The fourth year's final exams came soon enough, and the trio passed them in a flash. Just like this another summer started but they still had a lot to do. Now between visiting Sirius and spending some time with Neville and CO. the trio focused on finishing their main project. It was only a few Runes short from being completed.
Konrad was just creating the last remaining runes in the copy formation when his magical phone prototype vibrated. Konrad picked it up and saw the moving picture of Luna on the screen.
" Hello honey. What's up?" Asked Konrad.
"Konrad, did you forget?" She asked a little hurried.
"Huh? what do you...oh right! it's the ministry NEWT examination day! I'll be there in a minute Honey!" Konrad said quickly, and apparated to grimuald place where he took the floo to the ministry. He arrived at the education department just as the doors opened. All his girls stood in front waiting for him. They looked relieved seeing him there, and Konrad made an apologetic face that they returned with an expression that said 'It's alright'.
"Hello, are you all here for the examination?" came the voice from the nice older lady in a nurse attire, that opened the doors.
"Yes we are" Everyone admitted.
"Hum, ain't you all too young for this test? It might not be a good idea to do it for you when your magic is still not developed strong enough. These tests has a 'Nastily Exhausting' in it's name for a reason." Told them the older Witch.
It's all right Miss, we're also taking the exams early for a reason. but thank you for your concern." Konrad said with a smile.
"If you're sure.." She said still not convinced.
Everyone walked to the examination chambers and the doors closed behind them.
#Six Hours Later#
a group of five teenagers came out of the room in high spirits chatting excitedly, and walked towards the magical transport department to get their apparition licenses. As they left, another person came out of the doors. It was the nice older healer Lady who looked after them at their exams. She had an absent-minded expression as she walked towards her office.
"I need a drink." She murmured.
"It's cool you made sure we had our NEWT's just after a quick respective OWL's too Konrad, Like this no one is going to use it against us telling we didn't pass them." Said Hermione, as they walked towards the apparition examination room.
"Of course if we're doing it, we're doing it thoroughly, right?" Konrad said.
"But Outstanding on every subject! I'm so happy!" She said excitedly.
"I wouldn't expect anything less from the smartest witch of our generation" Konrad said proudly.
"And what about me?" Luna sulked.
" "And us?" " Cristal and Ruby said together.
Konrad smiled.
"Of course Luna is the smartest witch of the generation a year before while both Cristal and Ruby are the smartest girls in each of their races AND your generations, right?" Konrad said, and received a barage of kisses in return.
The examiner of the apparition test wanted to send them away after telling them they are to young and need to be emancipated but Konrad assured him that they are going to become emancipated soon enough and he just want to have their exams behind them.
In the end He succumbed and allowed them to proceed with the test after calling a healer who turned out to be the same old lady from before that clearly wasn't exactly there and swayed a little with her cheeks red. She wouldn't probably be of much help in case something happened but there was no need to, as the five of them passed the test with the most perfect apparition in the last seven years each.
Due to that poor healer Lady had to take a day of tommorow. Even a potion couldn't flush the huge hangover she had afterwards.
Putting Cristal and Ruby into Muggle public records wasn't exactly hard as Konrad did it a few months ago with a little magic here and there. From there Getting a fake legal guardians was a piece of cake with a little money. After they registered Cristal and Ruby in the ministry of magic as teen witches from abroad Konrad could easily do all that he did today. Now The hardest part came as they stood in the hall of the wizengamot as the old wizards discussed if they deserved to be emancipated.
Each one of them was called out and then their Muggle and magical guardians were questioned. in case of Ruby, Cristal, and Konrad the magical Guardian was Sirius since a while back and in case of Luna and Hermione, That privilege would normally fall on Dumbledore but as they passed their NEWT's earlier today they were basically graduates so he had no say in it. That's why they were allowed a choice of a guardian which fell on Sirius for simplicities sake.
With Sirius's, Dursley's, Lovegood's Granger's and the fake guardians consent and a small bribe to the most stuck up Purebloods that never aligned with Dark Lords etc the Emancipation passed and the five teenagers were finally considered adults in the magical world. Konrad's case was especially easy since he participated in the Triwizard tournament.
Just like this everyone were finally free of most restrictions put on them...well it's not like they abided to them anyway but still... better to have a permit than not.
If someone's curios why the families allowed for their wards to become emancipated...well, why not? Each of them was very adult minded and they passed their exams so what is there to go against.
"Haha your an adult now Konrad! whatcha gonna do with that now pup?" asked Sirius playfully as He and Konrad separated from the other who also chatted with their families, or more specifically all the girls chatted with both Lovegoods Dursleys and Grangers. They already knew about the fake guardians so it wasn't that surprising that they weren't surprised with Cristal and Ruby being alone.
Konrad grinned at Sirius and said.
"I'm planning to marry my girlfriends and live a happy life forever." he said truthfully.
"Haha that's a good one... wait, your serious?!" he said shocked after seeing Konrad's expression.
Konrad grinned hearing his words.
"No I'm not Sirius, You're Sirius, as for the marriage, yes I'm really Serious but not Sirius." Konrad said confusing Sirius.
"I love each of them Padfoot. I'm not going to wait three freaking years before marrying them. I just need a good moment to ask them and I already have something in mind." Konrad explained.
Sirius looked at the almost fifteen years old boy with a mixed expression of incredulity, pride, envy, regret and happiness.
"I..Kiddo, I was know as a hot womanizer and a master of luring witches beat me in every regard hahaha" He laughed heartily.
" I'm really proud of you, even I wouldn't be able to snatch four witches at the same time as make them accept each other! I'm looking forward to the wedding boy! hahaha!"
Konrad then had a mischievous smile.
"Well, seems like you weren't that good anyway, Even Neville Longbotton beat me in that regard with having five girlfriends and all haha!" Konrad said laughing.
"What?!" Sirius exclaimed.
"Yeah! and I'm pretty sure they did more than just kissing even before the Yule ball" Konrad said with a grin watching Sirius falling into depression.
The rest of the day was spent at Grimuald place where all the families got together and made a small Emancipation party for the five teenagers. It was a really fun evening that ended with the girls sneaking into Konrad's bedroom for an even better night.
got some free time while riding a bus so here you go, a simple chapter with mostly doing chores in the ministry.
Enjoy anyway ehehe