Turning around, Hyuga was startled when he heard Kuroko.
A vein could be seen on his head telling Kuroko
HYUGA: Why do you always do that?
KUROKO: I'm sorry Captain, but could you please stop their 1 on 1 game first. I'm afraid senpai would break if you don't stop them.
RIKO: Why? Why would Izuki break?
KUROKO: Coz that's what will happen if someone plays against King.
Only the likes of Kagami and GOM would not suffer any backlash against him.
HYUGA: Who is he Kuroko?
KUROKO: We at Teiko called him King short for King of The Court as he was able to beat all of GOM be it 1 on 1 to 5 versus 5. His real name is Himura Shin.
RIKO: Why havent I heard from him?
KUROKO: Its because he didnt play on official matches while he was on the team.
RIKO: Are you joking right now?
KUROKO: I'm not, just look at Senpai right now looking exhausted, that's the reason why Shin hadn't played before. if you don't stop them Izuki senpai will gradually lose his confidence in basketball. That's the backlash Im talking about. Breaking the spirit and confidence in those whom he played against. The reason he never played in official matches. So tell them to stop right now.
Hyuga and Kiyoshi both cursed and said "F**k" as they we're about to stop the the game, they heard someone saying
"Dont worry I didn't plan to continue after noticing Kuroko" it was Shin coming over to them.
SHIN: Geez Kuroko, you don't have to make me look like a bad guy or something. I came here to see you, you know.
KUROKO: I'm sorry King. I didn't mean it that way.
SHIN: Don't call me King, you little ghost. How many times did I say it to you guys before. I don't like it.
KUROKO: " I forgot I'm sorry Shin."
A vein could be seen on Kuroko's head after hearing Shin calling him little ghost.
Seeing this everyone wanted to laugh as they could see that there's someone who could make Kuroko mad just by saying those words.
They immediately remember those words to tease him later.
Shin could only shake his head as he was wondering that Kuroko haven't change at all.
Shin then looked towards Izuki and says "thank you for the game" to which Izuki responded in a nod.
He also looked at Kiyoshi and said "Thanks for letting me play. How's your knee by the way? You don't remember me, do you?"
Kiyoshi couldn't help but frown and asked "How did you know? We've met before?"
SHIN: I was the one who tossed you the water right before your match against Kirisaki Daiichi. Seeing that vendo you used was broken i tossed you my spare bottled water, it was the game where you injured your knee. I also told you to be careful remember?
With a sudden realization, Kiyoshi had an amazed look and asked.
"That was you?" Shin answered with a nod.
SHIN: Clearly you didn't take it to the heart, my warning. If you had, you wouldn't have that inury right now. Iron Heart Kiyoshi Teppei.
KAGAMI: "I heard you beat those freaks, the GOM? How about you play against me"?
says Kagami who suddenly interrupted Kiyoshi and Shin.
Shin looked at him with a smile and said
SHIN: So you are the new light? I would love to but I haven't played for sometime now till today.
KAGAMI: B*LLS**T! that shot and that move was never a sign of someone not playing for a while.
SHIN: I'm telling the truth, Kuroko come help me. Your light's a hot head.
KUROKO: Yeah definitely he is. We can agree on that.
KAGAMI: "Why the hell are you on his side?"
KUROKO: I'm not. Its just you really are a hot head.
Kagami was fuming at Kuroko wanting to smack him. Calming himself, he turned around looking at Shin.
"So what about it?" asked Kagami.
Shin ignored Kagami and just faced Kuroko telling him he wants to talk to him, which Kuroko agreed. He turns around telling Kagami that he'll be back after his chat with Kuroko.
Kagami nodded while fuming thinking "this b*sta*d is doing it on purpose".
As Kuroko and Shin were going to have their chat, Riko asked Izuki about what he felt during those two possessions against Shin.
Izuki then said " It was different, there was no pressure or anything like Akashi who had the strongest pressure that I had to face. He was like a normal player but every move he makes feels like your drawn to it. Everything he does suddenly worries you cause you believe he'll score.
Even if you predicted that he'll fake, your consciousness tells you to block him. Its like not having control over your body.
That feeling is kind crazy, first you believe he'll score.
Then the second possession after I saw him take that shot while kneeling in front of him, I could only admire how beautiful that shot was.
I totally lost my will to continue. I was thinking that there's still 9 more points before the game ends. Before I knew it, I was having goosebumps.
I was starting to feel afraid. I could only hear the sound of ball bouncing. It was like you are alone."
Hearing this Riko couldn't help but remember what Kuroko said. "If it did continue what would happen to Izuki? Will he really break after that? but that feeling of being alone against someone you couldn't win I'm already shivering by thinking of it". thought Riko.
Hyuga was also absorbing what Izuki was saying. Not just him, But also Kiyoshi who heard everything.
Kiyoshi then look at Hyuga and tells him " Your hunch was right on"
HYUGA: Yeah, but what I'm worried about from what Izuki said is that this Shin is also or probably has the Emperor Eyes who can see or predict things before it happened.
KIYOSHI: I also dont know. I keep replaying that last possession in my head and I always end up wanting block him. Especially when Izuki said that "You believe he will score". How would it feel if I was infront of him.
Both Looking each other at the same time while saying "lets watch more when he plays against Kagami".
Izuki on the other hand was still pondering of what happened. He couldn't believe why he suddenly felt exhausted with just 2 possessions.
SHIN: Congrats Kuroko, So how was the meeting with Akashi?
Kuroko could only sigh while shaking his head saying
KUROKO: So you knew already Akashi would gather us again.
SHIN: Maybe, I know Akashi he's always like that. After all I did warn him to be ready. So how are they?
KUROKO: They were shock at first but then after a while they're excited to play against you.
SHIN: Including you right? How was your new light?
KUROKO: He's good, pretty much like Aomine.
SHIN: Not bad.
//Heres chapter 5. If there is a mess in the chapter just comment so i could fix It. dont forget to leave a feed back about the chapter and how the story going so far. Thanks//