Right in the middle of looking at all of her inventories, chief Amaris saw the result for Anne and Justice's blood were done. She took the liquid and compare it and was astonished by the results.
"Interesting… I have never known I could get this kind of result." Mumbled chief Amaris while she was busying herself scribbling everything on the paper.
Afterward, she goes upstairs to the highest floor looking for the crown prince, who's actually in the middle of eating his lunch.
"Ah, there you are, your majesty. I've got your blood test result with me." Chief Amaris said to Justice while she grab one plate and took some of the food on the table.
Justice saw her and got annoyed. "Please help yourself," Said Justice in full-on sarcasm.
Chief Amaris laughed at Justice while munching her food, "So sorry about this, I haven't eaten for like a day, just got a nap and some man goes to my lab without my permission and then…"
I guess Justice gave a hell of a bite... ;)
Stay tuned for the next chapter ^^