As I'm training I suddenly hear a knock at my door. Opening the door I see mini might standing at my door.
"Huh? All Might? If you're here for Midoriya's money I'm not giving it back."
"What? No were not here for that. We would like to speak to you. My name is Yagi Toshinori and this is my friend Nezu." He says pointing down to his tiny friend.
"Oh sorry, I didn't notice you since you're so tiny. My name is just Yamato"
"It's fine. May we come in?" Nezu asks
"I'm kind of busy training right now but you can wait until I'm done."
I lead them to the living room.
"You can do whatever you want just don't touch my food or go in my room," I say walking over to a punching bag hanging from the ceiling. Standing in front of it I start focusing.
'Alright, fully mastering Ryou test 28.'
"Excuse me?" Nezu interrupts my thoughts.
"Why do you have so many punching bags?" He points over to the stacks of punching bags in the corner.
"You'll see,"
Focusing again I coat my fists in Haki, then Ryou causing a purple aura to come off of it [A/n: Just gonna make her Haki purple]
'Okay, two steps down now punch.'
Punching at the bag, but not making contact, the world seemingly stills for a second until the backside of the bag explodes outwards.
"YES!!!" I jump around my apartment.
Even though I reached Ryou I was at a bottleneck I was only able to coat my fists in it but when punching it showed no signs of being used. Now I've finally grasped it.
After I've finished parading around the house I glance at the slightly pale expressions on my two guests. This causes my smile to get wider.
Is this what you call a display of power?
Clearing my throat I gain the two's attention, "Anyway, I'm sure you want to talk now."
Sitting down at the table I give them the fakest smile I can, "So what do you two fine gentlemen want to talk about today?"
Hearing this Mini Might's face becomes serious, "How and why do you know about One For All and Its counterpart. Only a few people should know about it."
"I guess I"m one of those few," I say nonchalantly.
Well, that got boring fast I thought they were going to threaten me to join U.A or something.
"Please give us a serious answer," Nezu chimes in
Sighing is lean on the table, "Look it doesn't matter how I know this nor do I particularly care… Actually, forget that revealing that the number one hero was Quirkless would put on quite the show. Imagine the publics' response."
They both go silent.
"I'm just kidding! There's plenty of better ways to have fun. I could rob a bank, blow up some stuff, or go fight All For One."
"You do realize you're talking about committing crimes infr- wait… DID YOU SAY ALL FOR ONE!?" All Might stands up from his seat
"Hmm? Yeah, I would go beat him up right now if I had his exact location I only got the general area that he should be in as well as someone connected to him."
"I THOUGHT I KILLED HIM TELL US ALL YOU KNO-" Loud Might gets interrupted by me standing up.
"You're too loud so kindly shut up."
All Might seems dumbfounded then quickly flushes with embarrassment.
"Hey Rat, How many days has it been since that school of yours started?"
He seems a little disgruntled at being called a rat but he answers, "It's been four days."
"Shouldn't you be teaching right about now?" I say looking at the clock.
"We made a special exception today since talking to you was of the utmost importance, now if we can go back to the original top-"
I don't bother to listen to the rest of his sentence, Day four that's the day U.S.J happens. Looks like I get to test my Ryou out in combat sooner than I expected.
"Where are you going?" Nezu asks obviously annoyed.
"Seems like some fun is happening at U.S.J. You don't have to worry about leaving the door is auto-lock. I'll see you there" I respond disappearing from their sight with my superior speed.
And now I'm dashing through the forest approaching a big glass dome. Talking to the two heroes was pretty fun. I think I managed to give them more questions than when they came to me.
Once I'm at the U.S.J I just crash through the dome.
I spot Shigiraki about to turn the frog girl into dust. Quickly getting into a stance I chant "Thunder Bagua," dashing straight at Shigirakia ready to hit him with my lightning covered kanabo. Luckily for him, the Nomu jumped in front of him. The hit from my kanabo caused the Nomu to explode everywhere leaving only its legs knee down.
"W-WHO ARE YOU!? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY NOMU!?! YOU'LL PAY!!!" Shigiraki shrieks running at me hand outstretched.
Dodging I grab his hand activating Ryou, shattering his wrist. "Your attacks are too readable." I look down on him and decide to give him some advice, "Learn some martial arts and go to behavior counseling if you truly want to be All For One's successor." He doesn't seem to be pleased by my words though, "Speaking of AFO could you tell me his location?" I'm now holding Shigiraki in the air from his wrist he's writhing around but that's nothing a good Conqueror's Haki couldn't fix. He doesn't seem to want to talk though so I grab his other wrist and crush it. I then move onto the legs.
This guy really has an iron will when it comes to his master.
I sense Kurogiri about to attack from behind so I just swing my Kanabo behind me hitting his casing, causing a big dent,
'Yikes, that's not gonna buff out.'
Suddenly I hear the doors slam open and in the opening are All Might and the Teachers.
"Oh hey, All MIght you're late," I say,
"Drop him Yamato! He may be a villain but your actions are too cruel."
Oh right." I drop a mangled Shigiraki, "He's no use anyway," as he's falling a purple portal appears. 'Looks like he's not out of strength yet.' that's really good since I thought I might have killed him for a second there. I have plans for him.
Getting pulled from my thoughts I notice that I'm surrounded by the teachers, with the terrified students in the background.
"What's happening now?" I ask curiously
"Yamato! You are under arrest for Theft, Violence, And Viglatism." All MIght yells out.
"I'm not a Vigilante I'm a pirate." I correct him.
"Wha? Never mind, it doesn't matter, please come with us peacefully!"
And now I'm sitting in this interrogation room. I could just leave but where's the fun in that? Then there would be no point in me letting myself be "Captured." They even went the extra mile and put Quirk Suppresent cuffs on me that don't work on me mind you. I guess I really did scare All Might and Nezu earlier.
After waiting for a little longer All might and Nezu walk in accompanied by a man wearing a trench coat.
Detective Tuskauchi.
'It's going to be fun messing with him.'
Not exactly happy with how this chapter turned out but right now I'm too tired to care.
I might edit it later, I just wanted to get a chapter out since I did alright on my mid-term quiz.
Goodnight. ಠ_ಠ