/ Anime & Comics / Into The DC-verse
4.78 (70 valoraciones)
Reborn as the "unseen one", the "wealthy one" and the God of the Underworld, Hades.
My try at a DC fanfic in its "God's among Men" style. The Mythology I'll be using will be heavily influenced by the God of War games as I believe it to be the closest interpretation to the actual Myths. But not to worry the actual Myths will be used to fill in the holes of my version. Then we'll delve into the DC-verse, which version you ask, I haven't decided. Do give me a suggestion.
I don't own shit.
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Escribe una reseñaYou know every time there is a reborn as hades fic, it always gets dropped eventually and very quickly too. So author pls don't drop this story
Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing.
So far it's good... .................................... ...................... ...................... ...... ................................ ..
Don't get discouraged by my review, just conveying my views out there, 1.There are a few grammar but not much so congrats7/10. 2.Quality and story development were 8/10. 3.Character development is a bit lacking but readable 8.7/10. 4.Nice background development over DC main entities 9/10. 6.Since it is creative, this story is quite good in this website 10/10 for creativity. 7.Keep up with updates and you will hear no complaints from me. Adios and good luck with this story
Revelar spoilerI don't know how to write a review, so I'll just say that this is good. But I have one question that bothers me. Since this is Greek Pantheon, there is a lot of NTR stuff but our mc won't get NTR'ed right?
Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Don't drop Please
Love the story so far and I hope the author keeps it up. I think it would be interesting if Hades goes around the universe conquering planets and learning. but still failing not 100 present success ever time.
Hope you don’t drop this one its amazing how everything is set up and playing out ….………….………….………….………….………….………….………….………….………….………….………….………….………….………….………….………….………….
So far I am loving this novel, I haven't seen any grammer issues and I am very happy that the author didnt' make greek history when it comes to gods pg or try to make it friendlier towards younger audiences and instead gave us a non colored picture of greek mythology.
Love it. But the whole thing with Zeus and Hera feels forced to make Hades look better for the future if any kind of conflict rises up. And if possible when dealing with humans in the future the mc should be arrogant after all he is a deity(the status of his soul is irrelevant to this matter as even humans look down on one another with even a slight difference in status). There is a reason powerful people don't make friends with peasants.
its good, I like the world building and the mc and the description of other character's but dear god the updates are so fvking slow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this fanfic is great. good job author-san! this fanfic is great. good job author-san! this fanfic is great. good job author-san! this fanfic is great. good job author-san!
Adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra
Adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra adorei está obra
well...this is not a review, but a clarification...i only saw some DC movies inthe the cinema, so im lost...can someone help me here please??🙏🙏🙏
amazing) plz dont drop this. I dont know much about dc uni but what u writing its like fresh air) im so tired of fanfic about system or mega op loosers. Like i can read about it 1-2 times but when authors write it again and again and again. But u doing good job with it .Now it's too difficult to find an original work without any stupid systems and God's wishes
amazing) plz dont drop this. I dont know much about dc uni but what u writing its like fresh air) im so tired of fanfic about system or mega op loosers. Like i can read about it 1-2 times but when authors write it again and again and again. But u doing good job with it .Now it's too difficult to find an original work without any stupid systems and God's wishes
Autor Lethal_Drinker
Shameless author shamelessly self promoting his work. It my try a DC fic. I haven't seen any really good DC fic while Marvel fics are over saturated. The only ones I've ever seen are usually just cross overs or just dropped after 10 chapters. There was one really good one in which the MC is reborn as Archangel Michael, that one was really good but it was mostly geared towards the Supernatural show with a sprinkle of the DC universe. Anyways, hope you like my work. Do like some reviews if you like it. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM is appreciated not some 1 star review filled with emojis. Atleast give your misgivings or problems with my work. 👍👍👍👍