Evan was overworking himself, doing the maximum days of overtime one could possibly do, because he had to pay off his debt. What he had kept secret from his family was that he had put his money on mortgage last year. "I shouldn't have gambled." He still regrets it, even though he did it for a short span of time, and realised what blunder he had caused right away. But what was done couldn't be undone. "I had been blinded and become too greedy. I should have thought about Eve and my parents." He mumbled to himself.
of course, he didn't take loan from the Hidek, instead he secretively took it from an usurer in another town nearby. That period was about to come to an end, Evan still didn't have enough money, although the entire year he had slogged with overtime, he would lie to his family that the factory has allotted him overtime, but truth being told he was the one who would beg them for it.