"This Dragon Breed, it has Divinity?"
Surprised, Xue Jing released the grip on the Flying Dragon's tail, his eyes reflecting deep thought.
His grip was simply too strong; the Flying Dragon's tail had been crushed to the point of splitting skin and rupturing scales, with flesh bulging out from both sides, its bones shattered.
"Dragon Breed and Vomitus Beast, do they have anything in common?"
Xue Jing crouched down, pulling the Flying Dragon out of the pit.
He walked from its tail to its head, examining it closely.
The already dead Flying Dragon, its tongue sticking out to the left side of its mouth, both eyes having burst out of the sockets from the force of the impact, now displayed only two bloody holes.
"According to Renea's statement, all dragons within this Intersecting Boundaries are 'Dragon God's' offspring..."
"That being the case, one possibility is that creatures of the Intersecting Boundaries with Dragon God's lineage would contain Divinity within them?"
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