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90.9% Last Future's Chat Group / Chapter 9: Battle Of Titans

Capítulo 9: Battle Of Titans

On the side lines, the group were watching as both Yamato and Mewtwo were battling it out, along with the other Pokémon watching the fight in astonishment. Their surprise being very much understandable considering the fact that the legendary Mewtwo was struggling against a human.

Out of the group, the only one that didn't display an expression of just interest was Akane. The others weren't too surprised by the display that Yamato was showing, they already knew that he very powerful. Both Zhongli and Maou due to the power rankings, and Yuna due to both the rankings as well as he detection spell.

Akane was the one that was staring at the fight with amazement as she had never witnessed a human so powerful. She already knew that Yamato was very powerful, but seeing it was truly a spectacle to behold. Even her own younger brother who had incredible physical strength would stand no chance against the group admin.

For both Zhongli and Maou, they weren't so shocked by the display of power as they could easily display this level of strength as well. Well, Maou could if he had his power back. But, they could definitely tell that Yamato was holding back, so they were curious as to how strong he truly was.

Legendary Pokémon are known for being powerful, and from the looks of it, Yamato was merely toying with Mewtwo if his casual expression was anything to go by. The winner of this battle was pretty obvious from the current show, and everyone knew it.

Even Mewtwo...

[You are truly an anomaly, human! I have never felt such an adrenaline before!] Mewtwo grinned as he fired countless spheres of black energy towards Yamato, who was rushing towards the psychic-type. [Despite my situation, I can't help but feel thrilled!]

"I didn't take you for a battle junky. Though, I can't talk. I am one myself!" Yamato scoffed lightly as he smacked or punched away the incoming attacks. While he wasn't going full out, he still felt happy that he could throw his hands around like this against an opponent. "However, the outcome of this battle is more than obvious!"

[We... shall see!] Mewtwo shouted and gave a powerful roar before using both hands and firing a massive beam of white and orange energy towards Yamato. The attack was most likely Hyper Beam, a very powerful move in the Pokémon community. [Let's see if you can block this, human!]

Yamato skidded to a stop and stared down the attack with a neutral look on his face, to which he then performed a side-ways kick towards the incoming attack. When the beam made contact with his leg, strangely enough, the entire attack was stopped clean in its tracks despite its size that would definitely be able to envelop Yamato's being.

Mewtwo widened his eyes and backed away when his attack was soon destroyed completely, nothing of the Hyper Beam remaining. When he saw Yamato rushing towards him not even a second later, he was in a bit of a panic. [To think that this human can push me this far... interesting! Let's see just how far exactly!]

Yamato had jumped up and prepared to send a punch down onto Mewtwo, though blinked in confusion when the psychic-type seemed to cross both arms over his chest as the rest of his body curled up into a ball. Though, the most surprising thing was the strange pink crystal-like cocoon that soon covered Mewtwo's entire being.

The cocoon released quite a lot of power and pressure, causing a powerful gust of wind to blow outward from it. Yamato was a bit surprised as he was sent flying back by the gust, though instantly recovered as he performed a flip and landed gracefully on his feet.

"What the heck is this?"

"That's mega evolution!" Yuna's voice was heard as her expression showed a look of both excitement, interest, and surprise. Yamato heard her and rose an eyebrow, the other three members doing the same as they all stared at the cocoon. "It's a temporary evolution, Yamato! Mewtwo's power will increase a lot depending on which form he takes on!"

"Which form? He has more than one?"

"Yeah, he has two! One for physical strength and the other for special!"

"I see, interesting." Since Yamato had never seen past the fourth generation of Pokémon, he had never witnessed this mega evolution before. What the heck else had he missed? Yamato watched with interest as the cocoon soon began to expand outwards before shattering in a short explosion of light.

When the light dimmed, Mewtwo could be seen standing tall a few meters away from Yamato in an entirely new form. Mewtwo did hold very close similarities to his normal form, but was now far more bulkier in comparison and his tail was now pointed upwards. Along with his horns becoming sharper and curved.

His eyes also were now blue in colour, along with him growing taller by around a foot. Yamato couldn't help but examine the psychic-type's form with interest, just by the appearance alone, perhaps Mewtwo's physical power increases. The bulkiness of his limbs were evidence of that.

"That's Mewtwo's X-Form, he has increased physical strength!" Yuna was the one that confirmed that little thought as Yamato nodded his head in thanks before turning his attention back to the legendary. Giving a small smile as he stared at the unblinking form of the newly transformed Pokémon.

[You are very impressive, human. To think you could force me into using this form, it is worthy of praise] Mewtwo spoke with a seemingly deeper voice as he got into stance, Yamato doing the same. Mewtwo's feet seemed to crack the ground when he tensed. [However, will you be able to keep up with me now or not?]

"I don't know, why don't we find out?"

Mewtwo grinned as he saw Yamato gesturing for him to come at him, which the psychic-type shot forwards and throwing a powerful punch at Yamato. While Mewtwo's speed didn't seem to increase, his strength certainly did. Yamato could feel that when he raised one hand up to block the punch.

When Mewtwo's fist was caught by Yamato, the force behind the punch caused the ground beneath them to crack violently as the air that was dragged along by the punch caused Yamato's clothes to flutter violently as well as the leaves of the trees that were behind him.

"Not bad, your power has jumped up leaps and bounds. However, will it be enough?"

[We shall see] Mewtwo and Yamato both smirked at one another before they began to throw punches and kicks at one another at incredible speeds. Both of them blocking or redirecting each other's attacks as they continued to throw kicks and punches.

As they did so, they were moving around the entirely area at incredible speeds that many of the spectators watching were having a hard time keeping up with their movements. Their exchange was causing the area to tremble as many of the Pokémon were panicking.

"Incredible, Mewtwo can keep up with Yamato now..." Akane was both amazed and worried as she saw the two titans battling it out. She looked at her fellow members, though she was kind of confused to see the unconcerned looks of their faces. "Do you think Yamato might lose now...? They look evenly matched now..."

"That may appear to be the case, but it's quite the opposite." Zhongli stated calmly as he folded his arms behind his back. He narrowed his eyes as he continued to observe the fight. "That Pokémon, Mewtwo? While powerful, still doesn't have enough power to overcome Yamato."

"Zhongli's right, do you notice anything about the both of them?" Maou chimed in as he crossed his arms over his chest. It was obvious that Akane wasn't as observant or battle-trained like the rest of them, even Yuna has had enough battle experience that she could notice what was happening.

Akane looked confused for a second before narrowing her eyes as she looked at the battle unfold, and after a few seconds, she took notice of one particular detail. Yamato was speeding up his assault while Mewtwo was stumbling more and was faltering in his attacks.

"You seem to have noticed." Zhongli spoke again as he pointed at both the fighters. "Yamato is not at all exhausted and is only increasingly putting more and more pressure on Mewtwo, and the latter is beginning to falter. It is only a matter of time before Mewtwo is defeated."

"Yeah, from the looks of it, he realises that as well." Yuna decided to chip in her own words as they all noticed that Mewtwo did seem to hold a slight look of defeat within his excited expression. It was obvious that Mewtwo realised he had no way of winning, and Yamato could see that expression very well.

[Tell me, human. Are those other humans as powerful as you are?] Mewtwo had decided to ask as they continued throwing hands. He was curious, which was understandable after witnessing first-hand what Yamato was capable of.

"I wouldn't say that they're as strong as I am, but they all have their own unique traits about them that put them ahead of normal human beings." Yamato answered as he casually blocked another kick by holding up his right arm. "But, both Maou and Zhongli, I am confident they could defeat you."

[I see, you truly are an interesting group indeed] Mewtwo chuckled as their arms pushed up against one another. [I'm well aware that my defeat is all but certain...]

"Then do you concede defeat?"

[Indeed I do... However] Mewtwo spoke as he jumped back and made distance between himself and Yamato, his eyes now glowing brightly as his body was coated in his dense psychic-energy. [While I admit defeat, I won't fall until I cannot stand any longer!]

"I see, I respect that." Yamato smiled as he heard Mewtwo's words. He could really respect someone who would continue fighting even if they knew it was futile to struggle. Though, Yamato soon frowned. "It's a shame that it would have to come so soon though, I honestly enjoyed our little fight. But, all good things have to come to an end."

Before Mewtwo could react, Yamato shot forwards at speeds that far surpassed any speed he had moved before as Mewtwo couldn't even turn his gaze down to see that Yamato was now sending a punch straight into his stomach. All he felt was immense force placed onto his stomach before he was sent flying back at unprecedented speed.

Mewtwo was sent flying back into the stone wall that surrounded them, and when he impacted, a loud crashing sound could be heard as dust clouds were formed where Mewtwo landed. As the dust cleared, Mewtwo could be seen laying in a massive crater in the wall before falling down to the ground and changing back into his original form.

Amazingly, Mewtwo was still conscious, if not barely. He managed to flip himself over onto his back, breathing heavily as incredible pain was present on his stomach, though it was slowly fading away. The force behind that last punch was incredible, and Mewtwo had never felt anything comparable to it before.

[I-Incredible, even Mew's attacks didn't hurt me nearly as much as that hit...] Mewtwo muttered to himself as he stared up at the rays of light that shined through the roof of the cavern. What kind of terrified Mewtwo was that the final hit he had received may not even be Yamato's strongest possible punch, though he could only chuckle at the thought. [I wouldn't even be surprised...]

As Mewtwo laid on the ground, catching his breath, he soon noticed a shadow looming over his face. The figure was none other than Yamato, who was smiling calmly down at him before saying a few simple words, which made him crack his own smile.

"Kurenai Yamato, nice to meet you."

[...Mewtwo, a pleasure]


"Olympia, why have you called me back again? Does this have to do with the upcoming crisis?"

The voice of a young female could be heard sounding within what appeared to be a massive structure, and from the looks of it, a transparent blue battlefield that hovered above an assortment of large gears. The female that spoke stood upon the battlefield as she stared up at another woman, one with purple curled hair and a pair of violet eyes.

The first woman's attire mainly consisted of a rather intricate style of white clothing, while the second woman had on a silver coat that wrapped around her entire body with star patterns underneath it. The suit she wore underneath was also black in colour, along with having two rings around her arms.

These two were none other than Diantha and Olympia respectively, with Diantha being the the Kalos region's very own champion and Olympia being one of its gym leaders. Beside Olympia were two similar looking feline Pokémon, one mainly being blue while the other was white.

"Indeed, my visions have shown me fragments that I believe will hold incredible importance for our future. Within them, I have seen vague appearances of a group, a third party. From what I have seen, they are not our enemies. In fact, I believe that they may be our very salvation."

"Our salvation...?" Diantha muttered with widened eyes as she heard the gym leader's words. It was not long ago that Olympia had called her here beforehand and told her about the crisis, and now she was hearing this? "Who do you think these people are?"

"Unfortunately, I have not been able to see who they are nor how they will be involved. However, I do believe that they do not stand against us." Olympia explained as she then opened up her cloak, revealing the beautiful star patterns beneath. The cloak then released a bright glow, along with both the Pokémon beside her using their own powers to assist her actions. "I haven't even been able to see what they truly look like, only small glimpses of their figures."

Diantha watched as Olympia projected five black silhouettes that were in motion, the first one she saw was one of what she could make out to possibly be a female with long hair tied into twin tails. The way she was positioned made it look as if she was flying.

Moving on, the next figure Diantha saw was that of a... Pokémon? The figure resembled that of a Bewear she had seen one once before when visiting Alola in the past, though this figure looked much leaner and the body shape was quite a bit different. The figure seemed to be throwing a number of punches as two images of large 'Bewears' on all fours could be seen behind the person.

The third one confused Diantha and also scared her, it was that of a humanoid entity with legs that resembled those belonging to Pokémon like Gogoat and the like. The person had large horns on their head along with a very bulky and muscular frame from what she could see. The person had raised their hand up to the sky before a massive blade formed in their hand.

The fourth figure looked to be a tall male with long hair tied into a ponytail, though what shocked her was when she saw the person raise both hands which caused two large pillars to appear behind them. In the person's hand was what looked to be a long sharp spear that the figure masterfully spun around.

The final one, however, caused Diantha to cease breathing as she took in their form. It wasn't that the figure had any kind of eye-catching features like the third one did, but the black silhouette looked normal like the first one she saw. But, even then, this figure was seemingly just standing straight without moving with both arms lowered to their sides.

Despite how normal this last individual seemed to be, Diantha couldn't help but feel an incredible pressure just by staring at the person's figure. She felt the same thing with both the third and fourth figures, but this one seemed to take the cake.

"Wh-Who are they...?"

"I wish to know as well. Fortunately, I do have some more information." Olympia voiced as Diantha immediately looked at her, waiting for her to continue. "From the small visions I had received of them, I had managed to find out that they are most likely currently located near or within the Hoenn region."

"The Hoenn region..." Diantha muttered as she looked down. If what Olympia said was true that these five might be their only hope of salvation, then she needed to find them and gain their assistance! For the future of this very region! "I'll contact Steven immediately, I'll request for his assistance in the crisis as well as locating these people."

"Will you be going to look as well?"

"Indeed, the Hoenn region is a big place. I shall provide as much help as I can."

"Then I shall also accompany you, I wish to also meet with these five."

next chapter
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