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97.47% I'm Spider-Man (MCU) / Chapter 696: C695 Orochimaru’s End

Capítulo 696: C695 Orochimaru’s End

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Peter's kick sent Orochimaru flying down the hall, the sheer speed and force of the blow leaving Jiraiya and Tsunade in stunned silence. They watched in shock as Peter casually turned to them, waving his hands in front of their faces.

"Hello?" Peter taunted, a mocking smile on his face. "Is anyone in there?"

Snapping out of their shock, both Jiraiya and Tsunade immediately jumped back, putting some distance between themselves and Peter. But before they could even catch their breath, Peter appeared behind them, his movements a blur.

"Going somewhere?" he sneered, slamming both palms into their backs with a resounding impact.

"Ugh!" Grunting in pain, Jiraiya and Tsunade were sent flying in the opposite direction, crashing into the walls of the hallway.

Before they could recover, suddenly, Orochimaru reappeared behind Peter, his jaw unhinging like a snake as he bared his fangs, attempting to bite Peter's exposed neck.

But just as he was centimeters away, Peter turned and grabbed him by the neck with lightning speed. "Eww, were you really just going to bite me?" Peter muttered in disgust. "Dude, that's so gross…"

In response, Orochimaru's snake-like tongue shot out of his mouth like a hidden dagger aimed directly at Peter's face. "!"

Raising a brow, Peter tilted his head to the side, easily dodging the tongue attack. "Here, go visit your friends."

With a casual flick of his wrist, Peter tossed Orochimaru into the air and windmill kicked him down the hall. Orochimaru's body hurtled towards Jiraiya and Tsunade, who were rushing back, only to be hit by Orochimaru's incoming body, sending all three of them sprawling.

Peter's taunting smirk never left his face as he approached the trio. "Come on, is this really the best the legendary Sannin can do?"

Tsunade, enraged by Peter's taunts, charged at him with a feral scream, her fist cocked back and glowing with chakra. But just as she was about to land her punch, Peter sidestepped effortlessly, grabbing her arm and flipping her over his shoulder, slamming her into the ground with a bone-jarring thud.

"Too slow," he mocked, watching as she struggled to get up. "You're the weakest of the group, aren't you? What a pity..."

Jiraiya, focusing on protecting Tsunade, exclaimed, "Gamayudan!" spewing a stream of toad oil toward Peter. The sticky substance aimed to slow him down, giving them a moment to regroup.

Peter dodged the stream with a casual leap, landing gracefully behind Jiraiya. "Nice try," he said, delivering a swift kick to Jiraiya's back, sending him crashing into the ground beside Tsunade, stuck in his own toad oil.

As Jiraiya and Tsunade tried to regain their footing, Orochimaru, ever the opportunist, attempted to escape by melding into the shadows. But Peter was faster. In an instant, he was beside Orochimaru, yanking him out of the darkness by his hair.

"Where do you think you're going?" Peter asked, his grip tightening painfully.

Orochimaru hissed, his eyes burning with hatred. "You insolent wretch!"

Peter just chuckled, throwing Orochimaru back towards Jiraiya and Tsunade. "You're not getting away that easily."

Realizing they were outmatched, the three Sannin shared a brief, wordless look. They knew they had to resort to their strongest summons. With a nod, they bit their thumbs, drawing blood, and slammed their hands onto the ground.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" they shouted in unison.

In a massive cloud of smoke, the three legendary summons emerged, obliterating the bunker base in an instant. From outside, it looked like an explosion as the colossal creatures ripped through the ground and surrounded Peter, who stood calmly with his hands in his pockets.

Manda, the colossal serpent, loomed menacingly. Katsuyu, the giant slug, towered protectively over the battlefield. Gamabunta, the gigantic toad, landed with a thud, his pipe clamped between his teeth. On each of their heads stood one of the three sannin.

Peter watched the massive creatures materialize with mild amusement. "Impressive," he said, clapping slowly. "But it won't make a difference."

Manda hissed, lunging at Peter with lightning speed, its jaws wide open. Peter dodged effortlessly, his movements a blur. He landed on Manda's head, driving his fist into the serpent's skull with such force that it sent shockwaves through the ground.

Katsuyu, in an attempt to protect Tsunade, unleashed a torrent of acidic slime towards Peter. He merely waved his hand, creating a barrier that deflected the attack. The acid splattered harmlessly to the sides, sizzling against the floor.

Gamabunta, brandishing his giant blade, swung at Peter with all his might. Peter jumped, landing on the blade and running up it with incredible speed. He reached Gamabunta's face, delivering a powerful kick that sent the giant toad reeling.

Tsunade, seizing the moment, rushed at Peter, her fists glowing with chakra. She aimed a powerful punch at his chest, but Peter caught her fist mid-air, stopping her attack dead in its tracks. "Nice try," he said, tossing her aside.

Jiraiya, determined to protect Tsunade, launched himself at Peter with a Rasengan in hand. But Peter sidestepped, grabbing Jiraiya's wrist and redirecting the Rasengan into the ground, creating a massive crater.

Peter's taunting smile never wavered. "Is this really all you've got?"

Orochimaru, now desperate, attempted to summon more serpents to bind Peter. But Peter moved too quickly, slicing through the summoned snakes with ease. "Pathetic," he sneered.

As the battle raged on, Orochimaru, desperate, raised the demon mask to his face, ready to finally put it on. He had hoped he wouldn't have to use it, but it appeared like there was no other choice. 'I'll need to switch to a new body after this…'

Though before he could don the mask, Peter appeared in front of him and snatched it out of his hands.

"You know," Peter said, holding the mask up and examining it, "you probably should have put this on earlier. I mean, I would have to be beyond braindead to let you use this to power up or summon some devil, or whatever this thing does…"

Orochimaru's eyes widened in shock and frustration as he lunged to reclaim the mask, shouting, "That doesn't belong to you!" However, Peter effortlessly backhanded him aside, launching him backward.

"Nah, I think I'll keep it…" With a smirk, Peter stored the mask away in his storage necklace for later examination.

Realizing they were outmatched even with their summons, and now deprived of Orochimaru's trump card, the Sannin regrouped, panting and bruised. Peter stood before them, completely unharmed, his expression a blend of boredom and annoyance.

"This is getting tiresome," Peter said. "You've had your fun. Now, it's time to end this."

The Sannin prepared for one last stand, determined to fight until the end. But deep down, they knew they were no match for Peter. The gap in power was simply too great.

Peter sighed, his patience wearing thin. "Any last words?"

Tsunade, her pride wounded, glared at Peter. "Don't underestimate us," she spat, her resolve unwavering.

Jiraiya, bruised and battered, stood protectively in front of Tsunade. "We won't go down without a fight," he declared, his voice steady despite the pain.

Orochimaru, still seething with rage, hissed, "When this is over, I'll make you my newest lab rat. You'll beg for death by the time I'm done with you!"

"Not the best final words, but whatever. I'll take it." Peter simply shook his head and vanished, reappearing behind Orochimaru in an instant, catching everyone off guard.

In one swift motion, he bisected Orochimaru with his bare hand, the snake Sannin's body collapsing to the ground in two pieces. Jiraiya and Tsunade stood there, frozen in shock, horror, and a mix of anger and sadness.

"Orochimaru!" Jiraiya shouted, his voice tinged with anguish. Despite everything, Orochimaru had once been their friend and teammate. Seeing him killed so brutally struck a chord deep within them.

Tsunade's eyes widened, her hands trembling with a mix of rage and sorrow. "You b*stard!" she screamed, turning her furious gaze on Peter. "H-How could you—"

Before she could finish, Jiraiya placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down. But the grief and anger were too much. They began to mourn Orochimaru's death, their emotions raw and unfiltered.

As they were about to lash out at Peter, blaming him for Orochimaru's death, a tiny, almost unnoticeable white snake slithered out of Orochimaru's body. Using the rubble and grass as cover, it tried to sneak away.

Peter, however, appeared in front of its path and picked it up, holding it firmly so it couldn't bite him. He looked at the snake, a smirk playing on his lips. "Did you think I wouldn't notice you trying to sneak off, Orochimaru?"

Hearing Peter call the snake Orochimaru, a spark of hope flickered in Jiraiya and Tsunade's eyes. Maybe their former teammate was still alive.

But Peter crushed that hope as he crushed the snake in his hands with a simple squeeze of his fingers, killing it instantly. "Yeah, not gonna happen…" He tossed the lifeless body aside, his expression indifferent.

"NO!" Tsunade screamed, her grief turning into rage.

Incensed, both Jiraiya and Tsunade launched themselves at Peter, one coming from the front and the other from the back. Their movements were fueled by a mix of anger, sorrow, and desperation.

But Peter simply disappeared just as they collided, making them hit one another instead. The impact sent them both sprawling to the ground, groaning in pain and frustration.

Peter reappeared a few feet away, watching them with a mixture of pity and disdain. "I told you," he said calmly. "Orochimaru was going to die, no matter what you did."

Jiraiya, his body aching, struggled to his feet, his eyes blazing with anger. "You didn't have to kill him like that," he spat. "He was… He was our friend, damn it!"

Peter nodded. "And I'm sorry for your loss."

Tsunade, her fists clenched, stood up beside Jiraiya. "We won't forgive you for this," she snarled, her voice trembling with rage.

Peter sighed, shaking his head. "You can try to fight me all you want, but it won't change anything. Orochimaru is dead, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Jiraiya and Tsunade exchanged a glance, silently questioning whether they should continue the fight. But before they could decide, a voice called out, "Lady Tsunade! Are you alright?!"

Shizune came rushing over, having just freed herself from the rubble, her face etched with frenzied worry. She immediately began examining her Sensei, her palm glowing as she healed Tsunade's wounds.

Letting out a sigh, Peter raised both of his hands. "Okay," he said, his voice firm. "This fight is over. Let's call it here before someone gets hurt."

Jiraiya and Tsunade hesitated, unsure of what to do. They knew they couldn't defeat Peter, but they felt like they couldn't just stand by and do nothing.

Seeing their reluctance, Peter sighed. "Look, I didn't come here to fight you two. My target was Orochimaru, and now that he's dead, there's no reason for us to keep fighting."

Tsunade glared at him, her eyes filled with suspicion. "And we're just supposed to believe you?"

Peter nodded. "Yes. I have no quarrel with either of you. So let's end this here."

Just as Peter was about to walk away, he paused, raising an eyebrow as he glanced at the small snake he had killed moments earlier. 'Is he still not dead?' He asked himself, confused as he sensed Orochimaru's soul lingering there. Instead of disappearing as it was supposed to, the soul flew down into the rubble, back inside the mostly destroyed base.

Confused, Peter followed the soul without a word, leaving Shizune, Jiraiya, and Tsunade baffled. "Where are you going?" Jiraiya called after him, but Peter didn't respond, his focus solely on tracking the soul.

Navigating through the underground base, Peter followed Orochimaru's soul, which swiftly found its target: the teenage Anko Mitarashi, who bore a seal on her neck.

Anko had packed her bag and was running for the exit on the other side of the base. Betrayed by her sensei, Orochimaru, she saw the ongoing battle as the perfect opportunity to escape and report everything to the Leaf Village.

'I can't hear them fighting anymore…' She glanced back before quickening her pace. 'I need to hurry!'

But before she could step out of the exit, Orochimaru's soul shot into the seal on her neck, entering her body.

Peter arrived just as the soul invaded her, watching curiously as Anko suddenly collapsed to the floor. "?"

Seconds later, Anko's body began to move, awkwardly picking itself up as a mad cackle escaped her lips, "Haha, I'm alive!"

'He really is a body snatcher, huh?' Peter immediately realized what happened.

Orochimaru, now in control of Anko's body, smirked and straightened his clothes, ready to escape. But suddenly, he froze, eyes widening as he glanced back to see Peter standing directly behind him, waving. "Yo~"

Just then, Jiraiya, Shizune, and Tsunade arrived, their eyes widening in surprise and alarm.

Knowing he couldn't escape, Orochimaru smirked, his voice a sinister hiss. "If you kill me again, I'll take this girl with me. I'll even eradicate her soul if I have to," he warned, causing both Tsunade and Jiraiya to tense with worry.

Peter, however, didn't look too concerned. He simply sighed and turned to the Sannin beside him. "See? This is the guy you two were crying over just a minute ago. Still think I should spare him now?"

"…" Tsunade and Jiraiya frowned and looked away, no longer having the will to defend their former teammate.

"That's what I thought…" Peter scoffed as he turned his gaze back to Orochimaru, who had somehow pulled out a knife and held it to Anko's throat, making his intentions clear.

Peter sighed again. "Alright, I think this has gone on long enough." With a snap of his fingers, shadowy hands sprang up from the floor, binding Anko's body and preventing Orochimaru from slitting her throat.

Peter walked over slowly as Orochimaru frantically shouted, "Stay away! I'll do it! I'll burn her soul into smoke!" But Peter didn't listen. He stopped directly in front of Orochimaru, staring him in the eye before pointing a finger at him and uttering, "Avada Kedavra."

Anko's eyes widened in horror as a sickly green lightning shot from Peter's finger and struck her, eradicating Orochimaru's soul and causing her body to collapse like a puppet with its strings cut.

Jiraiya and Tsunade stood there, stunned and silent, processing the finality of what had just happened.

Orochimaru was truly gone this time.

Peter turned to them, his expression calm but firm. "There, it's done. Now, one of you pick her up, and let's get back to Konoha. We have more pressing matters to attend to…"

A/N: 2467 words :)



AlienWarlord AlienWarlord


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