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Capítulo 118: chapter 118

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen was severely scolded in the hall, everyone felt unprecedentedly happy.

However, major issues still need to be discussed.

After Mabui came forward to mediate, Kuzan naturally went down the slope and gave Raikage and Cloud Shinobi Village a face.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was still flushed with anger, coughing uncontrollably.

Sarutobi Asuma could only sigh on one side.

Nara Shikaku also lowered his head and remained silent for a while.

Fourth Raikage sat down, Mizukage Kuzan and Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen sat on both sides.

Other ninjas from their respective ninja villages also stood by or sat down.

this moment.

Only then did formal diplomacy between major powers really begin.

Fourth Raikage also understands that the conflict between Konoha Village and Kirigakure has already reached the point where it cannot be reconciled.

And this time the two Mizukage and Hokage arrived at the same time.

It is precisely to request the cooperation of Cloud Shinobi Village.

Thinking of this, Fourth Raikage couldn't help but feel complacent.

Now I and Cloud Shinobi Village, after all, are the most powerful forces in the ninja world, and also the key to determine the future fate of the entire ninja world

So he smiled slightly: "Hokage-sama, Mizukage-sama, the two came to our Cloud Shinobi Village at the same time, what is the purpose?"

This is an obvious question.

However, this is also a fixed process in diplomacy.

Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to have finally recovered a lot.

He calmed down, stopped looking at Tsunade and Kuzan, and spoke to Fourth Raikage.

"Master Raikage, I am here this time to express the goodwill of Konoha Village."


"What kindness?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen coughed: "There have been wars and conflicts between Konoha Village and Cloud Shinobi Village, but there have also been periods of peaceful coexistence."

"In the ninja world, both sides benefit from cooperation, and both sides lose from war, so on behalf of Konoha Village, I want to form an ally with Cloud Shinobi Village, help each other, fight powerful enemies and maintain peace in the entire ninja world

"I don't know what Raikage-sama wants?"

Fourth Raikage smiled slightly.

"Master Hokage is well said"

"Our Cloud Shinobi Village also advocates peace, and we also want to contribute to the stable development of the whole ninja world."

"I don't know what Mizukage-sama means?"

Kuzan was disgusted by this hypocritical rhetoric.

He also smiled and said, "I mean the same as the two of you."

"Peace in the ninja world is of course more important than anything else."

"So, I also want to form an alliance with the village of Cloud Shinobi."

Although disgusting, what should be said still has to be said.

Fourth Raikage laughed.

"Both of you want to ally with our Cloud Shinobi Village?"

"This is unprecedented..."

"If we form an alliance together, wouldn't the ninja world be at peace?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was taken aback for a moment.

"Master Raikage, to tell you the truth, Konoha Village and Kirigakure are in the same situation now, and there is no way they will form an alliance."

"I hope Master Raikage will consider carefully whether to choose our Konoha Village or Kirigakure."

Kuzan smiled.

This water and fire is really an image...

It is indeed the land of water and fire.

Fourth Raikage smiled and said, "Master Hokage, didn't you just say it was for peace?"

"Why can't we achieve peace and develop together with Kirigakure?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said coldly: "Kirigakure is really aggressive, and we Konoha Village can't help it.

Kuzan smiled: "Master Hokage, why is Kirigakure Village so aggressive?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said angrily: "You instigated the Uchiha clan to rebel, the Hyuga clan to defect, and the Tsunade to defect, isn't that aggressive?"

Kuzan laughed and said, "Ah, what are you talking about..."

"Isn't that all their own choice?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen roared, "You"

Fourth Raikage mediated: "Master Hokage, don't be angry all the time, be careful not to damage your body with anger."

"Well, I think both of them are very sincere, and our Cloud Shinobi Village is of course the same."

"Just talking like this will only make us in a dilemma."

"Not as good as Hokage-sama and Mizukage-sama, how much sincerity is there, and then we at Cloud Shinobi Village will make a decision. "

Kuzan smiled inwardly, good guy, this is the beginning...

This Fourth Raikage is obviously ready for a long time.

This wave is nothing more than taking advantage of the fire.

Of course, Sarutobi Hiruzen was already prepared and spoke immediately.

"Of course we, Konoha, sincerely form an alliance with Cloud Shinobi Village"

"If Master Raikage agrees, he can have it."

Fourth Raikage said: "What exactly?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen froze for a moment.

Then he said: "Master Raikage can ask for it."

"Whether it is property, resources, land, or" any request, we Konoha Village can meet it.

Hearing this, even Sarutobi Asuma and Nara Shikaku felt that this was too humble.

It's like having Cloud Shinobi Village ride the shit on Konoha Village.

It was the same with Sarutobi Hiruzen back then, Cloud Shinobi Village tried to plunder Byakugan, Sarutobi Hiruzen not only did not strongly condemn or even start a war, but forced the ninjas in his own village to die.

If not, how could the Hyuga clan betray Konoha Village?

As a result, now, he has intensified.

Nara Shikahisa sighed.

Obsequiously begging for the cooperation of Cloud Shinobi Village in this way is nothing more than fighting the fire with salary.

Cloud Shinobi Village has benefited from Konoha Village, and it will only become stronger, and it can continue to invade Konoha with a backhand.

Although he saw it clearly, he didn't dare to interrupt.

Because this is not a game, but Sarutobi Hiruzen's decision.

Only then did Fourth Raikage smile.

"Okay, because people are really sincere"

"Mizukage-sama, what if you don't know about Kirigakure?"

Kuzan smiled.

Apparently, Fourth Raikage is planning to let the two companies raise the price of each other, so as to benefit from it.

He's not Sarutobi Hiruzen, though.

Regardless of whether he can afford to lose this person, Kirigakure would never do such a thing.

"Master Raikage, if Cloud Shinobi Village wants peace, we, Kirigakure, welcome it."

"However, this kind of sincerity should be mutual. I am not as generous as Mr. Hokage. I can't do such things as selling out the interests of my village, handing land for compensation, and signing a humiliating treaty."


Sarutobi Hiruzen and Fourth Raikage's faces changed at the same time

Sarutobi Hiruzen was annoyed, Kuzan's words slapped him in the face in public.

And Fourth Raikage didn't expect that at such a time, this Kirigakure Master Mizukage could still maintain such a tough attitude.

Isn't he afraid that he will really team up with Konoha Village and join forces with Sunagakure to attack Kirigakure Village?

Fourth Raikage said in a deep voice: "Master Mizukage, it seems that you don't intend to really cooperate with Cloud Shinobi Village..."

Kuzan laughed loudly: "I don't think it's Mr. Raikage who doesn't plan to cooperate?"

"Otherwise, there is no need to receive me and Sarutobi Hiruzen at the same time."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't have wished for this drama of raising prices with each other, and I will not accompany it."

"If Cloud Shinobi Village wants to fight Kirigakure because of this, then we can only fight back."

Nara Shikahisa and Sarutobi Asuma couldn't help sighing.

This is the real kage.

Neither humble nor overbearing, justified.

On the other hand, Sarutobi Hiruzen is like a heaven and an underground...

No wonder Kirigakure is on the rise, while Konoha Village is on the decline.

Fourth Raikage snorted coldly: "Okay, since this is the case, it seems that we are not speculating."

"Mizukage-sama, please go ahead."

Kuzan didn't take it seriously either, and smiled and said, "Okay."

He looked back at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, you have to think about it too."

"In order to win over Cloud Shinobi Village, I would not hesitate to sell the interests of the village again, making the already weak Konoha Village even more impoverished."

"If Konoha Village like this has cloud and Sunagakure teaming up to fight our Kirigakure, it will inevitably suffer heavy casualties. After all, our Mist Shinobi will definitely concentrate on dealing with Konoha."

"At that time, the profit of the betrayal, plus the loss of the war, the end of Konoha Village is not far away."

"Your Hokage-sama's throne is probably coming to an end."

"You do it yourself."

After saying this, Kuzan took Tsunade's hand, and the two left the meeting hall in a big stride.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless for a moment.

However, Kuzan's words began to be constantly recalled in his mind.

Although he is an enemy, what Kuzan said just now is the truth.

In order to start a war against Kirigakure, he did not hesitate to negotiate with militant forces like Cloud Shinobi Village, and even groveled and giving land for compensation, betraying the interests of Konoha Village.

Even if the alliance can be exchanged, will Cloud Shinobi Village go all out to fight Mist Shinobi?

Obviously not.

Moreover, Kirigakure will inevitably concentrate all its forces and only fight against Konoha Village. By then, how will Konoha Village, which is deeply involved in land cession and compensation, and increasingly exhausted, deal with the trauma of the war?

Adding the two together, I am afraid that Konoha Village will really have a life-and-death crisis.

At that time, I am afraid that my Hokage will indeed be at the end.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Why did I fall into such a situation?

Did he lose his sanity to fight Kirigakure?

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly felt chills down his back.

He hesitated, and said to Fourth Raikage, "Then, I will take my leave first."

"As for the alliance, we can discuss it."

Fourth Raikage also called Kuzan and Tsunade to stop, and ordered them to settle down.

Return to the lodging arranged by Raikage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen called Sarutobi Asuma and Nara Shikaku.

He was silent for a long time, and said with difficulty: "Asuma, Shikaku, what do you think should be done now?"

Sarutobi Asuma was also speechless.

Nara Shikaku sighed and said: "Master Hokage, after thinking about it, I understand that Mizukage Kuzan's last words actually hit the nail on the head."

"If we get the so-called help from Cloud Shinobi Village by selling profits, it's nothing more than putting out wages to fight the fire, and it's just driving ourselves to a dead end."

"Kirigakure will definitely not let us go, how can Cloud Shinobi Village really ally with us?"

"Don't forget that in history, the most ruthless attack on Konoha Village and the most hated one was originally Cloud Shinobi Village."

"Master Second Hokage, died at the hands of the golden and silver horns of Cloud Shinobi Village."

"And in all the ninja wars, Cloud Shinobi Village has always been at the forefront."

"They are the ones who try to plunder the Byakugan, and they are the ones who are aggressive again and again."

"Cloud Shinobi Village, is indeed not trustworthy."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was also silent.

"But if it doesn't, where is Konoha Village going to go?"

Nara Shikaku said: "The current Konoha Village is really not suitable for war."

"If Hokage-sama can temporarily put aside his hatred for Kirigakure, would you like to Trying to let the village recuperate and let the ninjas of the younger generation grow up, Konoha Village will always have a comeback one day."

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at him.

"But what if Kirigakure continues to fight us?"

Nara Shikaku said: "If that's the case, the only option is to fight to the death."

"It's also better than working with jackals like Cloud Shinobi Village now."

"What's more, they want us to grovel and cede land and pay compensation."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was lost in thought.

the other side.

Tsunade said with a smile: "Kuzan, what you said just now seems to have completely stunned Sarutobi Hiruzen."

Kuzan also laughed and said: "If he is not completely confused, he will calm down and think about what I said, then Konoha Village may still be saved."

"Of course, if he insists on going his own way, the big deal will be death."

"At least I can guarantee that Konoha Village will definitely die before us."

"As for Cloud Shinobi Village, I didn't have any hope at first. Look at the face of Fourth Raikage today, it's just trying to force both parties to raise the price so that they can benefit from it."

"Such wolves can't satisfy their appetites. If you feed them enough, it will only make them more powerful to attack you."

"Although Sarutobi Hiruzen has lost his mind, someone like Nara Shikaku will always see clearly."

"It's up to Sarutobi Hiruzen to follow his advice."

Tsunade nodded: "Indeed, a village like Cloud Shinobi Village is not trustworthy at all, even Onoki always considers the interests and cooperates vertically and horizontally, but Cloud Shinobi Village only wants to devour and plunder"

Kuzan smiled and said: "That's right, so I'd rather talk to Onoki than put on a show with Fourth Raikage."

at the same time.

Raikage office in Fourth Raikage.

"Hmph, I wanted to make a good fortune with the two of them today, but I didn't expect that Mizukage Kuzan, toasting and not eating or drinking fine wine, is not good at all"

Mabui sighed: "He is obviously not the old fool like Sarutobi Hiruzen. Although he is young, he is very flexible and calm. This kind of person is really difficult to deal with."

Darui also nodded and said: "That is indeed a terrible man. Under such circumstances, once Cloud Shinobi Village joins hands with Konoha Village , Kirigakure Village will face the desperate situation of being besieged by a big country."

"But he is still so tough, and calm and composed, with a confident look."

Samui also gave a rare compliment: "Indeed, he is a strong man."

"Master Raikage, what should we do next?"

Fourth Raikage said coldly: "Of course we can't let go of this opportunity Kirigakure's side is difficult, but the old guy like Sarutobi Hiruzen is already old and confused now, and the older the more cowardly and corrupt. "

"As long as we don't ask too much, he will definitely agree, but the result is that we get a little less benefit."

Mabui smiled: "Master Raikage is right, people like Sarutobi Hiruzen, with a little concession, he will definitely agree to cooperate with us."

Fourth Raikage nodded: "Okay, let's do that tomorrow".

next chapter
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