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48.5% I Am The Fated Villan (mtl) / Chapter 422: Ch 422

Capítulo 422: Ch 422

The courtyard is quiet, flowers and plants fluttering, and the mist is xenon hydrogen.

Many colorful butterflies and birds came, adding a bit of leisure to this place.

But now everyone didn't dare to be careless, their faces were solemn, and there was a chill behind their backs.

Especially the people of Huangyue Sacred Land who came along with the Holy Maiden, couldn't help but make faces.

Their faces turned pale and their souls trembled, and they almost couldn't help kneeling on the ground.

They dare not imagine that the other party will decide the fate of Huangyue Sacred Land and destroy the forces behind them.

In normal times, they couldn't believe that something like this would happen in this world.

Huangyue Sacred Land has stood Immortal since it existed, and it is extremely long, overlooking the endless creatures of Tianlan realm.

The rest of the creatures, the cultivator, heard Huangyue Sacred Land, and they were all in awe.

Does it mean that it will be destroyed if it is destroyed?

But the words of the young man in front of them made them dare not doubt, full of panic and despair, and even more so that their legs were weak and they were already limp to the ground.

Needless to say, the origin of the other party is absolutely huge and terrible to imagine.

Even the ancestors of the Shen nationality are standing aside respectfully, not daring to neglect.

How could this origin be something they can provoke.

At this moment, they felt deep regret and resentment for the contemptuous attitude of Holy Maiden just now.

If it weren't for what she said just now, how could the other party destroy the Sacred Land behind them in a word.

"Yes, young master.

At this moment, the powerhouses behind Gu Changge gave a solemn expression and hurriedly said respectfully.

After saying that, when the figure moves, it will turn into a divine rainbow, and follow Gu Changge's order to destroy Huangyue Sacred Land.

In their eyes, Sacred Land of the Skylane Realm is no different from a chicken.

This world offends the power of the young master, even if there is an enlightened person sitting on the ground, it is said to be destroyed if it is destroyed.

The Immortal Grandmaster Purple Mansion, which shocked the upper realm at the time, was not because of offending the young master, and it was destroyed and came to an end.

The little Huangyue Sacred Land disappeared even more quickly.

This scene left everyone in the Shen clan shuddering, their souls trembling, and for the first time they had a deep understanding of what is called fear.

Many people finally understood why this young man would let the ancestors, Elder and others all show up to greet him.

After all, the other party can destroy Huangyue Sacred Land in one sentence, and naturally it can also destroy the Shen Clan in one sentence.

"A word will destroy the opponent's forces."

"This character is as strong as now."

Shen's mother and Gu's father were in the crowd. Seeing all this, they took a slight breath and felt extremely complicated in their hearts.

Although Gu Changge's actions shocked them.

But in any case, he did this to stand up for Gu Xian'er, and they couldn't say much.

What Holy Maiden said just now was indeed humiliating Gu Xian'er, and they couldn't bear it either.

"You, you don't actually need to be like this."

Gu Xian'er didn't expect Gu Changge to do this, and she was a little dazed.

Although she was angry just now, she didn't intend to involve the rest of Huangyue Sacred Land.

But this is also Gu Changge's character. The things he decides are absolutely unchangeable by others.

For him, Huangyue Sacred Land is really no different from the ant. You don't even need to do it. With just one sentence, countless people are willing to trample this ant to death for him.

However, it is precisely because of such Gu Changge that she feels at ease.

"When will the cats and dogs be able to deceive my Gu family."

Gu Changge glanced at her. Gu Xian'er had always been stiff, but at this time she also appeared weak and did not dare to refute.

She could see that Gu Changge was really angry.

"Big sis"

Shen Xian'er was also in a daze just now, she never expected that things would suddenly be like this.

She didn't doubt Gu Changge's words.

Instead, he felt that because the other party had humiliated Gu Xian'er, he was going to destroy Huangyue's Sacred Land, which was really heartbreaking.

Shen Xian'er's character has always been indisputable. Before that, she had never thought that there would be a power in this world that would be destroyed by a word.

"His Royal Highness Holy Maiden"

Huangyue Everyone in Sacred Land was desperate and looked at Yingyue Holy Maiden.

At this moment, she was also pale and bloodless, and her head was still buzzing and blank. She did not expect that she would cause great disaster for the Sacred Land behind her.

"My lord 533."

She could only look at Li Xiu, who was crying for help, and prayed that he could shelter herself and the Huangyue Sacred Land behind her.

Li Xiu noticed Yingyue Holy Maiden's expression, and his expression returned to natural.

He also knew that at this time, if he didn't stand up again, he couldn't justify it.

This matter will evolve into this, it can be said that it has a lot to do with him.

Gu Changge's strength made him feel a little cold.

Even in the era when he was still standing between the heavens and the earth, he had never seen such a strong person, who wanted to destroy the forces behind others at every turn.

"Gu is not an unreasonable person, but since you want me to know what it means to be someone outside a person, there is a heaven outside, then you let me see it now."

Gu Changge looked at Yingyue Holy Maiden and the others, and spoke lightly, but they all looked scared and did not dare to look up at him.

"Why is this Dao brother so? It was just a moment of anger to invite the moon. In my opinion, it is not worth it because of such a trivial matter."

At this time, Li Xiu didn't care about the Shen Clan's many Elder angry expressions, but walked out and looked at Gu Changge.

Although he does not have Cultivation Base fluctuations, he has a calm and indifferent attitude, which is hard to underestimate.

"You are a mere wasteful son-in-law, how dare you talk to Young Master Changge in such a tone, really treat yourself as a person? I think you are looking for death?"

Shen Clan Second Elder's expression turned cold. He didn't expect that at this time, Li Xiu was not afraid at all and was so calm.

Where did he get the courage to talk to Gu Changge like this?

At this moment, everyone in the Shen Clan already knew that Li Xiu had another hidden identity.

They just don't know what this identity is.

Seeing him walking out without panic and still talking like this, I couldn't help frowning.

When Huang Yue saw this, everyone in Sacred Land couldn't help but hope. Since the invitation to Holy Maiden said so, it means that Li Xiu's identity should not be simple.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have such confidence and calmness.

"Are you talking to me?"

Gu Changge looked at Li Xiu with interest.

I am quite interested in the son of luck of this time.

This point of luck is really not simple, even more amazingly rich than the reincarnation of the original human ancestor.

In this way, it should not be as simple as a son-in-law.


Li Xiu looked at Gu Changge calmly.

It was the first time that he saw such a young man. It was unfathomable and even gave him an unparalleled sense of oppression.

However, he didn't panic in his heart, thinking about Gu Changge's identity.

There is no doubt that he should come from a certain Immortal Great Sect or Supreme Orthodoxy in the Upper Realm, otherwise the Shen Clan would not be treated like that.

However, he has not left the Shen Clan in these years, and he does not understand many news from the outside world.

Last name Gu? Young Master Changge?

Could it be a member of the upper realm?

Li Xiu felt that this matter had become a bit tricky and needed to be treated with caution.

But if the other party knows the identity of own, he should look at this face and reveal the past.

Gu's family is not easy to mess with, but his identity is also not simple.

"Why? Are you planning to make an appearance for Huangyue Sacred Land? You also said that you are the outsider in her mouth?"

Gu Changge smiled and glanced at Holy Maiden and the others with a pale face and horror. "As for the big fight? I think it shouldn't be difficult for me to pinch them to death."

Inviting the moon, Holy Maiden and others, were swept away by Gu Changge's gaze, and his back was even more chilly, as small as an ant.

Once upon a time, they were still the people of Sacred Land high above, overlooking the sky and the earth.

But now, life and death cannot be controlled by oneself, all under the control of the other's thoughts.

"There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. This is true. No matter who it is, you can't guarantee the sky you see. Is it a well?"

"As a Dao brother, why do you have a general knowledge of them."

"What's more, I have to be forgiving and forgiving. For today's matter, I hope that brother Dao can see on my face and forgive them for inviting them once. They will also pay for the rudeness and recklessness just now.

Li Xiu said, his performance was neither humble nor overbearing, and he was very calm and calm.

He felt that Gu Changge was not a good person to deal with. Although he hadn't said much in the words, the kind of lofty and overlooking that was imprinted in the depths of the soul was undoubtedly revealed.

This kind of existence is absolutely standing on the top of the situation in the upper realm, and it is highly regarded.

If you want to regress, you can't use ordinary methods.

"grown ups "

Inviting the Moon, Holy Maiden did not expect that as Li Xiu, he would say so. This is equivalent to showing weakness and concession.

At this moment, she also faintly guessed the identity of Gu Changge.

There is still a second person in this world, can he afford a sentence of Young Master Changge?

Her intestines are almost blue, and she can't wait to slap herself a few times.

Obviously, my eyesight never goes wrong, but how could something go wrong today.

Who could have imagined that a character like Gu Changge would actually descend into the Heavenly Run Realm.

"It seems that it is not easy to solve this matter as an adult," she felt bitter in her heart.

"So courageous! Look on your face? Who do you think you are? You still need Young Master Changge to look at your face, it's almost death!"

Hearing this, Gu Changge's expression remained unchanged, but the expressions of everyone in the Shen Clan changed drastically.

Especially the second Elder of the Shen clan, they know the identity of Gu Changge.

Now Li Xiu actually intends to let Gu Changge look at his face and forgive him for inviting Holy Maiden to wait.

Where does he have the courage and confidence?

The second Shen clan Elder even worried that because of Li Xiu's relationship, the entire Shen clan would be implicated, causing Gu Changge's dissatisfaction.

At the moment, he was very angry, and as soon as his voice fell, he moved to Li Xiu.


With the wide sleeves rolled up, the Great Sacred Realm Cultivation Base broke out and turned into a vast golden rune, drowning forward, suppressing him, and apologizing to Gu Changge.

Although he tends to follow the trend, his own strength should not be underestimated, and he is also a well-known master of the older generation in the Tianlan realm.

As soon as Hajime made his move, everyone in Huangyue's Sacred Land was distorted, and they couldn't help backing backwards.

"grown ups "

Yingyue Holy Maiden couldn't help exclaiming, a little worried.

After all, Li Xiu now seems to be just an ordinary person, without a Cultivation Base.

How could he be the opponent of Shen Clan Second Elder?

Gu Xian'er, Shen Xian'er and others also looked together, frowning, feeling that Li Xiu did not have a Cultivation Base.

But he was extremely calm and composed, and he didn't seem to be worried. The corners of his mouth even showed a faint arc.

This scene made them puzzled, is it possible that Li Xiu still has some confidence?

You must know that there is a real great saint in front of him!

"If I were you, I wouldn't do anything to me."

Li Xiu's expression did not change indifferently, and he said that he was not worried because of the second Elder of the Shen Clan who shot at him.

The next moment, the void rumbled and trembled, when the second Elder of the Shen family was about to fall in front of him.

At the position of Li Xiu's brow, a scorching golden pattern suddenly appeared, and then it emitted a golden brilliance, which turned into a golden light curtain, blocking the palm of Shen Clan Second Elder.

The golden light curtain was condensed like Immortal immortal gold, and the rune flashed on it, making the void blurry and extremely tyrannical.


The place exploded, and the void was like torn paper, almost torn apart.

Li Xiu's expression remained unchanged, and the corners of his mouth were slightly curved.

Shen Clan Second Elder is a great holy realm, but it is difficult to break through.

"what "

"How can this be?"

This made him appear shocked and unbelievable.

The next moment he did not believe in evil, and killed him again.

The scary purple rune, turned into purple lightning, crackled from the sky, and the nearby mountains seemed to be destroyed.

But even so, Li Xiu remained motionless, the golden light curtain was difficult to break and indestructible.

"This light curtain"

The ancestor of the Shen nationality waved his sleeves to block the aftermath and prevent the nearby mountains from being destroyed.

However, his gaze was still on the golden divine writing on Li Xiu's eyebrows just now.

He felt a little familiar, faintly, as if he had heard of it in general.

But for a moment, he couldn't react.

"Don't waste your energy. With your strength, you can't break my defense."

Li Xiu looked at the unbelievable Shen Clan Second Elder with an ugly face, and said indifferently, appearing quite leisurely.

On his forehead, the golden lines seemed to come alive, transforming into a rune, condensing in the void, showing a powerful and incomparable power.

For a while, the place became quiet, and everyone was shocked.

Gu Changge looked at Li Xiu, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, "There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. What you said is not bad. It's just that I give you a Face, do you dare to ask?"

At the same time, somewhere far away tens of thousands of miles away from the land of the Shen nationality, inside the magnificent mountain gate where the sun shines into the sky.

In an extremely magnificent and ancient palace, a vast atmosphere suddenly emerged.


An old man who looked rather sturdy appeared, his face was ruddy, he could be called a childlike face, and he was extremely excited at this moment.

"If there is nothing wrong with this fluctuation just now, it must be the breath of an adult.

"I knew, my lord, how did he fall in that battle."

In the words, it is difficult to conceal the emotions.

As he spoke, he took a step and disappeared into this Great Hall in an instant.

"According to my order, everyone from the Heavenly Sword Saint Sect will come to the square to discuss matters."

The old man's voice is like a bell, with indescribable power, he is calling his disciple Elder to come.

Hearing this voice, many disciples Elder were taken aback for a moment, and then reacted, not daring to neglect, and they all turned into a rainbow, and walked toward the front to meet and say, "I will wait to see the ancestor.

The old man is the ancestor of the Heavenly Sword who created the Heavenly Sword Saint Sect. The Cultivation Base is unfathomable and has not appeared for many years.

Many people suspect that he has fallen.

But I never thought that he actually broke through and appeared today.


"Follow me to welcome the Lord's return!"

The ancestor of Tiandao showed excitement on his face, shouted, full of breath, and led many disciples Elder, heading in the direction of the breath that he had just sensed.

At this moment in many places in Tianlan Realm, similar scenes are still happening, shaking many people, and don't know what happened.

Those big powers all had unusual changes, and many divine rainbows broke through the air and rushed towards a certain place.

However, unlike other forces, the mountain palace where Huangyue Sacred Land is located is a tragic scene, wailing everywhere.

The dazzling splendid brilliance soars into the sky, and there are many breaths surging, and there are shouts of killing everywhere.

However, as it was high above the sky, a huge palm wrapped around the rule rune and fell towards everyone.

All the disciples and Elder coughed up blood and exploded, the form and spirit were destroyed, many runes were wiped out, and the mountain palace collapsed and turned into rubble.

This is the scene that made everyone in Huangyue Sacred Land desperate. Elder, who is better than the Great Sacred Realm, is also hard to beat the opponent.

This attack was fierce and sudden, and they didn't give them any chance to inquire at all, they were about to destroy Huangyue Sacred Land.

Several statues with horrible auras, like demons and gods, stand on the horizon, flowing with divine light, their eyes are open and closed, there are strands of divine light, evolving various horrible scenes.

Their Law Bodies are extremely large, turbulent, covering the world, making many cultivators passing by shudder, their souls are terrified, and they feel the pressure of breath.

"What happened, why is there a big battle in Huangyue Sacred Land?"

"It is said that they have offended people who shouldn't offend. These terrifying existences have been ordered to destroy Huangyue Sacred Land."

Among the mountains in the distance, many cultivators watched all this in horror. They couldn't imagine that the glorious Sacred Land, which has been passed down for a long time and thousands of miles, was actually fragile to this point.

Even the guarding formation was torn apart by the opponent's bare hands.

It's not that Huangyue Sacred Land is too weak, but the other party is really too strong. He still has a weapon in his hand that looks like a bright sun, and a single wisp of pressure is enough to destroy everything.

Killing such an existence, no matter what force it is in, is a devastating scene, and it is impossible to stop it.

This made them terrified and couldn't help but shudder. They couldn't imagine what kind of existence Huangyue Sacred Land had offended, and it caused such a disaster.

"We have no grievances and no grudges, why are you waiting like this?

Huangyue Sacred Land has Elder roaring, his face flushed, with incomparable hatred and grief.

"On the order of the son, come to destroy Huangyue Sacred Land.

"Blame you Holy Maiden, she offends people who shouldn't offend, and brings all this to you."

The horrible figure in the sky said lightly, making a mockery while speaking.

Hearing this, everyone in Huangyue Sacred Land was stunned and couldn't believe it.

It turns out that this disaster was caused by Holy Maiden for them?


"Deception too much!"

However, at this time, in the depths of Huangyue Sacred Land, a terrifying aura suddenly rose.

Among the ancient altars, a dazzling and splendid brilliance broke out. There was a thin old man stepping out of it with a cold face and killing intent.

He coldly looked at the several terrifying figures in the sky, it was they who brought the destruction to Huangyue Sacred Land.

"Just because you want to stop me from waiting? It's really irresponsible. The ants are still alive, and you can only wait as a car."

A vague voice in the sky sneered, fiercely shocking, but a peak powerhouse in the chaotic star field, the Cultivation Base of the quasi-superior state, willing to follow Gu Changge behind.

Just when a sensational event happened all over the Tianlan Realm.

Within the Shen Clan, in front of the remote and quiet courtyard, the atmosphere was also unstable.

"It's better for young people not to be too ostentatious. I used to come here like you. Just past easy breaks, so the trees are beautiful in the woods, and the wind will destroy them."

"Both parties were at fault in this matter. There should be some apologies and compensations. Why should you be aggressive?"

Li Xiu frowned, but Gu Changge was still reluctant to reveal it.

However, he remained calm and calm, and he didn't feel angry, and he didn't want to make this matter a big deal.

Although he was also a figure standing at the pinnacle of the upper realm when he was at his peak, he is not now.

If it is not necessary, he really does not want to cause too much trouble.

"Really? Both sides are at fault?"

Gu Changge smiled, "I don't know where Xian'er is wrong?"

"And, what if she is wrong? My family's direct descendant is not worthy of you.

Hearing this, Shen Xian'er couldn't help but glance at Gu Changge, and didn't say much, just pondering his words in her heart.

"You are very good, very good, can someone in the care of the family be able to be like this?"

"It's deceiving too much."

Li Xiu's expression was a bit angry at the moment, and it was inevitable that he was angered by Gu Changge's words.

Even if he wanted to settle things down, he couldn't do it now.

In front of everyone, being so humiliated by Gu Changge, how can he bear it?

Gu Changge shook his head slightly.

Li Xiu looked at him deeply, his complexion had already recovered.

"What a young master Changge, I have learned a lot today."

"Shut up, Young Master Changge's name, how can you shout?"

Shen Clan Second Elder's complexion was so gloomy. He didn't expect that he had a great sacred realm, and he couldn't take a dead person, and he was blocked by him repeatedly.

This made him feel irrelevant on his face, especially in front of Gu Changge.

"It's a trivial matter, don't bother you, Master Changge.

"The old man is going to suppress you here today, and the Shen Clan is a wasteful son-in-law. Is it possible to dare to eat the Lord?"

After Shen Clan Second Elder said, he shot again, and the terrifying aura was in the vicinity. This time he was obviously more serious than before, and his strength was exceptionally strong.

Even so, Li Xiu's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly, "I have said that with your current ability, you can't break my defense."

As the words fell, the golden rune at the center of his eyebrows became more brilliant, manifesting a supreme power in the virtual space.

In the faint, it can be seen that there is an ancient word "war" appearing in it, and there is a kind of majestic atmosphere that makes many people's hearts tremble, and they can't help but be frightened.

"This shouldn't be)

"Could it be"

The face of the ancestor of the Shen nationality also became a little surprised. He suddenly thought of something, and his heart was shaken.

But he looked back at Gu Changge and gradually calmed down.

Regardless of Li Xiu's status, in front of Gu Changge, he could not take any advantage.

In just an instant, a monstrous breath erupted here, as if countless stars exploded.

The Shen Clan's mountain protection formation was even triggered, and many terrifying god patterns skyrocketed.

The dazzling brilliance made everyone close their eyes and dare not look directly.

"This is impossible "

Shen Clan No.2 Elder let out a muffled snort, and suddenly there was blood on the corner of his mouth, and he was injured by the back shock.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock, and couldn't believe that this was the rubbish son-in-law Li Xiu, he was able to block the second Elder of the Great Sacred Realm once again?

"grown ups!"

Inviting the moon, Holy Maiden and others, was also extremely pleasantly surprised, and felt that things had turned for the better.

"What is the origin of Li Xiu?'

When Gu Xian'er was in Taocun, she was taught by several masters, she had an extraordinary vision, but she still couldn't see what Li Xiu was.

It stands to reason that he is an ordinary person without Cultivation Base, it is absolutely impossible to activate Magic Treasures and the like.

How does he resist all this?

"This doesn't seem to be a secret method, but it's like a kind of rune I have seen in the classics of Tianlan Realm.

Shen Xian'er was also a little surprised. I didn't expect Li Xiu to have such a method. No wonder Holy Maiden was so attitude towards him.

At this moment, if anyone is not surprised by this, then only Gu Changge.

He is a little bit enthusiastic.

This son-in-law son of luck is well versed in pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. If there is no means, how can he dare to be so calm.

However, Gu Changge still didn't make a move. He still wanted to see what the limit of Li Xiu was now.

This golden rune was obviously only touched when he was attacked. It should be Li Xiu's previous method.

However, if Li Xiu had only this means, it would disappoint him.

Gu Changge's gaze fell on Li Xiu's luck point, feeling that this guy should be enough to harvest a wave.

At this time, he intends to redeem the rest of the detached bones. After the follow-up Realm, his spiritual understanding is very important.

Transcendence is the key.

Gu Changge has also discovered that there will be an indescribable sense of familiarity and fit when exchanging beyond the bones.

This feeling became clearer as the memory sealed in his mind gradually emerged.

This made him faintly speculate that these detached bones are probably actually his previous bones.

But whether this is true or not, it is related to the origin of the system. With his current Cultivation Base, it is still difficult to understand this.

And at this time, as the brilliance of the field dissipated, the second Elder of the Shen clan had already flown out, covered in blood, lying on his back on the ground incomparably wolf and fox, his eyes widened, and all of them were shocked and unbelievable.

He couldn't even break Li Xiu's defense, and he was even injured by the counter-shock force?

"I don't know what is good or bad, this is what you asked for."

Li Xiu glanced at Gu Changge, then looked at the second Elder of the Shen Clan and spoke lightly.

On the center of his eyebrows, the golden light is dazzling, and the lines are ancient and mysterious, giving people a sense of awe-inspiring fighting spirit.

Although he loses Dantian now and cannot use Magic power, it does not mean that he has no means.

An ancient and incomparable word "War" evolved in the virtual space, as if it turned into thousands of Divine Armament knives, swords, spears, swords, halberds, and Zhong Dingyue seal.

Just now, the evolution of the great cauldron emerged, as if condensed, blocking the attack of the second Elder of the Shen Clan.

This is a shocking scene, and even the people present can't help but feel a sense of worship.

"Sure enough, this is a war talisman.

The ancestor of the Shen nationality's complexion slightly condensed, he recognized the ancient word "War", and his heart was quite shaken.

This battle talisman, which has been lost for countless years, has actually reappeared in the Skylan Realm today.

If it is spread out, it will inevitably cause a great shock, even in the upper realm, it will not be peaceful. .

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