“What is that thing? A P...Presence?”
“No. This is a regular animal. One of the few that can react to the orgaion. They are called monocunus. Isn’t it cute?
She carried the little fluffy thing in her arms. It trembled in fear when it approached Kai. It kept trying to curl and hide its face. It looked like a crossover of a small wombat with a kangaroo-like face.
“Is it heavy? Can I hold it?”
“Can you…? That’s your spar. If you can catch it you can carry it as a reward.”
Aimee put the animal on the ground, it ran away the quickest it could, toward the trees of the yard. Faster than a rat.
“I need to catch… That?”
“Impossible with your human speed, yes. That’s why it’s enhancing training. You use the orgaion for your advantage.”
“Aimee, I don’t think I’m at that good of a level yet.”
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