felt much the same when Aemon arrived back home.

"Father, meet your granddaughter," Laena said as she approached her mother and father. Corlys then turned his attention to Arya, who lay nestled in Laena's arms.

"And this must be Arya," Corlys said, his voice hushed with reverence. Laena shifted slightly to give him a better view of the infant.

"Arya Targaryen, future queen of the Seven Kingdoms.," Laena replied, a mother's pride evident in her tone. Corlys leaned closer, marveling at the babe.

"She is splendid, is she not." She questioned. "She Princess, a welcome sight to arrive to," Corlys said as he rubbed Arya's cheek, who chuckled and grabbed Corlys's finger. "She is strong, as well," Corlys murmured with affection.

"Hmm, she isn't actually the only new Targaryen Princess born. In the previous moon, the Queen also delivered a healthy babe. They named my sister Helaena." She said, and Corlys looked surprised. "Congratulations, Princess, very good moon voor House Targaryen," Corlys said. "Indeed, my lord, and thank you." She answered with a smile.

Rhaenyra's chambers.

She paced inside the dimly lit chamber, the cool stone floor beneath her feet doing little to calm her nerves. Her silvery-gold hair fell in waves over her shoulders, brushing against the fine fabric of her gown. She glanced at Aemon, standing by the window, his grey eyes looking out of the Blackwater bay.

The door creaked open, and Scribtor Gerardys entered, his kind face bringing a small measure of comfort. Her heart pounded as she turned to face him, her hands clenching and unclenching in anxious anticipation.

"My Prince, my Princess," Scribtor Gerardys began, his voice steady and calm. "I have examined the signs carefully. With your morning sickness, the tenderness of the breast, the fact you haven't had your moon blood in over moon, and the slight swell."

She stopped pacing, her breath catching in her throat. She felt Aemon move closer, his hand slipping into hers, offering silent support. "Please, Scribtor Gerardys, what news do you bring?" She asked her voice barely above a whisper, the words trembling on her lips. 'Her and Aemon already had their suspicions, but she wouldn't hoped for it before having confirmation.' She thought.

The scribtor smile was warm, his eyes filled with kindness. "It is my pleasure to inform you that you are with child, Princess Rhaenyra. Almost two moons along, by my estimation."

The words hung in the air momentarily, and she felt a rush of emotion. She gasped, her free hand instinctively moving to her belly. She felt Aemon's envelope her in a hug, his joy palpable. "Our first child," he murmured, his voice filled with wonder, as he kissed after her.

"Indeed, my Prince, but," Scribtor Gerardy said, nodding. "What is it, scribtor?" Aemon asked, a sense of worry in his voice. "With the swell already showing, I expected you are carrying twins. However, I can't be certain on that account. You must take great care, Princess. The early stages of pregnancy are delicate, and you must ensure you rest and nourish yourself well." The man ended. "Twins," She murmured out for only Aemon to hear. 

She gathered herself as tears of happiness welled in her eyes. "Thank you, Scribtor Gerardys. Your words bring great joy to our hearts."

 "We will follow your advice, Scribtor," he said gratefully. "Thank you for your care and guidance."

Scribtor Gerardys bowed slightly. "It is my honor to serve, my Prince, my Princess. I shall prepare some herbs to help with any discomfort and ensure everything progresses smoothly."

As the maester left the room, she remained in Aemon's arms, the reality of the news settling over her. She placed her hand over her belly again, a smile spreading across her face.

"You are going to be a great mother," Aemon said, kissing her again. Afterward, they snuggled in bed and took in this moment of happiness together.


Room of the Painted table.

"Aemon, I suppose you have spoken with the council about the plans for the Narrow Sea," Corlys questioned as they all took their seats.

"As expected, the Hand and Master of Ships were against the proposition. However, the King and the rest were inclined to agree with the proposal. In the coming year, the settling of the Stepstones and the formation of the Paramountship of the Narrow Sea will start. I'm not sure how long it will take. Not that matters. The process will not be rushed." Aemon said, and the gathered lords and ladies nodded and gave approval and hit on the table.

"I suspect, my Prince, you have already made consideration for the future lordships of the Stepstones." It was lord Karic Karstark who had spoken. 'The man's second son had fought in the war with Aemon and was a good friend, and they sent 500 men to support his war effort, perhaps hoping his younger son would gain land.' She mused. However, the man's son, Karlon, didn't seem that happy with his father's question about lands.

"That I have. Many of you around this table have fought valiantly and granted support to me and the Crown. During the war for the Stepstones." Aemon said as he looked around the painted table from his high seat at Aegon the Conqueror. "There will be rewards, and to grand each Lord is appreciation. Not that it is expected, considering all of you have sworn to the Crown and your Liege Lords. Yet like all things in life, good acts are rewarded, treason acts are remembered, and retributions are taken."

"As should Your Grace, House Stark stands behind its future King. We fight for kin and Crown and have not forgotten everything you have done for the North. It has been an honor to serve you during your campaign." All the gather looked surprised to see Aemon's cupbearer, Bennard, who had responded first.

"Thank you, cousin, appreciative thought," Aemon answered, smiling. "As for the settling, all off will be granted the chance to petition me. Little Tyrosh and Vilibosh will become part of Crown and be under my direct control. Two of the nine habitable islands in the Stepstones have already been decided. House Velaryon will be granted a lordship under the guidance of Lord Corlys, his brother Lord Vaemond. Which isle is still to be decided." Corlys stood a little taller at the announcement. 'She had already known, Aemon had told her Laena. Also expected the Velayrons beside Aemon had granted the most support for the war.' She mused.

"Thank you, my Prince. I'm sure my brother will be honored to take charge as Lord of one Stepstones." Corlys exclaimed happily. "Well, House Velaryon has, of course, given much during this war, and we wouldn't have succeeded with the power of the Velaryon fleet. The other house that will be granted a lordship will be House Baratheon. However, that still has to be agreed upon with the transfer of vassals that fall currently Paramountship the Stormland, for example, houses Tarth and Estermont. I shall travel to lord Boremund before leaving to the North. As for the other seats, you should prepare your petitions. I will review them on my return to the North." Aemon added.

"My Prince, as for the payments for our men. I speak for all, and we were pleased with their compensation." It was Ardian Celtigar. A man in his fifties yet had supported her husband well in his war. He had primarily handled the logicity during the war from Dragonstone. His son Barimos had ruled Claw Isle in his stead.

"Well, I suspect Lord Celitgar, you have speared the gold I granted well. Your son would be come Lord if the gold would go missing," Aemon said with a smirk. "Of course, my Prince, as the gods be my witness," Lord Celitgar answered, half smiling. 'It never a bad thing to let your vassals sweat on the occasion,' she thought, amused.

"The Crown will pay the men still in garrison until the other lords take charge of them. Those who don't wish to stay can return to wish they came, join the Oathmen ranks, or join the sellsword company that will be raised near Vilibosh. I still have to appoint a commander. Petitions for that role will also be granted and reviewed later." Aemon ended his overview of the Stepstones.

Aemon took a deep breath, surveying the gathered lords and ladies with a thoughtful expression. "Before we conclude, there are a few more matters to address," he began, catching everyone's attention again.

"As the Crown solidifies its hold on the Stepstones and the Paramountship of the Narrow Sea, we must also consider the future alliances and strengthening the bounds in that land. To that end, there are several proposals for marriages that could further unify our noble houses." Aemon paused, allowing the murmurs of intrigue to ripple through the room.

"Lord Corlys," Aemon continued, turning to the Sea Snake, "Your brother has two sons, a match to be made with one the daughters of the new Paramountship, one of the Stromland house preferably. It will unite the house of that land. Send him word of this proposition. With my blessing and the future lordship, he shouldn't find difficulty finding a good match."

Corlys nodded, a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes. "I think my brother would agree, and he has sworn his loyalty to you, my Prince. I think he would be more willing to agree."

Aemon then turned his attention to the other lords present. "Furthermore, I propose the following unions, which I have already communicated with Lord Garred Glover. Lord Vallent Bar Emmon, if you agree, daughter Lady Alysanne, I suggest a betrothal to Lord Glover's son, Duncan. It will fortify the alliance between Narrow Sea and the North."

Lord Vallent Bar Emmon, a sturdy man with a commanding presence, nodded approvingly. "It would be an honor, my Prince. A marriage blessed, arranged by a crown, is always an honor to receive. I shall send a raven to Lord Glover about a future agreement. Our houses will be stronger together."

"And," Aemon continued, "Lord Gunthor Darklyn, your granddaughter, Lady Ellyn, I suggest a match for your son Lord Massey, Robar Massey. This will ensure a bond between Duskendale and Stonedance, which is crucial for the stability of the Crownlands and the Narrow Sea."

Lord Darklyn and Lord Massey exchanged glances before nodding in agreement. "We accept, my Prince. This union will benefit both our houses. We shall discuss the situation in future meetings." Lord Darklyn answered.

"Very well, I suggest the same for the other lords that join me and Crown in our war in the Stepstones, that we strengthen our ties to each other, which will keep us strong for the future. It will also increase your chances of gaining a lordship for your preferred candidate if the new Lord is married or betrothed by one of our own. As for other appointments, my dear wives, perhaps you stell some the lords gather here the good news." She smiled after Aemon said and stood up, "Lord Massey, offer you a chance for your daughter, Lady Elinda Massey, to become one of my ladies in waiting." She said, and the man's face lit up. "An Honor, Princess, I'm sure my daughter shall be elated when she hears she is to serve a Princess and future Queen." Lord Vallent answered happily.

"Good, sent for her, and I await her coming to Dragonstone." She said and turned her gaze to. "Lord Karic, I extend the same offer to you, your daughter Lady Branda Karstark, to serve as of my ladies in waiting." "Thank you, Princess. I accepted the offer. Shall send for her to join you in Dragonstone also." Lord Karic asked. "No, there is no need, sent her to Winterfell. I shall be traveling there as well with my husband and sister-wife soon. She doesn't have to make the journey south twice." She said, smiling at Aemon and Laena. The Lord of Karhold nodded in agreement.

After she sat back down, Laena stood up. After a moon, she had recovered quite well from her childbirth. As I looked at Laena and her red and black dress, a wanton thought came to mind' Her larger breasts, they had quite enjoyable, during their couplings. Childbearing has some bonusesAemon thinks the same. Before Arya was born, they had positioned night together, and Aemon had worshiped Laena in her state of pregnancy.' She thought with a smirk.

"Lord Lucas Stokeworth, I'm extending an offer for one of your daughters, one by your choosing, to become my lady in waiting," Laena announced. "A much appreciated offer, I shall write to my dear wife. I suspect she has a good idea of who will be best able to serve one of your ladies." Lord Lucas anwesered.

"Well, I hope that announces my lords' plans for the future. I wish you all well in returning to your homes and being reunited with your families, as have been. Thank you all for your service, and I shall hear from you in the future." Aemon ended as he stepped down from his high stead and raised his cup.

"For the Kingdoms," Aemon proclaimed. "For the Kingdoms!" The hall echoed.

Laena Velaryon Targaryen (109 A.C., Eleventh moon)

Dragonstone - Aemon's chambers

"How are you," Aemon asked as his hand caressed her breast and slit down into the water. Finding her cunt, she let out a content sigh Aemon worked her. "Very, I mist your touches on my cunt." She purred. "Me for as well; it's almost two moons a long time without it. Even if we apart longer before." Aemon said as his fingers worked her cunt.

She shuddered as she was pleased with his work. "The hot water reminds me of something I always wanted to do. Remember what I told you before," Aemon said as he kissed her neck. 'What did he mean?' she thought, confused. "What?" She asked. "That I want to mate with you and Rhaenyra one day in the hot pools in Winterfell. I have always wanted to fuck some there." Aemon said as he found her mouth and kissed her.

Then the door opened, and they both looked at Rhaenyra entering. "Oh, having a good bath, Laena, and has our husband find your cunt again," Rhaenyra said smugly. "Yes," She moaned as Aemon increased his speed. "Come then, I wish to see you come, and it has been so long," Rhaenyra said as she undressed. She looked like a vision, a Valyrian beauty. Rhaenyra's skin was like hers, yet her hair color was sliver-gold and straight, where her own was curling.

As she looked more at her sister's wife, Rhaenyra's hair fell past her shoulders, almost touching her round breasts. She looked down further and noticed a bum in her belly. Bellow that a silver-gold haired of Rhaenyra's cunt, one which she had feasted on many times before.

"Does arouse you, Laena. Seeing her undress like that." Aemon questioned as he kissed her neck softly. "Yes, always." She moaned out as Aemon pinched of nipples and worked her cunt vigorously.

"You should. She is one of the two most beautiful women in the world." Aemon said as Rhaenyra stepped into the tub with her and passionately kissed her. "Two, who another husband?" Rhaenyra purred. As she went down and sucked on her breast, she moaned at sensitivity.

 "This one, a vision of salt, sea, and fire," Aemon said as he kissed her. Their tounges danced, and her pleasure was building.

"More," she moaned, feeling herself nearing a climax.

"Such a beautiful sight, seeing you like this," Rhaenyra purred, claiming her mouth in a fervent kiss.

Soon, her climax washed over her, her moans filling the room. "Hmm, so nice to see you peak," Rhaenyra whispered, her lips brushing against hers. She enjoyed the kiss. 'Kissing Rhaenyra had always been a pleasure, even if there was a bit of shyness at the beginning of the relationship. Although Aemon was gone, they had plenty of time to practice.' She thought amused.

"Should I join both in the water or wait for you on the bed?" Aemon questioned as they broke apart from kissing. "What do you think, Laena? Should we go riding our dragon?" Rhaenyra asked, her purple eyes glinting with delight. She kissed her in response, "Yes," "Well, husband, do as your wives command and lie down on the bed." Rhaenyra said with a wicked smile, and they both got out of the tub.

Aemon had already undressed himself and lay down on the bed, and his cock was already standing proud. Rhaenyra, receiving yet no action, climbed onto the bed, wet with water and not bothering to dry herself. She kissed Aemon fervently and crabbing his cock, pushing herself onto him. Aemon and Rhaenyra both moaned loudly as she did.

"Hungry, Rhaenyra? Are our babes spurring you on?" Aemon groaned out as he held Rhaenyra's nice bum as she rode him.

"Yes, they are," Rhaenyra gasped, her movements becoming more frantic. "I've been craving this, craving you."

She watched, her own arousal reigniting as she saw Rhaenyra and Aemon lost in their passion. She moved closer, her hands caressing Rhaenyra's body, feeling the heat and wetness of her skin.

"Join us, Laena," Aemon urged, his voice thick with desire.

She climbed onto the bed, positioning herself behind Rhaenyra. She kissed the back of Rhaenyra's neck, trailing kisses down her spine. Her hands roamed over Rhaenyra's body, feeling her breasts and the curve of her hips.

Rhaenyra's movements on Aemon became more urgent, her moans louder as her touches added to Rhaenyra's pleasure. Aemon's hands moved from Rhaenyra's hips to hers, pulling her closer. "Touch her cunt, Laena. Make her feel even more." Aemon purred.

Her fingers found Rhaenyra's cunt, sliding alongside Aemon's cock, feeling the slickness and heat. She moved her fingers in rhythm with Rhaenyra's movements, adding to the sensations.

Rhaenyra's breath came in gasps, her body trembling with the intensity of her pleasure. "Yes, by Meraxes, yes!" she cried out, her climax nearing.

Aemon groaned, his own release approaching. "I'm close, Rhaenyra. So close."

"Together," Rhaenyra panted. "Come with me, Aemon."

With a final, powerful thrust, Aemon let out a deep moan as he spilled his seed inside Rhaenyra. The sensation triggered Rhaenyra's climax, her body convulsing with pleasure. She felt the contractions around her fingers, the intensity of Rhaenyra's orgasm washing over her.

Rhaenyra collapsed onto Aemon's chest, her breathing heavy and uneven. Aemon held her close, their bodies still joined. Laena kissed Rhaenyra softly, then moved to kiss Aemon.

Aemon's hand trailed Rhaenyra's back as they kissed each other after finishing. Aemon's cock lip out her cunt, a mixture of his seed and Rhaenyra's wetness. She took his staff in her hand and rubbed it up and down. Aemon let out a groan of pleasure. Spurred on by her own arousal, she started to rub herself, being already plenty wet from before.

It did not take long for Aemon's cock to start rising again. "Now, it's your turn, Laena," Aemon said, his voice hoarse but filled with desire.

Rhaenyra moved off Aemon, allowing Laena to position herself over him. She felt the tip of his cock at her entrance, and with a slow, deliberate movement, she lowered herself onto him. Aemon groaned, his hands gripping her hips. 'Oh, damn, two moons, I missed his cock in me,' She mused and moaned in pleasure.

"Ride him, Laena," Rhaenyra whispered, her voice filled with encouragement. "Ride our dragon."

She moved slowly at first, savoring the feeling of Aemon inside her. She leaned forward, kissing him deeply as she began to move faster. Aemon's hands guided her, his grip firm but gentle.

Rhaenyra watched them, and she enjoyed it fucking together like this. Rheaneyra moved to her side, her hands caressing her breasts, pinching her nipples. "Yes, I missed this." She moaned aloud.

Her movements became more urgent, her pleasure building quickly. "Yes, Aemon, yes!" she cried out, her climax approaching. Aemon groaned his own release not far behind. "Come for me, Laena. I want to feel come around my cock." Aemon thrusts deeper than before, leaving her to groan in pleasure. With a final, powerful thrust, she climaxed, leaving her body shuddering with pleasure as she felt her cunt clenching around his cock,

Aemon, not done yet spurred on by his own desire, moved on with vigor. 'A dragon claiming his mate felt intense,' she thought, half dazed pleasure. "Aemon!!" She moaned as he fucked through her climax. Aemon, finally done, spilled his seed with a roar.

She collapsed onto Aemon's chest, her breathing heavy and uneven. Aemon held her close, their bodies still joined. Rhaenyra kissed them both softly and joined them in there in cuddle.

Together, they lay in a tangle of limbs, their bodies sated and their hearts full.

Throneroom of Dragonstone.

The heavy Iron doors of the throne room creaked open, and Jocelyn Baratheon was led in. She moved with the grace and confidence befitting her heritage and station, her black hair streaked with white and stormy blue eyes a stark reminder of her Baratheon lineage.

"Princess Jocelyn Baratheon Targaryen, former husband to Prince Aemon Targaryen. Mother Princess Rhaenys Targaryen Velayron. Grandmother to Laena and Laenor Velaryon." Ser Harrold announced.

She stepped forward, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Welcome to Dragonstone, Grandmother," she greeted, her voice filled with affection and authority. "You honor us with your presence."

Jocelyn curtsied deeply, her eyes meeting hers with a mixture of respect and familial love. "Thank you, Laena. It is an honor to be here. I wouldn't miss seeing my first great-granddaughter."

Jocelyn's eyes softened as she looked at Aemon. "Oh, you look so much like your uncle. Especially now; your hair was long the last time we spoke." She reached out and touched Aemon's cheek with some heartache in her eyes.

"Is this her?" Jocelyn asked, gazing at the bundle in Aemon's arms.

"Yes, Arya Targaryen, our heart and joy," Laena replied, happily joining her husband's side.

"May I?" Jocelyn asked, her voice filled with gentle eagerness.

Aemon carefully handed Arya to Jocelyn, who cradled the baby tenderly. "Hello, little one," she cooed, a tear slipping down her cheek. "You are a beautiful blessing to this family."

Jocelyn looked up at her and Aemon, a reminiscent smile forming on her lips. "You know, when your mother." Jocelyn started, looking from Arya to her mother, how she waited to embrace her own mother. "Was a babe. She had the same curious eyes as Arya. She would look around the room as if she were trying to understand everything at once. She had such a fierce spirit, even then. I remember one night, she wouldn't stop crying. I walked her through the halls of Storm's End, singing her to sleep. The song of our house, 'The Storm's End Lullaby, about the gods and Durran Godgrief.' She finally fell asleep in my arms."

Her eyes softened, imagining her mother as a small child in Jocelyn's arms. "Oh, you must teach me one day, she part Baratheon. Or Aemon, he can sing most wonderfully." She said as she kissed Aemon's cheek. "Do you remember it, my daughter?" Jocelyn asked her mother, who sept forward. "Of course, Mother, I sang to Laena and Laenor, too." Her mother said as she embraced Jocelyn, Arya still in between them. 'four generations of together, a wonderful side.' She thought happily

Dragonstone beaches.

"Do you know why Aemon asked us here?" She asked Rhaenyra as she looked to where Aemon was standing. It was one of the mounts on Dragonstone Near the fortress's main entrance. Where most of the emissaries or when folk wanted to enter Dragonstone more directly. "No, I do not," Rhaenyra answered.

"Wives, welcome," Aemon said gruffly, and he seemed tense. "Aemon? Why did you ask us here? There is only dragonglass here." Rhaenyra asked her. Her eyebrow raised in confusion. She felt it as well. "Come, I'll show why not true. There is more here, and it will make things for us will become clear," Aemon said, walking toward the campfire, which was built near a cave entrance. Ser Harlod and Ser Criston were waiting there.

"Don't let anyone in until we arrive back, and Ser Devan and Borrick stay here, who will not need you inside," Aemon commanded and walked on, taking to unlit torches and lighting one. "My Prince," Both hers and Rhaenyra's swornshield said.

As they walked inside, It was the blackstone she was familiar with as it was on most of Dragonstone, but she saw reflections of the dragonglass already. Aemon lit a brazier, and an immense cavern showed itself in the shimmering lights of the flames. The flames hit dragonglass, and it granted quite a show. "Wow," She said as she grabbed Rhaenyra's hand. She gaped as well.

"Wonderful Aemon, and another wonder of Dragonstone." She said, and Aemon gave them a painted smile. "Come where almost there," Aemon noted with an increased tense tone. He walked on, down a narrow passage, and they flowed. 'Where was he bringing us? What showed them was already quite wonderful.' Wonder walked after Aemon. The passage zigzag Aemon was passing in and outside, but they entered into an opening cavern. "Bye, fourteen flames. What is this?" Rhaenyra murmured.

Aemon took a deep breath, "Cravings of the children of the forest and the first men. Before the Valyrians and Andals were even here." He said and pointed toward a craving. "Are those first men with the children are they fighting? They did before, before the pact." Rhaenyra asked. 'It was true, written in text, that the first men and the children of the forest fought each other until a pact was made. On which the children retreated into forest and first man the open lands, and they would stop cutting down the Weirdwoods.' She thought about what Rhaenyra had asked and remembered her maesters lessons.

"No, they fought together against a common enemy," Aemon said, lighting a craving for white-blue creatures with bright blue eyes. With what she thought were weapons made of ice. She wasn't sure. "Aegon's dream?" Rhaenyra gasped, and Aemon gave her a sympathetic smile and nodded.

"Aegon's dream?" she repeated, looking between Aemon and Rhaenyra. "What is that?" She asked, as it seemed Rhaenyra and Aemon knew something she didn't.

Aemon took a deep breath, his eyes reflecting the flickering torchlight. "The Song of Ice and Fire is what the Aegon's dream is called and is what every King tells every heir to protect when they become heir. If your mother had become heir, she had known, and when she was crowned, she would have told you." Aemon said. 

"How do you both know?" She asked because Rhaenyra wasn't the heir. "My father told me when Aemon was named heir, he told both that day. But Aemon already knew. King Jaehaerys had already told him." Rhaenyra answered. 'Mmm, so Jaehaerys trusted a not-be-king with a prophecy. He must have trusted Aemon a lot or believed in him like many did.' She mused.

"I was planning on telling you today about the dream and what it holds. I thought it would be easier here, and it would show Rhaenyra part of it she didn't know. As to why, you need to know you are a future Queen. I trust you, Rhaenyra, and my mother more than anyone else in this world." Aemon said with a smile.

"Thank you for trusting me. But what is the Song of Ice and Fire?" She asked with a smile.

He began, his voice heavy with the importance of what he was about to reveal. "It's a prophecy, a vision that Aegon the Conqueror had. He foresaw the end of the world of men. It's to begin with a great winter gusting out of the distant North. With those winds, a great darkness will come."

"Form beyond the wall." She asked. "Yes, it will come from beyond the wall. If the realm is not united when it comes, the world of men will fall." Aemon said, and there was more force behind his worse, yet something else. 'A raw emotion, as if Aemon had lived it. But that could not be true.' She thought as she listened to her husband.

"Aemon, who do you know did have a dream, like Aegon and Daenys? Is that why you knew of this place? Did you see the world of men fall?" Rhaenyra asked as she took hold of his hand.

"No, I wish it was a dream like that." Aemon croaked out, his voice hoarse. "Aemon, what is then? Tell us, my love." She said as she held his face.

Aemon took a deep breath and said. "It's because I lived it."


Dragonstone Map

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Thanks for the read.

I know a significant point to end on, and the next chapter will discuss that. Aemon is about to tell Laena and Rhaenyra about his past life. What other things will he reveal?

As for the rest, I hope you enjoy the announcement of Rhaenyra’s pregnancy. Also, I thought Lady Jocelyn would have wanted to meet her great-granddaughter, and the wiki doesn’t state when she dies, so I thought that could work. She will be shown more in the future. Mainly a happy and reunion chapter.

Also, what did you all think of the Dragonstone map? Right now, it is a pencil version. I’m working on other versions, which will be posted on my Patreon and perhaps in later chapters.

As for Aegon’s dream, I was wondering how Jaehaerys knew of it. I could think of two explanations: one is that his mother, Alysa Velaeryon, told her son because Aenys told her. The other is Rhaena Targaryen Jaehaerys, his older sister, who learned about it because her husband Aegon, the uncrowned, was Aenys’s heir. Otherwise, the explanation from heir to heir doesn’t make sense. Meagor certainly didn’t tell Jaehaerys; he most likely learned it from his mother, Visenya.

Let me know what you think of this chapter.

next chapter
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