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Capítulo 92: chapter 92

Gaara finally broke out with an onslaught of his own.

A sand shuriken move, just a thought, and it will be violently shot out!

In the face of such a large-scale terrorist attack, ordinary Genin has no way to defend against it.

But Hyuga Neji, after all, is Hyuga Neji.

He immediately unleashed his trump card.

Gentle Fist Eight Trigrams Palms...

"Revolving Heaven!!!"

for a moment.

Hyuga Neji precisely released a large amount of Chakra from the 361 acupuncture points around his body at the same time, and then with the rapid rotation of his body, the Chakra flowed and rotated at the same speed, forming a defensive move that is sufficient to prevent everything from being thrown away.

This belongs to Hyuga Neji, another absolute defense!!!

Immediately, countless sand shurikens were thrown out by the Revolving Heaven bullet, scattered one after another, turned into sand and fell to the ground.

Hyuga Hiashi, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, was shocked at this time.

"The children of the branch house, have they surpassed the Main family?!"

"Hizashi, that guy Neji, is a true genius!!!"

The wonderful battle of the two people also made the whole audience excited.

Onoki said with a smile: "Hokage, Kazekage It seems that these two should be the strongest of Konoha and Sand Shinobi, right? What a wonderful battle..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen exhaled a smoke ring.

"Hyuga Neji? He's a real genius, but..."

Kuzan smiled secretly, but you forced Hyuga Neji's father to die.

Rasa also said: "Indeed, it is really unprecedented in Genin to be able to attack and defend so violently with Gaara."

"Don't say it's Genin, it's the same even if it's Chūnin."

Gaara looked at Hyuga Neji's Revolving Heaven, and couldn't help but change his expression slightly.


"Did you defend against all my sand shurikens?"

The corner of Hyuga Neji's mouth twitched.

"This is another absolute defense that is different from your absolute defense."

"Gaara, you are indeed as powerful as a monster, but it is not so easy to defeat me."

Gaara said indifferently: "Really?"

He finally let go of his hands clasping his chest for the first time.


He raised his right hand slightly, and then clenched his fist violently.

"Sand time rain!!!"

for a moment.

Countless amounts of sand fell from the sky and fell towards Hyuga Neji, trying to drown him in it.

However, what is more important is that the sand is still bursting out from the ground under his feet, trying to bind Hyuga Neji's feet!

This move is a simultaneous attack from the sky and the ground, the feet are restrained, and the sky is suppressed. It can be said to be very tricky.

At the beginning, Kimimaro was almost sealed by this trick.


Hyuga Neji retreated quickly, not only avoiding the sand and rain, but also avoiding the sand under his feet.

"Your move is indeed good, but the sand is full of Chakra, which can be seen clearly in front of my Byakugan."

"I know that you are quietly controlling the sand from the ground, and you are launching surprise attacks from under your feet."

Gaara nodded: "Very well, you are indeed a good opponent."


He violently manipulated the sand, and it turned into a huge palm in an instant, like the claws of the One Tail beast, and chased Hyuga Neji fiercely!

Hyuga Neji was taken aback.

Back away immediately.

But the Sand Hand is extremely fast and has a huge range, and Hyuga Neji is quickly cornered.

The scope of the arena is limited, and it is impossible to escape infinitely.

Also, Hyuga Neji's speed is not his forte.

In desperation, he could only activate the Eight Trigrams Palms mystery Revolving Heaven again!





The crazy rotation caused the Sand Hand to be blasted away, and the sand scattered out.


For Gaara, re-condensing the scattered sand is just a matter of time.

Soon, the Sand Hand condensed into shape again, and grabbed Hyuga Neji fiercely again!

Hyuga Neji has no choice but to keep using the Revolving Heaven defense.

But his amount of Chakra can't be compared with a monster like Gaara.

He used the profound meaning Revolving Heaven one after another. At this moment, the amount of Chakra has bottomed out, and the whole person is panting heavily, almost exhausted.

Gaara's offensive became more and more violent.

The Sand Hand kept slapping down, blasting the field into a big hole every time!

Hyuga Neji gritted his teeth, knowing that he would lose if dragged into a protracted battle.

So, decided to go all out and launch a last stand!

He burst out the remaining Chakra, a move of Eight Trigrams Air Palm, temporarily delaying Sand Hand's attack.

Then, instead, they galloped towards Gaara's body!

The Sand Hand immediately returned to defense, but Hyuga Neji broke out with all his strength, and was the first to get close to Gaara's body.

"Gentle Fist! Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!"

Hyuga Neji unleashed all remaining Chakra and power on this move!





The continuous violent attack smashed Gaara's guardian of the sand to pieces, and scattered away frantically.

Even, because of manipulating the sand hand, some of the sand in the gourd was too late to return to the defense.

Let Hyuga Neji finally touch Gaara's body for the first time.


The power of Gentle Fist burst out in an instant!

Gaara's Sand Armor doesn't actually mean much to Hyuga Neji.

Because this is also something mixed with Chakra, Hyuga Neji's Gentle Fist can easily control and even use the flow of Chakra to directly seriously injure the internal organs of the enemy!

Hyuga Neji said that anything mixed with Chakra is meaningless to him.

This is no big deal.

The reason why Kidomaru's ( sound 4 member in sasuke resuce arc ), spider sticky gold ( move name ) can defend against Gentle Fist.

Not because there is no Chakra, but because the spider sticky gold is very special and can block the penetration of other people's Chakra.

But the sand of Gaara cannot block Chakra.



Gaara was instantly sent flying, but at the same time, his sand hand ruthlessly captured Hyuga Neji completely, completely obliterating it.

It only takes Gaara to launch a move, sand binding coffin, or sandstorm funeral, and Hyuga Neji will surely die.

He no longer has the strength to launch the Revolving Heaven defense.

Gaara was also injured, but he stood up again.

Just when he was about to launch the final blow.

Hyuga Neji smiled and raised his hand.

"I lost."

Shiranui Genma immediately declared: "The winner is, Gaara!!!"

Gaara could only snort coldly, and gave up the final killing blow.

When everyone saw this more exciting battle, the cheers and applause were even more thunderous.

Onoki said, "That Hyuga Neji, knows that he can't win, but even if he hits desperately, he has to hurt the opponent once to prove his strength..."

"What a proud and terrible fellow..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded: "Indeed."

Rasa also frowned and said, "It actually hurt Gaara! That Hyuga Neji is really not easy!!!"

Fourth Raikage also nodded slightly.

Kuzan laughed and said, "It was indeed a good fight."

Before that, he had actually been thinking about what would happen if Gaara and Hyuga Neji in the original work met in the Chūnin exam.

Now he sees the answer.

Sure enough, Gaara is stronger, but Hyuga Neji is only slightly inferior.

This battle is indeed wonderful.

Although Gaara won, Hyuga Neji also won everyone's recognition and admiration.

The next third battle.

It's Uchiha Sasuke, fighting Sai.

Another match between Kirigakure and Konoha Village.

Moreover, Kuzan knew even more that this was originally a duel between two members of the seventh class!

It can be said that there is also a certain color of fate.

However, because of the wonderful battle between Gaara and Hyuga Neji earlier, this battle was not so shocking.

The result was that Uchiha Sasuke, who had activated the Three Tomoe Sharingan, defeated Sai by a very clear margin.

The next fourth battle.

It's Kirigakure's Hōzuki Suigetsu, against Cloud Shinobi Village's Atsui.

Atsui is Samui's younger brother, compared to his elder sister cold Beauty, is more like a hot-blooded teenager.

And his ability, like his own name "hot", is full of flame and power.

Atsui is good at Fire Style and Knife.

More like most Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas, good at combining Taijutsu and Ninjutsu.

Cloud Style: Flame slice, he used is a combination of knife technique and Fire Style.

The power is very strong.

However, Hōzuki suigetsu seems to be his mortal enemy.

Also good at swordsmanship and Water Style ninjutsu.

The sword skills of the two are comparable.

But the Water Style of Hōzuki suigetsu just happens to restrain Atsui Fire Style.

What's more, Hōzuki suigetsu is one of Kuzan's reorganized Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

He is also a genius ninja of the Hōzuki family.

The secret technique of the Hōzuki clan, Hydration Technique, also exists to restrain most physical attacks!

Ordinary slashes are almost ineffective against Hōzuki suigetsu.

And even the ninjutsu that incorporates Fire Style is difficult to be effective in front of Hydration Technique.

Unless it is a fusion of Lightning Style, it can just restrain Hōzuki suigetsu.

However, although Atsui is a ninja from the Land of Lightning, and there are many people who are good at Lightning Style, he is not.

In this battle, Hōzuki suigetsu finally defeated Atsui.

Next, is the final battle of the first round of the decisive battle.

Kaguya Kimimaro of Kirigakure, against Aburame Shino of Konoha Village!

Both are from families with special abilities.

One is Kaguya clan, who owns the Dead Bone Pulse Kekkegenkai.

One is the Aburame family, who are good at manipulating parasite( bugs ) secrets to fight.

And the combat IQ is also very high.

This battle can also be described as very exciting.

Aburame Shino's parasites also made Kaguya Kimimaro feel very tricky.

Although his Dead Bone Pulse is very powerful.

His ninjutsu and taijutsu are also very Grandmaster.

But in the face of the overwhelming bugs, Dead Bone Pulse and physical skills are still difficult to play a role.


Kaguya Kimimaro still relies on creating a thick periosteum outside the skin to shield the parasites from eroding Chakra.

In the end, he defeated Aburame Shino with a Tsubaki dance.

so far.

All ninja world Chūnin exam decisive battle, the first round of battles are all over.

The final five winners are...

Yuki Haku, Gaara, Uchiha Sasuke, Hōzuki Suigetsu, Kaguya Kimimaro!

Among the five people, Kirigakure has fully occupied four spots!

One can imagine how powerful Kirigakure is today.

And what terrifying potentials the new generation possesses!

Although the Chūnin exam can only be used as a side reference of Ninja Village's strength, it can also show the terrifying background of Kirigakure today!

In addition, only Gaara, who can be called a monster, also squeezed into the top five.

As for the original game, almost all the scenes where Konoha Village ninjas advance to the final battle are gone forever.

At this point in the game, all the players in the entire Konoha Village have been wiped out!!!

Of course, this does not mean that Konoha Village is weak.

At least in the last round, Hyuga Neji, Sai, and Aburame Shino advanced.

On the top, there are Rock Lee, Nara Shikamaru and others who have performed well.

However, compared to Kirigakure, the gap is indeed not small.

All Ninja world Chūnin exam, the top five in the final battle.

Kirigakure, Kaguya Kimimaro, Uchiha Sasuke, Hōzuki Suigetsu, Yuki Haku.

Sunagakure, Gaara.

And the next battle.

Kaguya Kimimaro has a bye.( Free ticket no need to fight just advance)

Yuki haku Lost to Gaara.

Hōzuki Suigetsu lost to Uchiha Sasuke from the same village.

In the next round, Gaara had a bye.

Kaguya Kimimaro vs. Uchiha Sasuke.

This battle, without a doubt, is the battle for the strongest young generation in kirigakure Village.

The end result is...

Kaguya Kimimaro narrowly beat Uchiha Sasuke by one move.


In the final championship and runner-up finals, the two players were born.

It is Kaguya Kimimaro of Kirigakure.

And Sunagakure's Gaara!!!


This time there will be no more delays and suspense.

The final decisive battle began immediately.

Kaguya Kimimaro, vs. Gaara!!!

This battle is of course highly anticipated and highly anticipated.

All the Five Kages, elite ninjas from major countries, ninjas from small countries who came to watch the battle, and civilians all stared with bated breath, waiting for the final showdown!

Kaguya Kimimaro looked across at Gaara.

It was like seeing a beast.

At this moment, Gaara, who has not been rescued by Uzumaki Naruto, has a very tyrannical, cruel, cruel, and bloodthirsty character.

Of course, this is also the credit of his father, Fourth Kazekage Rasa.

Not only let his son become One Tail Jinchūriki, but also sent people to assassinate him many times, wanting to test the limit of Gaara's strength and tolerance.

This is no ordinary pit son.

Gaara naturally also saw all the previous fights of Kaguya Kimimaro.

Facing the man in front of him, he did not despise him in the slightest.

" are strong."

Kaguya Kimimaro smiled lightly: "Thank you."

"The same to you."

Gaara said: "Because of this, I want to beat you even more.

"In this way, my existence will be more meaningful."

Kaguya Kimimaro shook his head and said: "The meaning of existence is not obtained by defeating others."

"It's about being needed by others."

"This is the truth that Mizukage-sama told me."

Gaara's expression changed suddenly.

"To be needed..."

"No, I don't need that kind of thing! My existence will never disappear!!!"

In an instant, Gaara seemed to be on the verge of going berserk, and a terrifying Chakra and power erupted!

The final decisive battle finally broke out!!!!


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