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58.33% INVINCIBLE : FEAR / Chapter 21: chapter 21 : He's back.

Capítulo 21: chapter 21 : He's back.

Mark didn't say anything, he didn't do anything except analyze himself, he literally wanted to drive his fist deep into his father's face but he held back because he knew that despite his progress, he couldn't still not winning against his father who had more than a millennium of experience.

 He took a deep breath and flexed his fist, this action made Nolan frown but Mark spoke in a cold but calm tone,

 "You have exactly one minute to tell me what you want from me and then I'm going to get the hell out of here for one minute you monster." 

 "Leave us." Nolan said after sighing as the guards and staff left the room.

 Nolan looked at his son with some sadness in his eyes and hesitated to speak.

 Nolan: How is Debbie...hum your mother?

 Mark: I forbid you from saying her name, after calling her a pet and not after the treatment she received on earth because of what you did. I forbid you from asking after her.

 Nolan: Mark I-(interrupted)

 Mark: Your time is running out so you better get to the heart of the matter.

 Nolan: (Sighs) I have lived for thousands of years as a Viltrumite and that nature is etched deep within me. However, the short time I spent on earth changed me and I didn't understand it until it was too late. When you openly defied me to protect humans, I really wanted to kill you and in Viltrum's standards, you deserved to die because you were weak. I really intended to kill you when your mother stepped in to confront me so I had to choose between killing you then enslaving the planet or just walking away and leaving you, I chose to leave.

 Mark: After killing thousands of innocent people including children, pregnant women and cancer patients, what nobility of spirit of you!! Get to the facts.

 Nolan: The choice I made to leave my mission and turn my back on the empire is a huge betrayal in the eyes of Viltrum, sooner or later, they were going to learn it and come for me. I hung around in space for a long time before reaching this planet with characteristics quite similar to those of the earth with a people with even less resistance than humans. Very quickly, I became their monarch.

 Mark: Let me guess, you massacred hundreds of thousands of people to impose yourself by force?!

 Nolan: NO, things work differently here. The status of the individual depends on its seniority and mantids have a metabolism which makes them age very quickly, they are born and reach the end of their lives in the space of a few months so the ones I found here are all already dead and I am officially the oldest but also the strongest. I've been here since uh...

 Mark: It's been almost 10 months since you left so let's say 9 months and a few days.

 Nolan: I guess a lot has happened in my absence on earth. Did you go to college?!

 Mark: Let's stay focused and continue your story. Why did you call on me?! You still haven't told me.

 Nolan: Yes…I understand. At first I wanted to offer this planet to the empire in exchange for the Earth to alleviate my betrayal but I changed my mind, this planet is my home now and these people are innocent. Now the Viltrumites have tracked me down and they are coming for me, they will do massive damage and people will die.

 Mark: And so you need me to help you protect these innocent people.

 Nolan: Yes, son.

 Mark: Hahahaha! Ahahahah no wait ahahahah, I'm laughing but in fact I'm really angry here. Do you realize the nerve you have to ask me that after having massacred all these innocent people on earth?! You are truly amazing!

 Nolan: You have exactly the same look as your little brother Lucas now.


 Mark moved like the wind to grab Nolan by the collar of his clothes. "I forbid you from saying his name with your mouth after watching him die without helping him. You indirectly killed Lucas and you even dared to brag about it by hitting your fists on me. YOU KILLED HIM, YOU KILLED MY BROTHER AND PEOPLE TORTURED MOM FOR WHAT YOU DID. Now like a saint you dare to ask for my help?! Fuck you, you are and always will be a monster. » Mark said as tears came out of his eyes, his father had let his brother die for his plans.

 Nolan grabbed Mark's wrist to pull his hand away and was surprised at how much force it took to unhook Mark's hand, his son had become even stronger than before.

 Nolan: I understand you don't want to help me but if you won't do it for me then do it for them and also for someone else special.

 Mark frowned in incomprehension and Nolan asked him to follow him. They arrived in front of a large door from which a female mantis came out, she had breasts and very pronounced feminine assets for an insect.

 The female came near Nolan and they kissed under the gaze of Mark who said nothing.

 Nolan: Sorry son, this might sound weird by human standards but-(interrupted)

 Mark: Is she the special person you wanted to show me?!

 Nolan: No, but I still wanted to introduce you. Mark, this is my partner, Andressa.

 Andressa: Hello Mark, nice to finally meet you.

 Mark: I see he's definitely settled in here and comfortable with you. Looks like he told you about me apparently, nice to meet you too Andressa.

 Nolan: Mark I know this must be weird for you but my life is here now, I can't come back to earth because of what I did and said but also because it will draw the attention of the Viltrumites to Earth. Will you tell Deborah that-(interrupted)

 Mark: I have nothing to say to her from you, she is currently healing from all that and is even more beautiful than ever, she will resume her life without knowing anything about you because she is stronger than you think. Now please take me to your "special someone".

 Nolan took him through the door to arrive in a room resembling a child's playroom, he saw there on the floor a boy a little over a year old sitting on the floor and playing with an adult mantis.

 He looked like a normal human child except his skin color was purple.

 Mark: No wait, don't tell me...

 Nolan: Yes Mark, he's your little brother.



 Meanwhile on earth, the world was facing a great crisis. Omnipotus, an entity equal to a god from another universe destroyed by himself, appeared by great chance in this universe and Earth was going to be his starting point.

 This monster with immense power could fascinate the world in his image, manipulate reality in some way and feed on the energy of the universes which he ended up destroying through exhaustion of energy.


 The GDA had deployed all its means to teleport and gather all the available heroes to face this calamity.

 The heroes led by Brit (the man) began to fight against Omnipotus and even with the help of the GDA's agents, they were still no match.

 Eve and Saeko were also there to fight Omnipotus with Amber and Deborah who were there to rescue the civilians.

 The fight was tough and several heroes were effortlessly overpowered by the invader who made giant stone golems generated from the ground to effortlessly confront the heroes.

 The raging battle was only a few kilometers from the cemetery where Lucas slept but not for long as his body was awakened and attracted by the powerful presence of Omnipotus.

 The Xenorans were worshipers of war as well as battles. They were attracted by powerful auras that excited their cells to fight and Lucas had gone through 5000 years of fragments of Clarion's memories, a Xenoran prodigy so this Battle Instinct was kind of etched into him like a Xenoran and his cells became excited.

 ** Gentlemen and ladies, it's time for some background music. I strongly advise you to listen to the OST [Asura unleashed – Asura's wrath], believe me, it's for your own good **

 There, finally after months in a deep coma, Lucas clearly opened the only eye he had left because one of his eyes had been gouged out by a blow from a Battle Beast's claw (Yes, I just added this forgotten detail).

 In a state between a trance and a blurred consciousness, Lucas began to take deep breaths with a single movement of his arm when in the cemetery, the location of Lucas's grave exploded for him to climb out of there. fast.

 More than 200 meters above the ground, his face hidden by his hair and his body trembling like a man possessed, Lucas had no complete control of his body or even his consciousness while his body obeyed an Instinct that It wasn't even his.

 The feeling of the wind on his skin, the sounds, the light and the smells, he felt everything in very intense and disordered ways while his head jerked and shook, he was like in the center of a tornado and the only thing What he could focus on was the presence of Omnipotus.

 "fight...strong warrior...for the glory of Xaria" He whispered looking in the direction of Omnipotus' presence before flying at 20 times the speed of sound toward Omnipotus' direction .

 It flew wobbly and erratically like something blown by a strong wind but it flew fast.

 In no time he arrived on the battlefield and without even paying attention to the others, Lucas with insolent speed threw a punch in the face of Omnipotus who had not even seen him coming and was sent flying tens of kilometers away and Lucas immediately jumped to disappear like a ghost in pursuit, leaving the others in a shock of incomprehension.

 Everyone : !!!!


 Ruddy (robot): My sensors couldn't properly identify it because of its speed, but this thing was indeed a human being.

 Britney: The strength of that thing was great enough to send this guy flying for miles like he was a bullet. This can't be Omni-man and Invincible is nowhere to be found.

 Tech Jacket, a young hero in advanced alien technology cybernetic armor came near the robot.

 "Whatever it was, it gives us some leeway to generate the dimensional portal, let's do this quickly because it's going to take a while." 

 Robot: You're right, but we must first locate them to get this monster to the other side.

 These two had come up with a plan to get rid of Omnipotus, they had isolated the frequency of the dimensional portal that had taken Omnipotus to this dimension by chance to reproduce it and send him back where he came from.

 They didn't have time to do that until now because of Omnipotus who was way too powerful but now it was possible.

 Lucas had managed to catch up with his opponent almost instantly to mercilessly attack him again and again like a beast thirsty for battle.

Omnipotus tried to fight back several times but Lucas dodged his attacks to counterattack and he severely hit Omnipotus deeply shocked to find such a valiant opponent here.

 Omnipotus: Lesser creatures, you can feel proud of yourself. I recognize you as an opponent who's worth my time and who-(interrupted)


 He received a violent high-kick to the jaw only to be thrown further into the Sahara Desert in Africa and once again, Lucas joined him to continue the fight.

 Omnipotus began to wonder what was happening, a moment ago he was mauling the other heroes like toys but now he was getting his ass kicked.

 "I held back against your friends but you force me to show you the extent of my power. » he said coldly and the clouds throughout the desert area became extremely dark, the desert sand began to stir like water before changing into lava.

 Lucas, standing on what was now a large lake of molten glass, already had a good part of his clothes burned by the ambient heat and he did not wait for Omnipotus to finish his delirium.

 He could shape worlds but this idiot needed a certain amount of time that Lucas wasn't going to give him.

 Disappearing from Omnipotus' sight again, Lucas appeared to his left to kick him but Omnipotus had seen him and a pillar of lightning controlled by him descended on Lucas whose image had disappeared like a mist.

 "Afterimage!!!?" Omnipotus was surprised before feeling a horrible pain in his right ribs as Lucas had given him a middle kick there with the soles of his feet which even made a hollow in his opponent's ribs.

 He followed up with several series of blows and Omnipotus, who did not even have time to use his powers, was forced to fight hand to hand with this human beast who gave him no respite. He tried to grab Lucas but he avoided the attempt to give a "Y" kick like in capoeira.

 Omnipotus too was not weak in close combat but he did not understand what was happening and he wondered how to get rid of Lucas who dodged his two punches and who did a backflip to strike chin with his foot which sent Omnipotus into the sky where the attacks continued in the void.

 Lucas who was extremely dominant continued his assaults when he was going to hit Omnipotus again, the latter simply teleported behind him but almost at the same moment, Lucas gave him a kick which he blocked this time and without much effort.

 He pulled Lucas towards him to attack him with a violent punch but Lucas blocked it with his free foot before propelling himself backwards to free himself from the grip of his opponent who definitely did not let go his leg to throw the emaciated Lucas into the ocean where he chased him and continued the fight underwater.

 Omnipotus was starting to gain the advantage in the fight for fairly simple reasons, he is basically more powerful than the current Lucas and on top of that, even if Lucas looked strong, it was only because of the fighting instinct that had taken possession of his body.

 He was hungry, thirsty and thin because his body had been in autophagy for all these months.

 If he hadn't died to Battle Beast, he was really going to die to Omnipotus from sheer exhaustion if it continued like this.

 The fight under the ocean was violent and very eventful, on the surface of the sea, large waves were forming and coastal cities were on alert.

 Everywhere was relayed information about Omnipotus and his fight against all the heroes gathered but especially against the unknown being with whom he was fighting at the moment.

 Near the American coast where they went for their fight, they came out of the water like missiles and Omnipotus was holding Lucas by the neck.

 He was tired and almost out of strength but still fighting, he grabbed the hand that held his neck by Omnipotus' fingers which he broke by bending them backwards to free himself from the grip of Omnipotus. his opponent but Omnipotus immediately grabbed his face with the other hand while the injured hand healed instantly.

 "You really gave me trouble for a while but now enough is enough. You and your little comrades I will make you all disappear at the same time. »

 He teleported with Lucas, whom he was still holding by the face, to appear above the city and rushed with him like a meteor towards the location where the other heroes were still fighting against the golems which were being generated infinitely by the will of Omnipotus.

 As they rocketed towards the ground, Lucas who was down grabbed the arm that was holding his head and wrapped his feet around it to armlock Omnipotus who by Lucas's strength found himself down in turn as the ground got closer under the gaze of the others who ran for cover.


 They crashed destroying several golems with a huge crater kicking up a large layer of dust. Lucas was still holding Omnipotus' broken arm, taking the opportunity to punch him several times when the colossus broke free and gave a Front Kick to an exhausted Lucas who still managed to block the blow even though he was sent flying by the force of the blow to crash into a building fortunately evacuated.

 **Change of background music ladies and gentlemen. I recommend the OST [Next to you – Parasyte ] to accompany the next actions.**

 Lucas, with a little difficulty, got up from the rubble despite his fatigue and by chance it was Eve who took shelter in this building.

 She saw him stand up from behind and saw the large scars on his body as much of his clothes were destroyed in the fight and his pale skin reminded her of someone.

 Lucas tried to walk but he was really too exhausted to return to fight but he staggered and fell due to exhaustion.

 Eve was not stupid, if this stranger was fighting with Omnipotus then he was in no way an enemy, not under the current circumstances anyway.

 " Are you doing well ?! Wait, I'll help you" She said running towards him to help him up when a wind blew through the broken building and the long hair that hid Lucas' face parted so she could see his scarred face.

 When she looked at his face, Eve felt like lightning striking her head and she was paralyzed by what she saw, it was Lucas who they had mourned and buried a little over a year ago .

 His body was thin, trembling and seemed weakened, his cheeks were very hollow and his ribs could be seen extremely easily but it was definitely Lucas.

 Eve: Lu-Lucas?! How ?! When ?! I cried for you...we...! YOU ARE ALIVE !

 She began to speak while her speech and mind were in an emotional mess because of what she saw in front of her, the man she had secretly loved who had died was there in front of her but one thing was sure , his heart hurt when looking at Lucas' current appearance.

 As she reorganized her thoughts, she saw Lucas get up with difficulty to start walking, ignoring her as if she wasn't there and he was possessed by some unknown force or will and she began to shout to catch him.

 Outside, since Omnipotus had chosen to return there, this had arranged Robot and Tech Jacket who took the opportunity to generate a dimensional portal to send him home and all the heroes had started fighting him again to push him inside. Lucas came out of the building with Eve trying to hold him back.

 "Lucas please stop, you are in no condition to fight. STOP ! "

 They all heard Eve and some immediately frowned upon hearing that name.

 Saeko furrowed her eyebrows to look in the direction of Eve and The Unknown when she saw Lucas' bruised face and the state of his body.

 "Onii-chan…?!!" Saeko said as her voice and breathing became ragged and she started to cry looking at him as she moved closer to their position.

 Deborah and Amber not far away also looked towards Eve and there they saw Lucas standing on his two feet and very much alive despite his state comparable to that of a battle zombie.

 Without even being able to say anything, the two women started running towards Lucas in tears, even ignoring the current fight.

 Finally, thanks to the intervention of Black Samson who had also come out of his coma and had received a boost in his power had helped the others to push him because Omnipotus was a little tired because of Lucas.

 Once Omnipotus' presence was gone, the instinct within Lucas left and he stood there as his consciousness returned to him.

 His vision was blurry and the noises were muffled around him when he saw his mother coming near him crying.

 "M-mom…mom…I'm hurt mom…" he said before falling from fatigue. Debbie caught her son's fall as she held him in her arms crying out loud as her emotions exploded looking at her child back from the dead and the sad state of his body.

 "Goodness…the kid was alive…" Donald, who had participated in the battle and revealed that he was a Cyborg, looked at the scene like everyone else now that the crisis was over.

 Tech Jacket and robot came to Lucas to analyze him.

 T. Jacket: His constants are bad, very bad. He is terribly exhausted and hungry, he will die if we don't do something. You know him ?

 Robot: Lucas Grayson, Invincible's younger brother. He is FEAR.

 T. Jacket: Wait, by FEAR you mean…

 Robot: That's exactly him. We thought he was dead and we buried him for over a year.

 T. Jacket: What you're telling me is that this guy was buried alive in a coma for over a year without food or water and that by the time he came out of his grave, he was in a fight. against the other monster ?! Looking at his condition, he has at most two hours before it's too late.

 Donald: GDA medical teams will be there any second, the kid, despite his condition, helped us a lot against this monster. We can't let him down again.

 "Thank you Donald..." Deborah said while Lucas was still in her arms while tears still wanted to come from her eyes.

 Her child had been buried alive for over a year alone, in a dark, cold and cramped coffin with nothing to nourish his body during that time.

 She caressed his scarred face and realized that her child was one-eyed and disfigured as none of his scars received from Battle Beast had disappeared or shrunk.

 Touching her boy's bony chest, she felt his faint heartbeat to reassure herself that he was still alive.

 A few seconds later, Cecil and the medical teams were teleported to take care of the injured heroes and Lucas as a priority.

 The old man had come in person to apologize for the agency's poor service towards Deborah , firstly because under the GDA's promise of security she had been kidnapped and tortured but above all because Lucas had been buried alive because that they hadn't observed him for a long time after his fight with Battle Beast.

 Deborah : Thanks Cecil

 Debbie had not told him anything else and just accompanied the Medical teams for the care of her son with the girls, she had other priorities than staying to chat with Cecil who watched Lucas in the distance leave in a stretcher before sighing of relief but he wondered how the boy had survived in such conditions and especially how he would react when they told him everything that had happened during his absence.


 At night of the same day in the cemetery, a large cold wave circulated around the perimeter and Damien Darkblood appeared in a dense mist near Lucas' shattered grave and looked around the hole where a magic circle glowed before disappearing for real.

 Damien since Lucas' burial had come near his grave every evening and had felt the slight presence of soul in the grave growing stronger little by little over the weeks so, knowing that his very young friend was still alive, he had erected a preservation spell around the tomb on the surface.

 Damien was a demon and knew magic quite well, this spell was powerful enough to keep a normal human body intact for decades in a coma but what he forgot was that Lucas was not a normal human and that his body needed a lot of energy to survive without water or food, especially because of his intense cellular activity.

 However, if Lucas had survived until now despite his emaciated state, it is thanks to Damien's spell which has considerably reduced the nutritional and energy needs of his body because without that, the process of death and rebirth of his cells would have taken all the energy and nutrients in his body to kill him in less than a month.

 D. Darkblood: Hmmm welcome back among us kid.

 He smiled, something he rarely did before disappearing into the mist, into the shadows and ignorance of the general public to which he belonged, true heroes have the habit of acting in darkness of those who shine in the spotlight.

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