Obligatory Disclaimer : I do not own anything (except maybe OC characters) all characters, places, worlds, universes…etc mentioned here belong to their respective owners and/or companies.
This is purely a work of fiction. Not meant to offend or incite, but to entertain and (maybe) inspire.
Frowns, glares and smiles, the expression on the faces of my new teammates ranged within those three. Some were glad to have me, some weren't, some didn't particularly care. It did not stop Cecil from talking.
"He's your new captain." Cecil announced with a fold of his hands.
"You're saying this guy kills Robot and now he gets to replace him!" Rex yelled, incredulous at the mere thought of it. Maybe he saw it as a fucked up version of a gladiatorial challenge, you kill the champion and you become the new champion. "What next, huh? The guy who kills him becomes our new boss then?"
"I'm saying he's the best choice. And its final."
"Fuck that."
"I have to agree with the boy, this seems very callous Cecil." Not-black lightning said.
"I think Samson's right." Goes our lovely Duplikate. Monster girl nods along.
"You're all supposed to be the New Guardians, the whole world is looking up to you, we cannot afford to show weakness dammit! You're heroes, act like it!" I could sympathize with the man—I could also understand him refusing to give them a proper answer other than a chicken soup phrase—, this team couldn't be the justice league of this world, not with the way they are. Look at them, no discipline, no respect, no drive, Nolan was right, they're a fucking disgrace.
Cecil gives me a near sorry glance, it's all yours now, his eyes say.
Fine. I nod as he exits.
I stand in their presence, quietly observing them, thinking of ways to whip them up to shape. Make no mistake, I can't turn trash to diamond, but I will do my damn best to make sure they don't sully my name and rep.
"I could have been captain." Rex mutters, his unreconciled glare sent my way.
Good, I had to, like the cultivators say, show them just how wide the sky was.
"I look at you, all of you, and do you know what I see? Potential? No, it's disappointment. Take a good look at yourselves with your entitlements and privileges,"
"Hey what gives you the—"
This whiny bitch.
"You do speak unless spoken to." The ice in my tone silences the explosive boy and makes every one of them stand straighter and perk in attention.
"I am not Robot, your history means nothing to me, your potential is meaningless without a consuming determination. So, let me make this very clear, you will be useful, you will be asset, you will prove yourself valuable or you will be cast aside like the trash you are. I will not accept anything short of the very fucking best." I stare at them and lay my thoughts out with acidic intensity. "If you have a problem with that, the door is right there, pack your shit and close it on your way out."
By their grimaces and sour expressions, it was obvious of what they thought of my tone and opinion, yet since the door still remained shut, it seemed they understood the truth within. Good.
I placed a hand behind my back, spread my legs to shoulder length and extended an index on my free hand. "Show me exactly what you have. I'll only be using my index, if any of you can make me move or use my other hand, you win, I go home and you become the new captain."
"I'll show ya alright!" Rexplode grinned and rushed me. His coins exploded on my uniform, leaving barely a mark, under the cover of the explosives, the eager teen rushed to tackle me when he could've given that chance to their strongest member had he taken a moment to formulate a plan of attack.
"Eat this." He chuckled, igniting an entire stack of coins close to my skin, I cringed on his behalf when his eyes widened upon seeing me still in my spot as the smoke settled. I lightly tapped my index against his skull and had him on his back to the floor, his eyes rolling and foam bubbling in his open mouth.
Did they learn the lesson then? No. The hulk girl bounded for me next, a hungry glint in her bestial eyes as she cracked the floor with each impending step of her powerful charge. My flicked my finger against her nose, it crunched flat into her face, the impact force launched her right into a squad of Duplikate clones who sought to swarm me, crumpling them like bowling pins.
Black lightning fired a concentrated blast of energy from his gauntlets into my chest while launching ant girl into the air. At this point I have to make it clear that all attacks I've sustained so far have barely even registered as tickles.
He shortened the distance and upped his charge, I pinched the miniaturized woman out of thin air and sent her at his face while she grew larger. The crash was spectacular, nailing the both of them into the wall.
No other attacks followed. No other words of discontent or challenge were uttered. Not a single meep.
Emperor, give me the strength to turn these sheep into warriors.
"This is it? This is the New Guardians? What a fucking joke. I see a senseless beast, a useless loudmouth with something to prove, a has-been who thinks he's too good for this, an insecure woman and a girl who can't think for herself. You're guardians of nothing!" I break them down to build them back up later. "You do not deserve the name or the honor that comes with it, but I will make sure you earn it." I hovered above them all like the god I fashioned myself to be. Their eyes burned with anger, resentment, rage, disappointment, shame and whatever it was that put gasoline in their hearts, and made fire burn in their veins, those are the eyes I needed. None of them will be allowed to drag me down.
"If you're going to be part of my team, you are going to give it your all, your every waking breath, your sweat, your blood, your tears, your very life. Every fiber of your being will be dedicated to this. Then and only then will you earn my respect and your place as the very best of the best." I turned for the exit. "Get your shit together and come prepared for hell tomorrow." I left them. I had to find one more person for the team, someone I would either own, control or have to kill too.
I was in outer orbit before she picked the call.
"Hello?" she said.
"A minute." I rammed a fist into the incoming asteroid, stole its momentum with a spin and chucked it back into the depths of space. I flew back to low orbit. "Hi Eve, missed me?"
"You said that last time."
"Yeah cause I missed you too."
"Oh, you did?"
"You don't sound very happy." She's probably mad at me.
"I don't know Mark, you seemed to miss Amber enough to go see her, but I guess you had better things to do than look me up."
"Okay, it's my bad Eve. I've just been swamped."
"Right, too swamped to even call." I didn't call because I actually had forgotten to, plus I hadn't seen her in school.
"C'mon Eve, you're too pretty to be angry." That did not placate her.
"I'm guessing you're only calling me now because you need something from me."
Haha, they got your ass.
Shut up brain.
"Can we meet up? Let me make it up to you."
.. .. ..
"So?" She raised a brow, staring at the red rock held inches away from her face.
"It's a rock from Mars." I explained.
"The planet?"
"You went to Mars and all you got me was a rock?"
Ask her if she wants your Martian sex toy.
Zip it, brain.
"That sounds like something you put on a shirt."
"Thank you."
"For the shirt idea or the rock?"
She grabbed the rock with a smile. "My precious." She chuckled, observing the thing.
"Ouch, I thought I was your precious." I held my chest in faux agony.
"Shush you." She punched my elbow. I leaned back into the drifting cloud, making a motion of lying on its cotton candy thin surface.
"I did want to see you, but I just didn't have the chance, Eve."
"Can't you just say you're sorry?" She said floating next to me, her piercing blue eyes gazing into mine, the sun behind her made it so light refracted off her fluttering red hair into an illusory halo. She looked angelic, a being I shouldn't and couldn't soil with these fucking hands of mine.
"Not even on my deathbed lady." I grinned.
"Asshole." She laughed. "Well, go ahead with your pitch, I'm waiting."
"So, I was going to ask for your hand in marriage." She balked, eyes wide in disbelief before the shit eating grin on my face cued her in on the joke, earning me a soft blast of energy to the face. "Oh wow, domestic abuse already? I thought you'd wait till we had a son or an abortion."
"Mark." Be serious, her eyes said.
"Right. Long story short, I'm the new captain of the New Guardians and I'd love to have you on my team."
"Wait what?"
Time for the long story I guess.
.. .. ..
Been a minute for this innit? That cause I've been planning plus posting chapters for the 'Demon Driven' fic and well I've been taming life.
I hope this one made a smiley 4 u peeps.
GIGANTIC shout out and thanks to my Patrons, you do not realize the magnitude of good your support does. Thank you very, very much;
● Andreas Samuelsson (Slade Killson) ● Clinton (Titan Breaker) ● King_Reaper ( Kaiser Raiser ) ● PbookR (Infinity's Librarian) ● Ido Gormizo (Gravity's Tyrant) ● Godkingash (Heavenly Overlord) ● Ibrahima Gueye (Relentless) ● Douglas Pilkington (Storming Sword) ● John donut (Sugar Rush)● Turtle (Slow Die) ● Devan Kincaid (Killa Tin) ● Wiley Chriis (Pierce Bonbon) ● OneManArmy (Gun Gator) ● Danny M (Phantomizer) ● Adam Moret (Kilforce) ● Leslye Pena (Red Sage) ● Patrick Seastar (Jack Sins) ● Mahad (Power Supreme) ● Kobe Brown (Gold mamba)● Garrett Conley (Mufasa Lincoln) ● Xerias (Spartaforce) ● ____(Kabuto Ken) ● Luther.T (Rexor) ● Echan Clinch (Oni Oni) ● Baron_Dio (King Menace) ● PhotoStorm Photography (Night Shadow) ● Jordan Rinaldi (Baller) ● Herb (Big Groot) ●
Well, I'll leave you all to enjoy your day/night with me in your mind.
Till next time, Rain (the best ever) away!
You can come find me,
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@Rainmaine on Instagram.
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