The frown on Brad’s face deepened causing furrows in his brow. Chelsea didn’t see anger in his eyes, just confusion on his face. Tentatively, she put a hand on his arm. “Am I right?”
Letting out a noisy breath, Brad nodded. “Yeah. You are. I’m not thrilled with it, though.”
They hadn’t discussed Jake since she revealed she’d slept with him the night of the garage fire. “Do you think you could be wrong about him?”
Brad cringed. “I don’t know. He said he didn’t set my place on fire, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t set others ablaze.” He raked a hand through his hair. “You have to hear what Melissa has to say, too.”
Chelsea rolled her eyes. God he was stubborn. “Brad. Really. You’ve based your opinion on what Tim said. Frankly, I never trusted him.” She thought about the custody papers and figured now was not the time.
Brad didn’t leap to his friend’s defense. “I don’t know Chelsea. I don’t know who to believe.”