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38.77% Jobless Transportation - The Honored One / Chapter 18: The White Haired Buffoon: Gojo Satoru VS The Sword God: Gal Farion

Capítulo 18: The White Haired Buffoon: Gojo Satoru VS The Sword God: Gal Farion

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

A momentary pout formed on Satoru's face at Eris's interruption of his grand introduction.

Of course, the white-haired ape bounced back with a witty reply.

In a familiar manner, causing Eris's eyes to twitch, he wrapped his body as he shouted in a helpless and scared tone, "Kya~! The lioness is growling at me! She's about to pounce! Save me~!" Fake tears welled in his eyes as he reminisced about the supposedly traumatic memories of her ravaging him.

And failing.

But, as he would argue, the intention was what truly mattered.

A tick mark appeared on Eris's face, and exasperation seized her, yet she did nothing but attempt to control her anger.

'Again with this?' She grumbled in her head, left with no choice but to grumble.

The Violent Approach - Eris's expertise, wasn't an option when it came to dealing with Satoru.

At least in her case, he's pretty much untouchable.

To her utter dismay.

At this peculiar interaction, Gal raised an eyebrow, noting the absence of Eris's usual aggressive response.

Typically, interrupting her training and speaking so boldly towards her, especially without being her clear superior in strength, would result in a one-sided beating, or at the least, a minor scuffle.

Which, surprisingly, wasn't happening.

To Gal, it seems Satoru has managed to neuter the Mad Dog.

Amusement flickered in Gal's eyes as he burst into laughter, unable to contain himself, "PFT-BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Satoru abandoned his Chastity Protection stance, pointing a finger at the amused Gal.

His expression radiated satisfaction as he directed his Glowing Eyes at both Eris and Ghislaine, "Someone gets it!"

With his laughter subsiding, Gal wiped a tear from his eye, "You're quite the character! Haven't laughed like that in a while!"


He posed a question, "I recall Eris here mentioned you, ruining her chance of slaying the Snow Dragon. Not really appreciative of it either - I had hoped it'd distract the brat for a little longer." Gal's tone was amused as he threw a glance at Eris, who was getting irritated by the minute.

Satoru shrugged, with a smirk "It was in the way. Besides, it was pretty weak~"

'Pretty weak is it?' Gal thought with glee

Regaining a fierce look, Gal's eyes gleamed with a bloodthirsty crazed smirk, "So you came here for training on the Sword God Style, is it, Gojo Satoru? I won't bother with the formalities and reasons... I'll bother after I test whether you're worthy of my teachings. Personally. You wouldn't mind, would you?" He asked rhetorically, already having gleamed onto Satoru's own mutual battle craze.

Satoru's goofy expression fell at the drop of a hat, as he mirrored Gal's own expression, "I wouldn't have had it any other way."

A suffocating atmosphere enveloped the room as Gal reached for his sheathed Sword - Windpipe.

"Eris, retreat!" Ghislaine barked in worry.

In battle, Eris was no fool and had already done so hastily. Her eyes narrowed at the impending exchange between the easygoing and confident Satoru, whose posture exuded the same confidence as Gal Farion himself.

'Show me how strong you are, Gojo Satoru, before you lose.' Eris thought as she backed away beside Ghislaine.

Just as Gal was about to grasp his blade's handle, Satoru's nonchalant and yet confused voice stopped him, "Hmm? You want to do it here? I personally don't care, but don't come crying and refusing to train me if I destroy this whole Dojo~!"

Gal's eyes widened momentarily, 'He's a man of that caliber? Is that what he's insinuating? Can he back it up? A Snow Dragon is impressive but against me... Interesting!'

Even with the insinuation of Satoru's power being capable of destroying the entire Dojo in their imminent battle, Gal's smirk only widened, "Fine, you make a fair point. Let's go into the forest." He gestured for Satoru to follow and signaled for Eris and Ghislaine to join as well, addressing them with a commanding gaze, "You'll act as the judges."

Ghislaine nodded in agreement.

Eris huffed as she followed, her curiosity piqued.

Hands behind his head, Satoru strolled leisurely, carefree, as he followed the trio towards the forest. They passed by the bewildered Sword Saints and even the Sword Emperor Timothy Britts, who greeted Gal as they went by.

All the glares directed at their group, especially at the invading force of Satoru, who had wreaked havoc just minutes ago, were promptly ignored by Satoru.

He was too engrossed in his own emotions beneath the calm and nonchalant exterior.

His blood boiled, and his heart raced.

Satoru could barely contain the battle lust and a menacing grin as their group left the hill where the Sword God Main Dojo was located, heading towards the nearby Frozen Forest.

-Scene Change-

The air turned dense with anticipation as Eris and Ghislaine watched from a distance. Satoru and Gal positioned themselves in an open expanse within the frozen forest, each step on the snow echoing loudly in the profound silence.

Separated by a considerable distance, Satoru and Gal locked eyes once more. Their expressions mirrored determination, and aligned thoughts signaled the imminent commencement of their battle.

Satoru's eerie blue eyes sent shivers of excitement down Gal's spine as he conducted a silent analysis before the clash began. 'No weapon, no staff or wand... Likely a Hand-to-Hand Warrior. Blocking Ghislaine's strike with that barrier Eris mentioned? A mage of significant caliber as well... And that distinctive white hair.'

Gal's gaze lingered on Satoru, and a certain figure with a stern expression and white hair overlapped with Satoru's smirking form. 'A hand-to-hand warrior capable of magic on the level of blocking a Sword King's strike can only remind me of That Man.'

"Gojo, are you related to the Dragon God?" Gal's voice resonated impressively in the quiet forest, widening Eris's eyes in shock.

The accusation held some merit, making her gaze fixate on Satoru as she pondered the uncanny similarities.

Analyzing the data she had on Satoru, the parallels were undeniable.

But were they merely coincidental?

Satoru shook his head, "Never met him! But if you think he's similar to me, he must be one handsome guy~!" His smirk retained its luster, granting Eris a mix of relief and disappointment.

Ghislaine observed in silence, her interest piqued by the unfolding battle.

Satoru's humor, however, fell on deaf ears in Ghislaine's case.

With a snort, Gal got on guard, his hands reaching for Windpipe. "Start," he announced.

Satoru mirrored the action as he got on guard as well, his eyes analyzing every minor movement from Gal.

And so...

It began.

True to the Sword God Style, Gal Farion initiated the clash, swift and decisive, drawing his sword.

Satoru always had good eyes, as they detected the gathering mana in Gal's body, forming an unparalleled Battle Aura that enveloped both Gal and his blade.

The intensity radiated like a searing heat wave.

A Battle Aura on the scale that Satoru had seen nothing even remotely close to it.

In response, Satoru reinforced himself with Cursed Energy, preparing for the impending attack.

In what felt like an instant, Gal closed the distance, aiming to bisect Satoru's chest with a precise and angled Longsword of Light.

Anticipating the move from his observations, Satoru bent his upper body beneath the sword's trajectory, gaining momentum in his evasion.

The speed was beyond Satoru's own by a noticeable margin, a realization that widened his eyes, though his grin persisted.

The Six Eyes played a crucial role, enabling Satoru to react to Gal's strike by anticipating the concentration of Mana, Battle Aura, and the earliest muscle movements.

Yet, Satoru's movements could only barely keep up with his sight, the opponent was significantly faster than him.

But why didn't he rely on his infinity to block the strike?

The answer lay in uncertainty.

Satoru couldn't determine if Gal's Battle Aura or Mana and arsenal in general provided a method to bypass his infinite - Perhaps a form of Domain Amplification.

For all his research, Satoru has found nothing of the sort - Yet the uncertainty remains.

After all, if someone in this New World were capable of bypassing infinity - it would most certainly be a member of the Seven Great Powers.

As he dodged the strike, Satoru countered with a right-handed punch aimed at Gal's liver. Gal, with astonishing reaction time, pivoted the mid-Longsword of Light, redirecting it at Satoru's hand.

To safeguard against losing his hand, Satoru, with infinity active, utilized a small application of Blue to alter the sword's trajectory, ensuring it only grazed his skin if it connected.

The redirected sword surprised Gal, but it failed to graze Satoru's skin due to not reaching it, thanks to Infinity.

'Test complete. Just one more thing later on.' Satoru analyzed.

Satoru's subsequent move involved using Blue from his left hand to blast Gal away. Gal, sensing the gravitational force, evaded it with a burst of speed.

Debris and snow flew in all directions as the gravitational force disturbed the environment, uprooting trees that had been frozen for centuries as they flew towards the force of gravity.

Satoru, unfazed by the chaos, maintained focus. Gal, once again, closed in, launching a sword slash aimed at Satoru's face.

However, this time, the attack met the resistance of Satoru's infinity, leaving Gal momentarily perplexed.

'Not the usual response from a barrier.' Gal analyzed as well.

Satoru seized the opportunity, grabbing Gal's wrist and attempting a knee strike.

Gal countered, overpowering Satoru's hold with his own strength.

Unexpectedly, Satoru released the wrist early and manipulated gravity to force Gal's head into the trajectory of his Cursed Energy reinforced knee.

The impact sent Gal airborne, blood escaping his lips as he tightly gripped his sword.

"NOT BAD!" Gal yelled, a gleeful grin on his face.

But to Gal's surprise, Satoru teleported above him as he was mid-air, declaring, "It's not over!"

Satoru abruptly stopped Gal's descent by grabbing his arms, and attempting a kick, only to be countered by Gal's strength, escaping Satoru's hold. The clash continued as Gal unleashed a Longsword of Light towards Satoru in response.

A maneuver to create some distance and counterattack.

The force hastened Gal's descent, creating an explosive impact upon landing. The ground cracked, and snow billowed.

Satoru, unscathed, floated in the sky, a contemplative yet excited grin on his face, staring down at Gal, the battle far from its conclusion.

Gal wiped the trace of blood from his mouth, spitting on the ground, analyzing the floating Satoru above him, a slight irritation on his face.

'Arrogant brat.' He chuckled internally as he stared at the gleeful and contemplative Satoru, who was adjusting his fight plan, much like Gal was doing right now.

Upon analyzing their short encounter, Gal formed a conclusion as he scratched the back of his head in annoyance, "Everyone that has met you thus far is an idiot. that includes the two of you back there!" He yelled out in a sudden accusation, pointing at the awed Ghislaine and Eris who were mesmerized in the battle.

Satoru seemed amused as he tilted his head at the odd accusation of Gal.

"Whatever the brat is doing to block attacks, it ain't no barrier." He responded to the unasked question regarding his abrupt accusation.

'Likely an incantation less wind spell. Hmm, he'll have to run out of Mana eventually.' Gal thought analytically, a plan of action already forming in his mind.

Unfortunately for Gal, what he failed to realize, or more aptly, ask from Ghislaine, was that Satoru had no Mana to begin with.

A yell broke Gal out of his thoughts, "Oi! Old man! Let's get on with Round 2! Don't keep me waiting!" Satoru complained.

Shaking his head, Gal tightened his grip on Windpipe, "Don't get cocky brat. I'll be teaching you a lesson right now." Unleashing his Battle Aura once more.

Gal's plan?

Overwhelm him.

As Gal was about to launch toward the floating Satoru, Satoru's voice ringed alarm bells in Gal's sharpened instincts.

A large blue ball began to form in Satoru's hands, "Cursed Technique Amplification Maximum Output - Blue!"

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Now, before I get into a tangent.


With that out of the way... Hope ya enjoyed the chapter so far up to quality and stuff, and are excited about the outcome of the battle later today.

Now, something I'd like to clarify about Gal Farion in comparison to Teen Gojo.

I fucking love power scaling! (Because regardless of your choice someone's unhappy)

I'll be using Toji as a measuring stick in this case.

(These are the scales I'll be using so if ya don't like them, then that's a shame, but I'm willing to hear other opinions of course.)

Gal Farion is Stronger and Faster as well as more Skilled than Toji.


Toji knows the Limitless Technique and Six Eyes.

Gojo was extremely tired and already injured initially by Toji's ambush.

And finally...

Toji had Heavenly Restriction, restricting Gojo's ability to read him with the Six Eyes.

Something Gal lacks, as Gojo can react to him by anticipating his movements so to speak.

Only barely though.

Those are my opinions so make of it what you will!

According to this... Can Gojo beat Gal?

Well, you'll find out next chapter! (Which comes out today).

Anyways! Most importantly! Did I portray Teen Gojo well in this chapter? I'd appreciate feedback on this on each chapter! As this is the most critical part of the fic! Woohoo! Feedback! Yes! 

Have a nice day!

-Author Note End-

next chapter
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