When Mimi and zero got arrived in the gate of village and walk toward the centre of village ... although it's known as village it's not village .as it's big like capital and it's one of main elves village .
elves don't make town and because they think it's make village more disturbing.
elves royal family has at least one member in all Thier main village and old king of elves is dead so ....elves is doing a competition in two years in search of new king .
well elves king died because he was mad enchanter and he enchanted one magic core and it exploded and that was The End for him.
now new king is to the search..
and old elves queen also have step down the queen throne and give it to her daughter .
now old queen has become one of the elves guardian.
all guardian are SS Ranks so it's come table that elves has almost 10 SS rank people ...
and most are mage and two dual elements mage . some are knight and archer also.
and most respected one is seer ....she can she future and all .
she is haft elves but other elves don't look down on her.
and because of that half evles can also participate in this king candidate battle.
" Oh Mimi and zero has come now let's begin the ceremony ..."
there were seven more child's for awakening.
and they got fast before Mimi and zero .
one of child got spirits friends job which is rare but non combat job....as the they can talk to spirits and make plants more health and ask spirits to make it rain. and sometimes spirits ask something also from you. ...
like food or to play with them.
and other got job like fighter and dancer and hunter and all...
lastly it was Mimi time to do ceremony.....
Mimi got in front of the big stone which is made of magic , ancient magic to scan people .....stone glowed and Mimi shined and lastly a words floated in air .
[ job : MAGIC KNIGHT ]
" OH .. uncommon job ...it's got balance stats and got potential to grow into A even S or SS ." said the village chief.
" yeah zero look I got very powerful job yeah ....now it's your time to so " said Mimi after coming toward me in excited.
" okay okay I'll go now " said zero even though he know , what his job is he still . he show other his nervous face to fool them .
" okay boy now go don't be so nervous " said the village cheif after seeing Zero perfect acting.
zero nodded and go toward the stone and touch it...
white glow came and spreads around the whole village and lastly it came back and show Zero job.
WHEN Zero finished his job ceremony he saw that everyone was shock .
' look like it was too much for them huh!'thought zero.
" This....this...this...is ....." village chief shuttered .
" look like Zero my boy ....you will be the new elves king this time " finally after deep breath village chief said that.....
" HAH!..." ALL
last for today ...
comments , review and some power stone please....GUYZ....
Oh and I write new novel it's name is
(Girl Body but Boy heart).
hope you like to read it .....