---> Some time ago.
With a colossal explosion, we fall to the hard ground surrounded by dense trees and the fall was great.
[{ Master!? Are you ok?! }] Celes asked, and I happily stood up with the blood flowing out of my knees.
"You ok, Zoe?" I asked as I stood up and took a low-grade potion to clean up this wound.
Thankfully, she was ok from this sudden fall, but we were thankfully out of that hellish forest.
I was out... out of that great forest like hell, one that I spent my almost six years.
A place I survived and came out alive and... with two members of my family I will have to protect.
I was free now, outside of that ferocious place and the place we were right now was... a comparatively easy forest.
Well, I knew we would just fall like this or something and the place we were standing at this moment was a mess already.
There was a giant creator almost some meter deep, and we were just standing inside it.
Well... the poor little Eon is finally out of that hell like forest!
[I can't belive I wrote this one this long, and I never planned to make it this big but, I love just how well it came out.]
Zoe looks cute and I'm looking forward to seeing Celes in the next chapter~!
(Thanks for reading~!)